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MARCH 2025

Thousands March In Iraqi Capital To Commemorate Quds Force Commander Qasem Soleimani (Videos)

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On January 3, tens of thousands of Iraqis marched in the country’s capital, Baghdad, to commemorate the first anniversary of the assassination of Iran’s Quds Force Commander Qasem Soleimani and Deputy-Commander of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.

Soleimani, al-Muhandis and eight of their comrades were killed in a U.S. drone strike that targeted their vehicles near Baghdad International Airport exactly one year ago.

The Iraqi demonstrators gathered at the Tahrir Square to commemorate the two leaders and to condemn the act of aggression carried out by the United States.

The demonstrators demanded revenge for Soleimani and chanted against the United States, calling it the “Greater Devil.” Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi, who is close to Washington, was also criticized by the protesters.

“Oh al-Kadhimi, you coward, you are an agent of the Americans,” the demonstrators chanted.

The demonstrators also raised banners supporting pro-Iran Iraqi Shiite armed groups and “resistance” movements in Lebanon, Gaza and Yemen.

Abu Hussein al-Hamidawi, General Secretary of Kata’ib Hezbollah, released a statement on the occasion, praising the demonstration in Baghdad.

“Today, we will not enter the embassy of evil [the U.S. embassy], and we will not overthrow this government, as there is still time,” al-Hamidawi said. “Our weapons are more controlled and organized than the most prestigious armies and military institutions throughout history. It is the most legitimate and rational one, and it will remain in our hands until God wills.”

In Iran, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen, a series of gatherings were held to commemorate the assassination of Soleimani and al-Muhandis.

President Donald Trump justified the assassination a year ago by claiming that Soleimani was plotting to attack U.S. embassy in Baghdad. Trump alleged that the assassination will make U.S. troops in the Middle East safer. A year after the assassination of Soleimani, it is safe to say U.S. military presence, interests and allies in the Middle East have never been more threatened.

Iran’s Qods Force And Modern Proxy Wars:

On January 3, 2020, Major General Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Qods Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the second-in-command of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units were killed by US strikes on the Iraqi capital of Bahdad. The US strike caused a new regional crisis and put the entire Middle East on the edge of a new open military conflict.

In this light, it’s especially interesting to recall what the Qods Force is and how the unit provides the Iranian interests all around the world. The analysis below was originally released by SouthFront in July 2019:

The Qods Force is the irregular warfare unit of Iran’s Corps of Guardians of the Islamic Revolution (Sepah-e Pasdaran-e Enghelab-e Eslami).  Created during the Holy Defense to augment the capabilities of the Sepah to include irregular warfare, it has since become one of the chief means of expanding Iranian ‘soft power’ within the Middle East and throughout the world.  Carrying the Persian name for Jerusalem, it is emblematic of the eschatological significance of the Islamic Republic’s regional military strategy.  More has come to light about this secretive organization since its inception, but precious little of its organization, personnel, weaponry and operations is known, and comes to light only in the wake of its suspected activities.

The close of the Holy Defense in 1988 saw the completion of the first chapter of the history of the Islamic Republic – conventional war.  The peace which followed left the new government intact but the population war-weary; the government needed to turn its attention to rebuilding the infrastructure and bringing orderliness to the disrupted lives of its people. The armed forces – both the Artesh and the Sepah – though rich with battle experience, had been worn down and desperately need this peace.

If this war taught the Iranian leadership anything, the lesson was: prevent another conventional attack by pushing the frontier for possible conflict as far as possible from the border.  To safeguard the home of the Revolution – which Khomeini and his followers viewed, and still view, as the only legitimate Islamic government, and the one which is meant to prepare the way for the return of the Mahdi – a sizeable buffer had to be constructed to allow for its endurance.  While Iran had not been defeated in the Holy Defense, it had been severely wounded by Saddam’s army with Western backing. At end of the war, Iran was in shortage in key resources and finance. The war clearly exposed the weaknesses of both the Iranian economy and the armed forces. The mujtahid rulers needed to create and perfect a national defense based upon self-reliance in order to turn Iran into a fortress for Islam from which calls for Islamic unity in the face of Zionist and Western imperialist influence could issue.  Having survived this baptism of fire intact, and with geopolitics still centered around the bipolar contest between the United States and the Soviet Union, the time for such a reconstruction appeared optimal.

