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Three U.S.-led Coalition Service Members Injured In New Camp Taji Attack (Photos)

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The U.S.-led coalition announced on March 14 that three of its service members were wounded in a rocket attack that targeted Iraq’s Camp Taji in the morning.

Col. Myles B. Caggins III, a spokesman for the coalition, revealed that the attack also injured two Iraqi soldiers. Camp Taji, which hosts coalition troops, is mainly run by the Iraqi military.

“The CJTFOIR [Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve] confirms at least (25) 107mm rockets impacted Iraq’s Camp Taji base hosting Coalition troops, March 14 at 10:51 a.m. (Iraq Time). 3-Coalition WIA, 2-Iraqi WIA. Assessment and investigation ongoing,” the spokesman said.

Lebanon’s al-Mayadeen TV revealed that the rocket attack also caused significant damage to a runway in Camp Taji used by coalition warplanes.

The perpetrators used seven 107 mm rocket launchers hidden underground in a garage near Camp Taji to launch the attack. The rocket launchers were uncovered by Iraqi security forces a few minutes after the attack.

Three U.S.-led Coalition Service Members Injured In New Camp Taji Attack (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Source: (@TomtheBasedCat) on Twitter.

Three U.S.-led Coalition Service Members Injured In New Camp Taji Attack (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Source: (@TomtheBasedCat) on Twitter.

Iraqi authorities have launched an investigation into the new attack. Several security personnel stationed around Camp Taji and many locals are reportedly being questioned.

“Those who conducted this attack must declare themselves to be dealt with by the law. The JOC-I [Joint Operations Center in Iraq] considers any party that mobilizes and legitimizes these actions as a potential partner,” the JOC-I said in a statement.

Earlier this week, a similar attack targeted Camp Taji, killing three personnel of the U.S.-led coalition. In response, the U.S. targeted five military positions in Iraq. The strikes killed three Iraqi soldiers and two policemen.

The U.S. claims that these attacks are being carried out by Shiite groups affiliated with Iran, mainly Kata’ib Hezbollah. However, these accusations are not supported by any clear evidence.


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Christian S

If hezbollah would strike they strike hard, not by few launchers set up like this if u have fancy precision missles in your arsenal


Yep, and the party rolls on. What are they going do, start attacking all suspicious garages now?


The concealment and construction of the launch tubes are simply brilliant.

There will be a sequel to the US War on Terror, John, and your post suggests a trillion dollar ‘US War on Garages and Open spaces’. :)

Damien C

Find it increasingly hard to believe that these half hearted attacks only assist the US in bringing heavy and multiple air defence systems into US bases as a pretext for defence against these attacks when they could be actually for defence against Iranian missile at a later date. I would be watching developements very closely if I was Iranian

The Iranian strikes which gave a 100 head-aches scared the Americans with their accuracy which is why the Yanks backed off if they get a full compliment of working ADS they may not back off next time

Azriel Herskowitz

Shia terrorists are such cowards. Firing rockets from hidden locations then running away in fear. Like sucker punching somebody and running.

Free man

I would call them stupid. They give the Americans an excuse to bomb tens of millions of dollars worth of Iranian weapons stockpiles.


…. using up hundreds of millions to billions in gear to do it. Right, the US is absolutely stupid on this one. Good call Free.

Free man

You don’t have to be cute. I have always said that the US should invest its money in the US and not waste it in Middle East deserts.


This I am in agreement with you, for sure.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

why dont the USA just do what iraq asked and fuck off out of that country then? and the cost of USA using military equipment and weapons is eye watering.

jade villaceran

well at least those shia targeted military camp while israeli soldiers kill/targeted civilians


Beautifully said

Bobby Twoshoes

I think he was actually talking about the Israeli attacks on Syria, he just misspelled “Zionist” at the start.


