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MARCH 2025

Tiger Forces Liberate Key Town In Central Part Of East Ghouta (Videos, Photos)

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Tiger Forces Liberate Key Town In Central Part Of East Ghouta (Videos, Photos)

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On March 7, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Tiger Forces supported by the Russian Aerospace Forces liberated the key town of Bayt Siwa in the central part of the East Ghouta pocket, according to the Hezbollah media wing in Syria.

Furthermore, Syrian pro-government sources reported that the SAA had captured several farms and the Tank Base around the town of Hawsh al-Ash’ari, south of Bayt Siwa. The SAA also imposed fire control over the strategic town of Misraba, according to sources.

Tiger Forces Liberate Key Town In Central Part Of East Ghouta (Videos, Photos)

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Tiger Forces Liberate Key Town In Central Part Of East Ghouta (Videos, Photos)

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In the northern part of the East Ghouta pocket, the SAA resumed it military operations in the Harasta district and captured several buildings east of the al-Bayrouni hospital in its northeastern part, according to the Syrian pro-government news outlet Damascus Now.

Meanwhile, civilians in the towns of Hammuuriyah and Kafr Batna continued their protests against militants. In a video released by Damascus Now, protestors have called for a withdrawal of militants from their towns and have accused them of committing crimes over the last 7 years.

According to Syrian pro-government activists, the ongoing protests and the rapid advance of the SAA in Misraba will led to the collapse of the militants’ defense in the center of the East Ghouta pocket soon. Should this happens, the militants-held areas will be split into two pockets, which will allow the SAA to increase pressure on them.

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andy l

Hurry up before idiot Trump decides to strike SAA on fake gas claims

Promitheas Apollonious

in that case then I hope Putin will make good to what he said few days ago. Other wise it is all a joke, dont you think?

andy l

if Putin does nothing to defend SAA with those S400s then hes just saying Russia is a paper tiger in Syria

Ray Douglas

Putin will do nothing till after the Russian presidential elections. That’s why the Yanks are pressuring Russia now. They are hoping something bad will happen like a large number of Russian soldiers killed or one of their advanced planes shot down to create a lot of opposition to Putin before the election.

Ray Douglas

Putin did not say that Syria was an Allie of Russia.

Promitheas Apollonious

I see……… and what you call a country you fight for them and have military bases in their country, after their call to you for help?

Ray Douglas

I see your point but Syria and Russia do not have a mutual defense pact otherwise Russia would be at war with NATO. Surely you understand this. If they had a mutual defense pact and Russia did not attack US then it would not be a defense pact and no-one would ever trust Russia again.

Promitheas Apollonious

has nothing to do with a defense pact. What plays here and that is energy route control. Who ever control energy controls the world or a large part of it. So what happens in Syrians ground has absolutely nothing to do with Syria but who controls energy, from ME..

Promitheas Apollonious

I hope they dont stop until all terrorist are dead or arrested.


Nobody will stop. If USA wants war, USA will have war and must have damages in USA.

Promitheas Apollonious

K kid lead the way and give us the good example and we are right behind you. Go for it.


Don’t be behind me, be behind yourself. I have no power, I wish I had some nuclear nukes in my garage.


LOL, I think shooting nukes at anyone, let alone the USA, is a pretty bad plan. Like Russia, and the USA can and will obliterate anyone who shoots nukes at them. Not a smart plan to get yourself blown up


If I can shoot 100 nukes before getting touched. It’s OK. Also, I plan to press ethe red button and jump into the wtaer and join a mini-bunker submarine and sink into the water asap and trying to get away from there if I can. That’s why I choose an island. XD.


hahaha, you do you then bro


The water and the bunker sub-marine will protect me from shock waves and radiations in the first place. Getting out of there is the platinium trophhe. XD.


If it’s so stupid to get blown up, why does the US continue to do so?


This is good progress. :) Now Misraba can be attacked from the south also.


Moscow slams ‘illegal’ US presence in Syria as Pentagon reserves right for ‘defensive’ attacks.

Syria is trust worthy alloy of Russia and now this is the liability of Russia to defend the Syrian aerospace and Syrian land. Russia should not feel shy to openly proclaim that the defense of Syrian aerospace and Syrian land is like the defense of Russian aerospace and Russian land on which there is no compromise. I mean attack on Syria is like attack on Russia or in other words attack on Damascus is like attack on Moscow for which Russia is ready to retaliate with full blow and this is the strength of Russia to defend his allies.


I don‘t think that would play out well, Russia did a good work with caution and intelligence. What do you think would happen when Russia and Syria would announce that the USAF is prohibited to enter the syrian airspace? US would provoke an attack, once a russian shot at an american airplane they would retaliate against Assad in full scale or even worse. Don‘t overestimate the capacities of the Russians in Syria.


