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This Is What Modern War Propaganda Looks Like

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This Is What Modern War Propaganda Looks Like

Written by Caitlin Johnstone; Originally appeared at her blog

I’ve been noticing videos going viral the last few days, some with millions of views, about Muslim women bravely fighting to free themselves from oppression in the Middle East. The videos, curiously, are being shared enthusiastically by many Republicans and pro-Israel hawks, who aren’t traditionally the sort of crowd you see rallying to support the civil rights of Muslims. What’s up with that?

Well, you may want to sit down for this shocker, but it turns out that they happen to be women from a nation that the US war machine is currently escalating operations against. They are Iranian.

Whenever you see the sudden emergence of an attractive media campaign that is sympathetic to the plight of civilians in a resource-rich nation unaligned with the western empire, you are seeing propaganda. When that nation is surrounded by other nations with similar human rights transgressions and yet those transgressions are ignored by that same media campaign, you are most certainly seeing propaganda. When that nation just so happens to already be the target of starvation sanctions and escalated covert CIA ops, you can bet the farm that you are seeing propaganda.

Back in December a memo was leaked from inside the Trump administration showing how then-Secretary of State, DC neophyte Rex Tillerson, was coached on how the US empire uses human rights as a pretense on which to attack and undermine noncompliant governments. Politico reports:

The May 17 memo reads like a crash course for a businessman-turned-diplomat, and its conclusion offers a starkly realist vision: that the U.S. should use human rights as a club against its adversaries, like Iran, China and North Korea, while giving a pass to repressive allies like the Philippines, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

“Allies should be treated differently — and better — than adversaries. Otherwise, we end up with more adversaries, and fewer allies,” argued the memo, written by Tillerson’s influential policy aide, Brian Hook.

The propaganda machine doesn’t operate any differently from the State Department, since they serve the same establishment. US ally Saudi Arabia is celebrated by the mass media for “liberal reform” in allowing women to drive despite hard evidence that those “reforms” are barely surface-level cosmetics to present a pretty face to the western world, but Iranian women, who have been able to drive for years, are painted as uniquely oppressed. Iran is condemned by establishment war whores for the flaws in its democratic process, while Saudi Arabia, an actual monarchy, goes completely unscrutinized.

This is because the US-centralized power establishment, which has never at any point in its history cared about human rights, plans on effecting regime change in Iran by any means necessary. Should those means necessitate a potentially controversial degree of direct military engagement, the empire needs to make sure it retains control of the narrative.

This is what war propaganda looks like in the era of social media. It will never look ugly. It will never directly show you its real intentions. If it did, it wouldn’t work. It can’t just come right out and say “Hey we need to do horrible, evil things to the people in this country on the other side of the world in your name using your resources, please play along without making a fuss.” It will necessarily look fresh and fun and rebellious. It will look appealing. It will look sexy.

And it’s working. I am currently getting tagged in these videos multiple times a day by Trump supporters who are eager to show me proof that I’m on the wrong side of the Iran issue; the psyop is so well-lubricated with a combination of sleek presentation and confirmation bias that it slides right past their skepticism and becomes accepted as fact, even the one with the Now This pussyhat propaganda logo in the corner.

Be less trusting of these monsters, please. The people of Afghanistan haven’t benefitted from the interminable military quagmire that has cost tens of thousands of their lives. The invaders of Iraq were never “greeted as liberators” by an oppressed population. The humanitarian intervention in Libya left a humanitarian catastrophe in its wake far more horrific than anything it claimed to be trying to prevent. Saving the children of Syria with western interventionism has left half a million Syrians dead.

If the Iranians do in fact wish to change their government, it should happen without crippling sanctions, collaboration with extremist terror cults, or the rapey tentacles of the CIA manipulating the situation. There has never been a US-led regime change in the Middle East that wasn’t disastrous. People should be screaming at the US and its allies to cease these interventions, not applauding propaganda that is clearly being manufactured by that same empire.

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We Americans need to tell the Zios to fight their own damn wars!

Gary Sellars

..or better yet, take the filthy Zios down yourselves. The American Spring is decades overdue.



PLATO’S GUNS: https://platosguns.com/2018/05/01/death-of-israel/#more-33696

ريتاج السلفية

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you.. your punishment is death. https://d.ibtimes.co.uk/en/full/1386352/isis-crucifixion-syria.jpg?w=720&e=c91cee07bb2e7c6afe9d08452cf8f57e


Fuck off Israeli servant.

