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Tiger Forces Push Towards al-Bukamal, Syrian Army And Hezbollah Still Clash With ISIS There (Maps, Photos)

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Tiger Forces Push Towards al-Bukamal, Syrian Army And Hezbollah Still Clash With ISIS There (Maps, Photos)

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The Syrain Arab Army (SAA) Tiger Forces and their allies are rapidly pushing towards the border city of al-Bukamal from the direction of Mayadin. They have captured the village of Bir Daham, the hill of Milhim and entered the Ward fields.

Tiger Forces Push Towards al-Bukamal, Syrian Army And Hezbollah Still Clash With ISIS There (Maps, Photos)

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Meanwhile, the SAA and Hezbollah continued clashing with ISIS terrorists in the strategic border town of al-Bukamal. According to photos from the area, pro-government forces actively use artillery and rocket launchers. This means that an intense fighting is ongoing in the city and ISIS has enough fortified positions which could be targeted there.

If the SAA and Hezbollah are not able to establish a full control over the city within few days, this will be done while the Tiger Forces reach al-Bukamal from the northeastern direction.

Tiger Forces Push Towards al-Bukamal, Syrian Army And Hezbollah Still Clash With ISIS There (Maps, Photos)

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Tiger Forces Push Towards al-Bukamal, Syrian Army And Hezbollah Still Clash With ISIS There (Maps, Photos)

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Tiger Forces Push Towards al-Bukamal, Syrian Army And Hezbollah Still Clash With ISIS There (Maps, Photos)

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Tiger Forces Push Towards al-Bukamal, Syrian Army And Hezbollah Still Clash With ISIS There (Maps, Photos)

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Tiger Forces Push Towards al-Bukamal, Syrian Army And Hezbollah Still Clash With ISIS There (Maps, Photos)

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Tiger Forces Push Towards al-Bukamal, Syrian Army And Hezbollah Still Clash With ISIS There (Maps, Photos)

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Tiger Forces Push Towards al-Bukamal, Syrian Army And Hezbollah Still Clash With ISIS There (Maps, Photos)

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Tiger Forces Push Towards al-Bukamal, Syrian Army And Hezbollah Still Clash With ISIS There (Maps, Photos)

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Tiger Forces Push Towards al-Bukamal, Syrian Army And Hezbollah Still Clash With ISIS There (Maps, Photos)

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Deo Cass

I’m confused now. Which map is correct. This one, or the previous one which showed the Tiger Forces advance Westwards?

The Saint

Both are correct. They went west and then south in order to go around the Isis positions and so reach Al Bukamal faster.

Zainab Ali

two syrian coalition strategies – more tireless foot soldiers for the final elimination of zio satanic terrorists aided by ameritards no doubt – God speed

Don Machiavelli

Do SDF really believe ( they yellow shit on the map up north ) that they can have all of best Syrian farms and fertile land for themselves?

That is something which bothers me as of late.


The thing that concerns me at the moment is the seeming lack of emplasements for the SAA artillery and no sign of infantry support . After Al Bukamal is liberated ISIS have two routes they can take to escape. Cross the river into ‘safe’ US territory or attempt to make their way to the safety of the US base at Al Tanf. If ISIS choose the latter the SAA artillery positions will be at great risk.

Frane Frlan

If anyone wanted to cross the river, they can do that in 10 minutes, anytime, during the last week. On the other hand, if anyone wanted to encircle Al Bukamal from the river side, it is even more easier, and it’s strange that this is not done. Also, it seems quite strange, to fire bogus ground artillery, when you can eradicate all potential targets with a few air attacks. We are talking here about few dozen buildings in a town of 2 square km.


The Syrian Airforce has been relatively quiet for a few weeks. Are the pilots being trained to fly newer aircraft that can challenge the US and Israeli’s I wonder ?

Frane Frlan

I’m trying to find a tactical reason for IS to put at least a brigade of elite fighters armed with tons of weaponry in that town.


Yes, Its not really a Custers Last Stand Scenario,so could they be expecting the US cavalry or a war with Israel to break out ?

Frane Frlan

Obviously, today we know, that the convoy of ISIS, TODAY left the town. So how is that possible?

