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Three Indian Soldiers Dead Following Fist Fight Against Chinese Soldiers In Border Escalation

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Three Indian Soldiers Dead Following Fist Fight Against Chinese Soldiers In Border Escalation

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On June 15th, an escalation took place between Indian and Chinese soldiers at Galwan Valley in Ladakh, a disputed border region.

As a result of clashes, 1 Indian officer and 2 soldiers died. The Indian side said that China also lost soldiers, but it is unclear how many.

Indian army sources say the soldiers were not shot but were killed in hand-to-hand combat on Indian Territory.

There was no shootout or gunshot wounds, say sources. “There was no firing. No firearms were used. It was violent hand-to-hand scuffles,”

The army statement said: “During the de-escalation process underway in the Galwan Valley, a violent face-off took place yesterday night with casualties on both sides. The loss of lives on the Indian side includes an officer and two soldiers. Senior military officials of the two sides are currently meeting at the venue to defuse the situation.”

On June 16th, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said that on June 15th “Indian troops seriously violated our consensus and twice crossed the border line for illegal activities and provoked and attacked Chinese personnel which lead to serious physical conflict between the two sides.”

“China has lodged strong protest and representation with the India side, and we once again we solemnly ask the India side to follow our consensus and strictly regulate its front line troops and do not cross the line and do not stir up troubles or take unilateral moves that may complicate matters,” Zhao added. “We both agreed to resolve this issue through dialogue and consolation and make efforts for easing the situation and upholding peace and tranquility in the border area.”

He didn’t mention any Chinese casualties.

Following the incident, Indian Defense Minister Rajnath Singh held a meeting with Chief of Defense Staff (CDS) General Bipin Rawat, the three military chiefs and External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar to discuss the situation.

Indian and Chinese soldiers have been locked in a standoff for weeks at Pangong Tso, Galwan Valley, Demchok and Daulat Beg Oldie in eastern Ladakh.

A significant number of Chinese army personnel even transgressed into the Indian side of the Line of Actual Control or the de-facto border in several areas including Pangong Tso.

After weeks of face-off including an incident in which patrolling soldiers from the two sides came to blows on the banks of Pangong Lake, resulting in injuries, friction eased following talks.

China reportedly opposes the Indian construction of roads and air strips in the area. After years of neglect Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government has pushed for improving connectivity and by 2022, 66 key roads along the Chinese border should be built.


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Zionism = EVIL

As I wrote a few weeks ago, the Jew cunts and dumbass Americunt warmongers are pushing piss weak and shitty India into “challenging” China, the Indian morons are no match for the rearmed and modernized PLA which is 100 times more deadly than the PLA that humiliated and routed Indians in 1962. Indian idiots pushed 500 meters into Chinese territory to test the PLA, while I guess the fuckers learnt a key lesson swift and fast. FUCK WITH CHINA AT YOUR OWN PERIL.


Zionism = EVIL


Assad must stay

i would like to know how they are pushing india to challenge china, whats in it for india?

Zionism = EVIL

Like our friend Satellite wrote, Modi is a Jew installed cunt and a illiterate dumbass who makes the goat fucker Erdogan look like a genius. The Americunt arseholes want to push India into a totally suicidal war with China. The fuckers don’t understand that if the Indians commit an insane act, the Pakistanis will march into Kashmir as we saw their JF-17 Thunders on live TV blast the Indians out of the skies. My advice is Never Mess With a Country That Has Yak Cavalry.


US just recognized the independence of Tibet . Next step is the provide flow of weapons and ammo to Tibet via Sikkim region to start an armed resistance in Tibet against Chinese ,but the final step will be creating a regular route to deliver these weapons to Uyghur autonomous zone. Sikkim range is where these disturbances take place.Hell will break lose there with in 2 or 3 decades tops.

Whats in it for India ? A China dealing with armed unrests in multiple fronts will bring huge advantages to India including a leverage on Pakistan.

Zionism = EVIL

That is wishful thinking by the Americunt dumbasses. You kids don’t understand China or their thinking. China is building alliances all over and was the first to come to Iran’s aid without any condition and has earned immense respect in Iran. The Pakistanis are already allied to China in CPEC multi-billion dollar projects, and their population also hates the Americunts.


USA has no chance as too remote to USA in particular no sea access where USA is strong. This area is landlocked close to China so totally under ther influence.

If USA could not support Tibet in 1951 when China (CCP) invaded it and the PLA was backwards and USA was a mighty force, there is no way USA can do anything now.

USA do well maintaining a military + puppet foothold in Afganistan, but they will not wield influence in Tibet or Uyghur, these areas are firmly under CCP control.


Maybe to be the teachers pet of the US.