Val Shadowhawk

DAMN RIGHT!! This is an utter insult to our intelligence. It must be exposed and the purveyors ridiculed for attepting it.


Thing is though, and I speak of personal experience having been there three times and knowing people there, the reason this propaganda works is because it is a repressive regime that most Iranians would gladly be rid off.


I too have been to Iran, the people were friendly and almost all were happy enough with the way the country was being run. Of course some had gripes and would do things differently if they were in charge. In many respects it reminded me of the consequence of the austerity programmes being imposed in Ireland, Spain and Italy which are still tough but not nearly as severe as in Greece. And as austerity appears to slacken in those countries people become more content. Propaganda only works when directed at the uninformed. The Iranian people from what I could ascertain over a 27 day stay are far better informed than their western counter parts. And, it is at those that this propaganda is directed. Iran is a far less repressive country than: US, UK, France, Greece, Germany and the rest of the “West”. I also expect to be heading back there next March, providing the Warmongering Yanki’s haven’t started bombing there….

Brother Ma

I would agree that Iranians are more educated and better informed than the average American. The level of awareness of the average joe in america is frighful!

Concrete Mike

Oufff not only in america brother. Its a shame really.

Wise Gandalf

i met extremly stupid iranians who tried to study on universities in Europe. really extremly stupid.


Really and you are what solomon kupec, an Israeli idiot who post garbage because uncle Hershel from mossad has program to give its retards like you a job. The job of being an Israeli spambot, that’s all you monkey jew ass is good for.

Wise Gandalf

in bloody dictatorship always will be friendly to you, alien, foreigner and never will tell any negative words on dictators.


You mean ones like your Saudi friend, or your corrupt priminister Bibi that runs your apartheid settler state pretty much like a dictatorship.

Promitheas Apollonious

Not exactly. What the Iranians want to get rid off from their every day life is the religious absolute, that existing now and is very one way. On the other hand if you speak with them and ask them if they want to become a western protectorate and follow and accept their life style, you will see 99% they will tell you no and mean it. And for that protection from west generally iranians, support their government 100%, on her stance against the attack Iran is been facing since the attack from Iraq, from the west.

So is not as clear cut as you think it is and yes I know, a lot of iranians and work with them, in some of our business.

Brother Ma

I agree with you there. Probably want to remove the theocracy and that is about it.

Wise Gandalf

99% they will tell you no and mean it.

sure, therefore they want wear jeans, short skirts,drink alcohol, buy mobile, dance in discos, etc.

alsi the bahomets game, football is popular. it is not islam game :DD


Again jewish lack of intelligence in this post, keep it up solomon kupec.


Not just the religious establishment. Also the corruption, the bureaucracy and basically everything that they think holds their economy down. They just want to live a normal life, enjoy the good things in life and frankly do not give $0.02 about America, Israel, Palestine or Syria.

Which in a sense makes them just like us, right?

Promitheas Apollonious

exactly right.

Tudor Miron

This propoganda only works in the west.

Wise Gandalf

this is not propaganda, fsb agent!


It works better then you think. By now almost every Iranian household has a satellite TV dish and they ALL watch the BBC news, Turkish soaps and historical dramas and of course the Persian language TV channels broadcasting from Los Angeles, made by Iranian exiles. With the son of the former Shah a frequent guest on their talk shows. And the news on those channels is very much anti-Islamic Republic.

This is what Iranians prefer to watch, because the entertainment of those channels is superior to what they are getting on their own TV channels and because they think that Western news channels tell the truth. Unlike their own. Basically the same mentality that occurred in communist countries before the fall of the USSR.

So yeah, this propaganda works just as well as in the West. Maybe even better because Western MSM news is considered massively more reliable then their news.

Wise Gandalf

I, whio lived under societ rules, tell you, west ws right and moscow monkeys lied. Also in iran the people do not think, BUT KNOW, the western madia is much more trustworty than the iranian.

Tudor Miron

You may be right but I would prefer to hear what Garga says about it.

Wise Gandalf

Yup, garga is your fucker.

Wise Gandalf

Hey, fsb animal, did you met any iranian women??? i know hundreds. and garga is liar.

Wise Gandalf

HAHAHA, Russioa is out!

The nation of Yashin needs brasil immigrant! :DDD but can hire only D-E class player.

