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MARCH 2025

Tiger Forces Launch Military Operation Against Militants In Eastern Qalamun (Map, Photos)

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On April 18, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Tiger Forces launched a military operation against the US-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) in the Eastern Qalamun region, 40km north of the city of Damascus. Syrian pro-government sources reported that the SAA had begun its advance around the town of al-Ruhaybah and had captured the Hawash area.

Tiger Forces Launch Military Operation Against Militants In Eastern Qalamun (Map, Photos)

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Warplanes of the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) and the Russian Aerospace Forces supported the SAA attack and conducted more than 600 airstrikes on positions of the FSA in the mountainous areas of the Eastern Qalamun region, according to Syrian opposition sources.

Tiger Forces Launch Military Operation Against Militants In Eastern Qalamun (Map, Photos)

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Tiger Forces Launch Military Operation Against Militants In Eastern Qalamun (Map, Photos)

Click to see the full-size image

The unified command of the FSA announced in an official statement on April 12 that it is against any evacuation or reconciliation agreement in Eastern Qalamun and vowed to fight until the end.

According to Syrian pro-government activists, the SAA is not planning to attack the FSA-held civilian areas in the Eastern Qalamun region in order to minimize the casualties. However, the SAA will work to clear all the mountains in the region to force the FSA to accept an evacuation agreement.

Local observers believe that the SAA and its allies will be able to capture most of the Eastern Qalamun region within a few weeks as airstrikes had  already destroyed most of the assets of the FSA in the region.

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excellentes news!!


Go Tigers purge that pocket of all pests in it


WELL DONE TIGER ,SAA,& RUSSIAN Forces ..Kill them all & DONE

You can call me Al

I know this is huge GOOD news, but for me, a huge heavy fire + raids beyond belief should occur. do not pause, do not hesitate – obliterate them.

Feudalism Victory

Make the god of war proud and you will be rewarded with victory glory and honor.

Roger Snellman

My ancestor Viking’s greatest wish was to die sword in hand and enter Valhalla.

Roger Snellman

Syrians killing Syrians, Iran and Russia are elated. All those who worship the god of war and death are celebrating.


You mean like the talmudists over the border, Roger?

Roger Snellman

Guess my knowledge of Syrian history is just a little weak. What is a Talmudist and what does it have to do with this story?


you know perfectly well

Roger Snellman

Just what I suspected you either do not know either or you just made it up to insult me. I am not insulted by terms that I do not know. There are plenty English insults, pick one. No one here understands the insults from your native language.


That’s how you win a war, by killing the other dudes. In the end the Jihadis brought it on themselves because they had a ceasefire agreement, repeatedly broke it and refused to be bused out to Turkish occupied Syria. It’s not exactly like those who you are trying to vilify didn’t do their best to reach a peaceful settlement first.

Roger Snellman

Yes, that is how to win a war. “The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other guy die for his.”


Syrian nation killing US backed terrorists.

Roger Snellman

That is kind of what I am trying to draw attention to, how this war is being marketed. Ever hear of Less Filling, Tastes Great? This is selling War not beer but same approach. Less Filling side wants to kill all the terrorists, Tastes Great side wants to kill the evil dictator. Neither of them will ever win. They will only weaken each other until foreigners take over and carve the country up.

Does anyone here imagine Syria restored to her old borders with Supreme Leader Assad as dictator?

Kell McBanned

I wouldnt be surprised if they did, I can definately see the Kurds losing whatever they had, turkman et al in the Nth are going to be the issue assuming Turky doesnt give it back as they said they would.

Roger Snellman

Guess we will have to wait and see. Seems that some want to get rid of Assad and are wiling to spend a lot to get what they want. Why do they want to get rid of Assad?


How many terrorists the bastards Trump, May and Macron throwing to the Syrian crushers so many will be crushed because the crusher job is to crush.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You forget the number of Foreign nationals in the Fake Syrian Army as they keep recruiting foreigners for these armies to train in Jordan. The US has admitted these are their assets so they are Americans not Syrians as that was the reason they applied of Article 2, now send them to America no more Syrian territory.

Jens Holm

The usual stuff from You.

northerntruthseeker .

You do mean the US as the ones causing the killings, right???

Roger Snellman

Not exactly, guess I am trying to point out Syrians are doing most of the dying on both sides of the battlefield. Granted there are foreign fighters in the mix. Fighters on both sides Syrian or not have 3 things in common. They are poor most so poor fighting and dying is the only paying job they can get. They are Muslim and believe Allah wants them to kill that other Muslim. Their life is cheap, no tears will be shed by Assad, Russia, Iran, US, UK, France, Turkey, …


‘US backed FSA’ – these militants are foriegn NATO funded and are killing Syrian soldiers and ransoming Syrian civilians for money. The war would stop immediately if foreign states – NATO and Gulf – stopped financing and weaponizing militants.


You smell man

Roger Snellman

Still pray for a better solution than war. You are right, war is man’s tried and true solution. The winner writes the history books.


‘US backed FSA’ – these militants are NATO and Gulf State foriegn funded and are killing Syrian soldiers and are notorious for kidnapping and ransoming Syrian civilians for money. The war would cease quickly if foreign states – NATO and Gulf States – stopped financing and weaponizing these militants. It is only the foreign NATO and Gulf sponsors who want the war in Syria to continue – in order to maintain hope for their strategic goal of regime change – but at immense cost to ordinary Syrian’s. It is foreign NATO and Gulf States that maintain the war in Syria, and they will be judged very harshly by history over these actions in future.

Volker Burkert

Syrians are defending their land against the remnants of Al Qaeda, Al Nusra and ISIS who are financed by the Saudis, Qatari, and the western coalition of evil (COE). The informed, decent people of the world are with the Syrian Patriots!


Good. go go go


Clearing mountains should do the trick don’t let them withdraw to the mountains keep the FSA in the towns for now


I hope the pockets Yarmouk, Eastern Qalamoun and Rastan will be cleared from all US backed terrorists before July 2018. The next will be ISIS pocket, Daraa, Golan Heights and Al-Tanf before 2019 The last will be the Turkish and US held lands in 2019. _________________________________________________________________________________ IYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYI


That second photo is interesting. Is that another gas-canister bomb? Looks like the launcher might’ve let them down.


That militant technical is seriously burnt out.


Erdogan’s rats will be exterminated.

Roger Snellman

So what do the bad guys want and why? There must be some reason behind all their efforts.

Brother Cambly

Would you please put the map shown in context with all of Syria? Most people are far too dumb to understand this unless it is spelled out for them. MSM have them so brainwashed it makes it tough to show them what is actually happening. Thank for the great work and service you are doing.

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