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MARCH 2025

There Is No Peace in Sight. “Am Afraid that More Difficult Times are Coming”. A Russian Viewpoint

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There Is No Peace in Sight. “Am Afraid that More Difficult Times are Coming”. A Russian Viewpoint

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I cannot guess the dates when the “old peace” will return and when the colonial leadership of the golden billion will end. I am not even sure that we will live to see that new world.

I am afraid that even more difficult times are coming because the so-called golden billion will fight to the end and by all means to maintain his hegemony. This is how Yevgeny Primakov, one of the youngest and most forward-looking Russian politicians of today, answered the question of “Novosti” about the time when he expects the return of “the world to the old way”.

Originally published on GlobalResearch

Primakov “the younger” is today the head of Rosotrudnichestvo, the Russian Federal Agency for CIS Affairs, compatriots abroad and international humanitarian cooperation. He came to Belgrade with the occasion of marking the anniversary of the Russian House in the Serbian metropolis. As before, he was happy to speak for Večernje Novosti.

Dragan Vujicic (DV): How do you see the chances of peace in Moscow today?

Yevgeni Primakov (YP): First of all, I would like to see the peace coming into effect immediately, and I don’t know anyone in the leadership of Russia who is in favor of war. At the beginning of the Special Military Operation, our president stated its goals: among others, the denazification of Ukraine for the sake of peace. And that is why our troops are fighting for peace today. Unfortunately, the chances of peace reigning soon are not too high. Our victory on the battlefield will increase the chances. 

DV: Has the world fundamentally changed in these over 400 days of war?

YP: First, I wouldn’t say that these 400 days changed the world. That change happened earlier. We warned the West for at least 16 years about what was happening and about the change in the entire logic of international relations. We told “the West” and the USA to read and understand the words of our president. Vladmir Vladmirovich clearly pointed out that the constant expansion of NATO is a danger to Russia’s national security, and in Munich he described Russia’s interests in the field of security to everyone.

DV: And what happened then?

YP: The Americans simply declared that speech to be the most aggressive and dangerous rhetoric up to that point. Years later, in December 2021, Russia proposed a set of conditions for our coexistence in relations with the Western powers. Among other things, they talked about legally binding guarantees between the two sides and the withdrawal of NATO weapons from our borders. The West told us No – on all counts!

DV: The war started in February 2022.

YP: Even after December 2021, Russia continued to behave in accordance with fundamental Christian and so-called European values and up to this day Russia adheres to the most valuable ones. Unfortunately, there is no more Europe in Europe today. Until Europe recovers, we have nothing to discuss with them because it is a matter of value system and irreconcilable differences.

DV: What is the difference between the “Western” rules-based International Order and the International Law order that Moscow is in favor of?

YP: As for the “order of rules”, it essentially means that there is a group of countries that decides on all key matters in international relations, and when they need it, they change the same rules. To say more than a theory, Great Britain, USA and Germany now claim to support the territorial integrity of all countries, but not for Serbia, Libya or Iraq. For example, the head of UNESCO, an organization whose international obligation is the preservation of cultural heritage and language, came to Ukraine. But this organization shows no interest in Russian language and in Russian cultural heritage in Ukraine.

DV: President Putin and SI spoke about the reform of the UN and its bodies in February 2002, right before the conflict?

YP: I am not an expert in international law, but from a civilizational point of view, in the context of an international conflict, we need to emphasize the need for UN reform. So far, there are no real conditions. Finally, Russia also wants new members to be admitted to the SC, but not those of the West, but we think it is necessary to include large countries from Asia, Africa, Latin America, which Washington does not want at all. To be clear, the UN is a bad and dysfunctional institution, but for now we have no replacement.

DV: French President Macron has just presented himself again in Beijing as a peacemaker. How credible is he for Moscow?

YP: I remember Macron’s performance at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum when he quoted Dostoyevsky to us and when we all got excited thinking that he knows and loves Russian culture and the Russian soul. In St. Petersburg, he said that we should build new relationships and new friendships. And when he returned to Paris, he explained how it is necessary to “suppress” Russia and how he is the one to lead the matter!

DV: So, he is not a man for a peace mediator?