Now can you see, you filthy commie, that 15 ,illion best russians went away from russia and there are only such xzy class people like you, jesus, alex :DDDD

btw., a wished your victory, because fascists i do not like more than commies. but your players can not play. lost almost all diels, no cooperaions, were not able to keep the ball. erythropoetin helpd, you were able to run and shoot from far distance, but the REAl, high class footbal is much, much more. potemkin team, like your potemkin cars. :DDDD

Tudor Miron

Shut up, Solomon. My heart is broken but I’m proud of our team. 2-2 in the game and only lost in post game lotery. High class football could not win against sheer determination and will to win. Luck was not on our side but we thank our guys for their effort. They did very well.

Wise Gandalf

you are proud? typical pubrat :D

you have the fattiest couch. and how agressive wnted that the people in stadion shot louder! typical commie methods.

fotball is game. if wins our team, is for me OK, if lose, also OK. i am not collectivist commie or fascist animal. my heart is not broken. in iur tem is not my team. i have a self entity.

but this we will discuss in moscow next year :D

Tudor Miron

On the note of Brasil immigrant, just look at the French or Belgian or English teams. Those are African teams, not Europeans.

Wise Gandalf

140 000 bigf bnation dies not have 22 own pplayers :DDD

btw. ruskie, in french team all negroes were born in France! others i do not know. so, you lost again. :D

Brother Ma

Maybe , but it is lightyears ahead of takfiri american satellites like uae,qatar,saud,kuwait,pakistan,egypt,etc


Well, I was in Egypt in the 90’s and there’s a strong similarity. Same kind of reasonably well developed society and infrastructure, nice good people, but never enough jobs for everyone. And signs of a repressive regime if you know where to look for it. Like cult of personality of the leaders, giant portraits of Mubarak in Egypt, of the Ayatollah’s in Iran, large numbers of security forces on the streets, people being weary of talking politics with strangers, but once they do open up, out it comes. And it basically boils down to Egypt/Iran is a nice country, just not a good place to live in. And at times it seems like everyone wants to emigrate to the West. The promised land, the land of milk and honey.

I really should revisit Egypt soon, just to see how much it has changed.


It was so repressive that you visited Iran 3 times,do you work for the CIA by any chance.?Tell me how you know most Iranian people would gladly get rid of their government, You sound just like a zombie ,zionist propagandist scumbag.


astute observation of the iranian “oppressed women” propaganda..

then again , these propaganda already known to us who already woke up from the bubble of normalcy and delusions of the western society.

sadly majority of ignorant western people are too lazy to THINK and prefer to be spoon fed propaganda by their govt ..


“Democracy” is knocking on your door Iran. David stars and stripes…color revolution. Give the women the same rights they have in surrounding Muslim countries and you will resolve your problems. If Saudi’s, Iraqi’s can let them drive so can you. Do not be the most strict Islamic country. https://www.crwflags.com/fotw/images/u/us-hopk1.gif

Brother Ma

Saud only allowed women to drive quite recently. The fact that you did not know or mention that makes you very forgetful or scheming. I reckon you are a Hasbarat.


You people have problem when somebody is not informed Than you immediately go with that “You are Jew” bollocks No I know that Saudi’s are the worst by far but Iran has strict Islamic laws also (I do not know how strict they are) I never really tried to find out more about real situation in Iran

Brother Ma

Maybe you are. Maybe you are not. It was my opinion on what i see of your writings. In time ,i may change my mind.


Like I care… Don’t bother to write to me if you think that way. I don’t want to waste my time with people that see conspiracy everywhere.


You have obviously never been to Iran, the women there have many more rights than their Sunni neighbors to the south. Only in a few small towns with Sunni populations will you see women wearing the burqua, otherwise just a head scarf, if that. Women in Iran have been driving for over 30 years. More than that, they have equal standing in a court of law, they can own property, they are not considered property. Pull your head out of the deep deception, go for a 3 day visit, you will guaranteed wake up.

namulit emperor

He was quite obviously being sarcastic… :)


No I wasn’t I had all the time access on information’s pushed by the media about some Islamic controls on the streets. That women have heads covered with the scarves the way it was proscribed by Islamic law and such…. also recent info on RT that in Iran women can’t go on football match. So I had wrong impression I suppose.


You might be right, but look at his response.


OK glad to hear that. And what about that prohibition to go on sport events like football matches? Is that also propaganda or…?


There are real regime changes needed badly and urgently before its too late,and they are in USA,israhell,Saudi Arabia family,and all zionist puppet states.Then we will really have democracy, human rights,free from the bankster warmongers.