Remember the blood thirsty rapists and brutal terrorists are always week and scary and therefore Russia can win from them so easy. If Trump regime air strike or use any provocation in Syria then it means that WWIII have started.

For your information in Afghanistan every day Talibans kicking their asses and killing 5 and 6 US thugs. US will never bring this information on MSM.


It has to happen eventually. Tolerating US presence in Syria is worse than allowing an ISIS enclave to coexist.

Feudalism Victory

This true. Although I think assad could get away with shooting at planes over his capital but I don’t think they fly there. Likewise Russia might be able to fire an older manpad at planes near the supposed isis pockets in the desert with plausible deniability.


Definitely so.


Syrian brave nation is fighting against the Trump brutal regime and their blood thirsty rapist proxies Israel, ISIS, FSA, HTS, SDF, YPG etc.


Pro Trump terrorists have prepared another chemical attack in Syria and Trump regime have prepared another Totamak strike on Syria.


Remember the battle of Thermopylae where Greeks manage to stop the persian empire.

Even if Greeks took advantage of the sea, they were outnumbered and fought a big empire.

When you defend for your freedom, your force is multiply by 1 million. USA is bluffing. USA is mentally in inferior position because USA is the aggressor. If it was me, I will have exploded USA aircraft since day 1.


Good! Give those civilians guns! They’ve been used as human shields and they want revenge!


Kafr batna is southwest of saqba.

leon mc pilibin

So the isis head choppers get a free pass,while fake videos about chemical weapons use WONT.How stupid and disgustingly two faced these zionist warmongers really are.Dare they attack Syria and they will be met with a barrage of missiles that will send them packing.


…like hot knife through warm butter…I hope SAA got the unofficial instruction to “forget” taking prisoners. It’ll save gas for the Green Buses Inc…


No, we aren’t the Washington barbarians.


…probably not, you are right… But still i’d rather have SAA take care of the scum then letting them come back to Europe for us to deal with…


prisoners??? whats that?

That Guy

Looks like I’ve lost the bet…. The army base was not liberated today :(.

Jim Prendergast

Mesraba, Harrasta, Douma.:)

Man Dagang

Hurry up just kill as much SAA before surrender, hundreds of tunnel bombs are waiting


Dying now or in 10 years make no difference. But, what is funny is that these terrorists have destroyed their home and will be expelled in Turkey, USA, israel or France. XD.

Oscar Silva Martinez

Long live the Syrian Arab Army and Dr. Bashar Al Assad, full support from Mexico!!!


good news the center at the pocket is open!!


Again- a question, guys. When fighting ‘rebels’, your easiest battles are the ones closest to your home bases. So why did Putin, for the longest time, refuse to allow Assad to clean out East Ghouta? Even to the extent of tolerating the ‘rebels’ located there shelling the Russian embassy on a regular basis.

Southfront will NEVER ask the right questions. Southfront will never focus on Putin’s rock solid alliances with Egypt, Turkey, Israel and Saudi Arabia. And Southfront will never explain what Putin gives to each of these four entities in servitude.

Assad expressed his outrage at Turkey’s invasion of his nation- then Putin slapped down Assad- HARD! You people here don’t even know if you are supposed to be cheering the turkish butchers or not.

So yes, it is a good thing East Ghouta is finally being cleared out- and to no intelligent person’s surprise- the project is going fast and well. But as I said, this could have happened two or three years back if Putin had allowed it- so why didn’t he?

You are told so many lies (and lies by omission) by outlets that CLAIM to be on our side, it isn’t even real. And each of these lies serves the Deep State, not us.

Google “preaching to the choir” to understand the psy-op used by Southfront and The Saker et al. And while you are patting yourself on the back as a result of this propaganda trick, you are not part of a pressure to get our side to respond powerfully to the machinations of the Deep State.


Simply because they had more important strategic problems (like Aleppo, Deir ez-Zor), SAA has only a few quality units, the rest are not capable of conduction major offensives. East Ghouta was certainly a threat, but it was encircled and basically could be postponed for some later phase of the war (which is now).


Yes. Deir Ezzor had to be returned to government hands, and so had Albukamal. Before that Palmyra and Aleppo countryside had to be secured. `Returning AlDuhur air base was also important because it shortened the front line and released troops for other duties. Taking of E Ghouta required the ability to mass quite a large number of quality troops, so that it would not get bogged down to a draining slug fest lasting for many months. As we see SAA is taking E Ghouta back at a good rate that gives the jihadists no rest as they fall back from one position to another. The strategy for taking back Syria has been excellent.