YP: I will be careful here. In Moscow, Macron as a politician is not considered by many managers to be a reliable partner. They see him as some kind of pop politician or pop figure.

DV: Russia is once again the target of terrorists and it seems that it is not doing so well. The murder of Daria Dugin and journalist Vladlen Tatarski?

YP: Russia protects its citizens and a huge effort is being made in that direction, one that is not public. Our intelligence services have prevented numerous tentative of terrorist attacks. A year ago, for example, the FSB prevented attempts to attack journalists Vladimir Soloviev and Margarita Simonyan. But we cannot have 100 percent guarantees that the terrorists will not be successful somewhere. Those who are attacking the Russian people today are the same as us, they share or have shared language and culture with us. What is worst is that part of the political opposition and part of their followers have gone into extremism. We really do not have 100 percent security guarantees for everyone, but still our services quickly locate and arrest those responsible.

DV: We harbored illusions that Nazism is dead?

YP: The events in Ukraine show that it is not without reason that we in Russia take care and preserve the memory of the Second World War. It is not only our historical memory, but this “memory” refers to the Russian identity and the present time. The nazis are at war in Ukraine – they must all be destroyed!

DV: Kiev Pechar monastery?

YP: We should not reduce this to the Russian people, but we must talk about the entire Orthodox world. To forgive or not, that is a question of Christianity. But I am afraid of things that have an eschatological dimension. These are huge efforts to start a religious war in Ukraine, as if this has not happened so far. We recently watched in Kiev a terrible scene when a girl from the church choir is praying to God on her knees, and around her are supposedly demons playing some kind of demonic game. That frolicking sounded like witches’ dances from Middle Age Europe.

DV: About de-dollarization of the world?

YP: There are more and more countries that realize the real role of the dollar as a world currency, and they insist now on trading with each other in their currencies. This is the strongest medicine and tool against the dominance of the golden billion.

DV: Russian and Ukrainian offensives are coming. What’s next?

YP: I know about that as much as you people from Novosti, I only know about it what I see on the news or in the newspaper.

DV: The British brag that they are training “Ukrainian partisans” or rather terrorists, while at the same time pretending to have Churchill’s “wisdom”?

YP: I would not go into the innermost diplomatic spheres. But Russia has many centuries of experience with the British and their political elites – we still remember the great tensions with them in the 19th century in Asia. And when it comes to Churchill, we did not forget that as soon as the Second World War ended, even while we were alleged allies, this Englishman asked the Americans for atomic strikes in the cities and facilities of Russia. It was called the “Unthinkable” operation (unimaginable, unthinkable). No one in Russia has any illusions about the Englishman.


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The next Russian president?

Kual Svinus

Medvedev is the next President. Not this fool


You call it a limited military operation against some nazi terrorists in ukraine.

You call it an existential threat which will take a long time perhaps we are talking about decades.

So which of these two conflicts is taking place and why does russia not tell it’s own citizens that this is not a limited war but a total war and for russia it is like in the game of thrones you either win or you die.

But it is the same for the west so there is no good way out of this.

A long darkness is ahead of us and no one can say who will prevail in the end the west or the russian and chinese faction and both factions might look very different after a couple years of foreverwar.


Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity.


Can people of goodwill reach across the fabricated barriers of alienation to join hands in peace?

Or is the second coming, or if you wear the yamaka, the first, or if you bow toward Mecah, the Mahdi, necessary? Or is this vision in each faith itself a zero sum event?

The oil and water dimension of these three abrahamic faiths seem to preclude each faith’s love of peace from effectuating a healing.

Time is short and our talents are wanting.



An old prophecy from 600 BC , from the seer Sajaha of King Nebukadnezar II. gave this prophecy from which I will give you excerpts. She also in another prophecy describes the times of the corona-madness and how irrational humans will act in that time, but here I will show you, what I feel is what is said about the white skinned race, the atlanticans resp. western civilization and especially Germany and its fight against the envy neighbors. So this, I feel, this excerpt describes what took place between 1911 – 2023 See:


11. A white bird circled over the sea near the mountain of the world; noble and pure. He did not want to harm anyone, anger never came from him.

