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MARCH 2025

Tiger Forces Deployed In Only About 60 Km From Deir Ezzor (Maps)

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Tiger Forces Deployed In Only About 60 Km From Deir Ezzor (Maps)

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Following the liberatioon of Sabkah pocket in the southern Raqqah countryside, Syrian government forces led by the Syrian Arab Army Tiger FOrces deployed in only about 60km from the city of Deir Ezzor besieged by ISIS terrorists.

Tiger Forces Deployed In Only About 60 Km From Deir Ezzor (Maps)

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On these maps the ISIS returns to T2 is this the reality on the ground ?


It is unclear what side controls T2. According to the Russian military, it’s under the control of the SAA. However, no photos or videos are available from the area. Also, the Syrian Defense Ministry has not announced this yet.


I hope nottt!!

Wahid Algiers

T-2 Airbase and its surrounding area so as Hamimah remain under the control of ISIS at the presence.

Trustin Judeau

So it seems that the siege will be broken from Euphrates , not from Sukhna . The stages of the battle until now are – East Aleppo CS – Maskanah plains – Resafa – Euphrates .


They should also isolate the Hama pocket in order to strain ISIS resources more and more and close the front line in order to launch an offensive towards Al-bukamal

Solomon Krupacek

yes, IF they have enough manpower. if not, attack isis. hit and run. every day, always ther plaxe. abu kamal is more important then the pocket. therefore if not enough manpower, better close iraqi border.

Daniel Castro

More important is they blocked SDF path to Deir Ezzor, right now the main enemy to Syria is not ISIS, but both SDF kurds and Turkey invasion in the north, ISIS fate is already written…

Well, there’s also Golan Heights, but that is in a different league…

Solomon Krupacek

i have the same opinion.

Justin Ryan

I think its more likely the Turks invade the SDF regions than invading SAA regions!

Justin Ryan

Do us all a favour! Learn to speak and write English better! You’re English is terrible! Don’t forget, we rule the world! “Fit in or fuck off”! Why? Because WE say so! Thats why!


Hey so good to see u back again!!! :))) but yes thats what it looks like

Solomon Krupacek

he is the big mistaker. also in the question of DEZ he told only stupidities. but you are the same category, therefore be happy with him. :P


What stupidities? You are the stupid one, not us

Solomon Krupacek

i am wise

Terra Cotta Woolpuller



in ur dreams lol


I predict the siege will still be broken from Sukhna. Al Nusra will see to that now that they control all the other headchoppers in Idlib we can expect yet another Hama offensive. Upon which the NDF will fold like wet toiletpaper again. Or some other shenanigans. Either way it would require the Tigers to redeploy to the Idlib front again. And I doubt that without them the northern prong will be able to advance much. If at all.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The republican Guard and NDF didn’t fold unlike HTS who collapsed their attack after it was foiled. The only forces who attacked were FSA groups and they have been repelled.

Solomon Krupacek

very nice!

i see, the saa now follows the only good strategy: attack in 3 ways: north, middle, south. this is the only way to divide isis forces and put under pressure eveywhere. now would be good, if in the pocket the local forces continouusly attack isis. only tactics hit and run. nos resting time for jihadists.

Wahid Algiers

The main Joker for advancing SAA units is in DE City itself: over 10.000 SRG and allies, tribal forces.

Solomon Krupacek

i dont know, whether is this fake?


but if not…

Bruce MacKinnon

Cross check map with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Syrian Civil War detailed map You will find it useful to check against. Very good sources. Very detailed. May be som bit of lag in posting changes but not too much. You will be able to better update map east side near Euphrates.

Bruce MacKinnon

See Wikipedia Syrian Civil War Detailed map. Detail of east of SAA lines up to date.

Bruce MacKinnon

Closer to 50k than 60 from DE there. but it will no doubt be difficult going.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Apparently on the Russia map the Tiger Forces are across that demarcation line already by 10-15 kms and may be much closer.


I consider that SAA, with Russia-Hezboolah-Iran and with good air support with helicopters and planes, can reach As Sawa without too much problems, crossing the Euphrates and to start surronding Dei Ezzor. Moving east up to Markadah to stop completely Kurd-USA forces (to later continue east up to Irak border) to join with PMU.

Justin Ryan

From what I have seen, they are 46km from DEz.


Saw a great little news video piece from ANNA news called: War in the Desert, “Tiger” reaches Euphrates. Really great reporting.

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