Ashok Varma

Modi is an extremist and a darling of US business interests and is a small minded vain man who is being manipulated by the usual suspects.

Bobby Twoshoes

More pertinent question is what’s in it for Modi and his cronies personally? (Hint; it rhymes with money)

Assad must stay

haha i wonder how that money will be useful if india gets destroyed

Bobby Twoshoes

By that time he’ll be granted asylum and living in the US.


To maintain the little remaining control India has over the Himalaya water sources.

Both countries, India and China need to ensure control of the Himalaya water sources for their huge populations. Currently China in a commanding position having control well into India side of the Himalayas. Who has control of the Himalaya water sources can feed their own nation and kill the other one by dessication. Control of the Himalayas is a matter of life and death. Peaceful sharing through diplomatic water sharing agreements is unlikely as their is not enough water to go around the huge countries that source from the Himalayas / Tibet.

Tibet is the Water Tower of Asia. Very smart move the Chinese Communist Party did invading Tibet in 1951, shortly after Britain had left and while India still young as an independent nation so could not support Tibet. Tibetan rivers are known as the water tower of Asia. They flow into some of the densely populated countries in Asia: India, China, Bangladesh, Burma, Nepal, Bhutan and many other Southeast Asian countries.

Assad must stay

Wow I never heard of wars being fought over water


Yep water conflicts all over the place. Sometimes in TV documentaries. e.g.

– USA dried up the Colorado river than used to run into Mexico.

– Israel vs Palestine; the wall makes sure water is on the Israel side. – Turkey paronoia vs Kurds is a lot to do with maintaning control of the Euphrates

– Israel occupation of the Syria Golan heights after its swift victory in the 1967 war. – Egypt complaining about new Ethiopia dam. Watch this, can easily escalate.

Liberal guy

Until mao and his scums were there China was ruled by the zionist but things are different now

Zionism = EVIL

The Jew cunts tried again in the 90’s to co-opt China but failed, the Chinese don’t like Jews and have had bad experiences.

Liberal guy

Ya true

Liberal guy

I hope there won’t be a firefight or things will go very ugly

Zionism = EVIL

No, I was just watching some Indian channels and even their “military analysts” are cautioning the idiot Modi as they understand the strength of China. The British cunts are the ones jumping up and down the most.

Liberal guy

Long live the queen

Zionism = EVIL

yep, the limey cunts are dying in the streets and old rotten cunt of a “queen” is spending $200 million on a new yacht. That is how greedy and inhuman the Anglo bastards are.

Liberal guy

Am also a Indian i dont want my country to go with war with anybody and warmongers like iron zion only understands the language of the sword

Zionism = EVIL

It will destroy your economy and tear your country apart. India used to be a role model for non-aligned anti-imperialist nations. Now look what the CIA arseholes and Jews have done by bringing in a RSS extremist like Modi.

Liberal guy

I live here I know the worst conditions in the world is in india more worst than the African nations

Zionism = EVIL

I know, I was there a decade ago when Manmohan Singh was the PM and was selling India the drain to Bilderberg Jews and this Modi is the lowest gutter rat around. India has the worst income disparity and the shitty caste system expounds the socio-economic problems. Now the Jews and Americunts are hell bent on fucking it up completely. Quite sad, since at one stage there was hope.

Liberal guy

In this era the most insanity is in india in the whole world. I hope their is diplomatic solution for this. Rip to our hero’s.

Liberal guy

Recently zio Yankee jets are falling from the sky a Yankee f-15 crashed in England with its pilot killed and plus their so called the most sophisticated jets f22s and f35s falling from the sky so much for the zio invincibility it’s true that they are maximum 30% of their power of what they pretend to be

Zionism = EVIL

Like I have been telling you guys, it is Hollywood bullshit, the Americunts are not worth a crap as Korea, Vietnam even Afghanistan attest to. Why do think they don’t fuck with Iran?

Liberal guy

So true

Liberal guy

Well yesterday night coward king khalid airbase had an bombarment from the yemani houthis 6 f15s and a f16 is destroyed along with others losses. Houthi suicide drones carried the raid for the al saud cowards wahhabis scums from me is hahahahaha u fools

Liberal guy

Well they are not as powerful as the conspiracy theorists say only maximum 30% of what they pretend to be and thats also maximum of their actual strength


Now the dumb moron Modi will blame muslim and pakistan for their loses lol

Zionism = EVIL


Specialized PLA high Altitude special forces in NEFA with Russian troops.


Modi is a true Indian patriotic hero, he will order to wipe the floor with the filthy Paki terrorists and their communist friends.

Zionism = EVIL

Says the Iraqi Jew cunt who is really a confused self-hating Arab.

