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“The Zionists Have Won In Syria”, Says The Turkish Opposition

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“The Zionists Have Won In Syria”, Says The Turkish Opposition

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Written by Damir Nazarov

While pro-government media in Turkey present the events in Syria as a state victory, the opposition has a very different opinion on this matter.

Let’s start with the fact that the former speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and one of the founders of Ak Party, Bulent Arinc, stated that – “Israel is the one who benefits the most from what is happening in Syria.” In an interview on EKOL TV, Erdogan’s former ally explained that

“What will happen in Syria worried us in the past and worries us today. Our late Hoca Erbakan and people who expressed their views on Syria in the past also held the opinion that the disintegration of Syria would be harmful to Turkey. Suddenly Israel came to Damascus. And it seized the Golan Heights and water resources. It burned their ships and bombed their planes. There was no noise.”

“The Zionists Have Won In Syria”, Says The Turkish Opposition

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Then, the Chairman of the Republican People’s Party (CHP) Ozgur Ozel made a statement on the Syrian issue, where he explained that – “Erdogan did not win in Syria, Israel and the United States won. A transition period has begun, during which it is unclear to what extent this will serve Turkey’s national interests.”

Further, the Chairman of the Independent Turkish Party (BTP) Huseyin Bas, assessing the latest developments in Syria, Huseyin Bas explained:

“All the obstacles to the order that the US and Israel wanted to establish in the Middle East for more than 40-50 years have suddenly been removed. Now Israel wants to rule over the natural resources there by making an agreement with Cyprus, which is opposite the regions it controls. I see that tomorrow you will sacrifice this Cyprus to the ambitions of America and Israel and turn it into a toy, do not do this.”

As we can see, the criticism of Erdogan sounds quite serious and the figures who voiced it are not some kind of “marginals”. Why is the voice of the Turkish opposition important? Because Erdogan often adjusts his foreign and domestic policies based on criticism from his opponents. This was previously the case with Assad and the Syrian refugees, when at the turn of 2021 to the present day, members of the People’s Republican Party demanded that the Turkish authorities negotiate with Assad, and Erdogan was ready. Regarding the refugees, even in the ruling alliance there was harsh criticism from the “Nationalist Movement Party” against the Ak Party with a demand to begin the process of returning Syrian refugees to their homeland.

Therefore, if tomorrow we hear threats or even some anti-Zionist actions from pro-Turkish proxies in Syria, this will be the result, among other things, of the loud voice of the Turkish opposition.


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Sultan of Anatolia

the opposition party chp, a kemalist party, is pro-western. it is people like that who made turkey recognize the existence of israel. they are puppets of the americans and israel.


of course : atatürk was a freemassons, a secularist. he descibed himself as a man inpired by the french révolution and the ideas of the “enlighted century”…. it means hé worked to give all the powers to the banks, aka the jews.


wrong as usual but typical pro nazi propaganda si desired by the internet censorship


i just saw ab article on reddit that is reporting: “international coalition forces started withdrawing heavy military equipments from the conoco gas field base east of deir ezzor, to hasakah” do you anything about it?


you are the most stupid person here. if there was no ataturk you would not live in turkey now. do not talk here go foght in gaza with your muslim brothers.


atarirk was a assett of the west he westernised turkey for rome .


if you do not like kemalist why you still live in the kemalist ataturksturkey? ataturk cleared lots of people like you but not all


charles is king of israel its his .


everyone saying iran is the next target of u.s and israel. watch how they are going to use those terrorist and the kurds against turkey. turkey thinking they are in nato are safe, they are in a very bad spot now 😁

AM Hants

wesley clark and i refuse to recognise his title, back on 22 september 2003 (just after james blunt refused his order to kick start wwiii with russia, over in serbia) bragged that they would take 7 nations in 5 years, ending with iran. it will be interesting to see how they handle things, having a quarter of a century to plan their defence and the surprises we have so far seen, courtesy iranian technology.


it’s much older it’s the 10 kings of revelations imo .


you are a very silly person.


turkey will not be soon on nato, it is not on nato orbit. kurds selling petrol to usa and usa pays woth weapons. turks were ex friends of nato. usa replaced it with kurds.


turkey , which talks so loudly against usa, eu, russia(ukraina) and israel can not be nato partner.

