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Tiger Forces Eliminate Large Group Of ISIS Terrorists, Capture Lots Of Weapons In Southeastern Idlib (Photos)

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Tiger Forces Eliminate Large Group Of ISIS Terrorists, Capture Lots Of Weapons In Southeastern Idlib (Photos)

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On February 10, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and Tiger Forces recaptured the village of Umm Sirjah and several other positions in the southeastern Idlib countryside form ISIS, according to Syrian pro-pro-government sources. During their advance, the Tiger Forces ambushed and killed a large group of ISIS fighters and captured loads of weapons and ammunition.

ISIS fighters were able to break the SAA siege on them in the northeastern Hama countryside and managed to reach the southeastern Idlib countryside on February 9 after they had conducted several VBIED attacks against the SAA.

Syrian oppositions sources claimed on February 9 that the SAA and its allies had opened a route for ISIS to attack Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) positions in the southeastern Idlib countryside. However, the recent clashes between the SAA and ISIS confirm that these claims were fake.

Form its side, HTS and its allies were not able to recapture any position in the southeastern Idlib countryside from ISIS fighters. However, the HTS-linked news agency Iba’a reported that HTS fighters had killed over 20 fighters of ISIS while they were repelling a new attack of the terrorist group in southern Idlib.

Currently, few hundreds of ISIS fighters are besieged by HTS inside the villages of Umm Khalakil, Luwaybidah and Musharifah in the southeastern Idlib countryside. Syrian pro-government activists believe that HTS will not be able to eliminate the new ISIS pocket any time soon.

Captured weapons:

Tiger Forces Eliminate Large Group Of ISIS Terrorists, Capture Lots Of Weapons In Southeastern Idlib (Photos)

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Tiger Forces Eliminate Large Group Of ISIS Terrorists, Capture Lots Of Weapons In Southeastern Idlib (Photos)

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Tiger Forces Eliminate Large Group Of ISIS Terrorists, Capture Lots Of Weapons In Southeastern Idlib (Photos)

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Tiger Forces Eliminate Large Group Of ISIS Terrorists, Capture Lots Of Weapons In Southeastern Idlib (Photos)

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Tiger Forces Eliminate Large Group Of ISIS Terrorists, Capture Lots Of Weapons In Southeastern Idlib (Photos)

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Zainab Ali

zio satanic terrorists are toast

Michał Hunicz

These sniper rifles look like a fresh delivery from Al-Tanf.




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I can not see one weapon on these images that is us-made or western origin.


CIA and Mosad can get any weapon of any country in the World. USA-Israel-NATO want to pretend that they are not involved with terrorists…….”WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION”


That is true and it is a fact that the CIA or the Pentagon for example shipped large amounts of weaponry from libyan stockpiles to Syria. In spite of these facts, it is also a fact that dozens of ways exist how weapons end up in the hands of these terrorists.

You are so deluded if you believe such shit. ISIS took over Iraqi military bases and warehouses.


So, i would like to buy 5 Akulas (Typhoons). And maybe also 2 Satans. Full equipped. :)


Perhaps that is part of the magic trick……the US took options on a couple of SU-25 so when they attack the SAA it looks just like the Russians did it….By way of Deception thou shalt do War

Mahmoud Larfi

I’d like to remind everyone that ISIS used to fly a few MiG-21and L-39 back in 2014/2015.


These must have been Saudi Pilots…. some 9/11 leftoversss

John Wallace

Which means what exactly. That it proves no US involvement ??? When the US supplied the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan they were supplied with all Russian military equipment until they were supplied with US made Stinger anti-aircraft missile launchers.


