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MARCH 2025

Tiger Forces Enter Key Town Of Misraba In Eastern Ghouta, Militants Are On Retreat (Map)

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Following previous advances in Eastern Ghouta, the Tiger Forces, the Republican Guard and the Syrian Army have made another major step en route to a full liberation of the region.

On March 10, government forces entered the key town of Misraba in the central part of the pocket and forced militants to retreat from its center. According to local sources, the Tiger Forces and their allies established control of a major part of the town and militant positions remained only in its vicinity. The advance was backed up by the Syrian Air Force.

However, clashes are still ongoing in the area. If government troops secure their gains in Misraba, the militant-held pocket in Eastern Ghouta will be de-facto splitted into two separate parts.

Tiger Forces Enter Key Town Of Misraba In Eastern Ghouta, Militants Are On Retreat (Map)

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andy l

Why dont the rats just give up fighting for a lost cause.


Because they are fanatics. Fanatics can’t think.


They are waiting for their zionist bosses to save them,with a false flag chemical attacks by their Oscar winning White HelMutts.


Did they win the oscars ? Insane how USA is ashamed of nothing. XD.


That time gone. Now they are very fast becoming Muslims.


And I fear that such an attack is likely if the current furore about Russia in the UK is any guide.

The US Coalition of Terror is building the narrative of Fear to save their proxy terrorists in Ghouta.

A direct air assault would I think be interdicted by Russian and SAA air defences that would also protect Damascus I think, so this type of action by the US/UK/ France would be very risky.

We will soon know anyway.


They want their virgins in heaven ?


I surprise, how it is possible to get virgins in heaven by killing their own brothers for Trump regime.


Haha they believe in all sorts of Mambo Jambo




If you put rats in a barrel they will eat each other. Its the Way of Rats :)


Fanatcis make good cannon fodders. Just look at sunnis and americans. XD.


The pro Trump terrorists have started packing their luggage. Well done Tigers, don’t pause keep going and liberate the remaining part of East Ghouta. Now less area left to liberate. Also take care of hero commandos don’t expose them to the ATGM or to the snippers. God keep you all in his protection. Ameen.

Zionism = EVIL

These vile terrorists need to be eliminated as their US paymasters will simply move them to another location to continue headchopping. The Zionist criminal regime openly stated in Haaretz rag that it is arming and funding 7 Wahhabi headchopper groups via Occupied Golan.

Peggy Johnson

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Also kurds were fanatics. They thought they can take syrian lands like they want. kurds could have say “I have my land, I don’t fight to take arabs and Assyrian lands”. But, they were extremists. So, now, everyone is after them. XD.


Tiger forces should use air reconnaissance drones for rapid advance. The drones can easily and effectively reduce casualties.


Couple of things to bear in mind – bad weather affects lighter drones and as SAA move toward built up urban centres of East Ghouta the militants are deeply entrenched with tunnels and building to building connected basements – drones cannot see into these. But on the plus side the bulk of militant trench lines and heavier gun positions are facing toward west – and SAA coming in from east.


There is a solution of these tunnels and basements. SAA and Tigers can use ultrasound. This is a very old and effective method to take the picture of basements and underground tunnels.


Granted, that is an interesting idea.


If SAA just launch a bumblebee aka Satans’ Lung buster at a tunnel entrance the thermostatic explosion sucks all the oxygen out of the immediate vacinity. Or, if SAA is satisifiedthere are no civilians in a particular block they could call in the Russians to zap the block with their TOS-1A’s there would be nothing left after that except roasted JaI/HTS


All vicinities are immediate.


I don’t wanna they die because they are like us but they have been misguided. Once all areas in Syria have been liberated from these terrorists then they will accept Islam and will become real Muslims. Then they will not think about Sex and 72 virgins.


The TOS-1 thermobaric rocket missiles likely suck the oxygen out of tunnels and do for the Orcs within. But big problem – militants keep civilians close at hand in cities to stop this happening, and they any mishaps with civilians be bonanza for western media.


By Ultrasound device you can detect any thing deep one thousand meters even you can find cracks in concrete blocks or in iron pipes depend upon penetration depth.


Cheers for info.


You are welcome.



Syrian Army secures exit of many families from Eastern Ghouta

Units of the Syrian Arab Army liberate some sixty civilians, including children and women, who were held by terrorists as human shields in the east

وحدات من الجيش العربي السوري تحرر نحو ستين مدنيا بينهم أطفال ونساء كان الارهابيون يحتجزونهم كدروع بشرية في مسرابا بالغوطة الشرقية


Any English transcripts?


In Raqqa war how many humanitarian aid Conveys entered into Raqqa? Zero. So why they ask now to stop operation against terrorist and send humanitarian aid to militant areas. Definitely via these aid conveys US and NATO want to send such things by which they want to change the course of war which is now impossible.


