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The World’s Future Hangs In The Balance; Erdogan Will Decide

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The World's Future Hangs In The Balance; Erdogan Will Decide

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Written by Eric Zuesse

Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdogan will decide the future of the world; and, on Friday the 13th day of May in 2022, he gave his first indication of what that decision will be — that it will be for a global future of hope for international freedom and democracy, and against a global future of ever-increasing concentration of wealth and power into fewer and fewer hands. In this, his first statement on the subject, he spoke actually in favor of the world’s public, against the world’s aristocrats (or ‘oligarchs’, as The West’s billionaires refer to billionaires who are not in the richer Western countries).

This key decision, upon which the world’s future now depends, will be between a continuing erosion of the significance of international law (which laws come from the U.N. and its agencies) and a proportionate increase in what the U.S. Government calls “the rules-based international order,” in which America’s Government increasingly controls (and even sets) those “rules” that will replace international laws; versus a future in which what erodes will instead be the U.S. Government’s international power to control the world in its own (billionaires’) favor, and, so a future that correspondingly benefits the global public (the very people who suffer from the aristocracies’ — especially America’s aristocracy’s — increasing control over the entire world). On the one side, the U.S.-and-allied side, stands Davos, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateralists, and the rest of the “Washington Consensus,” the view of the U.S.-and-allied side, that America should control the world; and, on the other side stands the United Nations side, the view that neutral and internationally democratically based and neutrally applied international laws should instead control the world, without favoring America’s, or any other country’s, billionaires.

Here is how the Nobel-Peace-Prize-winning U.S. President Barack Obama, in a speech that he delivered to America’s future generals, at West Point Military Academy, on 28 May 2014, stated the U.S. Government’s position on this matter, which is the key issue concerning international relations, and the global future:

The United States is and remains the one indispensable nation. That has been true for the century passed and it will be true for the century to come. … Russia’s aggression toward former Soviet states unnerves capitals in Europe, while China’s economic rise and military reach worries its neighbors. From Brazil to India, rising middle classes compete with us, and governments seek a greater say in global forums. … It will be your generation’s task to respond to this new world.

He was telling his military that America’s economic competition, against the BRICS nations, is a key matter for America’s military, and not only for America’s international corporations; he was saying that U.S. taxpayers fund America’s military at least partially in order to impose the wills and extend the wealth of the stockholders in America’s corporations abroad; and he was saying that the countries against which America is in economic competition are “dispensable,” but that America “is and remains the one indispensable nation.” So, ONLY America is “indispensable”; all OTHER nations are not, in that view. Not even America’s ‘allies’ — such as Germany, France, Japan, etc. — are. All of them are “dispensable”. This, supposedly, also (and most especially) authorizes America’s weapons and troops to fight against countries whose “governments seek a greater say in global forums.” In other words, Obama was saying: Stop the growing economies from growing faster than America’s.

There is a word for the American Government’s supremacist ideology: it is called “neoconservatism.” The general phrase that describes it is “imperialist fascism.” (Neoconservatism is purely America’s imperialist fascism.) Imperialist fascism (of ANY sort) is exactly what America’s President FDR had invented and intended the U.N. to terminate permanently by creating the United Nations to be an international democracy of nations outlawing any and all imperialisms, but FDR’s immediate successor, Truman, instead chose to continue imperialist fascism, but this time for America itself to become the all-encompassing global power. (He was the original neoconservative.) America quickly became the imperialist-fascist power; and, it has remained so even after the Soviet Union ended in 1991 — in fact, that event super-charged America’s fascist imperialism. And Obama super-super-charged it, by his February 2014 coup that grabbed Ukraine on Russia’s border, as a launching-pad from which Russia will ultimately be attacked.

Like another neoconservative, though of the opposite political Party, John Bolton, famously said: if the U.N. headquarters building “lost ten stories, it wouldn’t make a bit of difference.” America’s Presidents and Congresses are bipartisanly neoconservative, almost 100% in favor of ceaseless increases in the control that America’s Government has over the world. They are happy that the U.N. has become little more than a talking-forum.

That brings us to the present.

