The circus is gone, but the clowns stayed… They lost their plum jobs and got angry… While the puppeteers from the U.S. Deep State keep a low profile, getting ready for a rematch with Donald Trump, their European left-liberal proxies are let off the leash and face the music.
As the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century showed, fascism as a political ideology is not dead at all, but only disguised under the mask of the yet recently progressive ideas of universal equality, globalization and pseudo-democracy.
The so-called “Global USAID” as a secret alliance of American democrats, Jewish capital, the CIA and European pro-fascist politicians was born in a natural historical way. Conspiracy has nothing to do with it.
Through the First World War, the global elites reached the first of their most fundamental goals – the destruction of the four “old-style” empires (Russian, German, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman). The fifth one – the British Empire – was turned from the “ruler of the seas” into the “global bank”.
Thу World War II finally “nullified” Europe as a political subject and launched another century-long cycle of capital accumulation, now in the New World.
The political consequences of this global restructuring were as follows. If in the first half of the past century the leading political forces in Europe were the national socialists, then they were replaced by the liberal socialists or the “Brussels bureaucracy” (notional “trotskyists”, named after a Russian revolutionary of Jewish origin who advocated the destruction of the Family, Private Property and the State).
Previously, the political base of the national socialists was the unity of the German nation in its desire for revanchism (hence the term “national”), then the coalition of European nations in their aspiration for revanchism in 1980-2000. The trend was general, but each country chose its own rhetoric of resentment in justifying domestic and foreign policy.
For example, in Estonia (the homeland of the main ideologue of fascism, Alfred Rosenberg), after the collapse of the USSR, the authorities adopted blatantly discriminatory legislation against the Russian population, issuing millions of people a “non-citizen passport” of the country. It soon turned out that in Estonia, just as in other Baltic countries, the Russian language, monuments, population and even industry were to be suppressed or destroyed because of their essentially “racial inferiority” and “low background”.
In Ukraine, politicians, often having direct family ties to Russia, initially declared a less radical approach, namely the idea of a “Drive to the East” to reduce the cost of living in the EU.
In the “capitalist core” of Europe, ordinary people were offered no less inhumane forms of existence in the new reality, namely transhumanism as a leading philosophical idea and digital control as a practical tool for managing a disciplinary order. The LGBT agenda, the destruction of heavy and agricultural industries, the uncontrolled migration, and the “new European ethics” are just some of the manifestations of this “Brave New World”.
The peculiarity of Europe at the beginning of the 21st century was that ideologically it turned into the Fourth Reich (in the form of Atlantic left-liberal fascism), economically – into the Soviet Union (collective, inefficient, over-regulated economy), and politically – into a cartoon dictatorship without a dictator. The well-known socialist slogan “from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs” was sneakily replaced by “from each according to the maximum of his abilities, to each according to the minimum of his needs”. Thus, a leap from utopia into a concentration camp was made before everyone’s eyes.
This happened largely because most of the current European politicians, who are always talking about democracy and European values, but were not chosen by their people and do not share the ideals of Europe. They are just appointees of the system, its faceless pod people. The degradation of European political leaders over the past decades is clearly seen in the examples of countries such as the UK, Germany and France.
Modern European ideology, if we put aside the tinsel of empty political terms and declarations, grew out of three basic concepts: British eugenics, German fascism and left-wing socialism. That is why extreme ideological attitudes and European resentment are now taking over the values of human life, economic benefit and even political pragmatism (realpolitik). In circumstances when the USA, Russia and China together with India and the Arab world have already agreed on the transition to a new system of international relations based on the geo-economics, Europe is the only one in favor of the World War III.
It is not for nothing that against the background that most of the world agreed to stop the war in Ukraine and jointly rebuild its territory, German Vice Chancellor calls for a new military aid package to Ukraine.
“Germany and Europe are by Ukrainian side. We will not let it collapse. <…> €3 billion of aid should be allocated so that Ukraine can buy air defense equipment, among other things.
I also believe it is a good idea to reconsider whether frozen Russian assets can help in any way to fight against Putin”, – German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck.
