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Three More Turkish Soldiers Killed In Greater Idlib: Erdogan

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Three More Turkish Soldiers Killed In Greater Idlib: Erdogan

FILE PHOTO: Turkish soldiers seen at the border town of Akcakale © Reuters / Murad Sezer

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan acknowledged on February 27 that three more Turkish service members had been killed in Syria’s Greater Idlib region.

“We have three martyrs, let them rest in peace. But on the other hand, the regime’s losses are very big,” Erdogan said in a speech in his ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party headquarter in Ankara, according to Reuters.

The Turkish President didn’t provide any details on how the Turkish soldiers were killed by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA). The army artillery stuck a convoy of the Turkish military in southern Idlib a day earlier. The soldiers may have been killed in the shelling.

With Erdogan’s announcement, the number of Turkish soldiers killed by the SAA in Greater Idlib has risen to 21. The death of two soldiers was announced late on February 26.

The number of Turkish casualties is expected to increase very soon. Opposition sources reported new attacks by the SAA on Turkish forces in Greater Idlib, including a strike on a position in the town of Baluon in the southern part of the region.

According to the SMART News Agency, the strike killed and injured many Turkish service members and destroyed several heavy vehicles. A video showing a damaged Turkish convoy near Baluon was also shared by activist.

In order to make up for its losses, the Turkish Ministry of National Defense is claiming the killing and injuring of dozens and even hundreds of SAA personnel without providing any proof.

Greater Idlib will likely witness more escalation between the SAA and Turkish forces. Ankara is still actively supporting the remaining militants in the region, including those affiliated with al-Qaeda’s factions.

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Hanny Benny

good! thanx 2 genius no-CAS sultan to sacrifice his soldiers like toilet paper :) :)

turkey = REAL ISIS !!! (500 years of aggressive devsirme childabduction) turkey HAS TO GET SHATTERED 4 PEACE !!!

klove and light


then why the fuck did Putin make Agreement after Agreement allowing turkish Islamist motherfuckers invading and occupying afrin, Idlib and North east syria???

because Putin is a treacherous Zionist pig!


If Putin were a zionist pig, which you may well be (spreading disinfo), Syria would have been destroyed 5 years ago.

good american

When I see the commentators name I think ‘oh look, it’s Putin Is a Zionist Pig’. Always the same. :(


You are correct sir.

Jens Holm

I agree. Trump might parashute Mexicans there and UN only pigs for food.

Jens Holm

I allow me to add that our billions pigs are the best food for most parts of the world and even loved in their short lives.

They are more human then many named as human. They also emmigrated to us even before Islam was there. Some Jews didnt like them as well.


I can never make sense of your wandering keyboard.


Jens is a legend in his own mind, Ruca.


Surely he is. Or perhaps a poorly programmed bot.


You have a point there :)


You’re a broken record, you are still saying this when this much territory has been gained by the SAA. Fuck you either an idiot or a disnfo Western or Israeli troll, either way get the fuck out.

Jens Holm

Things from him are facts. You deny facts. He is not clever enogh to be a troll. You give him that dirty coat. Much as if its Your own if You got a lot of oxygene.

I dont like him at all as well as most oppinions of his, but he has rqual right to agree or disagree as well as You bring bised crap of the worst kind right here … again.

None say he is forced reading.


Facts!? Bwahahahahaha ha ha!!!!

Jens Holm

Very strange putting in zionist and even our belowed pigs in that.

Assads would not give YPGs a millimeter of own influence and demanded their old offices open immidiatly and the YPG one closed.

Russia tryed hard to bend those 2 parts but gave up.

Its very easy. If Assad not has Afrin Puting easier can control Assad and the rest. You might have noticed Assads also have big problems in the taken parts.

Hanny Benny

to weaken the turks against the NATO and to bring them in this non-NATO-supported fight without CAS

turkey was and is a part of NATO to shatter it you have to take it first out

Jens Holm

I hope at least someone is happy about it and they are too, when next is friends and families of theirs. “WE already make new ones”. Thats fun. ha ha.

