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MARCH 2025

Three Turkish Soldiers In Idlib Diagnosed With COVID-19: Report

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Three Turkish Soldiers In Idlib Diagnosed With COVID-19: Report

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Cases of coronavirus have been detected among jihadists, the Syrian Arab Army and the Turkish forces in Idlib, according to Turkish outlet grihat3.

It was announced that the corona virus was detected in three Turkish soldiers. It is alleged that these soldiers were first sent to Reyhanlı and then to Gata and quarantined.

It is not known how many soldiers are infected with the virus since testing could not be made after this incident, which was stated to have occurred approximately a week before March 16th.

The initial report was that three soldiers were treated from a severe flu, but then it turned out to be coronavirus after they were tested for it.

It is estimated that the risk of infection on the battlefield is relatively high, where hygiene conditions are low, as well as most nutrition comes from canned foods.

Furthermore, the virus may have been contracted from jihadists or members of the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army.

The Turkish Armed Forces reportedly sent more healthcare personnel to the battlefield, after the General Staff notified the Turkish Ministry of Defense about the situation.

An unnamed health worker working in the region said that the spread of the virus among soldiers is very high and that serious consequences may occur if emergency measures are not taken.

It is not known exactly what the situation is at the observation posts, that are surrounded by the Syrian Arab Army. Extensive tests cannot be performed, because healthcare personnel cannot safely go to the observation posts.

Furthermore, according to the outlet, there’s widespread coronavirus infections in the Syrian Arab Army, but it’s allegedly attempting to keep the infection rate a secret.

Local independent sources say there are more than 30 quarantined Syrian soldiers.

Furthermore, the outlet reports that Iran-backed fighters who traveled from Iran to Syria and fight on behalf of the Syrian Arab Army may have transmitted the disease.

It is estimated that Turkish soldiers were infected with the virus from the groups that they were in contact with. Because the jihadist passage to Idlib “still continues from time to time.”

As per the outlet, the jihadists of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Uyghur origin are moving with the Turkish Armed Forces.

There is no clear information about the number of corona virus carriers on the front.

There is no information regarding any Russian troops being infected.

While the war that has been going on for years has been locked in Idlib, the corona virus has made all parties panic.

This could assist in reaching a “colder” phase in the conflict, with less escalations, or may push the Syrian Arab Army’s schedule forward, and the offensive to liberate Idlib from militants may be accelerated.


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Assad must stay

Shit keep them away from SAA!


cheers https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7010888fd66c8dd7840cde7c474fe3fac52f7f447d8ed563200f70da7f68691d.jpg

Fair treatment

Absolutely a good beer…??????

Zionism = EVIL

This Jew created virus has been the best advertising for Mexican Corona beer with a twist of Americunt slime.

Ricky Miller

Watered down Mexican beer. For snowflake women, with their cutey little lime in it.


..but..another better option lol https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/367832f62d59e92250b72166cb48fdfcb38bb299433cf8f829b7dc710356efa8.jpg

Assad must stay

haha cheers

Fair treatment

If the virus is in Idlib,nobody will help the jihadists,it will be unbearable for Turkey financially. Look at countries with 10 time more economically power than Turkey, and see how they are struggling to fight the virus. The jihadists are at the mercy of the virus which dosent spare nobody and they have equally chances to die from it.. Now Syrian in Idlib they should take arms and annihilate all jihadists and go to Damascus and come to a deal,. Only Syrian government can help people in Idlib.. not Turkey not USA not Europe.. My country put up 45 billion of euro to fight the virus. And is a population of only 5 million, let find out if Turkey will have the power to help the jihadists. And not only this.. A catastrophic recession is on the way..let find out how Turkey will be able to absorb that while helping terrorists

Zionism = EVIL

The 3 Turkeys must hug Erdogan and kiss him on his ass, he is already infected by fucking goats sweating :)


Free man

Not just Turkey. Countries like Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Iran are in danger of total collapse.