Pro Netanyahu terrorists withdrawing from more areas towards Palestine.


US backed terrorists Israel and Al-Qaeda using DIY home made rockets to attack Syria.


Assad: for us the US backed terrorists Israel, ISIS and Al-Qaeda etc are same terrorists. We don’t see any difference just different brands for same terrorists.

khilafah BaQiya Bi iz nil LaH

Cut them, strike off their necks thats the inspiration by God how to deal with them. Beware! They will be soon a inspiration for others and using lesser evil to stop much bigger is permitted.

Had God not driven back the people, some by means of others, the earth had surely been corrupted … (2:251)

As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help. Quran (3:56)

O believers, fight the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that God is with the God‑fearing. (9:123)

O believers, whose of you turns from his religion, (know that in your stead) God will bring a people whom He loveth and who love Him, humble towards the believers, stern towards the unbelievers, men who strive in the way of God, not fearing the reproach of any reproacher. Such is the bounty of God, He gives it unto whom He will; Allah is All‑embracing, All‑knowing. (5:54)

He [Lot] said: `O would that I had power against you, or might take refuge in a strong pillar ….so when Our command came, We overturned it [the city of Sodom] uppermost nethermost, and rained on it stones of baked clay, one on another. (11:80-82)

They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks. Quran (4:89)

Tommy Jensen

Iran have also banned usury which have caused hundreds of thousands of innocent financial families with children losing their decent jobs. Thousands bankers have been jailed and brutally banged in their butt for something Talmud and Western freedom laws says is completely legal and a human right.

Tudor Miron

Banning usury??? Now thats a death sin and can’t be tolerated by biblical project wheeler dealers.

Wise Gandalf

putin signed law, that you, russan primitive men can beat ypur wives. in russia the child porn is legal.

BUT! Tor is fornidden, VPN is fornidden. you, ugly commie terrorsit, shut up!

Ishyrion Av

Also stupidity is forbidden, that’s why you couldn’t qualify for visa to Russia!


Fake news, propaganda, rubbish.

Wise Gandalf

Pitin personly told this. Kick his face.


You are dying due to down sendrome quickly visit a qualified psychiatrist.


Again , fuck off solomon kupec.


You misunderstand the background and purpose of the law involving domestic violence. It corrected one legal problem, but left a different one open, that may be resolved later. It was certainly not changed to encourage spousal abuse. As for child porn; you’ll need to show evidence that it is any more legal (or common) than elsewhere.

Wise Gandalf

putinn weakand the straught law about domestic violence. not good.

i have the russian law about child porn. so what do you want to tell me?

Tudor Miron

Pig, stop lying about Russia. Pathetic troll. Here’s the law http://stykrf.ru/242

Wise Gandalf

piugs are you, ruskies. in russia is forbidden to make videos, pictures. but you can have them.

Tudor Miron

Law is simple – forbidden to produce and to distribute. Too stupid too use google translate or just can’t stop spreading BS?

Wise Gandalf

Exactly! Download is not distributin and IS allowed, IS LEGAL!!! Finally you showed how stupid are you!

Tudor Miron

Solomon, if I was you I would be ashamed to look in the mirror.

Wise Gandalf

the facts are unpleasant, aren´t?


Kazarian like you hate Russians because they always in the get the best of you, weather being the Russ wiping out Kazaria, Stalin getting rid of Zio’s and Trotsky Jews from the Communist hierarchy, or the Russian spoiling you pathetic plans in Syria.

You hate them because they show that so called Jewish superiority or intelligence is a myth, of course your pathetic posts shows that to. Also you have such little control of your emotions and hatred, that no matter how many profiles and names you changed, your pathetic Russo phobia betrays you time and time again solomon kupec. So much for the great Jewish brain.


Solomn kupec Israeli shit stain and cowardly kazarian filth.


Fuck off solomon kupec.

Tudor Miron

You know that we know you are lying, that child porn claim is just rediculous. Solomon, I told you many times that your old jewish tricks of accusing others of your own crimes doesn’t work here.

Wise Gandalf

i know exactly, what about is your law system in this field. i have long juristical analyse about it. you are beaten in several international forums for your paragraphs.

Tudor Miron

Are you that dumb to not be able to use google translate? http://stykrf.ru/242

Wise Gandalf

I speak russian. maybe better than you. This shitlaw is far from civilised standards. ask one normal lawyer. he will you explain your mistake (or lies)

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Nothing new when it comes to writing laws as this is common everywhere especially in the west where some laws condone pedophilia etc. So please refrain from calling others on laws when your own backyard needs cleaning of the dog shit and weeds.

