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MARCH 2025

Tiger Forces Developing Momentum In Eastern Ghouta (Map, Video)

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Tiger Forces Developing Momentum In Eastern Ghouta (Map, Video)

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The Tiger Forces, the Republican Guard and the Syrian Arab Army are developing momentum against Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda), Ahrar al-Sham and their allies.

The main clashes are taking place in the southeastern and northwestern parts of Eastern Ghotua. Government forces are pressuring militants in the areas of Harasta, Hawsh ad Dawahirah.

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Michał Hunicz

Nothing new. Don’t spend our money for such pointless posts.


Wow this guy is stubborn. Even SAA insiders have admitted to not have captured Nashabiyaa and Hawsh ad Dawahirah and the other areas you have encircled on the top in the map


What sources do you have?


multiple SAA insiders on twitter. Common knowlegde and nothing big deal


Answer to my question: Where did you get all those fantasies? You seem no to support SAA. You surely prefer all the groups you mentionned, sounds more interesting to you than freedom & justice, huh?


hard to not even come by it. Because it everywhere. I guess maybe your one of the older generations that have not yet discovered twitter to bad then. The world moves forward you know


You never answer? Your nick is Mountains because you’re conscious to be mere cockroach. A true Turkish cockroach


Mountains of bullshit is his expertise.

You can call me Al

Yah, I want to block him, but he is so daft, he makes me smile sometimes.


I don’t have any patience for such idiots. Have a good one Al.

Promitheas Apollonious

he is a turkish troll.


Man, those cockroaches are everywhere, a true invasion.




The turkish are Israëli “cousins”. Seriously speaking even Erdogan is a crypto jew

Ice Icegold


Promitheas Apollonious

same difference, so was their creator, a queer as it comes named attaturk. A jew neo turk= donkey.

You can call me Al

I go for a hooked nose Yid.

Tudor Miron

troll pack


false source false carts live eu map


live eu map sucks


I know and nobody really take liveU serious anyways. But this thing is common knowlegde by now. Just surprised to see the MOD being 48-hours to late.

SAA insiders, JAI videos, and multiple other pictures.


Its called Speading Victory over something not everybody knows yet = Confusion and disoriantation, they can or maby not come right into this place they have declared TAKEN. Its called: Strategy!


Eventualy its always right


fuck american idiot


drop dead bitchboy


fuck of !!american gay

Rüdiger Preiss

I remember when you claimed that HTS had successfully retaken al-Duhur airbase with a VBIED (back then you also cited your Twitter sources). You’ve spread so much nonsense on this page I’d place all my money on a bet that your statement is wrong.


I have never claimed the Al-Duhur airbase was retaken. I think your confusing me with someone else.

This thing regarding Hawsh ad Dawahirah and Nashabiyaa is ludicrous to say the least. These places have not been taken..

This is from Hawsh Dawahirah ”Line of death” JAI video released today.


Rüdiger Preiss

Ok for once you are right, I’ve confused you with “Syrian Insider”. You two are like twin brothers :D. Anyway, “sound rebel hands” … not. Tell your Twitter friends they better lay down their arms and come out of their rat holes with arms high up in the air, waving the SAA leaflet. Or die.

Mattias Dahlström

Nidalgazaui is a jihadist fanboy, calling SAA troops pigs etc (pigs are delicious and eating them is a sign of intelligence) , beware of his information bias.


You are very hollow Mountains and as we all know, Hollowed out Mountains collapse


he is right

Rüdiger Preiss

He might be right about SAA martyrs killed, but not that anything in Eastern Ghouta is in “sound rebel hands”. More like shaky rebel hands, that’s why they keep crying for help to Nikki Haley and SPAM my FB account with fake photos of poor crying children from Syria asking for help


Fake? You are a true fascist, or blind for the atrocities from BOTH sides!!!

Rüdiger Preiss

Yes fake & recycled. Many of them originate from White Helmets who have created lots of fake photos and videos. One of them pictured a man holding a child running through the rubble, which turned out was from the battle of Mosul. Protecting the 9 Million citizens of Damascus from terrorists in Eastern Ghouta is not an atrocity – to the contrary, to protect those terrorists is an atrocity. Calling me a fascist certainly won’t change my mind about it. I guess you also call Noam Chomsky and Jeremy Corbyn fascists, whilst Blair and Bush are crusaders for democracy :D?? If you applied some logic and do a bit of research you’d realise what game is being played. Unless of course, you know it already and you are one of those who have got their hands in deep propaganda sh*t.


Oh no, sorry you are not a fascist, you are just completely nuts.

Rüdiger Preiss

No need to become angry only because you realise that you are below my intellectual level. That’s okay, we can’t be all the same can we ;)

Rüdiger Preiss

Only a couple of days later and evidence is mounting that SAA are indeed rapidly rolling over the terrorists – Hawsh ad Dawahirah and Nashabiyaa are already well behind the front line :). What do you say to that now, Mountains?


As the SAA breaks into the interior they will be able to attack the terrorist defences from the rear that are unlikely to be so well protected.

I fully expect evidence of US Coalition ‘adviser’ in this terrorist pocket and hopefully a live example, preferably US or British :)


You are right. I have mentioned this before that is why western media is crying now.


Tiger forces are there to liberate East Ghouta from US deplomates “I mean the terrorists.” For Tiger forces this is just one week job.

You can call me Al

If they find a Yank or a Brit, remember he needs to be black, a fag and handicapped.

God dam, I am British.


