The Russian military has captured another British mercenary who came to Ukraine after the start of the Russian special operation to fight in the ranks of Kiev forces.
On April 29, RT aired an interview with the mercenary who identified himself as Andrew Hill. After being wounded while fighting with Kiev forces near the city of Nikolaev, Hill, a native of Plymouth in England, surrendered to the Russian military.
The Russian military moved Hill to a safe location, where he was provided with the medical care he desperately needed.
In an interview, Hill said that he first came to Ukraine to work as a volunteer on the border with Poland. While working on the border he was offered a chance to go to the frontline and fight the Russian military. Hill took on the offer. He was given an assault rifle and thrown into the frontline soon after.
Hill admitted that he was promised money for “help”. However, he claimed that he and the rest of his group didn’t receive any money in the end.
“They need to really think about it … This does not involve us,” Hill said answering a question about what he would like to say to other Brits who would like to go fight in Ukraine.
Hill is the third British mercenary to be captured by the Russian military. British mercenaries Aiden Aslin and Shaun Pinner, who were fighting in the ranks of the Ukrainian 36th Marine Brigade, were both captured in the city of Mariupol early on in April.
Other Western mercenaries were not as lucky as Hill, Aslin and Pinner. On April 28, British mercenary Scott Sibley, a former service member of the UK army, was killed by the Russian military. On April 29, Russian forces killed American mercenary Willy Cancel, a former marine who was fighting with a private military contracting company in Ukraine.
- British mercenary Scott Sibley. Via Twitter.
- American mercenary Willy Cancel. Via Twitter.
More than 20,000 foreign mercenaries are reportedly fighting in the ranks of Kiev forces. Russia warned that foreign mercenaries will not be treated as prisoners of war. These mercenaries will likely be tried in the Donetsk People’s Republic, the Luhansk People’s Republic or even in Russia for war crimes.
- Preparation Of Military Operation By NATO Countries And Ukraine Against Transnistria
- In Video: Ukrainian Servicemen Who Survived In Izyum Area, Appealed To Their Commanders
Some of these guys are active NATO soldiers, not mercenaries.
Of course, since NATO is not officially a combatant, the Russians have no intent on giving them POW status. Nor should they. Many will be ex military working fir northern Virginia murder outfits or brainwashed volunteers.
20,000 foreign fighters? That’s far beyond a few adventurers and adrenaline junkies. The Russian need to deal with them harshly.
What is a “NATO soldier” if not a mercenary?
A wanker
Yes I’m gay, so what, I like to suck dick, all the people in western countries are like that, so you better learn to live with it
Do you swallow or spit out?
Make sure you start sucking 2 or 3 at the same time, might just keep your big mouth shut you ass bandit
Go to the porn forums. Clear off!
In such a case they are paid criminals deserving instant marshall court, rope and tree.
This thug should spend the rest of his life behind bars in a work camp in Siberia.
An object lesson MUST be sent to the fahclsts of the ‘west’
Should be shot. He’s too weak for useful work, will only eat on Russia’s expense.
He comes from the Evil Empire. They should fatten him up with potatoes and sell him at the farmer’s market.
He does seem to be mentally ill, so he could possibly be sold for … 400 million pounds
I don’t think he’s mentally ill hes suffering a sharp dose of reality, he got screwed by the Ukrainians, no wages ,no training = abuse pushed to front line fighting , obviously wounded and then captured Hes scared stiff ,with a heavy does of ” what the fuck was i thinking”
He was also screwed by western propaganda,
What a dope. That’s what the Ukies do, give these suckers an old rifle and a few clips and send them out to draw fire. I guess they’re doing the world a favor in a way, draining them out of the gene pool.
He should spend years in the Donbass helping to rebuild what the fascists destroyed.
this may be what occurs as all caught are taken to donbass for trials for their future.
I’m pretty sure most of the Azof bastards are in Russia. I wonder what’s happened to that Canadian General.
These cats tweet send selfies get caught and then its all I was there just to help refugees then found myself killing and tweeting about it. So when can I go home?
Some may be useful bargaining chips, others will not return home for years, if ever. Any high ranking NATO commanders should be executed after trials.
None of these degenerate fascists will escape the Russians,bottom line butt out hero pills or LOSE!
Finland has send special forces in smaller sabotage units to Ukraine…
E tu Brute.
They need meat for the dog and cat food companies over there. Good to see at least one thing will be in good supply in the future.
Oh, c’mon – stop fooling us. They’re there to steal some gas.
No problem, there is another 19 999 guys who will kill russian dogs one by one. Russia is in desperation mode.
