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MARCH 2025

Third-Party Assistance To Ukrainian Troops

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Third-Party Assistance To Ukrainian Troops

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The Ukrainian military-industrial complex is not the most developed in the world because of Ukraine’s geographical and resource location. Therefore, the country has to fight for what it has. Ukraine does not refuse assistance from third countries and takes it positively. However, the countries that help Ukraine are also lobbying for their interests and one cannot say that they will not demand compensation in some form after the war is over.

There is increasing concern that NATO is at war with Russia in Ukraine. For example, according to Western media reports, elite British and U.S. special forces units are deployed in Ukraine, including servicemen of the British Special Air Service (SAS) and soldiers of the First Operational Unit of Special Forces “Delta” of the US Army.

SAS units “have been present in Ukraine since the beginning of the war, as did [sic] the American Deltas”, Malbrunot tweeted citing a French intelligence source. He added that according to the source Russia was well aware of the “secret war” waged against its troops by foreign commandos.

The journalist of the French newspaper Le Figaro, Georges Malbrunot, citing a French intelligence source, reported that foreign special forces have been present on Ukrainian territory since the beginning of the Russian special operation. It is noteworthy that the reporter chose to remain silent about his compatriots from military intelligence, who are now reportedly blocked at the «Azovstal» in Mariupol.

White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki announced that Washington is working on the transfer of artillery to Kyiv. According to her, the decision was made after Biden’s aide held a two-hour conversation with Ukrainian officials about military assistance. Among other things, the U.S. is considering deliveries of tactical ATACMS missile systems.

The British Defense Ministry said that in the next few days the Ukrainian military will arrive in the country, and will be trained to operate armored personnel carriers intended to be sent to Ukraine as part of military assistance in the amount of 120 units. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson went to Kyiv to meet with President Zelensky and promised him financial and military aid. The Russian Defense Ministry said that new military operations in the Sumy region will be carried out with the help of the British side. Oleksiy Arestovich, the adviser to the head of the Ukrainian Presidential Office, cited the Arab-Israeli wars as an example and said that in future Ukraine can expect the same thing up to 2035.

Third-Party Assistance To Ukrainian Troops

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In Germany, the situation is somewhat different. President Steinmeier was willing to visit Ukraine, but President Zelensky rejected his visit and stated that Steinmeier had a too close relationship with Russia. Germany is also claiming its readiness to supply tanks to Ukraine, but likely with already obsolete equipment.

Poland opened a diplomatic corridor to Ukraine a few days ago, through which representatives of France have already entered the country. Poland is also supplying old models of T-72 tanks, the first batch of T-72s has already been shipped from Lublin, and about 100 tanks are reportedly planned to be sent to Ukraine. In addition to tanks, several BMPs are being transported to Ukraine.

Third-Party Assistance To Ukrainian Troops

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Third-Party Assistance To Ukrainian Troops

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Third-Party Assistance To Ukrainian Troops

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Slovakia has supplied Ukraine with the S-300 missile system, which has already been destroyed by the Russian army. The Slovak government is considering supplying MiG-29s to Ukraine. Slovakia will allow Ukrainian troops to train on its territory.

Thus, on the one hand, the fact of indirect war of NATO against Russian Army can be confirmed and Ukraine should be considered only as a battlefield. On the other hand, there are alleged Ukraine’s attempts to restore its territorial integrity, but one should not forget about the post-crisis settlement of the conflict and Ukraine’s payment to all those who helped it in military actions.

Third-Party Assistance To Ukrainian Troops

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It should also be noted that European countries’ military assistance to Ukraine is negatively affecting their economies. Inflation in Britain has increased by 2% since February of this year and has reached 8%. The average British household will pay 73% more for its bills than last year. In the Czech Republic, gasoline rose 50%, electricity 24.7%, gas 37.7%, and inflation hit a record 12.7%. In Germany, inflation was 7.3%.

At this point, one can say that the war in Ukraine is forcing all sides to bear the economic costs. This is relevant to all sides – the sagging of the EU economy, the destruction of the Ukrainian economy, and the huge impact of sanctions on the Russian economy. Arms deliveries to Ukraine will make the conflict even longer, but in the end will do little good for the Ukrainian army, as attacking Russian troops in Russian-controlled territory does not seem to be the most rational solution. The only benefit for Ukraine’s army is an increase in defensive capabilities.


