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MARCH 2025

Tiger Forces Liberated Large Area From ISIS Terrorists In Aleppo-Raqqah Countryside – Reports

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Tiger Forces Liberated Large Area From ISIS Terrorists In Aleppo-Raqqah Countryside - Reports

FILE IMAGE Sputnik/ Mikhail Voskresenskiy

The Syrian Army Tiger Forces have liberated a large area from ISIS terrorists in the Aleppo-Raqqah countryside, according to reports from pro-government sources.

The Tiger Forces have repotedly taken control of over a dozen of villages after ISIS terrorists had withdrawn from them.

If confirmed, government forces made an important step en route to securing the eastern flank of the government-held town of Khanasir and to reaching the Ithriyah-Tabqa road.

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Joe Doe

What are the names of the villages?


Jub al abyad, al mityaha, al ajrawi and nearby areas (too many to mention). They are very close to Ithriya-Raqqa road in Raqqa and likely to get to Bir al zamlah, north east of Sukhnah, making the attack to DeZ easier. This may happen if Homs-Hama area is cleared or closed off as a pocket and wipe ISIS off in open areas instead. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Syrian_and_Iraqi_insurgency_detailed_map




According to reports , ISIS has turned Raqqa over to the SDF , and exited south bound ( 6/11/2017 ).


Well, they have to fight the people who are really fighting ISIS.


It’s crazy to think that these battles often are between 20 to 100 soldiers on each side. It really shows how manpower depleted all sides are.

Solomon Krupacek

under assad live 11 million people. it is shame that nobody want fight for freedom :(


You are absolutely right!!! Excellent observation. A country under attack and no forced military servitude? I have thought the same as you. This would not happen in US or in Russia, I bet. Lock those borders and teach the men and women to shoot.

Justin Ryan

keep in mind that its just as important that Syria maintains a working economy. U can be sure they are in debt so if the people are working and paying taxes then syria stays afloat. the citizens are doing their part dont worry.

Solomon Krupacek

bullshit. they sit at po at home. most of them are smuggling, criminals. how can pay taxes, when do not get salaries? when there is no production? long time was problem with electricity, gas, heatimg, drinking water. 100-200 000 adults could easily recruit.


You think money comes out of their ass lol. And you want to conscript an extra 100-200k soldiers who may or may not join other forces or turn on you, and might not even be as good as NDF? Shut up.

Concrete Mike

Well Said. I think how président Assad and his staff are doing à great job with Little ressources. Syria is lucky to have Good friends like Russia Iran and Hezbollah. Im Canadian and America should Benoit closest Ally….but they fuck us on the ass everytime they can. An example, we just Built à 2b$ potash mine, that Product was all export to Brazil, insert American coup, Brazil tanks, mine closes, its been Closed for 18 months now, 500 jobs gone in a tiny Little town in à poor Province.

Thanks Obama thanks alot


Solomon is an idiot. He thinks SAA high command can just conscript another half million with NO consequences, dumbass!!!! And there’s sanctions too to consider. Economic implications, and what these new soldiers might perform (or not) in the long run and if they may defenct or become corrupt or begin another civil war when this ends is another thing to consider. You dont just conscript ppl ad hoc, there’s the NDF and many militias, and now we also got the 5th Legion!!! So the problem is not manpower as such, its the various and widened fronts and the various jihadi cockroaches and their US/turkish/saudi support.

Modern guerilla and urban warfare in a well sized country like syria with foreign powers in a proxy war …. doesnt just end in a year or 2. He thinks SAA can take all of syria back in a few months if they had 10mln soldiers. Still wont happen.

Otherwise yemen insurgency would be over by now, and afghanistan too.


damn that sucks sorry to hear what happened to your canadian town because the imperialists hate brazil and BRICS!

Solomon Krupacek

syrians parazites on other nations. that is the truth.

Jens Holm

8-10 mio. refugees ? 230.000 dead.

Goran Grubić HardyVeles

You have to learn about “total war” concept (try Wikipedia) – this is a “civil war” not “total war” – there is whole science between. What you guys talk about would be total war – and there are well established criteria when a government has to declare it. The last “total war” was declared by Nazi government – guess when – when Red Army reached German soil, not before. War is not RTS, it’s a complex thing to manage – for a country to declare total war is the same level of risk as to fire nuclear war head to another nuclear power. I survived 4 civil wars and a war against NATO in 1999. – none of these were total wars, for good reasons – otherwise we would die from starvation in greater numbers then what we lost in the period.