Ricky Miller

Not Syria. They have limited city to city movement because fuel is devoted to military use and buses. Most people there wouldn’t have enough fuel in the tank to make it to the next city. That resource based social distancing will work to retard the infection’s spread and make the consequences more manageable. Lebanon is already near collapse which would leave Hezbollah as probably the last organized institution there and the Revolutionary Guards in Iran have reserve supplies enough to distance themselves and their families for some time. I think you’re right about Iraq though. Both the oil price collapse, the decline in health care services since 2003 and limited trust in institutions might prove fatal to the 2006 constitutional order.

klove and light

so was this the satanic Zionist plan of Putin and his pals????

slow down slow down the SAA offensives…..Keep coming up since 2017 with ever more ridiculous ceasefires and evacuation and deescalation Agreements????? I was well Aware of the “slow down ” process of treacherous Zionist pig Putin from Starters…….and I wrote dozens of comments and i Quote “beware of the wickness and evilness of satanic zionism” !!!! i wrote this Quote atleast 2 dozen times in regards to Idlib and syria as a whole………i wrote and told you 99% brainwashed that all These bs ridiculous pathetic treacherous ceasefire, evacuation and desescaltion Agreements ONLY help one Party…….the headchopeprs and them Forces behind them Controlling them.

Now if this fucking US made bio weapon runs havoc in Idlib…………. …….

the latest terachery by Zionist pig Putin was the OWN Breaking of the latest Agreement by which the fucking headchoppers must leave till march 15. tick tack tick tack…………….march 15 Comes along…..and as every motherfucker, be Living in new Zealand or Kongo or paraquay or iceland KNEW from Starters, the headchoppers with Turkey will not abide by the Agreement.

So what next????? i posted it already here at southfront and i do hope SF Shares it in a SUBSTANTIONAL ARTICLE About These ever more ridiculous agreemmnets.PUTIN gave them headchoppers ADDITIONAL time till 1st April !!!!!!!!!!!!

this is getting more treacherous by the day. add to this bs the fucking Coronavirus……..unfuckingbelievable………….the Right Thing to do now…THE ONLY OPTION that SAA and allied focres have now..to start an IMMEDIATE ALL OUT offensive against the INVADING and OCCUPYING troops….be it HTS, turkish islamic Party or TAF Forces themselves. CLEAN UP before the Coronavirus, in probably 2- 4 weeks runs HAVOC on the troops!!!!! because this could end very very ugly!!!

Zionism = EVIL

The Jew virus is really doing wonders :)

Free man

I just ask that if the vaccine is developed in Russia, US, Israel or one of the other countries you both hate. You and Zio Psycho don’t take it.

Xoli Xoli

USA has the vaccine it wants the virus to be declared pandemic and are waiting lots of people to die before claiming their have discovered the vaccine.But by the way Egypt have discover the cure therefore will be target by USANATO and Israel.

Free man

Sorry but I don’t believe in conspiracy theories. Hundreds will soon die in the US.

Zionism = EVIL

Amen to that punk boy :) UPVOTE, now you are talking.

Free man

Your hatred blinds you. This virus is equally fond of Iranians, Americans, Jews, Muslims and haters like you. It is not racist against anyone.

Zionism = EVIL


Zionism = EVIL

Russian new attack KA-52 Katran helicopters near Idlib base


klove and light

ps.. fuck you brainwashed treacherous Zionist pig Putin Lovers.

death to america death to Israel curse on the jews..the houthi Slogan, the bravest of the brave

Fair treatment

Fu.ck off. Dont you worry when this virus will hit Yemen. They will wish to live and be in western countries and living western life … Western life is the best freedom and democracy.. Look at millions of muslims choose to live in western countries with western traditions. Why they don’t choose muslim countries to immigrate?? Because they realized the truth about Muslim countries.. Cutting heads. Women’s slavery No human life/rights for a woman no liberty to have sex with whom you want and soo on…..etc. No fuck up religious leaders…. Saudi Arabia started to realise as well that you cannot rule a country and people by religion

Free man

The Iranians appear to have exported the virus to Syria as well. Courtesy of their militias. The virus doesn’t distinguish between people. He loves Sunni jihadists, Shiite jihadists and Syrian soldiers equally. If this unnecessary war doesn’t end soon, Corona patients will have to fight each other.

Zionism = EVIL

Jew arsehole, the Iranians have totally controlled the Jew virus. Get with the program you little kike fuck ROFLMAO.

Free man

“the Iranians have totally controlled the Jew virus”-LOL. Dementia is getting worse. Poor old senile zio psycho.

Zionism = EVIL

Dumbass Jew fuck, Iran received instant assistance from its Chinese friends and allies and the situation is totally under control.

در دهان یهودی زشت خود لکه دار شوید.

Free man

So you’re a bilingual senile .

Zionism = EVIL

I speak 10 languages you moron :) and have traveled to over 133 nations and states. Quit bitching about Iran just because your corrupt parents could not hack it there. Te entiendo pequeño maricón

Free man

“I speak 10 languages you moron :) and have traveled to over 133 nations and states.” – All the way from the city of Qom to Tehran. Senile and delusional.