Tudor Miron

Solomon, you can lie all you want but facts are: 80% of porn is produced in USA.

Wise Gandalf

80% of porn is produced in USA.

using russian whores

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

No you are wrong about the child porn that is what the US army is for and sex trade slavery and drugs illegal arms deals etc that is why there are so many pedophiles and deviants in US politics .


Again fuck off solomon kupec.


Didn’t know that (great idea!); will need to learn more…


What’s the name of the man, who threw the money lenders out of his fathers Temple in Jerusalem a couple of thousand years ago? Think those who agreed with him started a new religion and almost all of the countries where it took root also Banned Usury until 15Centuary when Jews managed to get laws passed to rescind it…. Jesus Christ Almighty

paul ( original )

Well it does not work on me. Moaning and complaining women are a scourge on the world. Women are the biggest danger around. Yes I am sexist and don’t care if you think so. What these women need is a bit of DD.

Lena Jones

Well it does not work on me. Moaning and complaining men are a scourge on the world. Men are the biggest danger around. Yes I am sexist and don’t care if you think so. What these men need is a bit of DD.

paul ( original )

And of course they can not be original either.

Lena Jones

And of course they can not be a cliche either.

paul ( original )

Sadly your poor English grammar spoils your barb. Nobody can be a cliché . You could call me ‘ cliché ridden ‘ or some other form of similar words.

Lena Jones

Fix your own punctuation first, motherfucker! Oh and your syntax too.

Here below is your staid statement CORRECTED by me:

Sadly, your poor English grammar spoils your barb. No person can be a “cliché”. You may call me ‘cliché-ridden’, or, some other form of similar expression.

There, fixed it all for you, motherfucker! Now your terrible English has been ‘adjusted’ into linguistic perfection by a WOMAN!

So, how does it feel to be bitch-slapped by a woman?


I’m so happy to be born in Eastern Europe. Women are so much feminine. They are divine and they deserve to be admired (when I see examples like yours). I realize how lucky I am.

Lena Jones

Lucky jakof!


I am really, really lucky. US doesn’t deserve better I guess.

Lena Jones

Congratulations to your inflatable doll – you’re quite the catch.

paul ( original )

I don’t know, its never happened. In addition littering with commas does not make for good grammar. I understand it is something that the grammatically immature often do. You might learn refinement, but only after you give up using obscenity.

Lena Jones

Oh shut it down already, you pompous little pseud! You haven’t got a clue about grammar, the purpose or art of punctuation, or, something we experts in language call ‘generative syntax’. You wouldn’t know good English even if it bitch-slapped your ugly mug from now till kingdom come.

And it’s hilarious that you consider yourself now a ‘refined and genteel’ sexist. LOL. I bet you lift your pinky when drinking tea from cup and saucer while telling women how much you hate them just because they were born female. I bet too that you run with bent wrist when dashing out of a room in a huff.

Get a grip, man! What’s ‘obscene’ here is your dumb-ass pretentiousness.

Oh and your master-slave fixation with the female ideal.

Lena Jones

P.S. I am not a feminist. I am a feminine. Warrior.

Concrete Mike

This week on canadian public radio they also trotted out some MEK asshole trying to paint them as moderate opposition.

How fucken stupid do they think we are.


They are moderate head choppers,waiting for their chance to do some damage to a peaceful country,for their zionist bankster bosses.

Tudor Miron

Now we need to see some similar videos against opressions against gays in Chechnia.

Mahmoud Larfi

Yeah and amazing enough to see that the same “human rights” activists who support gay rights and denounce gay repression in Chechnya were not so long ago supporting these brats in the same Chechnya: http://i.imgur.com/MkYQPhR.jpg


They are “Village People” but not from the same village where that “human rights” activists comes from!

Good comment by the way!

khilafah BaQiya Bi iz nil LaH

The gay right movement was created with one goal: To destroy the religion of Allah. Only blind does not see this.


Gay right movement was created that you fight for gay Israel and their US gay servants !

So your flag must be gay also because you are Zionists fighting Jihad for Greater Israhell !

ISIS air foce from Tel Aviv is bombing SAA often to protect you from punishment of Syrian Army. But you are fags and SAA will kill you all and Russian bombs will blow your faggot ass !