The Sepah was created immediately after the Revolution in order to counter threats from armed opposition groups inside Iran such as the MKO (the Mojahedin-e Khalq or People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran) and to protect the ideological integrity of the new political system. Originally a paramilitary formation, during the Holy Defense it necessarily took on a military character while shouldering with the Artesh the burden of fighting.  During the war, in addition to the many conventional battles fought against the Iraqis, the Iranians also deployed special forces to the front line in the mountainous terrain of the north, and behind the lines to support the Kurdish struggle in northern Iraq against Saddam Hussein regime. To mirror this unit within the Artesh, the Sepah created the Qods Force to engage in all aspects of irregular warfare. Thus, the role of Quds force in the establishment of Hezbollah’s Islamic Resistance (al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya) in 1982 during the Lebanese Civil War was inevitable; following this it was used to support the operations of the Hezbe Wahdat Shia mujahedin in Afghanistan during the Soviet occupation.

By supporting Hezbollah and the Hezbe Wahdat, Iran was able to counter, respectively, the American/Zionist coalition and the Soviets, thereby keeping these two groups from threatening the territorial integrity of the Islamic Republic.  When Khomeini died in 1989 and was succeeded by Ali Khamenei, who oversaw the transition from a war to a peace economy, Qods was able, along with its parent Sepah, to maintain its level of funding and even to increase its relative importance within the military strategy of Iran.

Having discussed the ideological and strategic origins and purposes of the Qods Force, let us look at its structure and methods of warfare.  Apart from its three senior commanders, no names can be attributed to either its leadership or the remainder of the force.  Major General Pasdar Qassem Soleimani, presently the most well-known Iranian soldier, has commanded the Qods Force since 1997, and his two deputies are Brigadier General Pasdar Ismail Qaani and Brigadier General Pasdar Ahmad Sabouri.  Because all members of Qods are taken from the larger Sepah, one can presume that it retains the same rank structure as its parent, although it is impossible to verify or deny this.  Similarly, although the size of the Qods Force can be approximated, its small-level tactical organization can only be guessed at based upon the arrangement of other comparable military units.  As indicated previously, Qods has two missions: advising and training of foreign military and police, and clandestine operations.  Teams of men for either type of mission may be formed ad hoc out of the service pools of each of the eight directorates suspected to exist.  According to the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff, Qods is divided into the following eight directorates:

  • Iraq
  • Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman, Yemen (Persian Gulf)
  • Israel, Lebanon, Jordan (Middle East)
  • Afghanistan, Pakistan, India
  • Turkey
  • Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldovia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia (former-Soviet Union)
  • Central and Western Europe and the United States and Canada
  • North Africa

Further, US military intelligence suggests that Qods is divided into several branches of specialization:

  • Intelligence
  • Finance
  • Politics
  • Sabotage
  • Special operations

Because however its operations are unconventional, there is no reason to think that the Qods Force has an organization remarkably different from other secret services.  For its clandestine operations, something approaching a commando team of varying size (anywhere from 5 to 15 men led by one or two officers) seems reasonable.  Also, there could be organic, permanent units of Qods assigned to each directorate, each with a different operational specialty, and these would invariably be combined-arms units but with the component men varying depending upon what needs to be accomplished.  For the advisory and training missions, arguably what constitutes the greatest percentage of Qods assignments, one can imagine an officer/NCO structure corresponding to the level of the ranks needing training; e.g. so many officers of such a rank to train their peers or lower ranking officers, and likewise so many NCOs to train their peers or enlisted men.  As a side note, it has been suggested that Qods trains most of its clients in either the Sudan or in Iran itself.

For all of these missions, the officer/NCO ratio is necessarily higher than in the rest of the Sepah.  For this reason, it can be argued that officers and NCOs comprise a large majority of the Qods Force personnel, seeing that enlisted men would not be used to train or advise their superiors.