It seemes to be a part of Your systems.


Retard is writing again from the sewers of Copenhagen.

klove and light


Home Syria Turkey requests access from Russia to use armed drones in Syria’s airspace SyriaTurkey Turkey requests access from Russia to use armed drones in Syria’s airspace By News Desk – 2020-02-27 0

BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:10 P.M.) – Turkey and Russia are reportedly in talks about Ankara using armed and unarmed drones in Syria’s airspace. READ ALSO: Turkish Military Filmed Attacking Syrian Army During Militant Offensive in Idlib – Video

Citing Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar, Reuters reported that Ankara is experiencing issues because they are not able to access Syria’s airspace with their unmanned aerial vehicles. Speaking to reporters in parliament, Akar said Ankara was “hopeful” about ongoing talks between Turkish and Russian officials in Ankara over the northwestern Idlib region, where Turkey’s military is backing militants against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) Akar also said he would speak with U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper by telephone later on Thursday, broadcaster NTV said. Akar’s request to Russia comes a day after the Syrian air defense forces shot down an armed Turkish drone over the Idlib countryside.

If Turkey gets the green light by Putin to use UAV´s in syrias airspace…… SAA and Hezbollah should storm Khmeimim Air Base and hold russian Military accountable…for each dead SAA and or hezbollah member .. tit for tat 1 russian Military personal dies to.

Putin u fucking treacherous Zionist pig……. YOU let them turkish scum into syria… ..100% blame is on puitins shoulders… all this bs regarding Turkey and syria started with the teracherous Agreement between Putin and erdogan on afrin.period. the bs “deescalation” Agreement between Turkey and Putin in Idlib, allowing turkish scum invading and occupying Idlib is just mind boggling…….

For the donks and smart asses here….. the Idlib Agreement betwween Russia, and Turkey(READ READ and THINK THINK) Astana format-idlib 1. Reaffirmed their strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic as well as to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and highlighted that these principles should be universally respected and complied with; 2. Rejected in this regard all attempts to create new realities on the ground, including illegitimate self-rule initiatives, under the pretext of combating terrorism, and expressed their determination to stand against separatist agendas aimed at undermining the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria as well as threatening the national security of neighboring countries; 3. Expressed their opposition to the illegal seizure and transfer of oil revenues that should belong to the Syrian Arab Republic;

well gets go through These signed Agreements…

1. Reaffirmed their strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic as well as to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and highlighted that these principles should be universally respected and complied with;

PUTIN broke his OWN Agreement by making another agrement with turkley for the Invasion and occupation of North east syria.- FACT!!!! Turkey from day 1 has been Breaking this Agreement.FACT!!!!

2. it reads “2. Rejected in this regard all attempts to create new realities on the ground, including illegitimate self-rule initiatives…..”

broken by Turkey from day 1. FACT!!!!!

3. 3. Expressed their opposition to the illegal seizure and transfer of oil revenues that should belong to the Syrian Arab Republic;

broken by Turkey from day 1….. Turkey bought 99% of oil of ISIS and is currently buying 99% of oil from SDF


PUTIN is a treacherous Zionist pig….. sucking his bro´s bibi´s Zionist cock when ever he gets the order.

death to america death to Israel curse on the jews-the houthi Slogan, the bravest of the brave


I hope RUssia stop pleasing Erdogan.


Go the fuck away you retard.

klove and light


turkish armed Forces filmed atatcking SAA


Hello Internet Explorer


Again you are either an idiot or a disinfo troll straight from Tel-Aviv.

You can call me Al

Just block him – on the top right, see the ” – / down tick …. block the fucker.


Russia should destroy Turkey (NATO member) military weapons and artillery used to attack Syria army. However, it looks like Russia will continue pleasing Erdogan.

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

“Martyrs”. Martyrs for nothing but Erdogan’s ego and psychoses. They died for nothing.

Xoli Xoli

Whi cares how many Turkeys killed.

Jens Holm

Coffin makers might die:)

Tim Williams

current map of the southern area


You can call me Al

In 12 hrs?. Nice.

