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Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos)

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Thousands of Iranians, including the political and military leadership of the country, gathered to pay the tribute to Mohsen Hojaji, a young soldier beheaded by ISIS at the Syrian-Iraqi border on September 27.

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Chief of the General Staff Major General Mohammad Bagheri as well as other top Iranian military servicemen and politicians participated in the event.

Mohsen Hojaji was a member of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. He was serving as a military adviser to the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (PMU). A strong point of the PMU’s Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada was attacked by ISIS inside Iraq, near the border with Syria in August 2017.

The terrorists delivered notable casualties to Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada and captured Mohsen Hojaji in that battle. Later Mohsen Hojaji was beheaded by ISIS.

According to PMU sources, the ISIS border attack was de-facto supported by strikes of the US-led coalition. However, the coalition rejected these  claims.

Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos) Thousands Gather To Pay Tribute To Iranian Soldier Captured And Beheaded By ISIS At Syrian-Iraqi Border (Photos)

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Borkil Borkilovitch

That’s a shame for a soldier to die like this, many respect for this soldier and thanks to the Iranian revolution forces for their effort against these ISIS rats

Zainab Ali

martyrdom is the straightest journey to the highest level of paradise … as for the murderers/yankees especially will be the opposite … no escape


He was injured (VBIED explosion) and unconscious so his friends thought he is already passed away when leaving the trench to another one in the back under the immense pressure of attack. He later regained consciousness and got captured by ISIS. In the short footage of him you probably saw while in the claw of ISIS, he is under a lot of pain because of the shrapnels, but you can’t find any trace of pain or fear in his face.

Resistance has millions like Mohsen. How many like him Zios have?


they will pay for this with their lives….those rats sooner or later will meet the SYrian or Iraqi bullet that has their name on…..or maybe they will be scattereed all over the desert by RUssian bombs. May the iranian hero rest in peace


The US is the most Jew infested place on earth outside of Palestine. Their evil pedophile rape cult that statutory rapes 1,000 Jew cult children a week is responsible for these wars should be outlawed as part of the process of eradicating these cultists to create a Jew free future for our planet that will make it a much better place for everyone.


Daeshbags will have little to celebrate as more of them scream and cry in the face of superior firepower.


Borkil Borkilovitch

“enjoy the 72 virgins” :D Damn this is so good to see these rats crying like babies !!

Rakean Jaya

R.I.P an Iranian, Syrian and humanity hero. Respect!

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