Everything is rigged. Nobel prizes, Oscars, american election, …. There is nothing true.


Well of course, Nobel peace price went to Obama while he invaded Libya and destroyed the country, meanwhile he dropped 22k bombs in Afghanistan and Iraq and Syria. Seems legit that he should receive peace prize :D


They gave him peace price to make him look good before he starts bombing people. XD. The nobel peace price was an alibi. “Look he has the nobel peace price, he can’t do bad”. XD.


Europeans love USA. The rest of the world loves Europe and USA. Europeans blame the rest of the world for their trouble. The rest of the world blame their neighbors for their trouble. XD.


I do not ‘love’ the USA as a governing body :)


Everything is probabilistic and statistical.


And Americans blame Europe and the rest of the world for their trouble. XD.


good news!!!


Don’t understand why White Helmets have won the Oscars. Their chemical attack was so poorly designed. XD.

9/11 was also poorly designed. The movie is bad. No one can believe such a stupid script. XD.


Many US movies are like that :)

Boris Kazlov

Your forget that people are very stupid, that is why they believe stupid scripts, feel identified.


4 billions people believe in bible or quran. XD.


Hollywood – lot of pro-Zionist CEOs and executives – they host an annual gala fundraiser for IDF support – Israel and Syria have technically been at war since 1967 as there was never a formal peace treaty. Make sense now?


Yes. Never a peace treaty. So, I wonder why Syria is so poorly equiped. USA is targetting Syria since 50s. Ask Putin.


C’mon, you know way better. In 1967 and 1972 the Syrians had a lot of advanced client state Soviet weaponry systems – large armored force, well supplied air force and defensive SAMs, and infantry small arms. The Soviets themselves were notably disappointed with the military performance of their client, given the large weapon base they supplied. Particularly the poor tank tactical operations such as leaving rear tail lights exposed in night combat. However, these systems are incredibly robust – very dated – but decades later are still operational and deadly. As for Putin – how is he responsible for fifty years of US policy exactly? You don’t think he was somewhat preoccupied with dragging Russia of of the 1990’s doldrums wherein foreign interests did their best to carve up the Russian Federation politically and economically? Calling bullshit on your ‘blame Putin’ mantra.


Loosing Syria will just make Russia position worst. You loose Ukraine, then Syria. After who do you lose ??? XD.


The targeting of Ukraine and Syria by NATO tells you all you need to know about who is the extreme aggressor in current international affairs. Russia has responded surprisingly effectively – the critical Russian naval port of Crimea was not lost as was the entire US strategic aim of Ukrainian coup, and current Syrian leadership is clearly going to prevail in the conflict due to Russian intervention.


We know who are the agreesors for long time. Nothing new.


And I see nothing new in your remarks – I can read the Washington Post or the Guardian to see the standard let’s all ‘blame Putin’ mantra.


Well, they don’t blame Putin for not providing weapons to Syria. They support Russia on that.


Do you read the western media – they DO blame Russia for supplying a client with military aviation support and new advanced weaponry systems (ie T-90 and TOS-1). Seriously, are you an idiot or a troll?


Of course, they blame Russia for supplying weapons to Syria but they didn’t blame Russia for NOT supplying Syria with weapons before. So, Putin pleased the west by not providing Syria with air defense system and new tech weapons BEFORE the war. Syria was weak and couldn’t defend.

Don’t blame the west for willing to attack a defendless country. They did no mistake.


I see, you are an idiot. Syria had significant surface to air legacy SAM systems – one of most notable air defense coverage umbrellas in Levant region. Which NATO immediately targeted via their armed proxies. Who amazingly prioritized attacking all of these SAM sites. The intent was to compromise the Syria air defenses, previously quite capable of taking down NATO aircraft, before a NATO air assault on the Syrian military forces (a-la Libya 2011). However, the NATO air assault never got of the ground – due to UK Prime Minister Cameron failing to get House of Commons approval to proceed to war. This was a NATO calamity and completely unexpected – it was expected to be rubber stamped and Libya 2.0 would follow. Obama caught the political frights as a result, and stepped back into full scale covert proxy war instead – hence why Netanyahu loathed Obama thereafter, as he failed to do Israel’s job for them. Your ‘blame Putin’ mantra is completely ridiculous – Russia halted and reversed the proxy war on Syria that was threatening to overrun the Syrian state. Unless that is what is truly bothering you?


It’s false. Syria had poor weapons and was basically a chicken.


Before the NATO and Gulf proxies attacked the major Syrian SAM sites on the ground – Syria shot down a Turkish F-4 Phantom in 2012 using legacy Soviet design systems. Your logic is ridiculous. Syria is a relatively poor country and it does not manufacture advanced military systems. Whilst Russia itself in the 1990’s and 2000’s was in economic turmoil and recovery – they did not have the means to produce, let alone give away advanced military systems and nor could they predict the sequence of NATO attacks on non compliant middle eastern states commencing in 2003. Your basic premise – ‘blame Putin’ – is bullshit.