Where does the Qods Force carry out its clandestine operations?  From reasonable conjecture regarding the structure, the reach of Qods is world-wide.  It has been suspected of involvement in South America (e.g. in supporting the government of Venezuela), of continuing to intervene in Afghanistan against the American presence, of constituting a permanent training and advisory role to the Islamic Resistance of Hezbollah, of supporting the Syrian government since the conflict of 2011, and most of all of involvement in Iraq since 2003. Since 2008, the Qods Force has been given control of all military operations in Iraq, and it formed and currently oversees the three primary Shi’ite paramilitary organizations which work in conjunction with the Iraqi military: Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq (“League of the Righteous”) with 10,000 members, Kata’ib Hizb Allah (“Brigades of the Party of God”) with 30,000+ members, and the Saraya al-Salam (“Peace Companies”) with anywhere from 10,000 to 50,000 members.  This theatre of operations, provided indirectly to Qods by the Americans, gives the most continual experience to its members through the training and directing of these militias.  In the theatre of the Persian Gulf, the recent attacks against oil tankers bear the mark of what Qods is capable of, but the Iranian Government has consistently denied responsibility.  Conversely, American and Israeli special forces possess the capability to carry out such false-flag attacks and their histories give plenty of examples.  Currently, the most important missions which Qods directly or in which it participates are:

  • Missile shipments to Hezbollah
  • Arming and directing of Shi’ite militias in Iraq
  • Support of Syrian Government
  • Support of Houthis

As to types of weapons, the Qods Force probably uses the same species as other special forces (e.g. United States Green Berets, Russian Spetsnaz, British SAS), that is:

  • Handguns (e.g. PC-9 ZOAF)
  • submachine guns (e.g. MPT-9, KL-7.62mm)
  • heavy machine guns (e.g. MGA3)
  • portable MANPADs (e.g. Soheil)
  • rocket-propelled grenade launcher (e.g. Raad, RPG-29)
  • anti-tank weapons (e.g. Saeghe 1/2)
  • portable mortars (e.g. 37mm Marsh mortar)
  • plastic explosives (e.g. C4, Semtex)

The use of heavy equipment does not correspond to its missions.

In terms of size, the active personnel of Qods has been estimated to be anywhere from 5,000 to 20,000, although the most common number given is 15,000.  Globalsecurity.org asserts that in 2008, the Iranian Supreme National Security Council authorized an increase in the size of the group to 15,000, but this cannot be presently confirmed.  By comparison, the Russian Spetsnaz has a strength of roughly 5,000, the United States Green Berets 7,000, the British SAS 400 to 600.

Moving to consider its place in the Iranian political ideology of Twelve Shiism, Qods Force bears great eschatological significance.  A fact which receives barely any coverage in the Western press, the founding of the Islamic Republic was clearly stated by Ayatollah Khomeini to coincide with the approach of the end of the world.  As Twelver Shias, Khomeini and his successors are convinced that the maintenance of velayat-e faqih is critical to the return of the Twelfth Imam, Mohammad al-Mahdi.  The eschatology of the Jafari School of Jurisprudence (the official legal teaching in Iran, named after the Sixth Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq) names Jerusalem as central to the return of the Mahdi and to the establishment of Islamic government throughout the world; i.e. the golden age of Islamic rule as promised by the Prophet Mohammed. According to Sunni and Shia prophecies, the army foreordained to conquer Jerusalem is to be comprised of mostly people from the region of Iran with Iranians having a great and important role in the event. Thus, the naming of the special operations subset of the Sepah after the Persian name for the Holy City of Jerusalem should show the rest of the world just how important to the Iranians is the maintenance of their system of government by all means possible.  Currently, the use of Qods to engage in asymmetrical warfare against the American-Israeli alliance is the best means to ensure this end.  Presently, Qods can be seen as forming a ‘shield-forward’ for the Islamic Republic from a strategic point of view; this gives eschatological importance to their continued support of Hezbollah in Lebanon and to their great commitment in men and material to ensure the continuance of the Syrian government. They believe that when Imam Mahdi returns, Zionism, which Shia regard as one of the main tools in the struggle between Good and Evil, will be defeated in the final great battle for Jerusalem. Therefore they are approaching as close as possible to Israel, serving at the front line. They have succeeded in giving Iran a reasonable amount of protection, if at the expense of their allies who are physically closer to Israel.  The American Navy remains a threat in the Persian Gulf, but the wider Sepah, to whose vigilance this theatre is committed, are confident they can close the Strait of Hormuz if necessary.  The strategic balance is currently in favor of Iran and they have thus fulfilled what they believe to be their role in preparing for the Mahdi’s return.