12. but there are numerous other birds – less noble and without the shining white. And these envied the white one and gathered together against him, in order not to let him land again, so that he should die of exhaustion and hunger and then fall down dead from the clouds into the sea, so that soon no one would know that there had ever been such a white and noble bird.

13 The white bird circled around for a long time, until hardship forced him to fight against all the others. And many of them he struck down, and for a long time remained the victor in this fight.

14. Then the others gathered more comrades and attacked the white bird again – after they had forced him to starve again before.

15. and there were again many terrible fights of the superior number against the one. Until finally the white bird lay bleeding on the ground and could no longer defend himself.

16. But because it had not sunk into the sea after all, and therefore [something] of its white plumage was still to be seen, the others plucked out all its feathers and ate its raw flesh.

17. Now the white bird no longer existed. And soon it was to be seen that he had been the leader of the sunlight and the father of the white clouds of the sky. And henceforth there was no more pure light, and only gray clouds, which stopped the rays of the sun and devoured its heat between heaven and earth.

18. But the numerous base birds, which had survived the long struggle, now cried aloud, because it became cold and darker and darker on the earth; and they said that the white bird was to blame for this, and that therefore they had murdered him. And so they reversed what had been and denied their guilt.

19. As time went on, with the darkness came evil demons, who feel at home in the dark. But with them came also the sickness of the spirits – and – the no longer understanding.

20. For dark demons resemble the appearance: they are essence-less, they know no sorrow and no joy, they have neither fear nor any other feeling. What is essential, they do not understand and do not care.

21. But in their company came the dark spirits to bring wickedness to this world. And some realized that the white bird had also been a shield against the dark power.

22. what had been light, therefore, for protection against the darkness, the envious birds had slaughtered.

23. Now they all became victims of the lord of the shadows

Last edited 1 year ago by primo553


I agree with you on 3 points, for example:

1.) “.. why does russia not tell it’s own citizens that this is not a limited war but a total war ..” (Start of stupid World War 3)

2.) “But it is the same for the west so there is no good way out of this.”

3.) “A long darkness is ahead of us…”

I feel we better wake up now and realize, that all these fake enemies, these NWO leaders are in cahoots with each other and are of one evil breed. US,EU (+Ukraine),RU,CN are all fully under the control of eighter jews, or jew-puppets and jewish-ideologies. So there will be no good, not the slidest bit coming from politicians of any of these mentioned blocks.

Therefore we, the people, we need to start negotiations, make peace between each other, and refuse the orders of the politicians, who are demanding us to kill each other. That’s the only real solution I see. There is no peace or real negotiations etc. coming from regardless what kind of so-called politicians. Because they want World War 3 !!! We the people, we have to make peace and refuse the satanists order. We need to refuse the New World Order the Jewish World Order and in general ALL ORDERS coming from these satanics and their puppets.

Last edited 1 year ago by primo553

Primo553 You posed decent queries and appear to be an actual man so you merit a worthy response. You are mostly on track but consider the following : When you say why doesn’t Russia tell its’ own citizens, you need to be specific. All governments are mere franchises of the Masonic world government headed by the Venetian Black Nobility ( Papal Bloodline Families ) From THEIR perspective the ONLY TRUE citizens are the initiated secret society members of the secret Luciferian doctrine such as the freemasons, Chabad, CFR, Knights of Malta, Asian Triads, etc ( hundred more than these examples FYI ) The upper power ranks within Russia overlap with the masonic pyramid and these people, to the extent they need to know ARE well informed to the extent and objectives of the conflict. Next, nuclear weapons are fake, a psy-op. For those of us that know. ( Research H. G Wells )


Further, it is not the same for the West as Russia. Zionism is based in judaic supremacy and seeks to dominate or destroy all the known world. Russians as a people are existentially threatened as a reaction to this zionist imperialism. Very different. Finally, people can flee to very remote areas and live outside of Rome. Or you can stay and fight for freedom. The compromise position is move to Russia or Eastern Europe and promote a zionist free society there. The West is lost and not worth the effort to fight for, whereas Russia is stillworth saving and fighting for. We are fellow travelers. We must boycott every business owned by the masonic matrix. Commoners must unite to save ourselves from tyranny, technocracy and genocide. Peace on Earth: Goodwill to the Righteous. Let freedom reign.