You better strap in Tiny Tim. It has arrived.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

USA are just inbred yank pigdogs who carpet bombed civilians in raqqa and mosul using illegal chemical weapons. footage and admittance of the USA doing this is widely known. yank cuntbags claimed they used phosphorous bombs so they ‘could see’ at night time


There is nothing more cowardly than butchering defenseless civilians. That is what you did in 2006 because you were not man enough to face the Hizbullah. Quite stupid to say that these militias should face the US Army. Did the Stern gang or the Irgun terrorists ever face the British army?


you can ignore assriel since he is of the leper colony and as such totally useless in his support of the squatters in palestine.

Free man

At these moments, Netanyahu sends a bouquet of flowers to the Shiite jihadists who fired these Katyushas.


You know that it wasn’t Sunni ISIS do you.

Marcus Porcius Cato

His message is, “It’s futile to fight back against the Zioctopus.” This is typical hebraic cyber ejaculation, and its presence is always a clue that what ever the Jews are claiming to be futile actually works quite well.

Free man

I don’t know. But these were probably Iranian militias.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

israel like the USA bombs syria and iraq every week under the ‘muh iran’ excuse.

USA mislabelled the entire national army of iran a terrorist organisation just so that it’s attacks are ‘legal’ in the war against terror

Free man

“USA mislabelled the entire national army of iran a terrorist organisation just so that it’s attacks are ‘legal’ in the war against terror” – I agree. It is also obvious that Israel wants the US to bomb Iranian militias in Syria and Iraq. But they do it themselves.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Mossad has had an extremely tight grip on the bollox of the USA hierarchy for decades


Exactly, you don’t know, and neither does the US. Free man, it is criminal to judge and execute Iraqis without proof. PROBABLY is not good enough.


This is the beginning of the insurgency that will break the back of the so called coalition.

There will be no IEDS because they are too cowardly to leave their bases. So Martyr Gen. Solemeini’s Rockets will rain down with more and more devastating frequencies.


So the coalition is going to bring in anti missile defense systems against $25 107,120 mm deadly rockets. Nice.

Besides, the U.S. has no systems that work against missile wave emminating from Iran. Also some missile waves could be decoys, and let’s not forget Iranians have very advanced Electronic warfare/Jamming capabilities. Simply through drones. Like the small taste the Coalition got in January.


You talk about innovation, this is it. IED’s have advanced quite a bit I see. They have a real range now. Before they could go back to base and hide. Now there is no hiding.

Peter Moy

The rockets are of 107 mm. caliber usually fired from a 12-tube Type 63 launcher. Maximum range is ~8,500 meters.



cechas vodobenikov

boorish ill mannered amerikans r despised everywhere—–as an Israeli mentioned to me when I last visited USA…”no people r more entertained and less informed than amerikans. nowhere in an amerikan public education r the concepts of truth and falsity ever addressed. amerikans do not converse, they entertain each other. amerikans do not exchange ideas—they exchange images. the problem w amerikans is not Orwellian; it is huxleyan. AMERIKANS LOVE THEIR OPPRESSION”. Neil Postman expected in an empire near collapse

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Right under their noses too.

Too busy in the classrooms playing gender recognition games.


These 107mm rockets are commonly fired from Type 63 12 barrel launcher mounted on a flat bed technical (Toyota battlewagon shoot and scoot) – notoriously inaccurate even with proper sighting unit – in this case from improvized, fixed launchers highly improbable any target of value would be hit, totally unguided, just fire off as many as possible and hope for a hit, seems a waste of effort


no and the more they fire the better it wil´l be and the disunited states of aggression will sooner or later come to the point where it’s a matter of stay or leave and while these bombardments goes on the quality of the rockets will improve and the aim will be better while the yanks can’t with any certainty say where and by whom and they sure as klucking bell can’t keep bombing pmf-camps without pissing off the iraqi government – so the needlestick tactic will work. and the quicker the yanks feck off for home the quicker the rest of the guys in the ME can get to the jews, who no one in the ME needs.

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