If they do not have an agreement with troops surrounding the town, one fucking vehicle cannot leave the town, without being hit either by snipers or artillery.


The US is in fact the puppeteer controlling the US Coalition and the leadership if the terror groups, probably aided by Mossad and the CIA. It is likely that the Raqqa ISIS terrorists have reinforced those in Al Bukamal . This is just a guess on my part but the jigsaw pieces fit.

The US is playing for time I think as even the US Generals are not so dumb as to realise that ISIS has limited time left as a serious military contender. Is an Israeli assault on Lebanon or Syria expected. The Saudis can do little except shout a lot.

Frane Frlan

It definitely seems that US has no plans of helping eradicate ISIS from Al Bukamal, or anywhere near that town.

I’m ok with that. We all know that CIA and Mossad ara all around on the field, and I do not have any reservation related to that. My problem is with SAA, Russian, Hezbollah troops around the town. They should be capable to target anything which moves from the town, just with the ground forces around. Especially a convoy of vehicles. How the hack the convoy can exit without being annihilated, in situation when you have complete fire control on town and at least 5 km around it, i don’t get it. One T 72 can destroy 10 vehicles in a minute within range up to 4 km, on such terrain. So how they could exit the town?


Iraqi forces are now north of the river on their side of the the border, so there is at least 1 working bridge in Iraq, ISIS is limited to boats I think. Al Bukamal is not such a small town, 2004 census was 42k. It seems ISIS was surprised by the initial SAA move into the town last weak, may be that ISIS command and control are almost gone. GOOD NEWS :)

Frane Frlan

It seems that you have excellent overview on situation, and tactical analyse of development on the ground. Thanks for sharing.


IMO the Al Tanf option is off the table. Even if ISIS had many tactical vehicles left, to gather them together would set off alarm bells. And Jordan does not want this group near it’s borders. So I think the remnants will go north like they have in the past.

Solomon Krupacek

according to AMN the saa use heavy artillary and rockets.

Don Machiavelli

We must also take into account that SAA won’t do what SDF and USA did in Raqqa. It would be easy to destroy town completely and then claim it’s liberated. That is why, bmo, it takes time. Deir ez Zor also took time to liberate and majority of buildings are preserved in that town.

Take look at Mosul or Raqqa. Those places do not exist anymore.

Don Machiavelli

Assad said that they do not wan’t to destroy Syria but to free Syria.

John Whitehot

but in that case the US will have to admit ISIS into its coalition, and i mean officially.


That is already being done of course as previous ISIS fighters and their leaders are defecting to the Kurds. A counter argument for the US would be that large numbers of mostly Syrian SDF gangs have defected to the SAA.

The issue of course is that ISIS is a UN proscribed terror organisation .

I have seen reports that SDF flags were evident in Al Bukamel and that only the swift advances of the Iraqi PMU, Hezbollah and Iranian Republican Guard units prevented another ‘Defection’ of ISIS in Al Bukamal that was planned by the US/Israel.

Richard M

Awesome! The breakthrough is well timed to coincide with Iraq/PMU successes!

Manuel Flores Escobar

SAA and Russia are fighting vs ISIS in the desert while US puppet kurds are stealing the wheat lands and the oil fields east of Eufrates!

Valery Grigoryev

Just business as usual…

Deo Cass

That means that in the end the Syrian areas invaded by the foreign Kurdish settlers will enjoy wealth and prosperity from the resources and land they stole from the Syrian people’s mouth, while over 65% of the Syrian population under the Syrian government control will be struggling with poverty and misery made worse by the crippling Western sanctions.


Remeber that SAA had plenty of time to cross the river and stop SDF at Deir Ezzor and Al-Mayadin . Howerver, they did nothing to stop SDF, and also is happening in Al-Bukaman. So, this looks like LAvrov-Kerry agreement taken some time ago.


BS: SAA crossed the river at Deir Ezzor and secured the northern section. Do you believe the op maps to be some type of video game ?

Manuel Flores Escobar

but SAA failed to take Omar oil fields


The first rule of battle is to focus on your objective, not take as much good land as you can. Patience. They get their land back later. First things first’ my dad used to say. Control your flanks.

