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MARCH 2025

Tiger Forces And Allied Tribal Fighters Liberate Two More Villages In Southern Raqqah

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The Syrian Arab Army Tiger Forces and pro-government tribal forces have liberated two more villages from ISIS terrorists in the southern part of the province of Raqqah.

According to pro-government sources, government fighters have liberated and fully secured Abu Hammad and Salim Hammad vilalges near the Euphrates River.

The advance was made without heavy clashes with ISIS units. However, government troops had been pushed to dismante a high number of IEDs before the area became fully secured. This decreased the speed of the advance.

Heavy clashes will likely erupt between government forces and ISIS in the town of Maadan, one of the key ISIS strong points in the southern Raqqah.

Governemnt forces are in Abu Hammad:

Tiger Forces And Allied Tribal Fighters Liberate Two More Villages In Southern Raqqah Tiger Forces And Allied Tribal Fighters Liberate Two More Villages In Southern Raqqah

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Steven Fay

Good work.

Colin Oskapy


Joe Doe

Looking the map only 4 cities/villages left before reaching Maadan. As I mention before SAA should surround the Maadan city with tide ring from all sides and continue to Deir Ezzor. Mean time Air force and SAA artillery should keep ISIS busy in Maadan city until SAA could return to liberate the city. Preventing ISIS to be rearm, regroup, water and food will soften the ISIS in the city.

If SAA decided to liberate Maadan city, most likely SAA will suffer substantial losses in manpower and military hardware, beyond capability to continue advances towards Deir Ezzor, which eventually will substantially delay liberation of Deir Ezzor.

In addition, SAA units in Deir Ezzor should continue attacking ISIS to force ISIS to split ISIS forces to defend Maadan and Deir Ezzor, which will make easy for SAA Tiger force and tribes advance towards Deir Ezzor. Sitting and waiting does not help ending the siege

Richard M

I read about SAA in DeZ making a successful attack just a few days ago. Daesh has at least twice the number of fighters in DeZ city as SAA does, so caution is needed. It’s also been reported that Daesh is evacuating forces from the East Salamiyah quasi-pocket, which would increase the risk to DeZ.

BTW, what is a “tide ring”?

Solomon Krupacek

close ring direct around city and unpenetrable.

Joe Doe

Sorry, type, should be “Tight ring”. Means “Surround the city with a narrow ring/circle”.

In regards SAA in Deir Ezzor, the SAA should continue harassing ISIS in that area, They may not be able make any advances, but keep ISIS busy around the city will prevent ISIS send reinforcement North

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The SAA have been destroying bases in Homs and gaining against Falayq al Rahman in the Jobar area. they have many fronts going with advances being made, IS is losing many after their initial strike more than they killed doesn’t look good to be this reckless with unsustainable advances.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The explanation of “Tide ring” is simple it is line where flotsam such as debris and kelp line along the beach as all beaches would have this hence the reason for calling it that.

Richard M

I think it was a typo. Kelp will not be effective in stopping Daesh and SVBIED. LOL

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Yet it can get entangled in the wheels of VBIED and if there is enough it can slow it down.


This is a recent pix of Tigers bypassing Madaan along the Euphrates. It is help full that they are moving with the flow of the river. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0c173b222449a0052b18a8b56bbef977af7401cde66f124703528c5f6cd7a10f.jpg

Richard M

LOL. I saw a SciFi movie about jungle vines that eat people. That might work.

Julius Meinel

On the other hand besieging Maadan would tie up additional forces which SAA simply does not have; Llikewise, SAA can ill afford to bypass the city and rush towards Dar el Ezzor either, lest the jihadist will attack the advancing SAA from the rear. So, whether we like it or not, SAA has to destroy Jihadist forces in Maadan whatever the cost.

Dar El ezzzor only becomes an immediate concern if there are indications that SDA supported by US forces are heading in that direction. So far they, are still busy in Raqqa. Otherwise, lifting the siege around the city of Dar el Ezzor can wait another 2-3 weeks. It is more important to clear out all the potential ISIS hold out in the are before heading towards the city.


I am not agree. SAA must be in Deir-Ezzor as soon as possible, and not question about it.


Totally in agreement. SAA must not lose time and reaches Deir Ezzor right away ! I think, they can do it with a good coordination of aerospace Russia force and Iran-Hezbolah forces.


The war may be almost over for most Syrians. Once Deir Ezzor falls, The Syrian government coalition will occupy or partially control all major population centers and transportation corridors. From there it will be negotiating the withdrawal or surrender, or defeating, the remaining regime change elements. That are currently contained in various locations.


Once the economy picks up again through the reconstruction process; everybody will fall in line – including the treacherous Syrian gypsies aka “the Turds”. It’s game over for the Axis of Evil Israel/USA/Saudi/UK.


Not quite, but close. They still have to get those IDF gay wankers running around with their tutus on their heads out of the Golan.