That is the whole point – it is called plausible deniability. From outset NATO and Gulf States have supplied Soviet-era weapon design and munitions into Syria. In this way they can politically claim it is captured and/ or indistinguishable from existing Syrian and regional military stocks. Whilst secondly, Soviet-era designs are compatible with training backgrounds of majority of militants – they were trained in camps with these systems and many were actually previously conscripts in range of Arab states using these systems. In 2011 Qatari and CIA supplied the weapons for Libyan militants, and in 2012 CIA re-routed many of these weapons, and militants, to Turkey and then into Syria. Thereafter NATO and Gulf States bought Soviet-era weapons from from central and eastern Europe – finally settling on Bulgaria as their majority supplier (has compliant pro-US leadership). This included at least one batch of over a hundred old T-55 tanks shipped from Bulgaria that were intra-cannibalized into fully working order by Turkish military engineers and sent onto militants – but indistinguishable from captured Syrian models – that is scale of the NATO and Gulf collusion against Syria.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Another couple of pictures is missing with ATGMs and TOW weapons.

By Allah, they would continuelike this till there would be left no unlawful act before Allah but they would make it lawful and no pledge but they would break it, and till there would remain no house of bricks or of woollen tents but their oppression would enter it. Their bad dealings would make them wretched, till two groups of crying complainants would rise, one would cry for his religion and the other for this world and the help of one of you to one of them would be like the help of a slave to his master, namely when he is present he obeys him, but when the master is away he backbites him. The highest among you in distress would be he who bear best belief about Allah. If Allah grants you safety accept it, and if you are put in trouble endure it, “because surely (good) result is for the God-fearing” (7:128). https://youtu.be/LSPXpzqrP8o


داعش دمرت ما تبقى من الاسلام داعش قتلت المسلم و المسيحي و اليهودي و لم يسلم احد من شرها تبا لكم و من يدعمكم و الحمدلله انكسرت شوكتكم ✌ الدولة الداعشية فانية و تتبدد


التكفير حرام دم اخيك حرام كفا دمار و خراب الدولة الدعشية انتهت

They are taking our computers and stealing the content, violating copyrights of the group and the people. https://i.imgur.com/QDU47T0.jpg

Smith Ricky

Nice nato weapons

Tudor Miron

Here’s a bit more (18+) https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/graphic-elite-syrian-forces-exterminate-dozens-isis-militants-near-key-town-southeast-idlib/

Ariel Cohen

Wow! Terrorist B-linked news agency Iba’a reported that terrorist B fighters had killed over 20 terrorist fighters of terrorist group A, while they were repelling a new attack of the terrorist A group in the southern Idlib terrorist-controlled countryside . .. (lost in translation . .)


…You just change the channel to the very reliable deep state news agency CNN and dont you worry about anything else… Dont worry about Terrosirst stae ‘T’ from the north that has invaded Syria or Terrorist state ‘I’ from the south that is illegaly bombing Syria… You just dont worry bout nothing….




I thought it were moderate & honourable freedomfighters……..at least that’s what they told me on tv……

Vauxhall Astra

Now they just have to deal with TURKEY!


Just arm Greece with half of what they v been arming the Kurds with, and it will be job done in a day or two (if we take breaks for cigaretts) …We ll send them back to Mongolia where they came from !


Whole Syria belong to Syrian and not to Washington. The Washington should move their asses out of Syria along with their foreign terrorists —————————————————————- Washington should not take land from Syrian nation. The whole world eyes are on Washington that taking oil and gas fields rich land from Syrian nation.


Trump and Netanyahu both have prepared a huge airstrike for Syrian nation.

Trump and Netanyahu have also prepared another chemical attack for Syrian nation.


First chemical, to justify the air bombing.


Good Assad has saved a lot of money from this exercise, he has rearmed for free LOL


Don’t document them. Send them to the Pallies in Jordan so they can smuggle them into the Westbank. Make the IDF wonder how their own gear ended up over there the next time they visit.


All of them use in East-Ghouta!


Plenty of 0.5 armour piercing rifles along with RPGs. Looks like there were not enough terrorists to use the freebee Yankee ordnance.


Or they wanted to make it look like there were very many moderate peaceloving rebels…….a gun per person and you got yourself a friggin’ army……


In the whole Middle East the most ugliest people are of Israel. ————————————–

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