Of those who believe in the eschatological purpose of the Islamic Republic, the Qods Force is unquestionably the vanguard of the coming march on Jerusalem, and the Western press ignores this to their own peril and the continued ignorance of their audiences.

From military and political standpoints, Qods has been very effective.  Iranian strategy has, since the 1979 Revolution, been to keep the American-Israeli alliance and its proxies at bay.  As stated previously, due to Iran’s inability to wage a full-scale war against both countries, the use of unconventional warfare has made the Qods Force come into prominence within Iran’s national defensive strategy.  Through both its advisory/training roles and its clandestine operations, Qods is used to prevent Iran’s two chief enemies from realizing strategic objectives in the Middle East and Persian Gulf and to make their continued presence within Iran’s immediate zone of security as costly and unpleasant as possible.


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Just Me

The US and its parasitic brat Israel have never been despised more in the region. Time for both to disappear or face a very protracted resistance.


the march/attack on tel aviv can’t be that far away and the entire world look forward to the date when the jews in palestine are made homeless and sent into their next 5000 year diaspora, if they can find anyone willing to take them in (dangerous business since theses jews are thieves and murderers on a grand scale (see palestine over 70 years – hardly anything left since all was stolen by these jews)).


No attack from Iran, pff. They must be scared to attack, all they do is bluff about it.


They just claimed that attack to US forces in Iraq was conspiracy of the jews. Iranian officials are shaking like rats while their propaganda crew speak here about an Iranian empire. Bullshit empire of the Middle east. LMFAO.

Concrete Mike

Look at you, full of hate and ignorance…


Just having fun , by telling things as they are It is you and your friends who can not face the facts.

Concrete Mike

Running out of goats yo fuck i see, so you go online to harass good people!

Go fuck yourself thought police!


I will never be running out of goats to fuck as long as you and yr friends are around. And I think it is you who replied to my pots being frustrated of what I wrote, you are not so clever , are you ?

Emad Irani

only idiots like you would carry on an attack on the same day hahaha. Never forget this one



What is this ? The ukranian civil airliner you downed ?

Emad Irani

no, your brothers CIA plane in Afghanistan


Our ‘CIA’ brothers who arranged a coup in TR in 15 July ? Dont think so.

I noticed that the plane you posted is also a civilian one . But dont worry , everyone knows how successfull you are when it comes to downing civilian planes.


Wake up, you’re the worst country one earth and can’t do anything. Don’t talk about your fake iranian empire and sending Turks to where it all started. You will be disappointed if you try to establish your fake mickey mouse empire.


There is no quds force in Turkey, where did you get that from, is that like your 25 million Alevis in Turkey? Mit and Mossad are hunting down iranian terrorists in Turkey one by one. Your 209348029384029384 godzillion year old country’s history doesn’t matter, everyone knows how incompetent your shi.tty military is.

Emad Irani

ThErE Is nO QuDs FoRcE iN TuRkEy. Here dude all Quds Force branches, your lovely Turkey a special one in orange. Yes, we know Turkey is Israhell puppet, rest like Marvi Marmara and helping Palestine just show off



Emad , can you tell us what this map is and what the colors represent there ?


israel or rather what was palestine has been turned into the worst place on earth by the jews and it must with haste be freed of all jews and returned to a blissful palestine. only a jew can’t see the necessity of clearing out the debris/crap and return the a pristine land to the palestinians.


Can you also tell us how you iranians were all slaved by Seljuk Turks for centuries ?

After Seljuks left you , Mongols came and killed 90% of you.

”According to the works of the Iranian historian Rashid al-Din (1247–1318), the Mongols killed more than 700,000 people in Merv and more than 1,000,000 in Nishapur. The total population of Persia may have dropped from 2,500,000 to 250,000 as a result of mass extermination and famine.”

”6000 years old country” my ass. LMFAO.