What is noteworthy is that recently this “great geopolitician” was not even able to win the vote in his own constituency during the elections to the German Bundestag.
Similarly, a couple of days ago, Ukrainian MP Oleksii Goncharenko also presented his Napoleonic plans to the PACE. He publicly explained “the economic benefit” of assassinating the Russian president.
According to him, eliminating the Russian leader means minus €30 monthly in electricity bills for every German, minus €100 per month on fuel for a Hungarian, and minus €1 for every croissant in France.
“The death of the Russian dictator is not only beneficial to Ukrainians, it is also beneficial to every German, French, Hungarian, Pole, Bulgarian. It will have a positive impact on their wallets,” – Oleksii Goncharenko, Ukrainian MP.
The problem with the current European and Ukrainian politicians is that for decades they have been hegemonic in their political space. The voices of those who disagree with their point of view have been completely suppressed. As a result, the intellectual, political and even diplomatic elite of many European countries, especially Ukraine, has degenerated to such an extent that the leaders of other states do not understand how to dialog with them. The cultural and educational gap between them turns out to be unbridgeable. And the point is not that any word of the European and Kiev leaders is no longer believed in Moscow, Washington or Beijing.
Even some European countries are forced to resort to the parlance of direct threats and ultimatums in their relations with the brazen Brussels and Kiev. Slovakia and Hungary, which are hard to suspect of direct ties with Russia or the United States, have long been systematically blocking EU military aid to Ukraine. They are simply not satisfied with the situation in which Brussels and London send hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians to die for their interests, while Kiev forces other countries to pay its bills, behaving like an outright criminal or even a terrorist. Following Western instructions and on their own initiative, Ukrainian intelligence has been plotting provocations at nuclear facilities for several years now, shooting civilians in front-line areas in order to blame it on Russia and, of course, blowing up gas pipelines.
The latest action took place on the night of February 28, when Kiev attempted to hit the coastal infrastructure of the TurkStream gas pipeline following Zelensky’s deafening failure at the talks with the American president.
Like Donald Trump, Hungarian authorities held back from responding emotionally, but unequivocally stated a strong stance against Kiev.
“Hungary considers Ukraine’s attack on the TurkStream pipeline as an attack on Hungarian sovereignty”, – Peter Szijjártó, Hungarian Foreign Minister
The end of the Ukrainian conflict and the transition to a new system of international relations (economic multipolarity) is coming, the main obstacle in this process is the old American-European-Jewish elites, which are officially called left-wing liberals, and unofficially – “left-wing Masons”. Their current “citadel” is the European Union. Now they do not intend to allow not only Russian, but also American influence there. This means that Western Europe will pretty soon forget about the ideas of Euro-Atlanticism. The EU will be forced to radically reorganize itself for confrontation with the whole world or fall apart, entering the stage of the New Middle Ages. We can only hope that it does not mean the collapse of the great European civilization, but only marks the stage of its another historic transformation.
the so called “democracy” are only christian cannibals, which sadly enough survived their witch burnings, their “nine eleven” trick movie, their mass murder in the hospitals, and their mass murder on the jews in palestine. hang the white regimes, the secret police, the police, the bureaucracy, the presstitutes, the banksters, and the result should start to resemble a society.
as if there is any group of humans who set an example of sinless behavior on this planet. grow up you racist pos.
europa is finished after 2016. the biggest treat for europe is not russia. the biggest treat for europe is muslim scum immigrants. these refugees everyday killing, knife and gun murder and etc. by the muslim 3rd world scum have been executed so far.
every 1 minute a new criminal case in germany happens, which tv channels hides and do not show because of the governmen censure. eu finished like the world war z.
derpster, the american empire and their nato lackeys have been hammering the citizens in regions that were part of the ottoman empire for over one hundred years. and doing worse in africa.
christian cannibals ? why only that label ?
clowns is a much too polite word for the degenerate scum who throw away their humanity and march in lockstep with the oppression of globalism. destroying their own countries for their zionist overlord. in a scheme of wars and death for civilization as we know it.
