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Three US Air Force Stealth Bombers Deploy To The Indo-Pacific.

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Three US Air Force Stealth Bombers Deploy To The Indo-Pacific.

US Air Force B2 Stealth bomber

Three B-2s arrived on 12 August at Naval Support Facility located on Diego Garcia Island in the Indian Ocean after departing from Whiteman Air Force Base, Montana. This is the first Spirit bomber task force deployment since a deployment to Hawaii in January 2019.

After the 29-hour flight to Diego Garcia, the B-2s joined B-1s that had already been deployed to Andersen Air Force Base, Guam. The operation marks the first time B-2s have been sent to the region since the US Air Force’s continuous bomber presence at the island base ended in April.

“We are excited to return to this important location. [Diego Garcia] puts the ‘INDO’ in INDOPACOM,” task force commander Lt. Col. Christopher Conant said in a Pacific Air Forces release. “This Bomber Task Force is our National Defense Strategy in action. We are sharpening our lethality while strengthening relationships with key allies, partners, and our sister-service teammates.”

While the bombers are supporting INDOPACOM, Diego Garcia also serves as a logistical base for bombers supporting combat operations in the US Central Command zone of operations. In January, B-52s from the 20th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron deployed to Diego Garcia instead of Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, due to tensions with Iran in the aftermath of the assassination of Iranian military commander Qasem Suleimani. From the island location they flew combat sorties into Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan.

Three US Air Force Stealth Bombers Deploy To The Indo-Pacific.

From the Indian Ocean they can fly east or west

While the B-2s are stationed at Diego Garcia, they will train with partner nations and conduct missions in areas such as the South China Sea. During the 2019 task force, B-2s flew 27 sorties, totalling 171 hours in local and long-duration flights. LINK

Strategic bombers stationed at Diego Garcia are generally used against Iraq and Iran, along with some sorties into Afghanistan and the South China Sea. Particularly since the clash early this year the deployments are seen to target Iran, though in recent times the tensions in the South China Sea are also a factor, as noted by the Air Force statement.

Long-range sorties are also carried out from the island fortification in support of US carrier strike groups. Diego Garcia is a favoured location for the US to station bombers because of its proximity to several areas where the US is seeking to apply ‘maximum pressure’ against its adversaries.

Diego Garcia Island is subject to a territorial dispute and a legal challenge by its native population, which was forcibly expelled from the island by Britain before the island was leased to the US military. Despite ongoing lawsuits, neither the US nor Britain has any intention of allowing the islands original inhabitants to return.

Three US Air Force Stealth Bombers Deploy To The Indo-Pacific.

Legally, Diego Garcia belongs to Mauritius and its original inhabitants

Meanwhile, the B-1s at Andersen Air Force Base in Guam continue to fly long-range sorties. On August 7, a B-1 from the 37th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron flew a bilateral training mission with 8 F-2s and 6 F-15s from the Japan Air Self Defence Force near Japan, and then flew a joint mission with the USS Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group in the Sea of Japan, according to a PACAF release.


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Ivan Freely

It’ll be used to strike anything inside Iran. Once the China-Iran security trade deal is officially signed, any equipment the Chinese deliver to Iran would be taken out.

Zionism = EVIL

Pigs will fly too :)


Israel will never let Iran have advanced technology next to our border, Syria is going to become a battleground where Iranians will keep dying.

Zionism = EVIL

HUSH you stupid CUNT!


Begs the question though. What kind of military related agreements (technology transfers? actual ready made tech? combination of both?)

To give the US / Israeli/ Gulf states a run for their money, my bet is the instant transfer of several squadrons of J series aircraft to take IRIAF into the 21st century. Who knows..

Pretty sure Iran will be used by China like what the US does with Taiwan.

Ashok Varma

Persians are too smart to be used by anyone as history has shown, their enemies have adopted to them. I visit Iran often, Iranians are well liked by all their neighbours. There are thousands of Chinese in Iranian cities now and they keep a low profile and blend in. The Americans in contrast were arrogant, rude, loud and obnoxious and that started the revolution and end of US influence.

Zionism = EVIL

Iran’s trade with India is also on the increase.

The trade between India and Iran has increased during the fiscal year 2018-19 which was $17.03 billion as compared to $13.76 billion in 2017-18, an increase of 23.8%. However, with China it is over $110 billion and soon $400 billion as the strategic pact is implemented.

Lux et Veritas

Modi is a disaster for India and it is too closely tied to the Anglo-Zionist sinking ship. Russia and China are the biggest beneficiaries of an alliance with Iran, a powerhouse in its own right. This is truly a Eurasian millennia.