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Ukraine is losing this conflict and is going to lose. Period. Full stop.

Ukraine never had a chance against Russia. Only an idiot would think otherwise.

Last edited 2 years ago by joebiden
the end

Its not about that, its about new lebensraum for Zionists and stripping the Ukraine the little it has left before the end of the war. But, there are these pesky Russians, which are spoiling this plan BIG TIME. Slava to Russia!!!! Concerned EU citizen.

hans raus

yeah, slava to russian rapists and civilian killers. Russobots pretend to be EU citizens…..well, its not their new tactic ;)


Bad hans. Who kicked your cage. Shut the phuck up and go lay down. Bad hans bad hans go lay down. Only rapist/murders are the nazi ukotards


Just for you hansy, enjoy:


Last edited 2 years ago by BabylonGardens
Pamfil Military Academy

Agree. It’s about the globalist deep State ‘economical lebensraum’ into Russia resource reserves. Already they know alternative energy isn’t a viable solution for at least next 25 years or so. So, the russian gas and oil is very tempting.


Why are all those former vassal states of Russia: Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Finland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Kazakhstan, Azarbeidjan, Croatia, Bosnia, Mongolia so fanatically against Russia even after threats from all hands? Because it was so good to live under Russian occupation? Or are they just happy to be out from under the Russian yoke? Do any of you Putin whiners know? Probably, but saying so is probably worth 15 years in prison. Kneel and pull down your trousers Russian bastards. Dammed why are all those former occupied countries so


CROATIA and BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA were NOT part of, or ever occupied by, the SOVIET UNION, you retard. These were formerly Republics of Yugoslavia, a existing federation, since 1918, that became an an independent socialist state, post 1945, from which its citizens could freely come and go. Many Yugoslavs worked in Europe, and as far and wide as Australia throughout the 1960-80’s.

Never go full retard Johan.

Last edited 2 years ago by BabylonGardens
Karl Wolfe

You are mostly correct. However Bosnia-Herzegovina was created after the Nato war there as i recall, as they determined HOW the properties were to be divided up (there’s natural resources there in significant amounts underground – the Geological deposits are unique). Also Josep Tito, the leader of Yugoslavia during most of its existence, was “aligned” with the communist Soviet Union and was considered to militarily in with the Warsaw Pact forces.


Zio Neo Cons are keen on depopulating Syria, next to Israel, and depopulating Ukraine, historically linked to old Black Sea Khazar Kingdom that mass converted to Judaism in seventh century. Neo Cons have a new zone Lebenstraum policy for the middle east (Greater Israel) and have adopted the old zone Lebenstraum policy for east Europe, as a back up bolthole in case first fails (New Israel)???

Peace ve with you.

Good on most points aside from little green men being deployed to Donetsk and Luhansk. Those men were to je found in Crimea, the DPR/LPR instead held out themselves with volunteers from the East whilst the yputh went East to be trained.

In memory of Zakharchenko, Givi, Motorola and all the others who have paid for the crimes committed against the Eastern Ukrainians by the US installed puppet Gov.

Much operation such special

Today Russia is not the same Russia it was two months ago, things changes rapidly…

Pamfil Military Academy

Seems in Ukraine are a lot of…idiots. They are doing CIAOps of the globalist Empire of lies agenda believing they will save them somehow. Nope, imbecile stupid retard people ! Just read the history ! When they received a ‘better’ offer from elsewhere just abandon the suckers ! That happened with Romania after ww2, when CIAOps sent monthly continuous radio messages for romanian nazi partisans hidden in mountains to resist because they prepare an attack against SSSR and sometimes dropped ammo and weapons for them. And that lasted for more than 20 years after ww2. Till the last ‘leggionaire’ from the nazi movement ‘Iron Guard’ was moped-out from underground remote mountain hideout. Exactly the same with this ruthenian nazi dorks.


First do show your strength, then proclaim the merits, until now it are only words.

Abraham Lincoln

Russia can at any time of Russia choosing defeat Ukraine in 48 horus if they want to. Russia has not done this as they don’t want to kill civilians. .Russia has only used about 175k soldiers for thie operation and can easily send another 100k to 300 k more if Russians want to.