Good reply! No one has mentioned the crippling sanctions that have been imposed on Syria for six years, and it makes me wonder if people even realise how devastating they can be. In Iraq people were dying because of sanctions.

Solomon Krupacek

this is far not civil war- are there russians, iranians, palestinians?? yes. are tehre americans, brits, mercenaries from whole word? this is total, annihilation war. yup. i forgot turks.


its called proxy war, still not total war

Gue Bjuen

assad talked about this issue in an interview. syria can’t afford to call all their reserves due to economical reasons. syria needs it’s industry for domestic keep rolling. keep in mind that syria was fighting against the most powerful nations (resources, funds, military, diplomatic and media strength) of the world. do you really think syria should have called all their reserves in to fight a war which will last for very long. by the way this war is not even half way through because if they have to face the kurds that’s where this war could escalate to a direct world war.

Solomon Krupacek

you knpow. somebody lies.

here i put austria and czech republic in military xomparison. the first has 8 mill. inhabitants, the secomd one 10,5 million.


so, in cszech republic the pool is 4 000 000. this is similar in syria, too. assah can have 100-150 000only. sure would be easy to find 100 000 rookies. and thics could turn quickly the war. usualy the training for frontline is 3 months lonmg take 6 mommnths. already 3 complete divisions yhould be able to sende. at higyher effort double. so. they dont want fight, only take the fruits.


You cant compre 2 countries without taking into account exonomy and other things. Jesus you are silly and simple.

Solomon Krupacek

yes, ape, everybody is silly, only you helicopter.

czech republic is comparable. nothing excises the cowardism in syrians.


hahahaha he got offended LOL. Solomon, you know nothing and you have proved it many times. Stop bickering and insulting the heroes of Syria, and sit the fuck down son.

Solomon Krupacek

i know too much, but with zeros like you is impossibel to discuss. you are mentally closed vodka sucking ruskie. interesting, i find common words with people from western countries.

really you know nothing and this nothimg try to sell as ace. i saw this menthality. it was the reason, why lost ussr the cold war and why is russia dwarf. your porblem, you are the losers of history.


Lol you are basic troll. Im not ruskie and i dont drink vodka either. I just cant help calling you out on all the bs and rubbish nonsense you constantly spout!!!


“I know too much”

Didnt know you were a comedian too ROFL you joker you

Concrete Mike

Thé western lol you find common Ground are sheep or goats, I an educated westerner and I Say your full of crap


plus like Gue said, not only it creates problems from defections and so on later on, but the cost of arming all the ppl who want to fight is HUGE, and in a war that is not affordable. Also, you can arm them but they might remain as useless as (most of) the NDF. Really silly willy, use that pea brain and think before you speak.

Solomon Krupacek

i wonder, what do you want??? you find 1000 reasons, why is not possible. i find 10 ways, how is possible.

guys, there is war. special law. spacial methods. if this is not clarified, than has no sense. i sy, it is not morl fot witing of help and dying of members of another nations. if syrians do not wynt to die, then shold get isis. their problem.

in case of defection shot the whole family.


Shoot the whole family? Nazi style? Mate im liking you less and less by the second, your ideas and notions are childish, basic and lack any thought and foresight. You are ridiculous, you make nothing work in terms of ideas and youve been proven wrong way too many times!!! Like with the iraqi border situation! You are negative and unrealistic, and at times a downright troll.


You dont just conscript anyone and everyone, and theres already ndf and 5th corps. In a globalists’ proxy war in large size country with complicated situation and many sides like in syria, war isnt simple or easy and gains arent made overnight. Even if you have a million troops. Dont be naive or stupid! Patience is needed. End of story.

Concrete Mike

Your thé coward insulting syrians, thats why tyrants would Do, full mobilization, Assad has not done so. Why??? Because hé aint à tyrant, hes no angel, but tyrant hé is not. Your game is getting weaker Solomon, keep trying, I admire your ténacité at flogging à dead horse


retard solomon wants assad to conscript everyone so his problems would increase 10x and the weapons and soldiers go to al qaeda at least half of them. Silly goose cant think to save his dim ass life, he thought border situation was over because US has a small base at tanf LOL.

Chris Saunders

Says the armchair general as he fights the very intense battle of the laptop to the refrigerator . . .