Why no attack sooner? Because this area was of no real importance back then. East Aleppo was important, as here the fate of the war could be decided. And it did. Reaching Deir Ezzor was important, as the city was under siege for years. It also allowed for easier communications by land with Iran. There was also the race for the Eastern gas and oil fields. The recent Idlib offensive was important as the weakened Jihadis there were vulnerable and it allowed to shorten the frontlines significantly. In contrast East Ghouta was always a tough nut to crack, for not much gain, as the Jihadis there were never really that bothersome.

Only now has the situation changed somewhat as EG represents the last possible base of operations to target Damascus from and to threaten the regime. They also had to weaken the garrison surrounding the enclave somewhat in order to support other operations, like Deir Ezzor and Idlib, which made them more vulnerable for Jihadi attack then would have normally been the case. So now EG’s number has finally come up and the West is grasping at straws in frustration.

hore ten

Syria’s Ministry of Defence is independent from taking orders Russia. Russia is there helping them as best as they could. They have advisers helping with them but Russia is never the one to have the last word. Dont forget Assad is the legitimate president of Syria. They also still have a full functioning government and There winning this heartbreaking war. Thats why i believe your here distorting facts. All citizens of syria want is peace there not allowed to leave like in Aleppo and right now eastern Ghouta. Every town they takeover they immediately start trying to help all the civilians, that couldnt survive in the terrible conditions of being occupied by jihadist. Everyone enjoyed there freedom before all this Caliphate stuff.

Ray Douglas

It may have been for sound military reasons that it was left. After all there is no oil in Ghouta. They lost the race for the big oil fields in Deir ez Zor so it was possible a change of plan.


The game being played is chess not checkers. The right move should never be apparent to your opponent until it is too late to counter. There was chaos on all fronts and east Ghouta is a sensitive spot, just look how the media is in overdrive. Now was the perfect moment for this play as all fronts are stabilized and as a plus Idlib’s orcs are busy in Afrin. The final piece was in place when a certain bird was shot down, and his flock of friends are now reduced to pigeons on the wire watching.


If the Americans wanted to strike the SAA in order to save their Jihadi friends they should have done so before the current operation started. What’s an attack now going to accomplish? The Jihadis have lost significant territory and unless they’re getting air support on the level that the Kurds got like in Kobani they’re basically doomed. To strike now would only be an act of spite, not riding to the rescue while Rides of Valkyries blast from US choppers.


They cannot save them now, but they don’t really give a fuck about some expendable jihadi morons; this is all part of anti-russian hysteria by WashingtonDC establishment, just another reason for western media to spread hate against Russia. And their eventual military intervention against the SAA (probably more Tomahawks) will be only to humiliate Putin (before russian elections).


The presence of the militant pocket in East Ghouta has probably been psychologically important to NATO and Gulf State strategists – in so far as it gave them some notion that they might still be able to overrun Damascus, or at least keep Damascus destabilized due to constant shelling and terrorist suicide and car bombings. It’s all very well for NATO to occupy al-Tanf to train and insert more militants, but without the militant pockets there is nowhere in particular to send them.


They might use this as a pretext for seriously depleting SAA assets preventing them to go after Idlib and later across the Euphrates. The end game for US is splitting Syria in several parts, hopefully in a constant war against each other with nobody getting the upper hand – a Zionist wet dream if ever there was one…


USA needs to prepare (wash brain) their population to be able attack Syria. Not all northamerican people are sleeping or hypnotise by CNN-FOX-CBS-BBC….


I bet there’s a bunch of “moderate activists” in Ghouta right now banging their hands against the wall trying to figure out how to prove their loyalty to the government. Syrian flags must be a hot commodity in there this evening. Here you can borrow mine… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9b970b03a5b49656a7511226b9a071ebea2b2be4a06b7eee5f27946b2aafca6b.gif

Ray Douglas

Obviously they don’t want 27 virgins then. I’ll have them. Ha ha ha.


Yes, but you have to die and see Allah.


Everyone there knows who is who. No moderate activist will be able to hide. But they can have an amnesty if they have not committed any crimes against locals or the state.

Brad Isherwood


SAA split Eastern Ghouta….big time pressure on the Lunatic Takfiri armies which attack each other when SAA is not around. Probable is panic/run to some stand and die locates …. US/UN rescue try like Allepo of the past.

Hopefully Lavrov goes on Holiday ….with the Takfiri rats getting the ending they deserve.


The civilian population in districts of East Ghouta are starting to wave Syrian national flags and calling for SAA to come to their aid. The western political narrative of ‘save Ghouta’ is just embarrassingly hollow propaganda. The real narrative is the majority of civilians in East Ghouta, and those in the Damascus suburbs within militant’s shelling range, are hostages to few thousand militant Orcs funded by NATO and Gulf States.

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