Gaza, 2002. Palestinian boys climb a fence for a better view of a protest against Israel. Abid Katib/Getty Images
Written by Piero Messina
What is the geopolitical and geostrategic objective of the Israeli government towards what remains of Palestine? What does Israel want to achieve from this conflict, which Netaniayhu himself announces will be long and painful? The IDF is attacking Gaza from the air, land and sea. Supplies, electricity and connections have been almost completely compromised and to understand what is really happening we will have to wait for this phase of the conflict to end, a phase which for the Israeli Minister of Defense is not yet a land invasion.
For every military analyst it is now clear that such a deployment of forces does not only have the objective of eliminating Hamas. So, how far does the Tel Aviv government want to go?
According to some analysts, one of the options on the table is to destroy the underground network of tunnels, the real skeleton of Hamas’ operating system. The idea would be to flood those tunnels. At the end of such an operation, it would transform Gaza into a gigantic lake of death and destruction.
If this operation appears anti-human, there is a document recently published by the think tank Misgav (The Institute for National Security and Zionist Strategy) which paints a political objective that has nothing to envy of the “final solution” of Nazi memory.
The paper is signed by Amir Weitman, one of the most influential thinkers from the Likud party. Weitaman is what is called a Hawk in geopolitics. In his latest television appearance on Russia Today he threatened the Russian government for the “supposed” support provided by Moscow to Hamas. Furthermore, Weitman added that once the Hamas dossier is resolved, the Israeli government will have to ensure that Russia is defeated in Ukraine.
But Weitman’s warmongering tone is diluted and appears to be of little importance when compared to his post-war strategy in Palestine.
The document signed by Weitman for Misgav is titled “Plan for the resettlement and definitive rehabilitation in Egypt of the entire population of Gaza”. In short, Weitman hypothesizes a definitive expulsion of the Palestinians from that land which would end up being entirely under the control of Tel Aviv.
The first objective set by the scholar and politician is of a military nature: the war that the IDF is fighting “must produce the appropriate conditions so that the population of Gaza can immigrate to Egypt”. Weitman also imagines being able to align the economic and geopolitical interests of the State of Israel, Egypt, the USA and Saudi Arabia in this project.
On what data does the analyst base his project: “in 2017, it was reported that there are approximately 10 million vacant housing units in Egypt, of which approximately half are built and the other half are under construction, an enormous quantity of built and empty apartments in state and private ownership and in sufficient building areas to accommodate approximately 6 million inhabitants”.
Weitman does the math in the Egyptian population’s pocket: “Most of the local population is unable to buy apartments despite their very low price (between 150 and 300 dollars per square meter). The analyst also explains what could be offered to Palestinians driven from their lands: “the average cost of a 3-room apartment with a surface area of 95 m2 for an average Gazan family of 5.14 people amounts to around 19,000 dollars . Taking into account the currently known size of the entire population living in the Gaza Strip, which varies from approximately 1.4 to approximately 2.2 million people, it can be estimated that the total amount that will be required to finance the project will be around of the order of 5-8 billion dollars, a figure that reflects a value between only 1% and 1.5% of the GDP of the State of Israel”. The project is defined by Weitman as “easily financed by the State of Israel”. According to the thesis presented on Misvag, therefore, Israel should finance the Egyptian government to buy those houses for the Palestinian population.
For Weitman, this is how the problem of the Gaza Strip is resolved, “which for years has represented an obstacle to peace, security and stability not only in the Gaza Strip, but throughout the world”. And it is the analyst himself who indicates his project as an “innovative, economic and sustainable solution”. After the economic analysis, Weitman also explains the geopolitical reasons in favor of his plan. “For European countries – writes the analyst – the risks of illegal immigration are reduced. Saudi Arabia will also benefit significantly from the move because the evacuation of the Gaza Strip means the elimination of an important ally of Iran and a huge contribution to the stability of the region.”
that means the october 6-7 massacre was a false flag
1400 dead on israeli side is definitely an exaggeratedly inflated number + the fake “slaughtered babies” propaganda and you end up with a great casus belli in line with this psychopath’s plan to kick the population of gaza to egypt…
the 1400 number may be an exaggeration just like the 6 million, but the goyim wont know the difference. we’ll just take the land that is already rightfully ours. no harm no foul. yeah a few million may die in the process but we dont need 8 billion gentiles to toil for us. gotta bring that down to a more managable number.
pathetic brainless loser…
israeli is planning for a full scale invasion, but i dont think that would mean jesus’s return, jesus is a mythological creature/human.
be carefull. i if alive, he can turn you to a fish
not me cuz me put live fish in rectum
not me. just someone dont liking herself.
holmo use dead or live fish?
there are no gods
jews don’t believe in jesus. that’s a roman invention. so does islam – a religion created also by the romans to destroy the hebrews.
the only thing that must be destroyed is islam…the kaaba will soon be a pig house…hahahaha
what a sick puppy.
these zioclowns are sick. their sense of entitlement needs psychological review
no at all. they are fight against people progroam will kill all of them.
those arab clowns are going to be destroyed
free detailed publicity masquerading as a mild critique of the sick, inhuman views of a genocidal elitist. why not just invoice mr w for the effective donation of space for his fascist views, and just drop the journalistic pretence? in the process maybe solve sf’s funding problems until 2025? street cred might take a hit, but think of all those shekels!!
is there any coherent editorial policy here, let alone an ethical one?
“americans are farcical when it comes to money and force majeure–the 2 things they worship”. gore vidal….no go to your bank in omaha and pray finny
you’re a constant source of amusement, shammy, along with your equally obsessive fellow delusionals hereabouts. quoting gore vidal, however, ‘remporte définitivement le gâteau!’ please don’t stop, there’s something amost quaint about the west’s binary naivety.
might as well just nuke the whole place and get it over with, they’re never gonna stop.
he truly believes that every slav in russia must be enslaved
i can speak for myself.
i you have slaves they work harder and better.
more runned as psycopathy control freekisme.
no fuckheads are of no use…they must be slaughtered
i dont think so.
the almost fictive syria, were most of israel part, today only 50% of it population. they might even assads and the other better.
golan might to it. .
sorry. next time ill be jens holm denmark again
read more in the upper right corner.
some word andconnections are non grata.
you know the english love their fakery, well now that their jewish friends are unable to play along with fake charades, and exposing what brutal animals they are to the world, this will further acceleratethe demise of the western-jewish abomination
they pretand to be arabs. bad.
egypt does not want hamas
a month ago the egyptian government openly called called for the egyptians to have less children “because we cannot sustain a growing economy at this high birth rate”, basically sissi called for egypt’s reduction in population growth, not sure that 2 millions from gaza would be welcomed there.
creatures that are despised and cursed by god. they deserve it.
there are no gods, no fuck allah
burn quran burn
the zionazi jew howls in pain as it beheads your child and burns your nation to the ground. iran must finally rise up and slay the beast. as the chosenite bankster scam and its wall st sewer implodes, the time has come to rid the world of the abomination of supremacist chosenite demons.
hahahaha…pathetic fuckhead loser
by wanting to mix and destroy all specificity of other populations by breaking family, gender and other shit but not for themselves, the jews, today they have a problem of consanguinity, that’s why they are so disturbed and they want to rule the world, we can’t let that happen.
shove your stupid words up your fucking ass where they belong