On 13 May 2022, Reuters headlined “Erdogan says Turkey not supportive of Finland, Sweden joining NATO”, and reported that

President Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday it was not possible for NATO-member Turkey to support plans by Sweden and Finland to join the pact, saying the Nordic countries were “home to many terrorist organisations”.

Finland’s plan to apply for NATO membership, announced Thursday, and the expectation that Sweden will follow, would bring about the expansion of the Western military alliance that Russian President Vladimir Putin aimed to prevent by launching the Ukraine invasion.

“We are following the developments regarding Sweden and Finland, but we don’t hold positive views,” Erdogan told reporters in Istanbul.

Irrespective of how he might define “terrorist organizations,” what he really was saying there is that Turkey, as a member of America’s NATO military alliance against Russia, will veto the proposed addition to NATO (i.e., to its Article 5, which obligates every NATO member-nation to attack and join in conquering any nation that attacks ANY nation that is a member of America’s NATO military alliance) of Finland, which has the second-nearest border to Moscow (only a 7-minute missile-flying-time away), which is second ONLY to Ukraine (which is just a 5-minute missile-flying-time away from Moscow), as being the Russia-bordering nation that would pose the biggest danger to Russia if added to NATO.

By Erdogan’s siding with Putin, not Biden, on this, the most crucial decision in international relations in our time, Erdogan would be standing firmly WITH the nations that the super-imperialist fascist Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama derisively referred to as being not merely “dispensable” but also as being the “rising middle classes [who] compete with us, and governments [who] seek a greater say in global forums” — Erdogan was siding there AGAINST the mono-polar U.S. global empire, and FOR the multi-polar global community of independent nations under international law (NOT “the rules-based international order” in which America’s Government increasingly controls, and even sets, those “rules” that would replace international law).

NATO’s Article 10 states that:

The Parties may, by unanimous agreement, invite any other European State in a position to further the principles of this Treaty and to contribute to the security of the North Atlantic area to accede to this Treaty. Any State so invited may become a Party to the Treaty by depositing its instrument of accession with the Government of the United States of America. The Government of the United States of America will inform each of the Parties of the deposit of each such instrument of accession.

Turkey, according to Erdogan on May 13th, will veto not only Finland but also Sweden.

NATO’s Article 5 states that:

The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.

Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security.

If the United States Government succeeds in its (ever since 25 July 1945) ceaseless drive ultimately to replace the U.N. by itself (America) as being the ultimate source of “the international order,” then ONLY America’s billionaires will possess real seats at the international tables where the fates of nations and of their respective publics are being determined. Perhaps Erdogan is finally throwing in his lot with Russia, China, Iran, and the other nations that are standing opposed to imperialistic fascism, and in favor of the international democracy of nations that FDR had hoped would follow in World War II’s immediate wake (but which Truman made neutered and devoid of any real power). No other NATO-member-nation’s leader has, thus far, been so bold as to have announced that his nation will vote in NATO against Finland’s bid to join NATO.

Erdogan’s rationale for his statement, and the extent of his commitment to it, weren’t made entirely clear in that statement, but, in any case, his statement on the matter, at that time, was strong enough to cause America’s international propaganda-agency, RFE/RL, to headline “Turkey’s Erdogan Says He Opposes NATO Membership for Sweden, Finland”, and to allege that “Ankara risks a backlash from its NATO partners over its opposition to Sweden’s and Finland’s membership.” Certainly, there would be a “backlash” from Biden, who, after all, heads the only ‘indispensable’ country.

However, on May 14th, Reuters headlined “Exclusive: Turkey ‘not closing door’ to Sweden, Finland NATO entry, Erdogan advisor says”, and revealed that this matter was merely a negotiating ploy by Erdogan, to get the Kurdish separatist organization, PKK, which is called “terrorist” by Turkey, outlawed in Europe too. Erdogan has no principled position regarding the U.S. Government’s taking over the entire world, but instead is using the issue of Finland and Sweden being allowed into NATO as a lever to force those two countries, and all of the EU, to outlaw the PKK. This internal Turkish matter, not the world’s future, is what motivates him; and he is using the NATO-expansion question in order to force other countries to assist Turkey’s Government to crush the PKK, against which Turkey has been fighting for decades.