Agreed. But they need to approach it realistically: it will take a few more decades of patience as the Axis of Resistance will need to develop its own advanced industrial defence base (Russia will never provide the necessary weapons as they are too close to the Zionists, even if it’s against their interest). But with as much certainty as the sun rises the next day, so will “Israel” disappear. There is absolutely NO WAY “Israel” will every be able to exist.


Many said the same things about Russia before the Syrian intervention. The Jews tortured, starved and mass murdered 10s of millions of innocent Russians and Soviets in one of the greatest decades long genocides in human history that dwarfs their revisionist holocaust. The Russians are well aware that the Jew world order centered in Tel Aviv, New York, Washington, London and Paris are a mortal enemy of Russia.

They may already be moving the nukes into Syria necessary to deal with problems from Tel Aviv on implementing all of the UN resolutions that they’re violating. The US has no mutual defense pact with Israel and the Jews are unlikely to get one. The US and the rest of the planet just put through UNSC Chapter 6 Resolution 2334 nullifying much of the Balfour Declaration and San Remo Resoltion.

UNSC Chapter 7 enforcement resolutions are being worked on, as are plans and preparations for disarming Israel on an as needed basis to implement them. And for rolling regional armored columns into to Tel Aviv to accept the Jews unconditional surrender and the return of everything that they’ve stolen. It would be helpful if ICC and UNHRC investigations of political Judaism as a mass statutory rape cult and serial human rights violator could be opened as part of the process of outlawing it.

Solomon Krupacek

The Jews tortured, starved and mass murdered 10s of millions of innocent Russians and Soviets

Look, this is simply lie. First, there were no 10s of millions. if this would happen, today were no russians. check the demography. in both, western and eastern book you see continuously rising polulation from 1800 antil 1990. only the ww1-civil war and ww2 were exceptions second, there were lot of jews, but the mass of communistic party formed nonm-jes. btw., stalin was georgian, chruschev ukrainian. berija did only what was allowed by stalin. for example stalin personally controlled ALL death sentences.personally. sthird, also the russians (i mean 90% and not some idiots) think, not the jews were their executors, but mostly russians.


Are you a Jew pedophile rape cult member?

Solomon Krupacek

wow, look at this shit richard! :)


It’s a simple yes or no question relevant to the issue. If you don’t want to answer it, that’s your problem.

Solomon Krupacek

you are aqlso flagged, fascist!


If all that you’re going to do is spew hasbara nonsense, which is what idiots like you do when they’re unwilling or unable to conduct a rational debate. Then there’s no sense in wasting my time responding to your gibberish.

Solomon Krupacek

i did not read your long answer. probably you are orphan and you had no chance to be tought by parents, who would tell you, that your question in the beginning is fully unpolite and unacceptable in human community.


Raping children at birth, infecting them with fatal venereal disease, and drinking their blood from their bleeding sex organs is felonious behavior. And a violation of ICC statutes. Asking if you’re a member of this evil cult is pertinent to the topics being addressed. Judging from your response you’re a pedophile rape cult member or supporter.

Solomon Krupacek

Raping children at birth,

bullshit!!!! probably you think on circumcision, which is not made at birth delivery. i think it should be not allowed. BUT! this make also moslems and also in your beloved russia. therefore bomb with your bullshits mr. putin and not me!


Really, what is it about:

“Local rabbi accused of infecting babies with herpes” ‘Infants Contract Herpes From Oral Suction During Jewish Circumcision” “Jewish Ritual Of Circumcision Is Spreading Disease And Killing Babies.” “Rabbis Will Defy Law on Circumcision Ritual”

From – YouTube

that you don’t understand? Do you know what statutory rape is? These cannibal prostitutes belong in jail.

Solomon Krupacek

as i wrote, such thing happan in all religions, which make this. therefore i say, should be not allowed by law due to right of children.

you are hater, therefore you focus yourself on jews. and i do not understand, why me adressed? i am not jew. solomon is only nickname for discuss. i saw mivie king solomons mines days before i registered to disqus. thars all. and the surname is also fictive. it was chosen so, that no living beeing on the earth has name solomon krupacek. thats all.


What religions besides Jews commit the mass rape their children at birth, infect them with fatal venereal disease, and drink their blood from their bleeding sex organs?


If you would not be telling truths, the Tribe would simply ignore you. Just remember when Syria shot down that IDF jet: had it been false, they would simply have ignored it. However, when they react histerically that you know you hit a nerve spot :) They are becoming very predictable.


The blood drinking vampire Jew pedophile rapists hate truth. Because it exposes all of their lies, crime and evil, and blocks and destroys the evil that they’re trying to create. And prevents them from exploiting and victimizing people. They’re evil, their cult should be outlawed.