Thanks, yes. US style unrestricted wallstreet capitalism as well as marxism, communism and bolshewism are 100% jewish ideologies and are only two different side of the same coin. Capitalism seems to be more favourable to most of the people because it starts with mere freedom, and you can work and accumulate wealth, but due to the jewish interest-on-interests system which is bound to capitalism it always ends up like monopoly game, with a few evil hook-nosed satanics owning and controlling everything and the mass of good hardworking people having nothing but debts and poverty and enslavement.

And communism and bolshewism is a bunch of evil jews or their agents initializing it, taking over a country and then robbing it, and forbidding free market trade, free speech and everything so that they control everything and the mass of good hardworking people having nothing but slavery and poverty. It’s basically the same jewish shit. (And the people of such countries and their armies become footsoldiers and pawns of the jews and are sent into wars as jewish-proxies fighting for on behalf of their jewish master and for their (the jews) interests not for their own well-being. See for example all the US wars. Or look at the wars of the Soviet union or the current Ukraine war. The people lose lives and wealth and the jews on both sides get richer and richer, while their enemies are slaughtering each other.)

Both systems US style unrestricted wallstreet capitalism as well as marxism, communism and bolshewism are jewish invented. It’s both parasitical unfair economy – which enslaves the people and makes jews their masters. Chabad for example is heavily connected to Putin, to Israel and to USA it’s so obvious that they all work together.

And for the last thing you said regarding the nukes, and that. You say they are fake. What exactly do you mean with that ? You mean radio-activity does not exist ? Or that nukes are not existing. Can you please explain ? Because when you look at Iraq or Serbia where US bombers threw down a lot of DU ammunition you’ll see that cancer rates skyrocketed afterwards and all kind of evil sicknesses and birthdefects occur there still today, so judging by this, I at least assume that some poisonous effect is coming from it. Therefore could you please explain what exactly you mean with “nuclear weapons are fake” ?

Last edited 1 year ago by primo553
Player Unknown

Putin got rid of competent people( including competent Russian Army officers) , because he was afraid of them .. .. current disaster is a direct result of this policy .. cadres decide everything – and Putin doesn´t have any competent cadres to replace diletants like shoigu , gerasimov etc


There is no disaster. People in the West and their Russian suck-ups (opposition, aka traitors) are being brainwashed into thinking those things. Russia has a very competent military. Politically, Russia has to get rid of the rest of the fifth column asap.


You know all this because you got your head up Putins arse. Troll’a la’lala

Michel LeBlanc

Why waste ressources doing blitzkrieg when then ukros keep throwing men and equipment at the russian defense lines?

Whats wrong with that?

Why must this become even more of a bloodbath than it is? To please internet nerds like you ?

You have no idea what your talking about.


” cannot guess the dates when the “old peace” will return and when the colonial leadership of the golden billion will end.”…

It officially ENDS when the Russian Federation’s government bureaucracy divests and firewalls itself COMPLETELY from the Western Central Banking establishment by purging it’s own in the current leadership starting with Elvira Nabiullina and detaches itself from the current UN charter in Manhattan. Informing the members of that poisoned “club” that the Master of Ceremonies has done enough damage and it’s time Russia’s government leads by example setting up that organization in it’s own “neighborhood” and that if Russia is designated by the members to be the new MC the rules will apply to it and more importantly ALL it’s member(s) unlike the U.$. and it’s designated “cadre” in the U.K. and EU that will ALWAYS say “do as I say”… “NOT as I do”!…

As for Russia’s assets frozen in the U.S. and Western Europe?….

Time to write them off and start a new chapter for the World that will include Russia’s commodity trading being the envy of the World allowing for price discovery again that has been non-existent for the better part of 80 years under the Federal Reserve and BOE that set the price(s) for everything in the commodities trades.