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I respect Erdogan but he won’t hold his ground. I think he is trying to get concessions on some things. Here’s what we need to come to terms with: NATO is losing in Ukraine and wanna win so bad in having Sweden and Finland join. More importantly, we really might be having a nuclear war very very soon – and I think it’s probably necessary at this point.

THe Guardian

After nuclear war there won’t be anybody remaining to claim that it was necessary.


If they know that for a fact, why do they keep acting stupid? What do you figure will stop them if not a nuclear war? Greedy humans never stop until they are stopped.

NATO is laughing at Comedian whore Zelensky

Monkies* not humans. And monkies ONLY learn the hard way.


He wants the EU to declare the PKK a terrorist organisation. That’s all it is.

Omas Bioladen

Yup, turks can easily be bought with ideological glass pearls


And now they own half of Germanistan already.

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Last edited 2 years ago by Michelle Robinson
Lazy Gamer

Erdogan is just waiting for his concessions

The Saint

This is a little better than most Eric Zuesse articles, but still with the abuse of italics which makes it annoying to read.

It completely peters out at the end where he concludes that it’s all a negotiation ploy – it might turn out that way, but it’s too soon to say. Most people said the same thing about the S400 deal but Turkey went through with it in spite of enormous resistance from NATO.


Some dont get it, its about Russia, and so far, its on track with highjacking Finns and the Sweds, with the shit for brain present Gov in the NorDick nations, clueless haggs, and castrats whom is corrupted to their bone marrow, is dragging their own nations into the fire, drooling something about been protected by ZATO whom will destory our own ind. to protect their war racket. With weapons whom infact is just exposed as crapp, not everything, but where it matters in any war theater, on the ground and on foot, caphice, the reason for silence about RuF is that I dont have anything to add, time, is where it will manifest it self within.

Thomas Turk

Funland Def. Min.. ”.. help nato, Russ. was bombed by some nato nutto, so natch they are returning fireeeeeee.. ” .. Nutto.. sheet, Funnland just went off the air.. dummies didn’t figure out they would be Numero Uno to get whopped.. heck they are next door! We, can’t really help alcohol, fluoride, injection and propaganda soaked SkandaHooligans, can we?

Omas Bioladen

Turks always follow the highest bidder.


Perhaps Erdoğan is trying to get a favourable concessions from NATO & EU just like what they got from the Saudis when they suddenly drop the murder case of Jamal Khashoggi recently. Orban rejection would be sufficient to block the fins and swedes applications.


Ridiculous text for so many reasons. Finland and Sweden joining NATO is completely irrelevant strategically or even politically, both countries are more pro-liberal and woke than most Americans. They joining NATO was a matter of time, and scheduled for this year with war in Ukraine or not.

Erdogan will stop nothing, he is simply trying to make a profit for himself, as always.


Erdog has the moral standing of a sleek feces greased brown sewer rat; precisely that of his fellow Natostan swimming vermin cousins. Believing anything the dog of Ankara barks is a sign of idiocy. It’s all fun and games for the angloZionaZi empire of shit in rump Ukropland and its pack of cesspool rats until the big guns come out.

Red Admiral

Erdogan is as slippery a snake that could ever be encountered. Armed with a forked tongue and a venomous bite he dreams of being Sultan of a latter-day Ottoman Empire which would include a large chunk of Russia. He never appreciated being saved by Russia and still slithers around his would be Yanki executioner waiting to sink his fangs into his savior What a despicable reptile he is..


Looks like they bought him off, he is also buying some more US fighters. Turkish emissary at WH today.

Tommy Jensen

So RFE/RL says one thing, and Reuter says another thing about Turkey. So what?


The rewards to Erdogan are limitless in a multipolar world. In a unipolar world, he will simply be assassinated like Gaddafi or removed like his friend Imran Khan.

John Kesich

I wonder what Obama’s masters in Jerusalem had to say about his claim that the US “is the one indispensable nation”.


Turkey has long been the most important member of NATO. It will remain so. Erdogan will get his concessions in some acceptable form. The Swedes and Finns will be in NATO. Unless Putin makes the peace now, so will Ukraine


The belief that the USA are the best nation on earth is actually known as Exceptionalism. The terms this author is using for the matter look like his own creation to me.


Another dumb (fake news) article by this backstabbing jew!

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