Then you woke up, uKRAPistrash slug
Looks like the west is , ukkkies are loosing bad and are trying to pull in moldova and romania, polska kurwas are eyeing western ukkkraine
shit man i am stupid as fuck. I thought i was talking about ukrainians dying. my bad. Z
Yes there are but your not one of them are you? Why dont you man up? You are on here all the time talking sh!t but you have no balls do you? While this prick pretends hes all innocent now he was once like you…except he had the courage to man up and fight. I can respect that.
So what is it like to sit on the side line and not have the guts to act? To be stricken by fear? They will happily take you…. but my guess is thats not your thing. You are fighting the keyboard war. A coward with a loud mouth!
yo man leave me alone. I am already fucked in the head from my childhood.
Come on now, be honest, only in the head? Show us on this anatomically correct doll where you got fucked. It’s alright, let it all out.
You are on the front right?
LOL, Russia could get 20,000 battle-hardened Syrian volunteers any time it wants, not a bunch of over the hill Brit burger flippers.
better get them on the phone, they seem to be needed right about today. tell them to follow the line of defeated ukropts going in the other direction. or sit and wait where they are. makes no difference
Where are all the mercenary cockroaches that Putin brought from Syria after the Russians where destroyed in Kiev? Not surprising to see a terrorist freak like Vladimir Putin crying crocodile tears about mercenaries while he’s the first senile terrorist to bring mercenaries from Syria when he becomes desperate.
They are in Syria because there were no Syrian mercenaries you TIT.
Hahaha you talk about Putin being senile and your president is Joe Biden, that’s precious.
Biden doesn’t look like he’s murdering every Ukranian he can find. Putin is already a terrorist mass murderer. Pretty much like ISIS at this point. Russia’s ruling party is effectively a terrorist organization.
If you say so, sleepy Joe. Let’s go Brandon.
What’s that he’s dumping on, Ukraine? not know where he is
He knows where he’s supposed to be though, but can’t find the door.
Muhammad fucked my family, thats why i am like this.
Hey cocksucker, you shouldn’t defame other peoples religions by using their prophets name in vain. You’re a lowlife piece of shit just for doing that, as well as a COWARD. Fuck off and die COWARD.
A deranged piece of garbage at the Southfront troll farm is invoking his sense of morality. That’s very peculiar.
Ukies have no morality, so he’s obviously not a Ukie.
Your Mohammed is a pedophile who fucks children, you son of a bitch.
Does anyone what happened to the Middle East volunteers that volunteered on the behalf of Russia?
They are being towed to sevastopol with moskva hahahahaha
Uh….I’ll take a wild guess. They don’t need them?
US-British MSM got bored with pushing that lie so they invented something new instead?
Send them to Sibéria as enemy combattants and trial them twenty years from now! It would not be the first time…
No, try them as regular criminals because they are unlawful combatants. “That Russian soldier you shot at and missed? That’s attempted murder…”
That is correct. They are as guilty of war crimes as Azov.
No, my point is that war crimes carry inherent extenuating circumstances, because of the extraordinary nature of war. If someone is an unlawful combatant they do not get afforded the lenient laws of war.
As I tried to point out, a lawful combatant shooting at enemy soldiers might even get a medal for doing so, while an unlawful one can be tried for (attempted) murder, maybe even under aggravating circumstances.
P.S.: That is basically what Russia means, when they warn that mercenaries are not considered lawful combatants and the best they can hope for is to get away alive, if they surrender. That can also mean life in prison.
Let’s hope Russia doesn’t set these monsters free. Following the mainstream media indoctrination and racism against the Russian people, they are attracted by the prospect of killing Russian civilians.That same mainstream media is the enemy of people in the Western countries as well, but the majority still doesn’t realize it yet. As they are beaten and trampled by horses in their own countries by their corrupt police at the behest of crooked politicians and then denigrated by the mainstream media journalists people are slowly starting to wake up to the reality that people who lie to them about wars and conflicts orchestrated by the banking elites, will lie to them about things closer to home.
“Russian forces killed American mercenary Willy Cancel”
Willy Cancel was cancelled.
Look a tik tok warrior
Look again no more… oops
Oh nooo, no more leg…
MARIUPOL? How come i thought it was under Control and the azov were hiding in basements…
That’s what you get for promoting cancel culture.
Ukrainian neo-nazis are a cancer culture.
They heard that vulnerable kids and elderly were being hurt, and immediately went to Ukraine to help Red Cross free of charge out of own pocket. One morning they woke up after a bar trip and thats it.