You need to go on a Gender Awareness Course Al :)


It would indeed be a great days work if that did happen. Unfortunately, The Yanks and the Brits are to experienced in these situations. Expect them to be using drones from a safe distance. If one or two are found they will be bound and gagged or there will be some other bullshite story. Anyone remember the 7 NATO personnel captured 2/3 years back in a command bunker?


Yes and the 174 that were trapped in Aleppo and taken out in blacked out busses at the end of the campaign to liberate Aleppo. A deal was done then but I suspect there will be no such deal in Ghouta. Any . US Coalition forces there should be paraded before the world .






“Significantly, some of the vehicles had blacked-out windows. Syrian sources say that the passengers on those buses (sic) were not foreign jihadists, but rather were special forces from NATO countries.”


any link?


I still think its a myth that there are Western advisors. Because it would be extremely dangerous for them to be with these unpredictable animals, they would be prime targets for both other Jihadis and the SAA and Russians, and because they don’t need too. If videos can be uploaded from East Ghouta online, so can instructions be sent from Jordan.

I love nothing more then to see such an advisor be captured and paraded on every media channel. so, so much fun if that were to happen. But until then I still believe that the whole myth of Western advisors to the Jihadis comes from Jihadis who have come from the West and who were former soldiers there. Occam’s Razor. It’s the only simple plausible explanation that makes sense. Because some of these guys HAVE shown up on youtube vids.


Let us stop guessing and just wait what SAA will find in Ghouta. I am sure there will be something interesting.


You mean a „gas attack“ on every sunday, as well as „24 hospitals destroyed“ every day? Hopefully they find victory without sacrificing much of their resources.


Yes, many ‘last hospitals’ in Ghouta to come.


Let’s hope so, either way.


Barba_Papa I like your logic and pragmatism and gnerally agree with one observation. “Humanitarian” NGOs are common ways for governments to get spies into conflict zones. I don’t think there are undercover military advisors in E Ghouta but I’m sure Aid orgs like the Syrian American Medical Assoc (SIC) contain some ex-army medics or real Drs who communicate with foreign Govs. Even if they’re primarily there to provide aid, any infosharing or support given by a foreigner makes them agents or spies.


But do NGO’s actually send their Western personnel into places like these? As bitter experience has shown us again and again that the local nutbats do not care about the neutrality of aid relief workers, and only see them as bargaining chips to be used. Meaning, to be taken hostage in exchange for cash and prizes. Again far better to use locals to do this as they are worth nothing to the local nutbats.

Not even Western journalists go to places like Idlib or East Ghouta, no matter how biased they are against Assad, because apparently even they still know what fate awaits them there.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i expect that too, will be very interesting seeing how the media tries to spin it lmao


The meatgrinding has started. Soon the pests will be terminated and the people liberated..


..dead but liberated. Just as the Jihadi rats wanted.


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Yes, go Tigers! Piss and shit on Putin! If shoygu comes, somply shoot him!

Promitheas Apollonious

somply ? translate retard.


i block you, little louse. you dont deserve correction of mistype.


Run velociraptor, run fast and try to make friends elsewhere looser

Promitheas Apollonious

then he lose the salary in shekels


lick my ass


You rude gross pig, showing who you truely are: an ASS HOLE


RIGHT ON COMMENT, well done. But i think he will not understand, he just learned to wipe his ass with the other hand.


orc, others dont do your dirty asshole games.

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

Go fight at the front. We’ll let you air drop into east Ghouta so that you can die with your psychopathic friends.


With a flame thrower

Rüdiger Preiss

I’d rather go shopping in Ghouta in a mankini


This is probably the same idiot who used to post here. Hopefully he’ll go away also.


Fuck off loser

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

Huh? Put down the crack pipe, Jethro. You’re a joke.



Eastern Ghouta in the shoes of Aleppo: the media propaganda again

See link; don’t know how accurate it is but worth a look.


I watched the video. That is a circus and a half man. They are chucking grenades, like it was a food fight in the cafeteria.

Rüdiger Preiss

Yep. As much as I want the SAA to liberate E Ghouta asap, if I was them I wouldn’t be proud of that video. However, I’ve also seen some videos of ISIS, HTS, FSA etc. who aren’t any better. Maybe that’s the style of fighting there….


Yeah, they are off the chain.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

only one or two of them chucked grenades whats wrong with that? they can be very handy! and it seemed to have worked :))


Hey gr8rambino. What looked on the surface to be a scramble and very unorganized, actually revealed to me something formidable and demonstrated courage. There were bullets flying and shrapnel being exchanged at very close range. Those guys have guts, plain and simple. With guts, any group can be taught a level of proficiency that is lethal.

They had bare bones equipment and it looked like just about zero training. But,……. and this is huge, they moved FORWARD when told to do so. Their leaders were with the grunts, in harms way, acting with calm and understanding to the point of serenity, while showing no fear while guiding their troops. What an incredible example to the men under their command.

So, here is the significance of that scene; the people of Syria can be very proud of those who are taking back their country. Further, those guys are scaring the crap out of the likes of the IDF. Look at Hez in 2006 and look at them now. One day, the fighters in the SAA will be prepared to take on anybody. The US Coalition and friends know this. I actually admired that crew in the video. I wish well to you gr8rambino.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Thank you john! Same to you! I agree 100%, israhell and the USSA were not expecting this to be where their evil ends :)))


Don’t stop till you take douma.

Ice Icegold

Go Tigers go!


the map is not true

@Suriyak‏ @Suriyakmaps


Perhaps this urban area (almost pocket) is waiting to be cleared out. Salihiyah has been taken with pressure on Autaya.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

hehehe very nice tiger forces!!! listen your katra!!! that part of you that says “yes, I CAN!”

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