The UK’s color revolutions were even being manipulated and going on even back then to overthrow and weaken indigenous peoples groups of Europe so they could not stand against the evil-UK-Empire.
Also, witnessing was outlawed, and so was the cross around your neck.
Till this day it is in the news papers when tourist travel to France and wear crosses, they get fined or sent home.
Germans make good cars. French make the best guillotines!
Falsified history. That was as much of a “revolution” as the current happening in Ukraine was a “genuine uprising of the oppressed” – pure hogwash.
It was one of the earliest examples of a “color revolution”.
The UK’s color revolutions were even being manipulated and going on even back then to overthrow and weaken indigenous peoples groups of Europe so they could not stand against the evil-UK-Empire. Also, witnessing was outlawed, and so was the cross around your neck. Till this day it is in the news papers when tourist travel to France and wear crosses, they get fined or sent home.