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt

So your answer is never. Cause all elites on the planet inkl. russian and chinese only want that dollar .. dollar is all they want…


Not only did I NOT say that… But that Central Banks ARE the biggest problem along with that courtship of the $USD that got the world into this mess with the notion of a One World Re$erve currency that should have died it’s final gasp after 9/11 was allowed to happen with China and India aiding and abetting that crime scene in exchange for American manufacturing being moved to their border(s) and their “silence’ to that crime of 3 buidlings 2 planes which blamed Afghanistan and Iraq based on that pretext that never “should have been”!… Had those two Nation(s) said “Not On Our Watch” we would have in turn seen G.W. Bush POTUS Cheney and the rest of the criminal thugs in the U.S. government brought before a war crimes tribunal for their crimes against humanity that now includes Libya, Syria, Yemen and Ukraine!…

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt

Yeah sure but it did not happen the rich allways find a way from venice to paris to berlin to london to new york and probably to bejing or mumbai.

Keine Namen

Politicians want to solve problems that would not exist without them….Politicians are the only big problem facing mankind. that is more than obvious. Ukrainians would not wage war against Russians if there were no politicians. Politicians are mankind’s greatest enemy. Politicians bring wars, crises, robbery, etc……… But because humanity lives in a global dictatorship, it is not possible to get rid of politicians. Politicians are criminals, accomplices, etc……… And not the crap that PR tries to make of them.

Michel LeBlanc

Politicians are the tools of the corporate community to set their agenda to make more profits.

Fascism is when business and military combine their efforts.


@Keinen Namen

Exactly, and this global dictatorship is led by satanic globalist jews, especially jewish bankers. In 1913 these jews money devils took over the USA with their evil Federal Reserve Bank System, and establishing of the Federal Reserve Bank, which is both against the US constitution. Before that these criminals murdered all their important adversaries and influencal enemies with the Titanic sinking. See: https://www.kla.tv/_files/video.kla.tv/2023/04/25749/111thAnniversaryOfTheTitanicAt_480p.webm

After their highjacking of the USA they initiallized War War 1 to put mankings focus away from them, and of course to gain more power. They then moved on and send their agents (the jew Leo Trotzki real name Leo Braunstein and the jew Lenin, the grandson of Rabbi Moses Blank) over to Russia to make revolution there and conquer that place. A very close friend of jewish Lord Rothchild, the jewish grand banker Jacob Schiff, later openely admitted that he had personally funded the murder of the legitimate ruler of Russia, czar Nicolaus and his whole family.

In 1945 the jews took over control over Europe completely and sneaked back into, and re-infiltrated every single country, from which the nationalsocialists had kicked out these filth.

After that in late 1950 the jews behind the US elite university Yale, together with the jew Henry Kissinger (real name Avraham ben Elazar), and the Rockefeller Foundation installed their agent Mao Tse Tung via the Yale-China association into power in China and thus took over also that country.

Since then this global NWO elites are working hand in hand together worldwide, but just for us normal folks play theater often to make us believe they are fighting each other. See Merkel, she was in Wuhan shortly before Corona Plandemic started. Bill Gates owned company also involved in Wuhan. China did one of the most brutal and longest Lockdowns of all nations worldwide. Everywhere the poison injections where applicated. In World War 1 USA was fighting Germany and Russia was fighting Germany. Then afterwards in World War 2 USA was supporting Soviet Union with formely unprecedented amounts of weapons and gear against the germans.

And of course also now USA is not fighting Russia, but they all the jews who control USA,EU,Russia and China are executing their global domination plan, which includes World War 3, to reduce world population, eradicate whats left of western civilization and white ethnic folks, culture and knowledge and then replace it with a evil NWO-JWO global communist police state, which in the western hemisphere will look like the evil transhumanist globohomo total surveillance madness of WEF chief Klaus Schwabs visions, and in eastern part of earth Chinas communist system with total surveillance on no workers rights will be everythere. Above that every none-jew will be forcefully injected directly or secretly genetically degraded to a subhuman by mRNA food and syringes. So that jews become the absolute masterrace and the sick writting from their unholy Tora and Talmud become reality that only they, the jews are humans, wherefore all other beings are just subhumans resp. ‘Goyim’. Welcome brave new world of total shit resp. hell on earth.

That’s the truth. And we as mankind need to wake up now and stop these hooknosed demons, before they eradicate mankind completely.

Last edited 1 year ago by primo553

I disagree regarding the UN. In fact, the only way to get rid of the corruption in the UN is to abandon it and create a new one from scratch, headquartered in the Global South, representing the vast majority of humanity. You know, if much of the world simply abandons the old UN, it will lose its function and influence. For a while the world might be split, but in the long run, they will all join the new UN.