Lux et Veritas

Iran and Russia will co-produce the SU-30 while China is supplying a hybrid version of its superb J-10 fighter.


OK if you say so… …So how do you explain that they didn’t do that already? They had practically same motives and everything similar before? IsraHell was screaming into their ears all the time about need of attacking Iran (for decades already)…

Why now ?!!

Ashok Varma

Israel is the death knell for the US. It is a yoke for the impoverished US taxpayers. How long can the average American facing abject poverty afford to feed this parasite?

Ivan Freely

In the past, it was about the optics. Don’t want to look like a tyrant to the general public. Things needed to be setup just so. So, what changed? Economics and the general situation to their plans in MENA. What we’re seeing is desperation. They’ve probably threw their hands into the air and said “F IT.” They no longer care about the optics now. With Elliot Abrams tasked to increase the heat, I’m expecting Trump to start something up after his reselection.


So…”desperate enough”…. I buy your explanation. Thanks for your time and your explanation.

Fog of War

” China-Iran security trade deal is officially signed ”

Are you hallucinating ? There is no way China will fight ZioAmerica to defend Iran.

Ivan Freely

Are you doubting the deal? Iran is vital to the Chinese BRI project. In reality, the Chinese will most likely provide training, equipment and knowledge so that the Iranians can fight it out themselves. Of course, time will tell when the UN sanctions end this October which only the US and the Dominican Republic supported.

Zionism = EVIL

The stupid Americunt arseholes are dying in the streets and a global laughing stock as the UNSC vote just showed, but they are spending billions of lost wars and posturing. What pathetic cunts!


the policies of the Empire (PAX AMERICANA) , aim at expanding the empire. The Empire is not interested in the protests / deaths that take place in its own region, it is only interested in further control of world resources. If the empire does NOT EXPAND it dies …Alexander of Philip. :-))

Zionism = EVIL

The deadbeat and dumbass empire dug its own grave by being hijacked by Zionist cunts and making enemies of most of the world. History is very unforgiving, my friend. Americunt hubris and arrogance alienated everyone and now it is too late as you said, it is shrinking and dying. The sooner the better.


All empires die, even the strongest.. I do not care what dies, but what will be “born” after. There is no vacuity in nature, the same in empires. From the conflict between the USA and China, “something else will be born!”


US is like a schoolyard bully being slapped around by all. Now it can only wave its decaying muscles in token stunts.

Fog of War

The go ahead and punch the ” decaying ” bully in the nose. Let us know what happens.

Lone Ranger

Too bad Chinese radars can detect and lock on it from 600km.

Zionism = EVIL

Seriously, an Iranian F-4E Phantom with a good RIO locked on to one just a few months ago.

Lone Ranger

Im not surprised. Even old S-125 radars from the 60s detected them during the Kosovo war. Rumor says two were hit, one crash landed in Italy another one in Romania.


Ok, there is a mystery solved then. What am I talking about? It was the summer of 1999, I was at on the beach sunbathing. Suddenly a bang, like a big sonic boom. People crying, screaming and running. The windows of some homes exploded.

After 20-30 minutes, a plethora of military men and carabinieri ( a special type of police in Italy ) appeared. They cordoned the zone and sent away civilians. After some hours, even boats were involved. They were obviously searching for something on the sea bed.

The strange thing was that NO MEDIA talked about it. Obviously people started speculating about aliens/UFOs.

But your post, maybe, solved the mystery. It was a B-2 who crashed in Italy and made that absurd sonic boom.

I must say that the zone wasn’t/isn’t a zone where military maneuvers happen. So it wasn’t a jet, during a routine exercise, breaking the sonic wall.


In 1999 Serbian TV’ rumored they took down 2-3 NATO planes per night.

Lone Ranger

Probably true.


They oppened a chain of museums with all those.


Time to counter the Chinese bastards and their plans.

Zionism = EVIL

HUSH you stupid PUNK cunt ROFLMAO.

Ashok Varma

Silly little child.

Iran arms embargo: US has ‘never been so isolated’ President Putin.


Okay and? do you think we would let them buy advanced weapon systems now and give it to Syria or Lebanon? I mean use your head. The war has just got escalated now, and if you ask me it’s a good thing we need to put an end to it.

Ashok Varma

Your silly statements are like an angry teenagers. Israel is a small weak country and can not fight Iran and its leadership knows it. It has hidden behind the US, but now the US is too weak to help anyone. Your idiotic leader Nethanyahu has been boasting to get Iran out of Syria for a decade, but the opposite has happened. Do you understand that Iran and Turkey are now coming together and they will dominate the region. No one wants war, so stop being an idiotic petulant child. Israel will not survive for long.