You can bet your bottom dollar that he is not from Daesh, but from Tel Aviv playing games. More hasbara masquerading as jihadi propaganda. He’s laughing at anyone who falls for it.


Have you ever heard of “using opportunity” option?

I just use “opportunity” to talk to him as if he is real Muslim terrorist And for me who he really is has no importance whatsoever. One thing is sure that EVERY ISIS account on the internet today has something to do with CIA, FBI, NSA, Israhell (or all of them together)

khilafah BaQiya Bi iz nil LaH

The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: 1. Kill the one who sodomizes and the one who lets it be done to him. 2. May Allah curse him who does what Lot’s people did. 3. Lesbianism by women is adultery between them. This perverted act is a reversal of the natural order, a corruption of man’s sexuality, and a crime against the rights of females. (The same applies equally to the case of lesbianism)

The spread of this depraved practice in a society disrupts its natural life pattern and makes those who practice it slaves to their lusts, depriving them of decent taste, decent morals, and a decent manner of living. The story of the people of Prophet Lut (Lot), peace be upon him, as narrated in the Koran should be sufficient for us. Prophet Lut’s people were addicted to this shameless depravity, abandoning natural, pure, lawful relations with women in the pursuit of this unnatural, foul, and illicit practice. That is why their Prophet Lut, peace be on him, told them, “What! Of all creatures, do you approach males and leave the spouses whom your Lord has created for you? Indeed, you are people transgressing (all limits)!” (Qur’an, 26: 165–166) https://youtu.be/gr7d1sTDNts?t=41s

khilafah BaQiya Bi iz nil LaH

See the comment section? It is refreshing to see that even people in the lands of kufr where there are programs and plans to systematically brainwash and dumb down population are aware of this and clearly stepped on the right side: “Awesome, I just converted to Islam after watching this”, “Lol hell yeah :3 the only thing that they do right”, “I can agree with ISIS on this one”, “Isis might not be so bad after all”, “When Arabs do things right”, “we need isis back to clear our lands from mentally ill people”, “Love ISIS from Pakistan.”, “Hahaha! At least ISIS does something right!”, “For once Isis does something good”, “I agree with Isis here.”, “??Isis at least they’re doing something good”

Ishyrion Av

Get lost. No religion endorses homosexuality but only islam takes the liberty of the human being and decides for him if he has to live or die. I find homosexuality disgusting but everyone has to be free to decide for himself because God made us free. If we are not free to choose, we are not good or bad, we are just puppets. And if that’s happens, devil is the puppeteer. I don’t care if someone is homosexual as long as he keeps it in his own house and no people are suffering by force. He will answer in front of God. But I don’t tolerate him on the street, in front of my children, or forcing his sick dirt into society with legislation. Also, I don’t tolerate islam forcing its devilish work into my society. If you like your country, stay there. If you don’t like your country and you come in mine, you will learn and live by my faith and my rules. Because is my house!

khilafah BaQiya Bi iz nil LaH

Stop drinking that poison and educate yourself. Who are you to talk for God or reject his words or say what is wrong and right? Fighting is enjoined on you, and it is an object of dislike to you; and it may be that you dislike a thing while it is good for you, and it may be that you love a thing while it is evil for you, and Allah knows, while you do not know. (Qur’an 2:216)

Ishyrion Av

Your alah is a demon, not God. You’ll meet your pedophile prophet in hell if you go on like this.

khilafah BaQiya Bi iz nil LaH

You will burn in the deepest pit in the hell for saying that but it is your decision to tell total lies against God of all religions (The only existing God highest above all). You simply insulted God of all monotheistic religions because monotheism mean there is only one true God. And just stop with the pedophille bullshit. He was not.

Ishyrion Av

Your demon is not my God. Islam has nothing in common with Christianity, who’s God is Holly Trinity – Father, Son and Holly Spirit. You just borrowed some worship practices – in shape but not in substance. As for Iudaism now, their god is a coin of gold as they sold God on 30 silver coins 2000 years ago. Every tree is known by its fruits. Fruits of islam are death and annihilation. Is a plague wherever it goes. Thats demon’s work, not God’s work! Islam is completely demonic, a collection of lies, threats and deceit.


Look like some guys who will have Kadyrov’s head on a spike one day

Tudor Miron

Zio troll, those shaitans in the picture are dead already.

Wise Gandalf

ty shakal!