Solomon Krupacek

eat your bullshit


Don’t bother. They don’t get it. You either fight the monsters or the monsters kill you. Same goes with Afghanistan. Live under Taliban rule? Fuck that. Every young man get trained and lets kill, but you kill everything like in Ancient Times. If my family is game so is yours. You would see attitude changed very quickly. The children and women, I would spare, but shoot everything capable of killing you. Look at what is going on in liberated lands in a Iraq. The Iraqi’s are killing Isis and their families. War sucks.

Solomon Krupacek

you are right

Wahid Algiers

By the way: those rookies with a 3 month education could delivery supply support with food, water, amunition and tents. But many want to take the fruits qand now think “Oh, our army will do it. Where is my smartphone?”. But I hope ALL fighting men will get a fine role in the system when the war is over and when they stay alive. If not, the state has to suplly the widows and/or the mothers.

Solomon Krupacek

By the way: those rookies with a 3 month education could delivery supply support with food, water, ammunition and tents.

and together with some veterans secure 2nd and 2rd line villages, checkpoints.


Nonsense, exonomy and other sectors need to keep going too! Conscription exists its called ndf dummy! Tons of militias exist too! Its not just quantity but quality. Not all the ppl fighting for syria can be tigers or hzb! Problem is also too many fronts and huge number of terrorists not including just isis. And you cant give ndf or normal ppl heavy weaponry like saa have it creates problems. You are wrong and negative as always


The NDF is a carefully selected and vetted process. Arming anyone and everyone who wants to fight is a terrible idea. Weapons smuggling, infighting, defections, corruption, possible war with them later on, etc /facepalm

Solomon Krupacek

communist scum, you put 1000x your bullshits. but will be not a truth. kurds have also many fronts. btw., assads tactics is wrong. he had chace to shorten the frontline. never did. stopped the operations durimg maximum of momentum.


Lol i love how you keep raging like a kid. Perhaps you should take suheil hassans place since you know it all!!! TROLL

Solomon Krupacek

you are apeshit, no more. if you can not absorb critics, take a rope. or better, ignore me.


Youre the one cussing and not taking criticism at all, lol. I wont ignore you, i will call you out as much as i will and please as long as you keep talking bs and talking nonsense and negativity on the SAA.

Solomon Krupacek

no, apeshit, i put you on blocked list. i will not waste my time rieding of your bullshits. bye commie!


Well you dont read them, but ill still post them for others to see, because your BS and slagging off of the heroes of the SAA needs calling out on!!!

Shows how mentally weak you are, you can’t handle adversity on an internet website lol.

Concrete Mike

Bwahahaha get rekt troll…Good job buddy


Thanks, was that for me or solomon?


War is not about who has bigger army! Saudis have huge army and farmers are kicking their asses in yemen and in south ksa itself. You know nothing!!!

Solomon Krupacek

dont lie! the question was lack of manpower. plese sta at home and do not troll here!!!


Youre the only troll!!


i didnt lie, just going on about what you said, that its about numbers and the syrians are too coward to join and make a bigger army. Its not that simple and you cant even follow a simple train of thought dummy! LOL


Tigers have about 2000-3000 soldiers in all. Its a bit more than a couple 100, and right now nearly all the tigers and its subdivisions (cheetah, ghanim, panther etc) are exclusively in aleppo. Even if it were so, shows how good they are.


Is the tank (back end of a T-72?) a Russian remodel? SRG (phonetic) in Cyrillic has been crossed out, I suspect SR for Syrian Republic?


Upgraded T-62M with the May West “( * Y * )” ceramic armour upgrades transferred earlier this year from Russian warstocks.




Still waiting for a map. Did not find it on AMN either. Does anybody have a link to it, or did the mapmaker take the day off ?

Solomon Krupacek

already was published. seek better!


Yes, we all appreciate your news update. Thank you :) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Syrian_Civil_War_detailed_map


This is from the Wiki page



Great to see a fast advance on highway 42 ! Please excuse my TIGER SPAM Kell. GO TIGERS GO https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a3d2c0e48c9c1ee5bfdb12b30df04a9226016649f3d09fa6f16c6984267ec197.jpg


Yeah man lovin the Tiger spam lol

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f593c6be44ff144085d7ace5cefafa2056606b538b9385654ee9d178043811d7.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d77edd6875ee37ee0c39684c4d95a6fc4d40727ab8feca015df8734023d45a39.jpg


Haha awesome pic! Dw about uqayribat huweisis pocket, they are moving from south and north to cut off encircle and besiege it! And then take it too lol


Very nice, it must be hard fighting in there hence the seige

Concrete Mike

Yo plz Tiger spam Solomon some more

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