It looks to me that Russia wants Judeo Nazi Ukraine and its backers to send all they can to the Donbass so Russia can wipe them out as ther are no big cities so relatively few human shields in Donbass so there won’t be a lot of civilian casualties.


Russia is losing since begin of time it means nothing except that everybody believed it had a great army.only numbers, coruption and aggression and war criminality it has and nw it lost that also. PROOF ; Why are all those former vassal states of Russia: Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Finland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Kazakhstan, Azarbeidjan, Croatia, Bosnia, Mongolia so fanatically against Russia even after threats from all hands? Because it was so good to live under Russian occupation? Or are they just happy to be out from under the Russian yoke? Do any of you Putin whiners know? Probably, but saying so is probably worth 15 years in prison. Kneel and pull down your trousers Russian bastards. in the end Russians will reject Russia.

Last edited 2 years ago by Johan

NATO honcho’s – US/UK/France – are going to lose many of their elite special forces, who are embedded in AUF and the regime’s enforcer Asov Battalions (the latter act much like SS units were regime enforcers over both civilians and Wehrmacht in Nazi Germany and occupied territories, through overt and state sanctioned violence). As the AUF increasingly runs low on most basic logistics, these NATO special forces are going to become vulnerable to encirclement – meaning death and capture. The west will maintain the narrative of foreign volunteers to publicly cover up the scale of their special forces embedded in Ukrainian military. But NATO is now at war with Russia in Ukraine, and will bleed as much as anyone… just won’t hear much truth about the NATO special forces death toll on CNN or the BBC.

AUF reality: https://twitter.com/mi28nighthunter/status/1513898660828008460?cxt=HHwWmMC-ifSzuYIqAAAA

Last edited 2 years ago by BabylonGardens


the end

As long as EU and US are buying Russian oil, the war can go indefinitely…


But that is changing; Putin can only keep fighting when The west keeps buying, now guise the west is changing from producent. the US can perfectly pump up sufficient oil to keep turning and sell some more if they are not to lazy . There is sufficient gas in and around Europe we need only some time to set up the pumps and then Russia has only farmers to survive it needs to produce food. Nothing is changing. Before the war Russian was nothing except a farmland, an poor basic production land and a supposedly great army.Not like China and Asia that is a vast and raising production country delivering huge to US and Europe. Now Russia showed to be an unreliable paper tiger that only can survive as war criminal and barbarian invader. Nobodies reel buddy anymore.

Much operation such special

Yeah because who cares of the young soldiers lifes. Russian leaders never did.

Von Tzu

Anglo Saxons always enlist stooges to fight there wars for them, after all ukrainian cannon fodder died, they will use, poles, slovaks, romanians, chechz, germans (again) etc etc


The reel reason; this is the best they can! How can you win from such men 🇺🇦❤️https://t.me/c/1576724419/504


NATO will fight Russia down to the very last Ukrainian

Much operation such special

And knowing that Russia still invaded. And lost.

Von Tzu

yesterday around 2500+ Ukies surrendered/died


From the words of those who surrendered at night (the same 1000 Ukrainian military): We were told that we only have to break out of the city (Mariupol) 50 km away, our forces are waiting for us who break through to help. In fact, this is a lie. They were deceived by their own command. They were sent to death, to slaughter, JUST SO THAT THEY WOULD NOT SURRENDER. And they said they didn’t know about the 300 Marines who surrendered. And that if they knew, they would have given up long ago. And Zelensky has already made them heroes (heroes don’t give up) What are these soldiers fighting for? which are “buried” to preserve prestige.

Much operation such special

Such propaganda much truth..

Muhammad your Prophet

Since the moronic Russian military complex destroyed all the 3g and 4g towers in Ukraine, every single conversation made by Russian soldiers about raping and murdering Ukranian women has been intercepted and are now circulating across the world. https://www.businessinsider.com/audio-shows-russian-soldiers-discuss-killing-raping-ukrainians-cnn-2022-4


Go see your doctor, Muhammad. There is still a hope


There is no hope for that degenerate, there is no cure for all his mental diseases… only a bullet.

Pamfil Military Academy

The best cure for this moron is to send him into the afterlife quickly enough for his karma not pilling up more negative forces. And there, after some ‘heavenly cleaning’ of the spirit in the ‘place of torments’, may be he will have merci for another ‘earthly life’.