Zionism = EVIL

You ignorant Jew punks should respect the elders. In Persian culture that is highly valued. You were likely raised in a whore house :) Stupid angry Jew punk ROFLMAO.

Free man

The elders in my family never sounded like you. LOL. With an attitude like yours, I’m sure you have no children. Hating people usually live alone with their anger and hatred.

Zionism = EVIL

hahha my son has a PhD in engineering you ignorant brainwashed moron. Your parents are the Iran hating scum who have produced an ignorant faggot :)

Let’s take a look at countries that produce the most graduates of engineering. … Russian Federation produces over 450,000 engineer graduates every year. … Iran’s produces about 230,000 graduates of engineering yearly and almost the same number as US which has three times the population.

Free man

LOL. My family has been very successful in the West thanks to Iran’s resilience and hard work.

Ricky Miller

Go away. Your insults aren’t required for any debate here. You are just a MSM agent here to push the “man’s” narrative onto and into alt news sites and discussions. Iran is suffering but so are countless others, Italy more than any. In the end Iran will be fine.

Free man

My insults are aimed only at those who insult me. Save me your arrogance and hypocrisy.


LOL! it is seen by the way you speak, how “cultivated” you are.

Zionism = EVIL

Thanks :) I am professional soldier/aviator and not much of a smooth talking diplomat ;)

Free man

“LOL! it is seen by the way you speak, how “cultivated” you are.” – You Stupid senile, it wasn’t a compliment.

Zionism = EVIL

Thanks little Jew punk. Upvote for you too,

Concrete Mike

Its himself

Concrete Mike

And who are you to be the arbiter of culture?

Free man

Why do you feel the need to defend the regime that oppresses and kills its Iranian citizens?

Ricky Miller

It’s called law and order. The United States does it too and has the largest prison population in the world by percentage of the population. It’s just that MSM controls the narrative and you can’t see that the U.S. regime that works for the investor class is every bit as oppressive as any government in Iran, that oppression is just hidden in plain sight and has different motives.

Free man

Unfortunately you are blind to what is really happening in Iran.


hahaha, did you read actually iranian news? what told ayatollahs? first time did not lie and prognosed over 3 million death iranians.

nothing is under control in iran.

Concrete Mike

At this point, who cares where the virus is coming from, its loose and coming for everyone, you included.

Your great contribution is what? Speculating that its Irans fault? Your using a medical emergency to pass off your political jibberish that its all Iran’s fault!!!

Way to fucken go there buddy, really classy.

Dont you have anything better to do with yourself? Or are you just some modern day crusader with nothing better to do?

You hate Iran, we get it.

Free man

No. I am against the mullahs regime and what they are doing to Iran.

Ricky Miller

It’s not your choice. It’s the people and institutions of Iran that must choose. And there wouldn’t be a theocratic Iran regime if the United States hadn’t installed a semi-royal dictator there who ruled with secular terror and thuggery and who treated religious people and institutions like a threat that needed blooded consistently.

Free man

Iran’s regime change is the exclusive choice of Iranian citizens living in Iran. I have an opinion on the subject as your have.

Zionism = EVIL

Let’s hope the goat fuckers kiss and hug their Americunt and Jew masters :) Mazal Tov!

Lazy Gamer

Bodies will now be burned on the spot rather than buried. lol

Zionism = EVIL

Russia has doubled its air fleet in Syria with a new airbase dedicated to ground attack; New satellite images reveal Russian base equivalent to Hmeimim Airport in Syria with new SU-25 ground attack and KA-52 helicopters

BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:45 P.M.) – A military base equivalent to the Hmeimim Airbase in northeastern Syria has been revealed by satellite images, the Russian aviation publication Avia.Pro reported.

“Russia has begun to establish in Syria its largest new military air base, which is said to be equipped no less than the Hmeimim Airport, and this has already been confirmed by satellite imagery,” Avia.Pro reported after posting a picture of the Qamishli Airport.


Lazy Gamer

Ah, so the next round wont be limited anymore to the NW. Do they have the manpower for such a wide front?

Zionism = EVIL

I counted 14 new SU-25 Frogfoots, 4 CAP SU-35 and about a dozen KA-52. This is top of the line stuff and the base in 5 minutes ETA vector from the Turkeys, so the antiquated F-16 don’t stand a chance.

Zionism = EVIL

Americunts waited whole night to buy guns rather than food,,,,MORONS!