There is also no quds force or whatsoever in TR kid, there are only spies which are being caught regularly and being sent to jail or to that shithole called iran.Last week 11 of them were caught and sent to prison.

Emad Irani

can you tell me the looking of your people who look like Arabs, Persian, Greeks, Russian and Mongols mixed together?


No proplem , we are a nation not a race. What about you Emad , first Seljuk Turks came and raped most of you , then mongols destroyed 90% of your race , f*cked the rest – What do you see when you look at yr peoples face ? Do you see us and some mongols together ?

Concrete Mike

At leat modern iran isnt a prostitute to gloablism like turkey is.


LMFAO. ‘Modern Iran’! is that a joke ? Ore are you another pink assed socialist trying to promote a backwards country which even you can not live in ?

Concrete Mike

Nothing wrong with a bit of socialism my capitalist pig!

I was very serious when i said modern Iran, they did put some sattelites in space and they make good missiles and drones. How much more modern does it have to be so your ignorant ass recognizes it!

Your blinded by hate and shekels. Your a pathetic small petty individual.

Your job is to troll on the internet on behalf of turkey.

Why you supposrting jabhat al.nusrah anyways?? Wtf is wrong with you guys?

Fucken morrons!


Everything is wrong with socialism if it supports another backwards and crooked regyme just because it hates capitalism. You people are so blind and intellecually limited to support a mediveal regyme with imperial ambitions just because it confronts another evil state like USA. You are a bunch of morons trying to run into a burning house while you are trying to escape from a blizzard.

”Atefeh was arrested after being raped by a 51-year-old man. She was convicted for crimes against chastity. During her alleged torture she admitted to being raped repeatedly by the 51-year-old ex-revolutionary guard turned taxi-driver Ali Darabi. Darabi was a married man with children at the time.[2]

Atefeh had been raped by Ali Darabi over a period of 3 years without her family being aware.[3] While in prison she was further allegedly tortured and raped by prison guards. She told this to her grandmother who visited her saying that afterwards she could only walk on all fours because of the pain.

She was executed a week after being sentenced to death ”

She was 16 years old when she was hanged


Fucking moron , this is yr ‘modern iran’ , now take your daughter and go live there instead of barking from a western state and telling us how bad capitalism is.

Emad Irani

no I don’t see anything because we are a race idiot. United States of America also call itself a nation look at their different races, same goes to Turkey. not a race, but a united nation nothing more. Like I said, looking like Greeks, Russian, Arabs, Persian, Mongols and Armenian or Georgian this is the Nation called Turkey…


You are a bit confused arent you ? On one hand you are claiming that you are from Tabriz , your supreme leader is a Turk , on the other hand you say that Iranians are a race. Can you tell me how all Iran can be a race when only 50% of todays iran is iranians only ?

Mongols razed 90% of you , and raped the remanining 250k. All todays Iran is the kin of this 250.000 , but you are a race, very pure. Ok . Sure. LMFAO.


Yr ”quds force” is embassy staff over 50 years of age , mate . They are not elite soldiers , and if they were good spies they wud not be caught either. Of course you have no idea about their arrest , because your goverment hides its failures from you .

And if I were you I would rather worry about 20 million Turks in Iran protesting iran on every occasion . They seem to be more dangerous than some 50+ year old spies.

Here is map of Turkish Seljuk empire. 1040 – 1256 AD. Where is your 6000 years old state in this map ? Let me tell you , under Turkish dominion . LMFAO.



Yr ”quds force” is embassy staff over 50 years of age , mate . They are not elite soldiers , and if they were good spies they wud not be caught either. Of course you have no idea about their arrest , because your goverment hides its failures from you .

And if I were you I would rather worry about 20 million Turks in Iran protesting iran on every occasion . They seem to be more dangerous than some 50+ year old spies.

Here is map of Turkish Seljuk empire. 1040 – 1256 AD. Where is your 6000 years old state in this map ? Let me tell you , under Turkish dominion . LMFAO. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a9cacd680e94e6264dfa6cc2149a728dbc245f00af62f3672dbce6ffe18c8d5c.png

Emad Irani

Just like I said again, I am from Tabriz, and a football team doesn’t represent the other 20 milion Turks, beside that the supreme leader himself is from Tabriz a small city called Khamene which is also his name (Khamenei), dear Idiot.