Last edited 1 month ago by Zzz

they use people, play them like extras in their theatre of operations .sometimes in the spotlight but always trapped in an act not of their own design ultimately .


istanbul constantinople its from there .


join the dots .


amerikunts lost–now stria run by hamas taliban


the attack on syria is part of a process: 1hamas attacks israel 2israel attacks gaza 3israel attacks lebanon 4they kill iran president 5they provoke iran and lose 6they attack syria. during the attack on syria, israel bombed lebanon/syria crossing to inhibit hezbollah intervention and the coalition bombed the iraki militia crossing into syria


oh i thought you were going to look into the future making prophecies but i was mistaken

Janne Kankaanpää

israel wins only if kurds win and us gets permanent bases from there. if erdogan launches attack and gains ayn al arab city and crushes pkk, israel is in way worse situation, than before.

only usefulness of assad was that he let the weapons to be transferred to hezbollah. he was no direct threat to israel. not single soldier in his army fought israel for over 40 years.


well obviously he was another western asset. like you .

AM Hants

well the opposition is not going to agree with their opponents, now are they? personally, i am sitting back and munching the popcorn as it is not over until the fat lady sings. will syria end up being controlled by turkey, in their quest to return to the ottoman empire, taken out just a century ago? or will israel take over? funny how nato and the un have no problems with the israel land grab of syria, but, freak out when the people of crimea and donetsk vote to return home to russia.

Janne Kankaanpää

turkey is not in it for the land. turkey is in it for power and world wide influence. days back turkey made agreement between ethiopia and somalia. then turkey is now working on making peace in sudan. turkey have their hands on libya. now turkey have control over syria. that means turkey is also now top player to make peace between russia and ukraine.


yes you wish the turks are still the poor old man of europe and will remain so


thats true but not in europe , they are in asia not belong the europe. turks never can be european.


they’re middle eastern.


for goodness sake istanbul was the wealthiest trading centre in the world pre venice there’s the origins of the rivalries.

AM Hants

meanwhile, i am munching on the popcorn, regards syria and what happens next. some say ‘7 nations in 5 years, ending with iran’ and others say ‘it will all end with the destruction of israel’. with regards events in syria, nothing makes sense, as the bigger picture is not in focus yet. turkey cannot make peace between russia and ukraine, because russia is winning and the finale will be on russian terms.


thats not true. turkey is so weak. if not rojova was not sitting still at the north and east syria, and kurds have all the petril now. they are selling petrol and buying weapons, rojova populatuon is 5 million now. after 10 years it will be 15 million.

Janne Kankaanpää

kurd population of sdf enclave is well below million. max 200.000 other minorities and 4 million sunni arabs, who do not like to be part of rojava. kurds have majority only in absolute closeness to ayn al arab – city and absolute closeness to malikiyah.


yeah munching your popcorn down in the stalls laughing and giggling with the other kids .

AM Hants

watching the show. i am not running it and neither can i figure out how the bigger picture plays out. just a spectator, nothing more and nothing less as the same script from thousands of years ago keeps playing on repeat. different faces, but, the script stays the same or will this time be the finale?


what’s funny about nato supporting the king of the uk ?

AM Hants

that is life, and have you not noticed that the nato elite and the king of the uk all share the same likes and dislikes. such as jimmy saville, mark dutroux, jeffrey epstein etc, etc, etc. the uk are even trying to send a member of the club over to the uk, as the new ambassador. why would trump want mandelson as the uk ambassador to the uk, if he is draining the swamp?


can’t wait to finally see the rabid dog of ankara and the beast of tel aviv tear each other to bits. the natostan turkey will finally have to play its cards and confront the zionazi filth in occupied palestine if it wants to steal even a fraction of “syria”. as far as stealing “kurd oil” the washing town turds are not giving that back. the real shit show will be karmic. onward to the main event. z


the turks know they can only take what isreal lets them cause fighting isreal is fighting most oft he planet. the support the west gives to ukraine is nothing compared to what they would give an actually threatened isreal. they were never threatened by the arabs or iran.

AM Hants

disagree. look at all that is gifted to ukraine and factor that ukraine have lost a million, in fighting alone and what happened to all the weapons? well those not sold on the black market? turkey – nato member, unlike israel. doesn’t turkey have the largest army in nato, excluding the us? turkey – cyprus, operation gladio, courtesy cia and friends. so how will it end? ottoman empire ii or greater isra*l project, with the refugees of 1947 taking all the resources of the me?


no it will end when the pope rules the entire planet and has power over all kings.