The problem is you can’t abandon it.

The moment russia and china abandons the UN the USA will make a resolution that demands in the name of the entire planet that russia and china are destroyed and all the sheep countries will obey cause the Un told so and then it is legal…


Basically, that is what is already happening, but those two countries know how to defend themselves. And the majority of countries are on their side. They may vote for silly symbolic resolutions, that have no meaning, but not more than that.


You do realise that the west loves to be able to call their crimes legal sure they will do them nevertheless but they will have a easier time if there is no opposition left.


Russia, China and Iran have to put their heads together and see if they can disarm all threats, without nukes or with very sparing use of them. Then they have to decide which ones to target first and how many can be targeted at once.. By threats, I mean NATO bases, US foreign bases and the military bases in hostile nations.


“Without newks…”

Why on earth does it matter how a country generates their energy? Being “a nuclear power (generating country) is irrelevant, except insomuch as that country will be more efficient, and less reliant on legacy fuels.

If you are referring to the now (more widely every day) known deprecated “nuclear weapons…”

Well, you can join the growing legions that are no longer under the terror and thrall of these “made up hoaxes.” It was a brilliant scam, really:

A) Come up with an imaginary superweapon, “use them” when you control every aspect of the media (end of WW2)

B) Give your nominal enemy an “honorable way out” (“Bushido is useless against newks, surrender is the only way to spare our island”)

C) “Accidentally” give the “plans” to your :”new enemy” (the “State actors” in DC realized that they would have to put up or shut up and explain why they weren’t using these “A-Bombs” after the public started demanding it) to ensure that they had an excuse -not- to use them

D) Come up with long, contorted and contrived reasons to -not- use them (never mind that according to the conventional narrative, there was no lasting effects, see Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and all the “nuclear test sites,” no detectable harmful radiation at any of them)

E) Skim trillions of dollars “building” and then “disposing of” these fake weapons. Perfect grift and graft, with no oversight possible (“Born Secret Laws” prevent any normal oversight required with all other weapons programs)

But fortunately, there were enough actual scientists remaining (even after Nikola Tesla was deliberately removed, as he would have seen through the hoax immediately) to ask the right questions. Dr. Akio Nakatani of Fujitsu smelled a rat, and ran numerical modelling simulations of “Little Boy” (several billion iterations, far more than the pathetic “Manhattan Project” (aptly named for the stealing of Land via fraudulent “Glass Beads”). The results: under no circumstances with a “newk explode.” Game, set, match.

Amazon pulled the book, and wiped every trace, but the internet never forgets. It is at Archive.org (but we all know that can change, download, archive, share and print):


Last edited 1 year ago by 1776

I’d love it if nukes were a myth but unfortunately too many “big boom” incidents with unexplainable craters by the zio terrorists to joyfully discard nuke use by the satanic degenerates.


Nukes are a myth. Period. However there are other weapons of mass destruction such as directed energy weapons and scalar systems. Fear is their power over you. Be brave overcome it and prevail.


It is a joy to see someone post here that is well informed. Good on you Sir. Nuclear weapons, the Moon Landings,Virology- Convid, oil shortages, Outer Space, all fake. We have been in a presented reality for the last 500 years. For those that know, know. The truth will set us free. It isn’t easy being a cognizant commoner in these dire times, but then again it never was. Peace on Earth ‘ Goodwill to the Righteous.

V for victory

There are also idiots like you that deny the nuke existence. Woah, what a bunch of morons.


“No one in Russia has any illusions about the Englishman.”

The island monkeys from Pirate Rock and that seething sewer of reptiles that they spawned in USSA are among the most loathsome evil creatures ever to exist. There can be no peace until they are defanged just like the NAZI vermin they unleashed in rump Ukraine.