Liberal guy

This bastard iron zion is a disgrace to the Jewish people

Traiano Welcome

I though he was an American puppet.

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, installed by the CIA as he is a Hindu extremist of the RSS, which is like the Zionists or Wahhabi headchoppers. The Americunt evil scum always pick the worst cunts as their agents look around from Saudis to Zionists.


Zip it you Zionist prick,they are Indians not Pakistanis you ignorant twat.


Do you have a reading problem in addition to your low IQ? read again what I wrote.


Moses was an Egyptian.

Ashok Varma

This Zion now claims to be an Iraqi “Jew” which in essence makes him an Arab in genealogy.


I am not an Arab, we already discussed it.

Raptar Driver

Egyptian by nationality, Hebrew by birth.

Liberal guy

Hahahahaha u fool

Liberal guy

Tyrant like u is a disgrace to the Jewish people

Lazy Gamer

Chinese kung fu has surpassed Indian kung fu. lol

Zionism = EVIL


Liberal guy

Irony is marital arts started from Kerala India. Rip for our Indian hero’s


Lovely. Next step ; China doing the same thing to Russians with in a decade or two.

Zionism = EVIL

Indians are the real cunts in this case, their Modi has been installed by the CIA with Zionist support and they have been provoking China in a mistaken belief that the Americunts will save them. India is a third world shithole while China is the only superpower now. I don’t think the Indian military will allow Modi the illiterate tea stall boy to take on China in a swan song war. The PLA today is a modern first rate military. The Chinese defeated the Americunts in Korea right after their revolution and then routed India in 1962, when the PLA was relatively weaker with only a few modern Russian weapons like the copy of Mig 19, called J-6 or Farmer C in NATO designation. Today, China has the world’s most modern airforce and its artillery systems are largest and would obliterate anyone in a matter of hours. India is a dirt poor country in the middle of the Pimpeo virus, so I don’t think even Modi the fuckwit will escalate. If you go the Pakistani media, they are already backing China and would love to whack India at the same time in Kashmir. In short, the Indians are fucked.


Indians are simply under Anglo Saxon influence , and God knows what they have been promised by US/Britain for creating a logistics route to Tibet-Uyyhur Zone via Sikkim. But if China fails in this conflict , the region will burn .

But this will not change the fact that China and Russia will sooner or later drawn into conflicts. Historically China claims authority on Mongolia and then Siberia. Once China solves its domestic problems , they will remember their historical claims.

Zionism = EVIL

The Indians have a acute inferiority complex dating back to the Anglo Raj, before that they were ruled by Turks and Persians so their Islamophobia, which the Jew cunts and Anglo’s are trying to exploit, but I believe it is too late. If you look at Turkish, Iranian and Pakistani statements on Kashmir and East Turkestan (Xinjiang) they are very similar, so China will have to ease up on the Uighur or will face a insurgency. However, Indian atrocities in Kashmir are really appalling. They have killing school kids, raping children and depopulating the region, that is why Erdogan, Imran Khan and Rouhani all took a unified stand at the OIC, interesting as all three are leaders of non-Arab powerful states. The Saudi whores, UAE pimps and Zionist cunts are the biggest supporters of India.

Liberal guy

The world political balance is being completely changed into a rout by the zio british scums or the albions which is there real name. Since last 250 years. the saxon tribe is one of the most cunning and chaotic tribes.

Zionism = EVIL

True, these Anglo’s are retarded evil cunts, just look at the Americunt burning racist shithole. They survived 200 years by ripping everyone from China, India to Africa and now that does not work.


Indians cruising for a bruising.

Ashok Varma

Only Modi and his US handlers, most Indians just want peace as our economy is in recession and the coronavirus is getting worse.

Liberal guy

We both are Indians. We don’t war with anybody but if anyone attacks our army we will reply. I hope their is a diplomatic solution for this we both don’t like wars. Jai hind.

Liberal guy

Rip for our heros

Traiano Welcome

Now that’s real MMA. Not that pussy stuff you get in the cage …

Anthony Papagallo

The producers of the finest Take-Away food in the world, Jalfrezi and Dim Sum should avoid a war. It would be a culinary catastrophe for Deliveroo and Uber eats.




Everybody was kung fu fight-ting.HUUHH!

I’m probably going to he’ll for making light of this but I couldn’t resist.


Those cats were fast as lightening. Hah! In fact it was a little bit frightening. Huh! Actually it is a little funny/odd. With all the weapons who even thinks about hand to hand combat any more?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

It’s not the USA ffs. Those muppets are bred to have a gun, makes them feel they can defend themselves, which when you are 20 stone and addicted to opioids, you need someone to do that for you, lol.

That’s what men do, fight with bare knuckles.