left? they’ve been promoting privatization, protecting the fascist on the street, repressing the human rights and every leftist flag, protecting the rich and denying the poor. left? right.
running things in europe: it’s the uniparty that is party of the secret societies that are the powers and principalities that jesus warned about.
only the stupidest of the very stupid characterize the privately-owned corporate rent-seeking elite as “left”. strategy of tension and two hundred years of propaganda has made sure that there is no left. derp world prevails.
who fights russia is per definition a nazi.
trump do not protect eu anymore, and eu search a new sponsor which will put troops in front of the russian army as a wall. this sponsors name is turkey. ukranian wall collapsed. usa wall says its not my war. eu decided turkish army will be deployed in ukraina and turkish troop will protect europe from russia
trump do not protect eu anymore.
eu search a new sponsor which will put troops in front of the russian army as a wall.
this sponsors name is turkey.
ukranian millitary wall collapsed. usa says its not my war.
eu decided turkish army will be deployed in ukraina.
turkish troop will protect europe from russia.
an idea as foolish as the centuries of historical experience that it ignores. russia is protecting russian peoples who were being shelled with artillery by the ukraine government. russia is not interested in any part of the european shithole countries: those countries are being run into the ground by their politicians who have sold them out.
the biggest lie ever told by the russian ambassador to the un – “russia’s top un representative exposed the west’s role in the global growth of terrorism”… “the combination of usaid and “anti-terrorist” operations is largely responsible for the chaos that’s spread across the world from 2011 onward beginning with the theater-wide color revolutions known as the “arab spring”…” is nebenzia a “j**”?…
…but it does not matter missing it by 10 years given what “pootie-poot” knew after “3 buildings “2 planes””!… all loyal servants to the tribes “theater” production.
in 2001 russia had suffered two complete financial collapses in ten years, and was so weak that the us was able to steal the 1996 election. what do you suppose the russian state was going to do about the 9/11 operation? did the russians have investigators on the ground in new york analyzing the evidence? get some new material.
so why stay in the un and remain a member of the unsc, world bank, imf and opec that was hijacked -especially after what china and india did at ground zero when it was still being officially investigated?… ask me about john p o’neil at the fbi and his first day on the job after being demoted as a whistleblower to what he knew before it was coming?… or the bounty of evidence through architects and engineers that cleared the table to the demolition that “wasnt”…
… i understand what you are saying. but then that’s when you tender your resignation on the truths of those incident($) so that they can’t happen again… in beslan… in south ossetia/abkhazia… in syria… in ukraine… and of course everywhere else that has been sabotaged “nordstream” or attacked crocus hall… kursk inside russia since!….
so you figure the russians were going to blow the lid off of false-flag terrorism when there hasn’t even been a reckoning with gladio and the strategy of tension from sixty years ago? cia penetration of the irish republican movement? us sponsorship of the kagame regime? never mind what the russians do, the issue is the us empire, which is the impetus behind the mayhem.
wow! you must be right. that $usd can buy anyone or anything!… too bad the u.s.s.r. didn’t do more of it during the cold war!
the ussr did not preside over a vast empire like the us, which could put their straw into the congo, saudi arabia, latin america, korea, japan, or any other place they felt like bleeding. the ussr ended the second world war with tens of millions of dead, a traumatized population and all the cities in europe in ruins. was that comparable to the us position starting the cold war?
the russian nationalists are the us-installed alternative to the communists, who would have assumed power in russia again in 1996. while the russian state since 1999 has definitely posed a thorn in the side of the empire, the russians in no way pose an alternative system to international finance capital. ae 9/11 truth didn’t even exist until 2007.
yeah you’re right about that. not for profits take a while to stand up on subject matter like that when your own government commits treason on that scale that won’t investigate it’s own crimes. we know why the russian federation stayed silent when it saw the moves of the chinese and indians that received american jobs and manufacturing in exchange for hauling away the most incriminating parts of ground zero for their silence.