AM Hants

he has had that power since 1213, when the vatican bailed out england, owing to the bankruptcy of the monarch of the day. read the treaty of 1213, which has never been receded. england handed over their territory and the territory of their colonies, including future colonies (us) to the vatican.


cut the part of turkish military out that uses us, british or french assets. you can ask argentina, iraq or lybia for that. western weapons stop working when the 3 western security council members want it.

AM Hants

i wonder how many weapons and systems the 3 western security council members have – uk, france and the usa? then compare with how much russia and china, the other two members have. the western side might believe they hold all the cards, however they are not known for their intelligence or ability to read the room. how old are the chinese and russian empires compared to the empires of the west, even if not in original form? who will outlast who?


charles is king of israel .you know it .


sad to say that is probably true, the people to blame are the gutless arab countries who have stood by for 14months while the zionist thugs exterminate gaza and their proxies attacked syria, egypt is one of the worst they have done nothing to help palestinians, what the hell happened to the brave egyptians who took part in the yom kipur war?


they realised they cant fight someone who is supported by the strongest nations in the world.


well it’s either fight or live on your knees, the nazis were thought invincible and the zionists have always had the support of the us so that is nothing new, the fact is they are gutless.


look for a start the nazis were a tiny military minure in fact 4 divisions is all they had ,something like that anyway it’s unbelievable literally how well they managed to appear to perform early on in the act .


correct .still the greatest empire the world has ever seen imo just marketed in an pc way .

AM Hants

are you talking about the brics nations? the g7 members are now nothing more than a joke on the world stage.


for a start it was none of their business england gave the refugee’s the 20 year lease in israel it was their responsibility ,no one else’s to enforce their contract on their tenants. why isn’t anyone stating the facts ?


la siria, il libano, la palestina sono israeliane per favore non ne parlate più i fatti sono fatti, il rospo per essere più grande del bue si gonfio’ tanto che scoppio ‘


the problem of the turks is that they are an important nation for the usa and would get whatever they want if they would have not been in competition with the most important nation in the universe for the usa, ther west and well most countries in ther world. if isreal would not be where it is what happens there right now would have inevitably lead to a neo ottoman age but now the turks have to pray isreal does not need all of syria.


turkey goes very deep into imo secret business on the stage there’s something there that is much more than meets the eye ,like iran too .

Igor Nostra

they will win ukraine also working overtime for years. meanwhile vlad is sleeping..


of course israel has won, turkey sold out russia and iran, and the syrian nation for their forty pieces of silver and erdogan sold out the muslim religion and people. i only hope he can find it in his religion to forgive himself!


you’re naive about religion remember as qe2 said ” nothing is what it seems ” .


the purpose of ousting assad were to make sure syri stays vulnerable for foreseeable future.so that erdogan and biden,macron and boris can loot gold,oil and gas.in return syria should by plan remain under israel control and unstable less security with sectarian violence.


not really ,in a way yes ,they van back on our gold uranium etc ,but it’s the lands the oceans rivers seas lakes and airspace they want .they want everything .imo.and they want to be able to smash it to pieces because they hate gods creation .imo


because as pope benedict told you “they hate truth and beauty “god is truth and beauty is his creation.


can bank ,not van back ,i typed .. look kings have motivations to expand their kingdoms defend their territories maximise their wealth, businessmen have motivations to maximise profits, politicians want more power , etc they’re all easily played on that basis it’s simply sell them the dream


rubbish propagandas .the usual fare on the war menu.

Last edited 1 month ago by Annon

their advisors flitting about in the shadows, whispering in the halls , shunning the spot light are all synchronised selected recruited and groomed to perform to expectations. imo .


will turkiye chicken out as the americans stand by the sdf? if they do, we know who rules syria

AM Hants

will turkey battle it out? both want the same, whether it be the old ottoman empire or the greater israel project, control over the lavant basin. israel created 1947, following balfour declaration just after the fed reserve was created. just before the early 20th century bankers were staging the wwi false flag. how many empires, besides the ottoman, russian, austro-hungarian, prussian, british empires and didn’t they establish the ira in the same period?

AM Hants

sorry left fell out. how many empires fell in the early 20th century?


don’t forget that israel wants to grab part of southern turkey for greater israel. and don’t forget that the united snakes orchestrated a failed coup against erdogan. there will be friction over the kurds, a zio/ neocon proxy. the robbers will soon fall out over the loot. don’t expect peace in syria any time soon now that the pet terrorists have taken over.

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