Muhammad your Prophet

The raped Ukranian are already pregnant, you filthy moron piece of shit. There’s DNA proving war crimes by cockroaches like you. That must be a first.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Muhammad your Prophet

That ‘s exactly what the cockroaches like you where saying while they raped them.


So basically nothing new in terms of western propaganda. Still the same old story. Meanwhile on the ground Russian servicemen are liberating more and more people. With all the lies told by Zelensky no-one really cares anymore. 3G and 4G destroyed by a Russian complex? Surely there must be something out there that can help you with your condition.

Last edited 2 years ago by TopGum
Muhammad your Prophet

Still the old story of war criminals using low IQ morons to invade other countries who will go on to kill and rape everything that crosses they’re path. You definitely got that right.

kogda mi byli na voinye

muhammad , how many times we told you to take your pills!


it is a war between Nato and Russia and this war was design by Nato and they have got in the war ,the Russian will have to go in and go in hard. There’s nothing thar say NATO can’t not deployed it’s special force in Ukraine they just can’t go directly. The Russian could’ve open two front to go after the border but why they didn’t do it cause if want a war to end quick you have to go after the border so the nation don’t get supply but the Russian are fighting the war on they terms and it seem they not after the whole Ukraine.

Porc halal Aristotel, ala mic cu capul chel

“the decision was made after Biden’s aide held a two-hour conversation with Ukrainian officials” …well, that’s highly questionable since let’s go Brandon can’t even articulate two words without saying something stupid…

hans raus

Salty russobots…

When russian propaganda claim that help for ukraine in not needed or its waste of money then its clear massage for me that west is doing well and we should send more and more toys for big boys for our ukrainian brothers….hooah Ukraine will pay in blood but after all they will be part of western culture and their country will grow. I can not say the same about russian shithole ^^


Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

Hans just a fast fact check. Back in a 2002 poll about 1/3 of folks in Ukraine identified as Russian speaking. So please drop the over generalization. Let me try some of that “over generalization” – about 1/3 of Ukraine is very happy…

hans raus

2002? come on ;) russian speaking ukrainians or they describe themselves as russians? its huge difference, not so? Statistic show that majority of ukrainians want integration with EU, they no longer feel sympathy to soviet union era. Its clear that its better to be western puppet than poor russian puppet where 48% of people dont have acces to toilet – another fact based on statistics. Just take a look at country like latvia ,estonia,poland or czechia. 30 years ago these country were just shithole. After integration with europe their economy started to grow, their standard of living as well. Just take look at countrys that are under russia influence/control…… you know anserw ;) There is no comarison, west can offer ,,soft power” to convince country to join in. Russia must to use force coz there is nothing they can offer, only being poor forever. Yes, a lot of ukrainians will die but its worth to fight for their country future – there is nothing for free. They decided to fallow same path as latvia,estonia or poland and i dont think that russian army will change their minds;)

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

Are ya STILL sniveling, ya little pvssy ?


It is up to vote to the Ukraines not to a midget in the Kremlin to decide what 44.000.000 people like or dislike and no we do not want to be liberated not by an old senile clown stumbling over his own feeds by over pretence, a tyrant of wich 70% of the people are so brainwashed that they see see war criminality as a weapon and sex abuse as love.


It just said that it is a waste because it won’t matter. They get old stuff which is basically useless to them. Good thing thou is that many now have to surrender as they have no backup anyway. Zelensky painted himself into a corner. His army lost most of their men and equipment, he only gets old stuff that they cannot use because of lack of personnel. The only way out for him is to surrender and negotiate peace.

hans raus

cope mode on? they get old stuff but also modern toys from west. You talk about russian rapists who decided to surrebnder after kiev ,,big fail” operation ? ;)

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

Are ya STILL sniveling, ya little pvssy ?


LOL… unlike the uKRAPitrash — or their cowardly sponsors in amerika —– Russia doesn’t propagandize — when they say they are going to do something, they do it.

Quitcher sniveling, ya little sissy.


Hehehehe, after this war there will be no more discussion over Nato member ship or not because Russia will have no meaning anymore. So skip that point pussyPutin.