You call Iranians stupid and yet you post crap like that solomon, seriously your spambot job must be the special ed job of mossad.


You hate them because they are more beautiful than you.

Tudor Miron

Beautiful? I’m straight man and I never considered looks of other males, its irrelevant. They were killed not because of looks but because they are mercenary terrorists.


Really, you never considered looks of other males?


All those Jihad monkeys from photo are now dead and in company of 72 virgin goats!

Why don’t you come and get it Zionist bitch ?! Your friends from CIA and MI6 couldn’t make those Jihad monkeys win NOWHERE wherever Russian troops came to meet them! They would always exterminate Jihad pussies like cockroaches!

Wise Gandalf

your chechnia is islam closeth.


They make you shit your pants there solomon, then again little Palestinian girls make chicken shit Israelis like you shit your pants.


The Iranian women have more freedoms than the Palestinian women have in occupied Palestine. At least they can wear what they like,and don’t get sniped if they have anything to protest about,just like in any civilised country.The lying, double standards of zionist dominated countries is just staggering. The Synagogue of Satan.

Wise Gandalf


in iran can not go to look at football. now during world championship them were allowed. also went, but the police blocked the entry. the minoster had to call and personally allow the entry.

bully country, where irgc is state maffia, ayatollahs murders, rapists. kill islam fundamentalists, freedom for iran! (without IL and USA)

Ishyrion Av

So football is the main reference in judging the degree of a freedom in a society? Like I said earlier, you seem to be unhappy you couldn’t pass IQ test for Russian visa to watch the World Cup.

Wise Gandalf

example. good example, that the women in iran can not prticioate on normal actions.

Ishyrion Av

Contrary to what you believe, and many others believe, Iranian women are ruling their homes. They choose when, what and where everything happens inside the house. They can go out whenever they like, they are brilliant students and half of the Iranian workforce. Is true there are islamic rules which officially forbids them to participate in activities which requires mixing sexes. Those rules apply for men also. And other rules exist which officially make them second class citizen (like Sharia judiciary system). But even if the women can be legally forced to do something – by family for example – this never happens. Informally, they are free to choose everything. From school to husband to furniture to travel to work. And I find this much more relevant than the interdiction to watch a (stupid) football game or the requirement to wear a scarf.

Wise Gandalf

these tales i heard already.

BUT! the wpmen want to say ALSO what they do in streets. :P

Ishyrion Av

Since you speak about tales, is clear to me that you know nothing about Iran. And this conversation is useless. By the way, nothing relevant can be said on the streets. Streets are, most of the time, a form of manipulation and a dictatorship of a minority. I can feel you like the streets, probably you are antifa or blm. We have nothing in common.

Wise Gandalf

your argies are simply islamistic bullshits! women in iran have no rights. how orginizes the life of family in house is no right, no law! you are simply stupid to uderstand this.



Ishyrion Av

All the Iranian women I know would cut your balls (if you have any) and force you to eat them. And none of them likes the ayatolah.


Well that wouldn’t be to hard, since Jewish men are some of the most pathetic excuse for men.

Ishyrion Av

You are certainly an Israeli bot. Only them are fearing the IRGC and wish them dead, because IRGC is simply the Iranian Army. And all men enlisted in IRGC and fighting for Iran have mothers, sisters, wives and daughters at home to protect. I was mistaken when I said those women would cut your balls. Probably they would boil you alive!


That response further proves the myth of Jewish intelligence.


Tell me scumbag, where do the Palestinian football team train and play their games,when they are not being targeted by israhellI snipers?Your ant Iranian lying bullshit will only expose your own racist,genocidal ,satanic regime in occupied Palestine.people in glass houses should never throw stones,as you will get more than you bargained for. Now go fuck off.

Wise Gandalf


how old are you?


In your case solomon kupec you are shy of 40, but with mental capacity of 6

Taz T

Women are forced to wear Hijab and if they refuse they get arrested by regime’s forces and put in jail or fined, they are also regarded as half on men in legal and hereditary issues. If the regime is so popular they should give women the choice and see what happens. Iranian women are not like other Muslim counties women and you will be surprised. You people do not know what you are talking about and connect everything to Zionism exactly like the mullahs. Anybody who want clean water in 50 C temp, freedom and jobs are branded as Zionist!

Wise Gandalf

Perfect answer!


The answer that you are an Israeli chicken shit, solomon kupec.


I do not know whom to believe and what to believe. Do you have any source, a link where one can get info like that from 3rd party. Not official Western MSM because they can’t be trusted in anything.