Western propaganda has killed more people than fentanyl
Mercenaries are human scum. They kill for money, so they should be killed immediately. This scumbag is a liar !
stupid a$$ brit now ready to spend many, many years in a craphole prison… can I call me mum?… can I go home?… can I see my dog?… I got to pee… what a shitshow
I didn’t shoot nobody. Honest, I didn’t mean it. I just picked up casings to recycle and help the climate. They scrambled my brains. It was the amphetamines. Honest, I love you guys. I would’ve switched sides had I known. Can I go home now?
ALL mercenaries should be executed, even high ranking NATO soldiers.
What right has a “NATO soldier” to be in a non-NATO country? They are mercenaries.
lmao, Willy got CANCELED! :D Good job Russia, keep ’em coming! Either prison or death for western terrorists and mercenaries!
The English are reporting about this and call this guy an “aid worker,” trying to help people at the border. Sure he was, cause all English who are detained abroad are actually saintly aid workers, just as this guy. He was of course “aiding” the Kiev-junta in their killings of Russians.
I wish I had a dollar for every time the Brits tell a lie. I’d be a millionaire.
Since there are English-speaking visitors here I would like to ask if it could then be said that Willy Cancel has been canceled? Or would that be the wrong syntax? Yes, you are big assholes, but your language is good :-)
He’s been cancelled, his ticket to ride has been stamped and he’s been stomped good.
Oh, and the second part. I couldn’t agree more.
BTW: both canceled and cancelled are acceptable spellings. I’m used to cancelled which seems to be more a Brit usage but I’m not a Brit, so who knows why?
Oh, I know why – because if you know any romance languages, there’s always a double L, like cancellare and it just spilled over I guess.
The Brits, like they do with most things, just stole most of their language from Greek and Latin, then mixed in some grunt words from Saxon. LOL
The mother of the family from Azovstal is very similar to the famous Ukrainian sniper World
Earlier it became known that the first civilians were able to leave the Azovstal plant in Mariupol, where the remnants of Ukrainian militants were blocked.
We are talking about the Savin family, father, mother and daughter, whose exit was announced by the military commander Andrey Rudenko .
He said that the head of the family, Mikhail, found a radio in the bunker in which they were hiding along with other civilians, and on the wave of Vesti FM he learned about a working humanitarian corridor for civilians to leave the plant. According to them, there are still 71 people in the bunker.
However, there are serious questions about the man and woman who left the territory of Azovstal. “Moskovsky Komsomolets” reports that the woman who left the plant is very similar to the famous Ukrainian sniper. In the attached photos, the resemblance is clearly visible, despite the fact that the girl in the pictures is armed and standing in full combat ammunition for comparison.
Earlier, military analyst Boris Rozhin shared his suspicion that the head of the released family is a Ukrainian Nazi, judging by the pictures on his social networks. On them, he is depicted with Nazi symbols, including the insignia of the SS division.”
Snipers are the lowest form of killer…they shouldn’t be considered soldiers just murderers.
So, how’s the story end? Did they decide to torture them to get at the truth, like the Americans do – or just torture them for entertainment, like the Ukranazis do?
I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for the finale.
The British hired mercenaries to kill the American Colonials who had formed the Continental Army under George Washington. He’s a killer for hire. Send him home in a little urn, murderer for money 💰.
Wasn’t Scholz’s great great grandfather one of those guys?
I am British and have visited Ukraine many times I say this to my fellow Britain . You have no right to involve yourself in a conflict that has nothing to do with you. You are a glory hunter and a criminal. You shame every British national by your actions. How dare you……
Good for you. We found an honorable Brit.
Look at those fiery fighters how they tremble when they are captured. He deliberately went on a kill and knew what to expect in case he fails. Do not waste time and money on him and the others like him. Kill the cockroaches on the spot. Or do not wage war at all. Western media outlets are ridiculing you, so do not think they will see you as noble warriors. Now its is a total war for your survival, mother Russia, so act accordingly and exterminate the vermin, not just these low-lives, but all political and financial elites including their families.
It’s sad but true what you say. Azov scum commit horrendous war crimes on a daily basis and the media say squat and do squat. I’d say, don’t ever sink that low but then I think it over and say, screw that – line the roads with their heads on pikes. It’ll be over faster and FU West, for the pigs you are and the pigs you enable.
Kill him. Shot in his head.
What an absolute joke that guy is. Constantly deflecting from his own personal responsibility for harming people yet expecting hospital level medical treatment and to be sent home like all he did was get caught by the other side in a game of paintball. They are absolute sociopaths!
kill them all they are NATO troops without any doubt fighting under the guise of being mercenaries, regardless of what they are KILL THEM ALL they are NAZI supporting SCUM, DEATH TO ALL NAZIS AND NATO TROOPS. LONG LIVE RUSSIA – Z –