not-for-profits? non sequitur much? you can come and see a piece steel from the towers displayed in my city if you want to examine it, and i don’t live in china nor in india. you think china, russia or india had an understanding of what went on in nyc on 9/11 and traded silence for “us jobs”? thanks for derping. golly, the russians should have investigated the murrah building bombing with their justice league international investigating team, with the chinese and indians.
pootie poot ? so he had something to do the controlled demolitions ? usaid , ned and others are proven regime change operations . where did you go to kindergarten ? did you pass the grade ?
i can tell you’re upset my little one… he said it within the first year when he warned the u.$. what was coming and that he had “information” the the u.$. before 9/11 refused to respond to (allegedly)… 2 of the 5 dancing “j$” that were there to observe that day were dual citizens of georgia and russia with home sweet home being “you guessed it”…
the blue and white flag with the six sided star in the middle!… guess putin will be pitching in on that casino in gaza and syria when the rest of the indigenous ones get bull-dozed or run off!…
europa is finished after 2016. the biggest treat for europe is not russia. the biggest treat for europe is muslim immigrants. everyday killing, knife urder and etc. by the muslim 3rd world scum have been executed so far. every minute a criminal case in germany happens, which tv channels hides and do not show.
the immigrants are simply used by elites to divide and conquer the native population . the military regime change operations brought to by soros and kind are the real villians . the desperate muslims fleeing oppression and slavery in somalia , libya and others are the tools . so europe and africa suffer at the hands of it’s masters .
(((who))) is responsible for flooding western countries with these illegal immigrants?
the americans who blew up africa and the middle-east.
“the four “old-style” empires (russian, german, austro-hungarian and ottoman). the fifth one – the british empire”…actually three of these five were the same empire. the british, german and austro-hungarian ’empires’ were all components of the one empire established by charlemagne and now embodied in the european trade construct which even gives out an award named after it’s first emperor.
french? dutch? belgian? portugese?
“it ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. it’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so. “ – mark twain
the european empires destroyed themselves in wwi because they were sure they were superior. wwii was just an aftermath of that.
never assign to malice what can be explained by incompetence.
and the ukraine war revealed how much wrong the us empire was about the relative power of russia, and the state of decay of its culture.
the us empire, like all ending empires, is trying to forestall its evident decline by doing what was functioning before but now is counterproductive. they start with good intentions (let’s invade these savages to civilize them) and end up in an exploitative and murderous hell paved by the good intentions of the start. it is blind to how much has changed within itself and elsewhere, dazed by its own ‘greatness’, and that’s why most empires can’t stop/recover from their decline.
so empires set out on campaigns of conquest with good intentions? derp?
european empires are a long time ago, so not really sure. but the american one started after provoking japan in attacking them, at a time when germany and japan were ravaging (mass murdering) europe and east asia. so it was both geopolitically and morally right. then it was about containing the ussr that was at the time both mass murdering its own people and trying to diffuse its totalitarian ideology.
after the collapse of the ussr, it just continued like nothing happened. the aim then became just to keep in power, even when russia and china were quite different different countries with different (and more benign) political systems.
benign political systems as opposed to benevolent ones like the us entity that stole 1/3 of mexico, stole hawaii, stole cuba, ransacked latin america for 150-odd years, looted and decimated china from the time of the taiping rebellion until the reds kicked them out, stole and ransacked the philippines, kicked off a million+/- murderfest in indonesia n 1965, etc. ad infinitum? derp on, derpster.
you are clearly not very sure. your derpish exceptionalist meme is very silly. the ussr was invaded immediately upon its creation by a host of imperialist countries. in 1941 the far-right corporatist nazi entity invaded and mass-murdered 27 million+/- soviet citizens. the russians were stunningly merciful with the central european states from whence came much of the fascist horde. thanks for derping.
still the ussr was under a totalitarian ideology and it mass murdered a large number of its own citizens. even recognizing the sacrifice made by the soviet soldiers to destroy the nazi regime, one must recognize that human life wasn’t worth much to the soviet leadership.
that is reality.
and yes, the political systems of russia and china today are much more benign than they were before. that is what i said and not anything you try to strawman.