YOU ARE FEEDING THIS TROLL SOLOMON. He will go on and on about raping children and pedophilia nonstop if you wish to discuss this with him. Just look at his latest reply (he is truly sick in the head). He has also labeled me a a Jewish cult member also because I do not care for his foul mouth.


Sick in the head, really?

Try copying and pasting something that I’ve written that is untrue. You can’t, so you won’t. Because you’re a big liar trying to cover up Jew crime. You’re a truth hater and Jew pedophile rape cult supporter. Any rational person can see that what I’ve posted is true. You just don’t want Jew crime and evil being exposed. And you’ve consistently evaded answering if you’re a Jew pedophile rape cult member. Are you a Jew pedophile rape cult member?

You’re the lying disinfo troll. Just prove it by not disproving what I’ve written. Which you’re not going to be able to do, liar.


This is a rather cool copy and paste :DDDDDDDDDDD Sick in the head, really? Sick in the head, really? Sick in the head, really? Sick in the head, really? Sick in the head, really? Sick in the head, really?


OK, so you can’t disprove what I’ve written convicting yourself of your own lies, as I knew that you would, and are embarrassing yourself by acting like a two year old as I predicted. Because you’re a liar, a loser and a coward making false accusations who refuses to debate the issues in a rational manner because you know that you’ll lose. I’m not going to waste anymore of my time with your lies and idiocy, goodbye moron.


But you can not let go, because you are: SICK IN THE HEAD FOR SURE :DD ON TO DEIR EZZOIR https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/891e929023165434e107503c7242adab16412632a94090f58610e3ea8e81df4e.jpg


“In November 1901, he was elected to the Tiflis Committee of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP), a Marxist party founded in 1898.[68] That month he travelled to the port city of Batumi.[69] His militant rhetoric proved divisive among the city’s Marxists, with some suspecting that he might be an agent provocateur.[70] He found employment at the Rothschild refinery storehouse. There he helped organise two workers’ strikes.[71] After several strike leaders were arrested, he co-organised a mass public demonstration against the arrests that led to the storming of the prison; troops fired upon the demonstrators, 13 of whom were killed.[72] Stalin organised a second mass demonstration on the day of their funeral,”

From the article – Joseph Stalin


No, I’m a truther. And it doesn’t happen in all religions. The Jews are guilty of these crimes against humanity. The evidence is prima facie.


In New York City alone:

“The practice continues without restriction in the city after Mayor de Blasio made a pledge to the ­Hasidic community during his 2013 campaign to lift a requirement of written parental consent.

Health officials sent out an alert to doctors Wednesday about the latest case and urged them to be vigilant.

The infant in the new case was hospitalized for 14 days and was reported to be ­recovering.

According to the Health Department, 24 cases of herpes have been linked to circumcision since 2000. Two of the infants died and two others suffered brain damage.

Last year, there were two cases. In 2015, there were three cases.

Since 2006, 22 percent of all male neonatal herpes cases were linked to ritual circumcision.

Leaders of the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community have opposed any restrictions on the centuries-old ritual as an infringement on religious freedom.

Mohels who perform the circumcisions are not even required to be tested for herpes, according to Health Department rules.”

From the article – New case of neonatal herpes caused by Jewish circumcision

And this is where there is advanced medical care available. For most of Judaism’s history it’s been much worse, and has involved syphilis and other fatal diseases. This is the evil that the pedophile rape cult that you’re supporting is involved in.


RichardD is a hate monger idiot, why the hell do you start a discussion with someone who is sick in the brain, someone who wants to talk about raping babies and pedophilia ?!?!


I’m a truther not a hate monger idiot, the truth that you hate, because it exposes all of your lies, and all of that Jew pedophile rape cult evil that you’re trying to cover up by harassing me with your insanity and spreading lies about me, which makes you evil.

You’re the Jew pedophile rape cult supporter, not me. Have you been to any Jew blood drinking baby raping ceremony’s lately? Any rational person can see that you’re a deranged truth hating head case trying to cover up Jew crime and evil. The facts that you ignore and refuse to debate. Because they expose all of the Jew crime and evil that you’re trying to cover up so that it will continue.


Marshal McLuen , wrote ” War is business sped up ” . The territory across the river from Deir Ezzor holds a large number of oil wells , if you remember the USAF , after helping ISIS take out SAA and Russians on al Thadrah mountain overlooking the air port , took out the bridges over the river the following week . Syria will need that oil revenue , to rebuild , why give them and the territory to the USA , ( Kurds ) . Otherwise the US ends up with the eastern half of Syria.


The Kurds are probably going to reach an agreement with Damascus without any major conflict. US influence will be minimal. Syria isn’t Iraq. The US is unlikely to get involved in any significant hostilities with the Syrian government coalition. US involvement in the conflict will be phased out as the regime change project fails.


Good for these libretaions, but the main goal is Deir Ezzor do not forget that and waist time.

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