Quds Force are from 20 to 80 years old, different languages different citizenship around the world. Dear Idiot, those people managed to establish and build Hezbollah, Ansarallah, Hashd al Shaabi, they managed to keep Assad in power while you dreamed to pray in Aleppo hahahaha


So both you and your supreme leader are not ethnically persian. But you were telling you were a race ? LMFAO. Thanks for the info . Why you guys are so confused ?

Dear moron , it is not hezbullah or any other ragtag militia of yours who kept Assad in power . Your people and Assad was being mopped by almost everyone in Syria before Russian arrived. Thats the ‘success’ you are bragging with.

Ah yes , you will conquer all Turkey with 50+ year old spies working in Iranian Embassy , you have a grand network of quds force in turkey which TR is not aware of , MIT does not know what kind of passports etc they have . Everyone is stupid , you and yr fanatical leadership are the only clever ones in the world. And those 20 million Turks in Iran love you a lot although you call them ”Khar Turk . ”

Forget conquering all Middle East withg yr ragtag militia , consider yrself lucky if Iran does not fall into 3 pieces with in the next decade or two.


Yes right , try to sugarcoat yr invasion with clumsy fairy tales like above. LMFAO – Come on, also deny that Seljuk Empire was a sunni one but not a shia.

They came from the east , invaded you in full . They created a sunni empire whose nobility , managing class and military were consisting Turks , while you were belly dancers, poets and tradesman with in that empire.

Turkish invasion

”Seljuq, also spelled Seljuk, ruling military family of the Oğuz ,Turkic tribes that invaded southwestern Asia in the 11th century and eventually founded an empire that included Mesopotamia, Syria, Palestine, and most of Iran. Their advance marked the beginning of Turkish power in the Middle East.”


Seems that brittanica does not know the difference between Turkis and Turkish , but you do ..

Language :

”Salchuq (also Seljuk) is an extinct Turkic variety spoken in Iran. It was probably a dialect of Azerbaijani.[1] The name comes from the Seljuk Turks, who brought Turkic dialects to Persia and Anatolia. It mostly likely broke off from the Oghuz languages in 1000’s.[3]” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salchuq_language

Turkic ” certain Turkic peoples share, to varying degrees, non-linguistic characteristics like cultural traits, ancestry from a common gene pool, and historical experiences.[3] The most notable modern Turkic-speaking ethnic groups include Turkish people, Azerbaijanis, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Turkmens, Kyrgyz and Uyghur people.


So what were you saying about Seljuk empire , the language and difference between Turkic and Turkish ?

Why you post the map of a Turkish empire at its peak and try to pass it as Persian ? Why you guys lie so much ?


So lets recap where we are ;

From yr quotation , ”The most notable modern Turkic-speaking ethnic groups include Turkish people, Azerbaijanis, Uzbek” Now do you see how Turkic and Turkish are the same group and classified under same context , but not different groups as you claimed . If you believe this proves yr poing , you live in a fantasy world, may be you shud go back and read once again what you have claimed 2 comments ago.

Now do you also accept that they it was a sunni empire with a Turkish ruling class and military ?

-”The Seljuk power was indeed at its zenith under Malikshāh I, and both the Qarakhanids and Ghaznavids had to acknowledge the overlordship of the Seljuks.[45] The Seljuk dominion was established over the ancient Sasanian domains, in Iran and Iraq, and included Anatolia, Syria, as well as parts of Central Asia and modern Afghanistan.[45] The Seljuk rule was modelled after the tribal organization common in Turkic and Mongol nomads and resembled a ‘family federation’ or ‘appanage state”


We both know that , Persia was invaded by Turks who also emposed their religious sect ( sunni ) to the locals being the invaders . With time , a Turco-Persian culture was created as you can see from your own post . Almost all Iran was invaded by Turks , who emposed their religion to you , stripped you from ruling class and military leadership but you are still speaking about passing Zagros and fooling yourself.

There is no race called Turkic Persian as you claimed as well . And you could never expand to west after being dominated by Seljuks – West of Iran and Anatolia was banned for you, and it still is.

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