I don’t get what you want Ashok, you keep saying the same things all over again. What you’ve seen in the last decade are only pinpoint strikes against Iran in Syria. I mean, do you really think that is ALL we can do? did you even check the numbers of our army? do you even know what other deadly weapon systems we have which are ready to be used in a war? Iran hasn’t seen anything yet. When they do, then just like Hezbollah they will face a total destruction and like I wrote, it’s time to take it one step further. Keep calling me a child and bla bla, I know better than you what we can do to our enemies. Lifting the embargo will result in one thing – more escalation which will eventually lead to a war. Mark my words.

Ashok Varma

You are a child. Israel is a US aid dependent little sliver of land in Occupied Palestine. It is like the Paki idiots keep on repeating that they can defeat India. Iran is 100 times your size in everything and even in global firepower ranks higher. So stop this idiotic nonsense. You are not a soldier but a teenager with violent suicidal tendencies. Buy a map and look at the immense size and history of Iran.


All your comments are just your own wishful thinking. The size doesn’t matter, what matters is who has better technology and better equipped and trained army. Iran is mostly a DESERT, they have 4-5 important cities just like in Israel which we need to focus on in a war and that’s it. Stop your stupid comments and look at it from an objective POV.

Ashok Varma

Silly boy, you are joke. Now let the adults comment.


Again, you chose to ignore what I wrote because you know I am right and in an all out war Tehran will be destroyed.

Zionism = EVIL


Lux et Veritas

Moscow boosts ties with Tehran as US arms embargo defeated soundly

While Iran and Russia are trying to limit US influence in the Middle East, the United States lacks the leverage to counter China’s and Russia’s growing influence in the region. After $400B Deal With China, Iran Set To Ink 20-Year Agreement With Russia – Iran FM Javad Zarif

The Objective

A desperate attempt dodge the war staring Iran in the face. China and Russia after making such huge investments will be forced to defend the Iranian regime. Otherwise, the multi-billion dollar investment goes down the drain.

The thing is, China is going to drag its feet about implementing the agreement until Beijing is sure there won’t be a war. The Chinese are betting that Trump will be voted out and a democrat will sign another deal with Iran that averts war. The same goes for Russia. They’ll both sell Iran all the arms it need, but won’t make any concrete economic investment in Iran for fear of losing it.

Non of these countries will militarily defend Iran against the U.S. unless they stand to lose substantial amounts of money.

Fog of War

” The Chinese are betting that Trump will be voted out and a democrat will sign another deal with Iran that averts war. The same goes for Russia. They’ll both sell Iran all the arms it need, but won’t make any concrete economic investment in Iran for fear of losing it. ”

Then they are both geopolticaly stupid, these wars have been decades in the making and are independent of any President’s decision. They both have to know this I’m assuming.

The Objective

Don’t you see that the Trump administration doesn’t give a fuck about America’s isolation? They don’t care as long as they inflict pain on Iran.

The Objective

This deployment is not aimed at China. It’s aimed at Iran. Expect the U.S to gradually build up a bomber force in Diego Garcia over the next few weeks. Europe will backstab Iran on the nuclear deal. Notice that they abstained from the latest UN vote. The IAEA board of governors adopted a resolution that will likely be used to strike the final blow to the JCPOA. By the end of September, JCPOA should be dead I think. Trump is highly likely to start something in October. I think Iran’s last chance to avoid a military confrontation with the U.S. is pretend to get into a negotiation with the hope that Trump will be voted out.


This really depends on whether US will be successful in invoking snapback sanctions, several legal experts including Russia, China have already argued US doesnt have any right to do so having exited the deal but if they manage to pull it off then the JCPOA is dead & Iran will also likely withdrawn from the NPT

The Objective

The U.S. doesn’t have any legal grounds for invoking sanctions snapback. I’ll use one of its EU vassals to do it. The IAEA already adopted a resolution several weeks back.


Israel doesnt seem to mind selling tech to China or doing a deal for the Haifa port.


Yes we do mind.


Then stop selling your miltech to China.


I am not so shure this is about China, but this build up may very well be about doing something to Iran, where both theaters are within range, since China isnt something you can push around geopoliticaly, while Iran have to reliy on them self, when the ISISrael/UEA deal was hammered we have no idea of what else go talked about, since the Imperial banana republic is building up their war machinery they are also building up their so called aliance in the Arab world, and once again, Palestinians was thrown under the buss. I place my bets, if I can use an term like that, on an coming war on Iran.


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