I agree with you though that many people here “connect everything to Zionism” . They remind me of parrots in Soviet agitprop bureau with their endless repeating of certain brainwashed slogans and words.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well under the Pahlavi Rulers aka Shahs imposed by the west, if you couldn’t bribe the religious police arrest was a guarantee , in Iran today women wear no hijab but some will wear a scarf and be creative about it. The West have some poor misconceptions about Iran more women are in the sciences than the US like 500k+ in the US 234,000.

Taz T

What are you talking about, there was no religious police in Pahlavi’s time and there was repression and people rose up to achieve something better but unfortunately they ended up with a medieval regime. (in Iran today women wear no hijab but some will wear a scarf and be creative about it), you most be on something, obviously you do not know what you are talking about.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Have you ever been there or are you basing this on propaganda and biased information from Western media would like to know. Curious why you try to cover up the fact the Pahlavi’s had secret police and would collect a tax from the wealthy families to live and murder those that offended them or the US.

Taz T

Yes many times, Pahlavi had secret police who arrested and tortured opponents but they not have religious police that is why you do not know what you are talking about and that’s why people rose up to have a better live. Iranian do not want America or anybody else to rule them. They want a democratic and caring society who puts people’s needs first instead of bank rolling others who do not care about Iran. They want to be treated as equal and not suppressed at home.

Taz T

What about regime’s propaganda. West is after it’s own interest so is China and Russia. You any can not connect people’s aspiration for freedom to Western propaganda. There is a shortage of water in the southern Iran where temp reaches 50 C and people are demanding something to be done about providing clean fresh water which is not salty but you will connect it to Western propaganda. They need to invest in desalination plant instead of giving the Iranian wealth to others who do not care about Iranian.


You really are delusional Yank, again go look up women in your American and Israeli supported medieval shithole of Saudi Arabia.

Taz T

You really are delusional Yank because you people want too keep Iran down. If you ever go to Iran you rarely see any Mullah outside because they are so hated and they know that. One side of your brain is attached to Israel / Saudi Arabia and if anybody says anything immediately you connect it to Zionism and Wahhabism. Get a life and brain!


Nope that would be your friends in Saudi Arabia.

Taz T

You do not know what you are talking about. More like your people in Saudi Arabia because they oppress women too!

Taz T

Obviously you do not not much about anything. You are right about your friend Saudi Arabia but it is compulsory in Iran too.

Wise Gandalf

Freedom for iranian women!

Taz T

Iranian women having fighting for their rights for many years despite harassment and imprisonment and Just because Trump , Netanyahu ….use their plight to further their argument does not make them bad. Iranian and in particular women have been suffering under Ayatollah’s rule for years. They have been suffering under difficult economical situation with Guards controlling the economy and interfering in everybody’s life. Instead of helping poor Iranian money is being channeled to Hezbollah, Syria and in the foreign currency account of the regime abroad If their was a free election without any restriction they will not be in charge for another day so please do not blame Iranian for fighting for their rights because of Trump …


I totally appreciate and fully support the brave women of Iran. But the fact that US & EU human rights OUGs never call for support for Saudi women, Emirates, Kuwaiti, Bahrain women, it’s the living prove that those women need even more support than Iranian or Syrian women.

Tudor Miron

What you say proves only one thing – west doesn’t give a hoot about human rights when it’s profitable.


“Now This” is a huge propaganda mill; avoid it at all costs (and warn your friends).

Countering the allied lies and smear campaigns against indigenous tribal peoples. https://counterpsyops.com/ https://ic.pics.livejournal.com/lorddreadnought/76765949/400021/400021_900.jpg https://ic.pics.livejournal.com/lorddreadnought/76765949/392352/392352_900.jpg

Black Waters

Hasbara and Zio trolls working full time to promote regime change in Iran.

PD: They contradict themselves, they don’t care about woman’s right at all, or even muslims, they only care about taking all the middle east in the name of the Rothschild mafia, controlling the printing money and the energy market.

And they do not care about Christ Immanuel at all or Monotheist in general. They are atheist and believers in Monkeys are their uncles. Monotheist must unite to resist these bigots that have destroyed all of our lands.

Feudalism Victory

Hijabs are stupid. Women are nice to look at.


“who aren’t traditionally the sort of crowd you see rallying to support the civil rights of Muslims”

They are defending women *against* muslims, you idiot. What a shitty propaganda article.

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