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MARCH 2025

Tiger Forces Isolating Abu al-Duhur Airbase From Eastern Flank (Map)

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On January 12, the Tiger Forces, the Syrian Arab Army and other pro-government factions continued their operation against Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) in the area of the Abu al-Duhur Airbase. Following the previous failed attempts to capture the airbase, government forces changed the strategy and started an operation in order to isolate the base from the rest of the militant-held area.

Recently, army troops expanded their zone of control near Hamidiyat ash-Shadad, on the eastern flank of the Abu al-Duhur airbase. According to pro-government sources, the Tiger Forces and their allies are aiming to capture Tabarat al-Khashir in order to establish a full fire control over the base and to force militants to withdraw frm this strategic site. MORE ABOUT SITUATION IN SOUTHERN IDLIB

Tiger Forces Isolating Abu al-Duhur Airbase From Eastern Flank (Map)

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way to go SAA.


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northerntruthseeker .

I am waiting for the news when the base falls… It will be as big a victory as when the SAA liberated Deir ez-Zor from these US-Israel scumbags…

Manuel Flores Escobar

Terrorist cannot keep village for long time as Russia are starting to use the Krasnopol guide artillery..it means each proyectile = one target less!

John Whitehot

artillery has many usages and effects, the “one shot, one target” does not apply to it. Modern artillery, if correctly spotted and adjusted, has the ability to perform barrages with utmost precision, like destroying entire convoys while they move on a road with linear shaped fires, and without needing laser guided shells.


But not mobile targets!

John Whitehot

Artillery has been used on mobile targets since the cannons were made with bronze!

Nowadays they use a spotter with eyes on target and radio link to the battery.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This article seems to assume that the SAA had made previous attempts which is not the case as they have been working on encircling the base until the link up from the Khnassir Highway is complete. This is just another time the work of the contributor is off the reality of the situation as at no time have the Tiger forces have claimed anything but fire control on the base and nothing about assaulting it ,shame on bad reporting in an article.


I agree! The tiger force have liberated many airbases now and understand what they must do! other than fight for the base u use make it impossible to defend so that the enemies flee! They are so efficient now these tiger forces! Even more so than before! They will go down in the history books for sure! Even in our western nations will have to show respect to these tigers as has Putin!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They have done well and have impressed and cared western Generals with this advance. The SAA and its Militias along with Hezbollah managed to capture 20 villages in 15 hours securing the al Hass region securing the strategic town of Tal Daman there is another one for the books. This will be recorded for shame on the HTS Terrorists they used chemical attacks around Khuwayn and two villages there being defended by the Shaheen Brigade. The Russians have been hitting it with heavy airstrikes they 40 in one hour in the region.


very good yes encircle the airbase completely :))

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