Why do Syria not have S-300 nor S-400 while other countries do ?

It’s up to Russia to create an economy. Russia has everything they need : excellent scientists, technical and fundamental knowledge, ressources, … The main pronlem is that Russia wants to join the west gang. First, the west pretend to let Russia joining the gang. Russia betrays their ally for that. And, in due time, the west reverses the situation brutally and Russia is trapped.

The first thing to do is to stop collaborating with the west. Stop selling oil and gas to Europe, so that Europe economy crashes and take advantage of oil and gas to create competitive goods. Also, overarmed your ally. Saudi Arabia is killing civilians in Yemen and USA made a military deal with SA and UK does the same. Why do Putin didn’t make a deal with Syria ???

So, you see different strategies betwwen the west and Russia. And, taking facts demonstarte why one is winning and the other is loosing.


You are either very naive, bordering on immature, or a complete idiot.


We know Zionists of US have invaded Japan with nukes, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yugoslavia etc and now want to invade more countries. Zionists of US are evils and are against humans of this world and need to be completely exterminated from this world.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Agree million percent


Reports suggest that the Syrian Army isn’t fully closing the pocket because the Jihadis are evacuating Douma.


That implies a last stand in the South of the pocket that is largely devastated and uninhabited by civilians and can be blasted by mass thermobaric fire :)


A good roasting to prepare them for Hell

Brad Isherwood

The Leader Rat of Jayish al Islam is Essam al Buwaydhani who is from Douma. He became head Rat after Russian TAC air roasted former King Rat Zahran Alloush. http://www.intelligencerpost.com/wp-content/uploads/rexfeatures_8966568e-1024×683.jpg Kalibr strike and KAB-500Kr-OD these Rats!


Obama was elected because he was black. Madeleine Albright was the first woman to be US secretary state. Obama gave her Medal of freedom . XD

So called positive discrimination and feminism. XD.

Mionorities are shit and women are stupid.


100% agree!!

Boris Kazlov

Rednecks are a minority they are shit just like niggas and jews. Women are stupid, but I like them for sex.


Ignorant redneck


Madeleine Albright was a hardcore Neo-Con war-monger, who infamously chided Colin Powell that a powerful military is waste of state resources unless it is used to project forced compliance on other states. She further infamously remarked that the 1990’s sanctions on Iraq that resulted in very large numbers of Iraqi children being denied advanced imported medicines for very serious medical conditions was ‘worth the price’ of sanctions. A nasty piece of work.


Just like YPG was making propagenda with their women fighters. XD. “We are women, we can’t do bad”. XD. You didn’t see Madeleine Albright and Clinton. XD.

Women and minorities are a tool for global domination.


100% exact!! serious!!


Isn’t it ??? XD.

Dr. Ronald Cutburth



In Europe, they said “How to integrate pollitically syrians refugees and the immigrants”. XD. You must translate by “How to use the useful idiots syrian refugees and the immigrants to use them pollitically”.



“I’m black and I vote for Trump”. “I’m latino and I vote for Trump”. “I’m a woman and I vote for Trump”. “Oh, grab me by the pussy”. XD. “I’m muslim and I vote for Trump”.

Isn’t that using minorities and women as useful idiots to make political gains ???

But, you had never heard “I’m white and I vote for Obama” “I’m a man and I vote Clinton”.



Reuters and another western media outlet claimed 65,000 civilians fled Hammuriyah towards the west to avoid the c syrian army. They pulled this allegation out of thin air. Hammuriyah just aired videos of pro syrian rallies by civilians waving the syrian flag . Civilians who wanted to be liberated from 7 years of terrorists rule.

65,000 was Hammuriyah ‘s entire pre war population. Hammuriyah saw most of its population flee years ago to avoid war and terror. A GENEROUS estimate is to say half the population remained after terrorists took over. But if the liberation of aleppo is any guide, it is 90% de-populated, perhaps as little as 5,000 still there.


Who cares about what the west says ? The west can do shit.


For the west, it’s not OK to be killed by chemical attack but it’s OK to be beheaded. XD.

Never understood this chemical attack trick.

Langaniso Mhlobo

I think Russia is atlease aware of trick USA false flag attack .Not waiting USA to inform them during attack .


If all goes well SAA will push straight across from east to west from Misraba, and then thrust a pincer flank southward from north-west of Harasta – that would divided militant East Ghouta into three pockets.


Taday SAS managed cut off a high road linking Douma with Harasta further west and also captured the town of Misraba. SAA have therefore divided Eastern Ghouta into three parts. Douma and its surroundings, Harasta in the west, and the rest of the towns further south.

Zionism = EVIL

The whole US/Zionist agenda has been derailed in Syria as the SAA has refused to yield. Now get set for a fake “chemical attack”.

Isaque Freitas


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