Maybe the guns are used to get food? :)

klove and light

hahahaah..breakimng News from the united states of brainwshed Zionist america

US public is virtually STORMING the weapon stores…….


https://imgl.krone.at/scaled/2119283/vd518f1/full.jpg https://www.the-sun.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2020/03/NINTCHDBPICT000571061612.jpg https://www.the-sun.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2020/03/NINTCHDBPICT000571061179.jpg

lol…..this could end very very ugly in the states……

Xoli Xoli

Now Klove what is the action plan for having guns.

Zionism = EVIL

The dumb violent Americunts will kill each other for toilet paper and food.

klove and light

this Coronavirus, and the obvious non existent HealthCare System in the USA, and the Police force which clearly do not represent the 99% , tp pu tit mildly…………and the ever greater and greater numbers of People in the USA havinf firearms…could well lead to

a path, were “civil war” in certain Areas is not only more than possible but rather a 100% certainty……….. ANd NOBODY can predict the path or Outcome in such a vast area of a stolen Nation built on genocide.

Zionism = EVIL


Lazy Gamer

This is indicative of how much they trust each other. ?


I needed to check legitimacy on this and i found a daily mirror article. Do they think it will turn violent because of empty stores or no paycheck?


Xoli Xoli

Dont be excited the quick withdrawal of Russia forces by Putin and deployment of new weapons and Helicopters are just testing and not aim at Erdogan who is very important Putin trading partner.

Zionism = EVIL

I would disagree here based on real strategic planning experience. The very calibrated Russian expansion in Syria is intended for some serious action and also force protection and a very sharp message to the Turkeys and their terrorists that Russia is prepared. Watch the next phase carefully.

Zionism = EVIL



There are giant problems in iran. The ayatollahs warned, that in worst scenario could die 3.5 million iranians.

garga is in his element


Well iblib just got the virus from the Turks,I could see the Russian peace keepers being tested and dress with special face masks .

Mustafa Mehmet

? ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You got the virus also Musthaveashit?

That’s what happens when you engage in inter species sex you goat fucker.

Mustafa Mehmet

? ? ? ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Lost your English translator?

He must have picked up the virus from you then!


Stop transgressing in the name of Allah,instead of trying to steal Syrian lands,the Turkish government shoul go fight Israel,I almost forget lost of the traitors Arab states ore Israel allies and that’s the reason why they ganging up on the Syrian government. Stupid bastard,most of you are scunt to be use like puppets.

Ricky Miller

I don’t think they meet the Turks they do joint patrols with. I think the vehicles just meet up and do the route. Of course if there were face to face meetings or sharing a smoke I’ll bet there won’t be now.


I wish the virus was selective. I hope the ordinary people isn’t effected and no one dies. I also hope that all Al-Qaeda and Daesh affiliated terrorist get the virus and dies in great numbers, preferably all of them.


I thought Allah would protect the good guys

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The head choppers are more concerned with getting STDs from Israeli nurses treating their many injured.


And how in the world could Turkish troops have gotten CV-19 from Iranian backed fighters when these two have no contact with each other??? It is a dumb proposition that has circulated for a couple of weeks.

You can call me Al


Willing Conscience (The Truths

Just do the maths, 200,000 SAA and friendly militias, 4% death rate mainly in the over 40’s, the older you are the worse it gets but even if you’re younger and have asthma or other ailments you’re still at high risk. So bad conditions and a 25% infection rate means really bad news, even if the death rate is only 1% and only half the fighters get infected, it still means at least at least 1,000 dead, but if you look at a average case scenario where the death rate is the average 4%, of course that means 4,000 deaths, but in the unsanitary battlefield conditions, inadequate medical facilities [no country in the world does], US + EU sanctions that stop vital medicines, and cramped living conditions, we can expect closer to 100% of the fighters being infected, and the mortality rate will still be at 4% minimum, probably way way higher. If it turns out to be the same as the Iranian figures show we can expect a 6.5% death rate, and even though that figure for Iran is for the general population, Iran has one of the youngest populations on earth so should be least susceptible to deaths from the virus, but sanctions and wars seem to be multipliers of the death rate. So 6.5% of 200,000 = 13,000 dead, and that would probably be in the next 6 to 12 months. So no one will be going to war soon, they’ll all be too sick too, and the only good news I could deliver is, whatever happens to the SAA and allies will be happening to the opposition too, and they live in even worse conditions than the SAA do, so I’m pretty sure they’ll have twice the death rate the SAA do.

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