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Three Leakers Of Classified White House Information Said To Be Identified, Expected To Be Fired

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

As reported over the weekend, having returned from his first foreign trip president Trump is preparing a “war room” in response to the barrage of Russian news blanketing the media, and plans to restructure the White House communications strategy and possibly staffing.

There have been rumors around Washington that press secretary Sean Spicer’s job is in danger (and that Jared Kushner, the focus of much of the latest newsflow, may be forced to take a “step back“) but the White House has denied these rumors. In an interview with Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro earlier this month, Trump said Spicer has been “doing a good job but he gets beat up.”

But the biggest issue plaguing the White House at this moment is the seemingly relentless leakage of confidential information surrounding Trump’s activities, with Trump administration officials saying last week the recent high-profile leaks of classified information are “coordinated and timed.”

And in a new development, CBS News has confirmed that three leakers of classified information at the White House have been identified and are expected to be fired.

According to CBS, “officials within the Trump White House believe leaks of Mr. Trump’s conversation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov are a “deliberate attempt” by officials who are holdovers from President Obama’s administration and are trying to damage the Trump presidency.

Last week, the Trump campaign released an email to supporters entitled “SABOTAGE,” in which the campaign said, “There are people within our own unelected bureaucracy that want to sabotage President Trump and our entire America First movement.”

The White House has yet to announce any terminations or staff reallignment. Instead, overnight Trump took another swipe at reports that his Twitter privileges may be removed, saying that “the Fake News Media works hard at disparaging & demeaning my use of social media because they don’t want America to hear the real story!”

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eric zweistein

One of the leakers seems to be CBS, otherwise why would they report on an ongoing – and one can only hope – confidential, internal investigation?

Alex Black

CBS are not ‘leakers,’ they promote the distribution of leaked information, but they do not leak as they have no access to secret info.

eric zweistein

If an administration wants to be taken halfway serious, they do internal investigations as internal investigations are done: nobody even knows an investigation is going on, until arrests have been made.

But all administrations in all zionized nations are just there for mockery, and seen this way CBS and all the rest of zionstream media do their job very well indeed.

Alex Black

that is pretty conspiratorial and controversial.

William Gutgesell

Zionized? not familiar with that one.Trump has connections in TV,he should have a State run news site so he can ‘tell the real story’ and not complain about fake news,just like TASS.

Alex Black

People leaking information in an attempt to effect national policy should be tried for treason and executed.


Agreed. Cant believe that the Free Speech act can cover treasonry.

Alex Black

Whistleblowers laws shouldn’t protect these kinds of people. Sally Yates, should be charged with treason, so should every other person who worked under false pretenses to undermine the president and the nation/

Gary Sellars

Fired? Why not prosecuted????

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