The Ukranian war exposing Washington and their NATO organization that who love Nazis and who are against Nazis.


The NATO organization uses chemical and biological weapons against Russian soldiers. Russian and their allied soldiers should use gas masks for protection.


The Ukraine war is moving very rapidly towards nuclear war due to the NATO organization involvement. The NATO organization needs Ukraine to easily attack Russia.


LOL… that S-300 from Slovakia didn’t even last 4 days in uKRAPistan before Russia took it out —–the ultimate fate for all western arms smuggled into uKRAPistan.

Russia has been capturing a lot of the so-called ‘NLAWS’ and stingers and giving those captured arms to the DPR.

I dunno —- If I were Russia, I’d be shipping those captured arms to the Iranian proxies in Iraq —- let ’em go to town on amerikan forces there WITH THEIR OWN WEAPONS.


hans raus

source? trust me bro? or just russian propaganda ? ^^


LOL… unlike the uKRAPitrash — or their cowardly sponsors in amerika —– Russia doesn’t propagandize — when they say they are going to do something, they do it.

Quitcher sniveling, ya little sissy.

Pamfil Military Academy

Agree again. I would send them firstly MANPADS to fuck some US shit out of there.


All shipments of weapons from NATO will be destroyed as they cross the Ukrainian border. Ukraine is an active blackhole of NATO weapons and mercenaries.


When captured these mercenaries should be executed. Russia should not release them to kill Russian soldiers. Kill them who have already killed Russians and who would gladly kill you !

Pamfil Military Academy

Absolutely agree. Mercenaries must be treated like nazi banderiputas azovists ! Executed on spot and film it (but nor air it). They are the microbial germs gathered from all places on earth; if let go back, they will do much more damage to Russia in future proxi wars.


All these shipments of weapons from NATO will be destroyed as they cross the Ukrainian border. Ukraine is an active blackhole of NATO weapons and mercenaries.


These “brave”men will out of ukraine when russians will direct their eyes toward kiev after donbass

Pamfil Military Academy

That’s not a news here ! Everybody know that Russia fight against whole NATO dipshit resources. Better for news to say something about the massive surrender in Mariupol yesterday. More than 1100 ukrop idiots lay down arms; more 350 officers of them. The Zefag straw-puppet wants to wash the shame by asking for a change of Medvedchuk with all of them. NOPE, motha fucker nazi LGBTQ CIA goon, this is not going to happen.

Washington DCorruption


MaidanISIS are just expendable puppets.

Last edited 2 years ago by Washington DCorruption

According to US experts WW3 has already begun. US senators with luxury underground bunkers are pushing Biden to use a nuclear first strike against Russia. These wealthy Senators and the US MSM, truly believe America can win a nuclear war. Plans are well advanced, and It looks like it will kick off before Christmas .


It’s official….welcome to WW 3


Adding fuel to the fire. So much more to be burnt. Thos will not end well for the west.


The force that support Ukraine are at least not forced while Russia not even has to force its slave states but his own soldiers to give their live for one mens fantasy.


After the NATO waged war against Russia supported by Zelensky and the Nazis, the Ukrainians should demand reparations from NATO because NATO wanted to wage war against Russia and THEY used Ukrainian territory to wage the war which NATO has so long wanted. All of the NATIONS supplying Ukraine and fighting in Ukraine should be tapped. Blackrock should be tapped too as they hold the shares of all of the companies which benefit.


“President Steinmeier was willing to visit Ukraine, but President Zelensky rejected his visit and stated that Steinmeier had a too close relationship with Russia.”

Lol. That shows its not really the puppet Zelensky speaking, but the US State Department. US is trying to force EU into full alignment with US Neo-Con agenda against Russia. Needless to say this compromises EU’s own security and economies. Of course, the UK vassal is US’ regional cheerleader bitch to the full degree, just have Johnson now, rather than Blair, as cheerleader-in-chief for the US Neo-Con wars.

The maharaja

time to man up for war Russia, clock is ticking! If the euro trash thought you serious it is the only way to end it! Now they will plan to come for you. You in turn refused to fight and destroy shit and will be forced to do it on a larger scale and that is when I will die! So out of self preservation I say to you build an army and destroy these ukrainian fuckers fast! Oh ya one more thing turn off the oil and gas to the fuckin germans!

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