LOL. Just because you beat up your little sister doesn’t mean you are tough. Give her a gun and let’s see how big you talk.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The Chinese and Indians aren’t using guns, are you saying they are fighting their little sisters?

I don’t need no pussy to lecture me about hand to hand, I live in the real world. 90% of people around the world fight with their hands. Guns weren’t about during most of humanities time on Earth. Not in a shithole where people think their hand is for wanking.


NO you are the idiot pussy. We are not talking about a bar fight dumbass. We are talking about modern warfare and modern armies. How stupid can you be. Only a dumbass would think that this kind of fighting among todays militaries is normal. RETARD. Now go beat your little sister some more so you can feel like a big man.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Read the article you prick, its about hand to hand combat between the Chinese and Indian troops.

I beat your little sister along with a legion of other troops, five bucks she suck good.


Yes, TROOPS you dumbass. Read the article yourself. That kind of combat is not normal for TROOPS. Get a brain you girl fighter.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

It’s quite normal for soldiers to engage in unarmed combat, you twat. That’s why they are called fighting men. Only gay dudes like yourself can’t see that.


B.S. you retard. It is NOT normal. We don’t live in the stone ages. I guess you think Russia is using their bare hands in Syria. Yea, I’m happy but you are apparently a faggot.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You are happy being a faggot, keep it up.

Now fuck off to your usual dating site, cos I’m not interested in having relations with you.


Apparently you are since you keep posting. But I’m truly not interested.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You are interested you cock sucker, why keep posting to me otherwise!

Now go to your usual gay site and crawl for fellow sodomites there.


LMAO. Boy, you are really mad aren’t you. LOL.


And stupid because he thinks that modern armies still normally fight with sticks and stones.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You really are a cock sucker, now go trawl the gay sites you usually infest.

Blocked for being a reptile sexual predator, and cock sucker.


LOL. Not everyone is like your daddy.

Ashok Varma

Modi’s provocative policies are pushing India to the brink. Even our opposition is cautioning against any escalation as a war will destroy the Indian economy which is in recession and also invite a two front war with Pakistan in Kashmir.


Stop being so afraid of wars, you have one of the biggest armies in the world and no one can face you. Start being a patriot and defend your land instead of crying about wars, show China and Pakistan you are strong and ready to face them to protect your interests. Stand tall with pride.

Daily Beatings

Three nuclear armed nations going to war. What could possible go wrong? You’re an idiot.


That’s the thing, no nuclear weapons will be used. It will be a pure conventional war since all sides know what a nuclear war means, and ofcourse India can take them both in a conventional war. Do not under estimate them, China is mostly a show off force.

Daily Beatings

“That’s the thing, no nuclear weapons will be used.”

Until they are, then it’s too late. There are no mulligans.


India just needs to kick out every Pakistani force from Kashmir and they can do it, that is also true to the disputed area with China. No one will use nukes for border disputes, only if it is an existential threat.

Daily Beatings

Thank (insert deity of your choice) that you’re just a troll with no power to influence foreign policy of India.


Well that is what I believe in, if I could I would apply it to the Palis too.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You were just waiting for 2000 years to pass before trying, cowardly muppet.


You might win war against tribes with flags (aka Arabic countries) but I wouldn’t advise you to mess around in Central Asia, wisely Israel never attacked Iran and now you want to attack China? Play less Risiko


Be careful about underestimating the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). After being in a losing position in the longest conflict of the 20th century; the Chinese Civil War 1927-1949; they emerged victorious against the capitalist Kuomintang (still holding out in Taiwan, the sea saved them).

PLA also fought a brutal war against USA in Korea in the 50’s. Before driving the Americans into the sea, it ran out of steam as their tech was behind so their logistics could not keep up. The PLA also won a border war against Vietnam in late 70’s.

The PLA has the history and spirit to fight, for a long time under hard conditions. And now they have the tech + money to match.

Raptar Driver

Don’t think they won that border war against Vietnam.


yes it was not a convincing victory by the PLA especially as Vietnam did not put all its effort into it. But PLA advanced and retreated on their terms and secured s small border expansion in the subsequent peace, So overall was a victory.

Raptar Driver

As I recall China invaded Vietnam because Vietnam was occupying Cambodia. Vietnam threw them back and continued to occupy Cambodia until they decided to leave. Sorry in my opinion this is a loss for China.

cechas vodobenikov

wide consensus you are correct

Swift Laggard II

coward, or wumao, or both. India must stand up to the red bully


Its 20 now

Jabbar Abbo


cechas vodobenikov

I am not qualified to assign blame—I do prefer the Indian uniforms in any case….hopefully these squabbles will soon be resolved—escalation only benefits the USA

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