It was Russian, inevietable, in the end it was always about Full spectrum Dominance, thru various means from threats to economic R&P, aka rape and plunder, and blame it on the victim. And the tool of humanaising nations back to the stone age, yup, and here we are. I think to be frank, we have a problem, indeed, and we are in critical times, but, so far, SMO is on track, what should not be forgotten is the RoW. Its in there the battlefield is, the ZATOs have emptied them selfs, and made their hypocrasy world wide known, and the banking witch they them selfs rammed into a wall, well, you can say a lot about Putin, but I must again underline, patient son, is an virtue, true soldiers knows the value, and focus, and done right, look at Arabia.

Georgeous George

“there is no more Europe in Europe today”

Unfortunately true, Europe has been hijacked and completely subverted by the neoliberal gang and selfappointed new aristocracy. Democracy exists only paper. The people getting dumber and more brainwashed each year.


The inbreds of London are stuck in another dimension and in need of lobotomies to save the world from their bellicose delusions of grandeur.

Edgar Zetar

No peace allowed, no negotiation with the Masters of the Universe and the Exceptionals, more weapons more R&D on real sciences. Russia should look the way to defend themselves against any Wannabe Super World Power, old colonial power, new regional power or anyone who want to take everybody else. DARPA project codename Hidden Stone: Using TV image enconding to control subliminal PoV over audiences. (Also send messages throw real time video). The Masters of the Universe, I can see you now!


The shit is ugly.


I fear for Ukraine. They have to do something because the Russians dominate the battlefields. But where do they attack? If they go for the south then they risk being enveloped by a Russian counterattack from the Donbass or if they attack the Donbass they risk a Cannae type encirclement. The Russians learned the lessons of world war 2 Nato and Ukraine less so…

Last edited 1 year ago by Mbiyd

The Russian and Chinese were to happy to help propagate the GreenWoke Virus in the West. Now they realize the Virus is coming for them, and they don’t like it. I’m fully convinced they help to start it hoping to destroy the West without destroying themselves.



I agree, its psychopaths trying to control and rule the world when in fact they can t even control and limit their own ego. See for example what happening in Russia now:

The digital noose is tighening around Russians.

Your identity and civil rights, all conveniently stored in one app

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday signed a law on the use of electronic military summonses and the creation of a unified registry of all military service members.

Under the new legislation, anyone who receives a summons via the state service portal Gosuslug – regardless of whether it is actually read – will be prevented from leaving the country until they report to a conscription office.

Suspected draft evaders can be prevented from driving, buying or selling real estate, and taking out loans. Article here.

The law was pushed through the Federal Assembly without significant debate before landing on Putin’s desk. The State Duma unanimously passed the law in less than 30 minutes, although the text was made available to deputies only shortly before the vote.

The “hasty, ill-conceived” law will lead to more “stupidity” and “social tensions,” Duma deputy Nina Ostanina wrote in a recent opinion piece:

To the Defense Ministry the conscript is just a conscript, but to a mother he is a son, to a woman he is a husband, and to a child he is a father. […] It is not clear to me what is planned and why it has to be introduced now, because the constant failures of the state service portal show that this system is imperfect.

On April 14, Russia’s most popular military news portal, Topwar.ru, published a scathing commentary on the new law, warning that it could open a Pandora’s box of corruption, state incompetence, and social unrest.

The law has two enemies: the constantly lying state and the citizens’ instinct for self-preservation.

Russian officials stressed that the new law had nothing to do with the possibility of another wave of mobilization.

Last edited 1 year ago by primo553

Russia will keep pounding the ukraine army until it is no more/until zelensky surrenders himself and his army to russian authorities. Ugly but there it is, better if zelensky surrenders himself

jens holm

before my tranny surgery I controlled the means of production in Denmark colony when I masturbated to photo of miceal Jackson


Slight correction. Churchill was the illegitimate daughter ( born female transgendered to male ) of the King and Jenny Jacobs of the Jacobs banking family. They are relatives of this inbred clan but not directly a Rothschild. This is why Churchill was trusted to be put in as PM during the war. FYI The Rothchilds are merely the accountant employees of the Venetian Black Nobility Families. Rothchilds like many court jews ( Kissinger, Soros, Murdoch ) are Knights of Malta an ancient masonic order run by the jesuits for the Vatican. The cabal of zionist jews, satanists, freemasons, and Luciferians is quite complex and overlapping. However they can be known by their actions, signs and symbols. Keep naming and shaming, good job.

V for victory

You are insane

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