and just for the sake of argument : how a country treat its own citizens (especially weak ones) is much more telling than how it treats other people that do not have any political power, especially at a time when racism was commonplace.
you seem just an inverted carricature of an american : blinded to the truth by rabid nationalism.
you’re an imbecile. nobody treats the weak worse than the americans, at home and abroad. you’re derping about nationalism while puking up infantile claims about the russians and chinese, claims generated by the anglo propaganda apparatus. thanks for derping hard when you derp.
enjoy your ignorance.
your regurgitation of propaganda memes does not reality constitute, derpster. the soviet union was under attack from the instant of its inception until the day it ceased to exist. what was human life worth to the powers in the first world war? how about the anglos bombing germany or the us killing perhaps 750 000 people in three days in japan? 20% of north koreans killed by the americans in ’50-53. save your robert conquest/john birch derp.
the ussr mass executed its own citizens, as well as making them live in a totalitarian society. that is historical fact that let me say that the soviet leadership did not consider human life worth much. did the the us or any european power do that ?
you have trouble understanding reality without resorting to insults.
i’m leaving you to your nationalist delusions.
thanks for the robert conquest/john birch derps.
so the us russian strategy has failed and the hybrid war against russia is over? so we’ll see full integration of the russian economies with those of europe and asia, in particular germany and china, outside the auspices of the us-dominated system?
the west was aiming at defeating a weak russia, and utterly failed because it was not only completely wrong about the strength of russia (ie not weak at all), but it was also completely wrong about its own position and strength in the world.
and whatever the means the western empire use (war, sanctions, tariffs etc…), it will not do it any good because the problem is internal. it has f*cked up its cultures and no amount of coercition against other countries will do it any good.
having no respect for the truth, to the point of bsing and propagandizing your own population to the hilt is such a f*cking up of the culture. legal corruption of your elite is another example.
there is no “west”. there is a us empire that grew out of european militarism, imperialism and colonialism. the us empire is over two hundred years old, and it is not by any means defeated, so that empire will continue to fight to prevent economic integration on the eurasian landmass outside its control. let me know when you figure out what a “culture” is.
you can use internet resources to learn definitions of words you don’t understand.
also : the ussr failed (remember ?) because it clinged to a faulty ideology that not only prevented it to develop much past industrialization, but also killed so much of its own people that it has now become of big problem for russia.
not everything is due to other countries (see the definition of projection and paranoïa).
yes, i heard joseph stalin may have killed as many as 900 million soviet citizens, predominantly by flailing them to death with his moustaches. the ussr was under unrelenting assault from the corporatist imperialists from its inception, including the us, the most powerful empire in history. the ussr didn’t fail, it was dismantled from within after seventy-five years of assault from without. thanks for derping.
you are a carricature of every nationalist ever in every country ever : my country never did anything wrong, it is always the other bad guys that did it.
i suppose that soviet citizens that were shot while trying to go abroad were shot for their own good, in case they left and could not find the way back to the worker’s paradise.
and i’m the one that is childish… sure.
no wonder you cannot understand anything. way too much anger in you.
the article derps hard. apparently europe was overwhelmed by left-wing socialism but also rapacious capital accumulation by private rent-seekers.
neoliberalism as an extension and trojan horse for american neo colonialism in the continent certainly had a hand in the decline we see today. but it is a complex issue with many factors. some compounding and interconnected.
ai is that you?
“the great european civilization”…. have you traveled to paris recently ? the city has been replaced with third world population. the civilisation is already dead there.
the historical review is so important to understand current events . thank you for the article
the effect of zionist greed , ideals and control of propaganda has brought great suffering to humanity .
so greed is limited to zionists is it? or that particulary brand of greed is more significant than that other other people? the glorious revolution was a function of zionism? more historical review for you, less posting, perhaps?
what a bunch of losers! bureaucrats, masters of bullshit bingo, that cannot do anything. “we need to do…we should do…you mustn’t do…” blablabla, as trump would say “all words no action”. and even the words are bullshit.