Xoli Xoli

Putin the Lieutenant colonel of Former Soviet I in mess up .Turkey operation.

Tim Williams



Peter Jennings

Whilst Erdogan’s hero’s retake the small area of Saraqib, they are losing territory in southern Idlib which will inevitably cut the M4 highway, leaving the terrorist with a road to nowhere.


Turkey is in a self-inflicted painful position taking such high casualties with a very weak economy and severe internal political and ethnic divisions. The US with a population of over 200 million in the Vietnam conflict and with the world’s largest economy then, could not fight on and accepted defeat. Turkish military high command and any rational politicians should put a quick end to Erdogan’s quixotic fantasies of creating a neo-Ottoman empire by annexing a large part of Syria. It is simply not possible in 2020.

Tim Williams

ISIS rats nabbed



Lets us hope that the rats have a few stories to tell about US aid.

You can call me Al

Funny you say that – https://journal-neo.org/2020/02/27/why-is-u-s-focused-on-killing-leaders-of-terrorists-these-days/


This video will interest you ,I think, Al.

This what the UK sensors are desperate for us not to see.


You can call me Al

I would say thanks but to be honest I wished I had not seen it. Bastards that do this and I blame the US and Turkey amongst numerous others.


Methinks they’ll be dead shortly

Tim Williams

PUTIN not meeting the madman of Ankarra ?


Tim Williams

more than a dozen long range rat artillery pieces snuffed out overnight


20 more to take care off

Tim Williams

4th division mountaintop view


Tim Williams

RuAF bombing near the M4 – M5 crossroads



This is the one post of yours I can see, the others are blank accept for the writing

You can call me Al

Just thought I had the same but give it 10 seconds and then it pops up. Good luck.

Joe Doe

SAA has only Tiger Force reliable. The rest is garbage, do more harm than good. If one unit can’t rely on other units, than fighting war can be very complicated. Many SAA soldiers prefer run than fight. WHat worst is, that they run and leaving military hardware behind.

Tim Williams

Turk long range guns are wreaking havoc … they can not be taken out fast enough

rats are also leaving a lot off ammo behind



For the tinny turkeys : eat something because “Ghiauru mă!”.

Tim Williams

current map


SAA forces continue to push north on multiple thrusts

Tim Williams

counter offensive at the M4 – M5 crossroads underway


Tim Williams

RAT defenses wiped out in the south …


Tim Williams

the battle is on …


Tim Williams

The rats taking the crossroads reminds me a lot of that battle of the bulge in WW 2…. rats pouring everything they have into a narrow sector defended by inferior troops just like the NAZIS did …

Jens Holm

It was no narrow sector in the Ardennes. Iw was 100 km wide.

It became narrow for them. Thats different.

It also wasnt defended by inferior troops. It was made as a calclated risk, where 2 big armies actually was nearbye.

So Nazis had beginners luck. At The Meuse river, which they never reached, there was good troops too. They were prepared to detonate the few bridget but had no hard stuff but very good infantery. Germans had a great lack of infantery and mainly had second and thirs class.

Nazis also know vicrory was not possible if the weather changed and they were attacked by the akied airforces.

Hard to compare anthing like this with the bulge.

Allied narrowed and delayed the on paper overwhelming nazi forces.

The battle might even have been famous for many, that the war wasnt over at all accoring to big losses. West lost as dead and wounded 90.000. Nazis lost about 110.000.

The normal planned loses for Eisenhower, Montgommery and Bradly was 1 to for or at least 1 to one aprt from a few accidents. One to one was a great chock.


37 dead on convoy hit by RuAF.. entire convoy was destroyed.. 50 ended up in turkish hospitals..


““We have three martyrs, let them rest in peace. But on the other hand, the regime’s losses are very big,” Erdogan said in a speech in his ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party headquarter in Ankara, according to Reuters.”…and you Turks can read all about it on Twitter… er, no you can’t…


Is it just me or does Erdogan sound a lot like Trump?

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