Emilia M.

Do you think that the SAA, including the ‘Tiger Forces’, realize that the truly professional military people laugh at their incompetence? I think they probably don’t. I think such news is kept from them.


I wish you’d tell us your country and professional army instead of up-voting yourself.


Those “incompetent SAA types” have been fighting joined forces of several countries financed by Saudi money, for 7 years – and winning. I bet there are dozens of “competent” armies in the world that can’t boast with similar results. When did US army win a proper war last time? Grenada? Panama? And israel? 1967. Or are you of the persuasion that 2006 scrap in Lebanon was a victory?


The Israeli are trying to figure out how to translate their combat experience in Gaza killing woman and children to fighting Hezbollah in Lebanon. The IDF is working on it.



Kira Binkley

You really need to educate yourself. BEFORE you try to post on Southfront. Another sore-loser Yank, I guess.


You are totally misinformed. Russian weaponry is vastly superior to the overpriced junk coming out of the Pentagon.


The last convulsions of the IS pests. Good they gather all in one last area so that increases the number to be terminated.


Hey guys, even the Zio UK media confirms it



You confuse me matt, this comment is the opposite of your position some times ago when we said the same thing, or am I wrong? The link is appreciated nonetheless.


I still like ocalan and the ypg, but i had to share this article with you guys


Fair is fair, but some time ago, Assad and Hezbollah also made deals with ISIS…POLITRICS REMAIN POLITRICS


Yes, but with some differences. They made a deal to move terrorists and their families after they disarmed them and moved them to where they would fight them themselves. They didn’t send them in front of others. The other difference was SAA didn’t recruit terrorists. A third difference was they made a deal before a grand attack to save lives and prevent destruction, not like PKK in Syria after destroying Raqqa and killing countless civilians.

If you don’t pay attention to these “minor” details, yes. They both made deals.


The recruiting is not prooved. In the past Assad released a lot of islamic extremists from prison that went to fight the american troops. This backfired on him. The deal in Raqqa was also to save lives. Garga, POLITRICS is dirty, no matter who is performing.


I agree with your last line.

Nuno Cardoso da Silva

Wars have two sides and the enemy can strike back. ISIS fighters are courageous and are willing to die for their cause. And ISIS has been supplied with modern weapons by the US and by Saudi Arabia. It’s not surprising that they offer resistance and that sometimes they are successful in their counterattacks. What surprises me is the Syrian Army capacity to defeat ISIS. After having been close to defeat, Syrians have shown high spirits, great fighting capacity and courage. There is no doubt they will destroy ISIS and all other terrorist groups, and force the US backed Kurds to retreat to their northern bases. Real war is not an Hollywood movie, so let’s not expect the Syrian war to be without problems. But victory is certain.


Can u imagine how heavily involved were Mossad and USSF with ISIS? I heard Dr. Steve Pieczenik say the other day that the SAA and Hezbollah are so battle hardened now, that they could defeat Israeli and American SF and have already done so!



When Syria invited Russia to assist in the fight against foreign aggression and terrorism, Russia retrained and reequipped the Syrian Arab Army. The rest is history. The days of American Imperialism and Zionism in the Middle East are numbered. The first omen was the Israeli defeat in 2006 in Lebanon. Hezbollah soundly and unequivocally stopped and defeated the Israeli ground invasion. For the first time, an equal number of Israeli and Hezbollah soldiers died; furthermore, the Israeli soldiers are afraid to fight in a war of aggression in Lebanon because Hezbollah is now a much better fighting force with a high combat moral.

John Brown

Russia and China finally get it and are doing all they can to defeat the racist supremacist global Jewish slave empire of hate by concentrating on destroying the Jewish federal reserve dollar by dumping all their USA assets treasury notes etc., they have and buying gold ASAP and Russia should demand all USA companies buy Russian goods with gold only like the Russian rockets the USA needs to put its satellites in to orbit. Once the Jewish Federal Reserve dollar collapses Israel and its American slave armies, ISIS, Al Qaeda etc. won’t be able to fight in Syria or anywhere else or sanction anyone or even feed their slave soldiers in their foreign military bases. I give it 5 years for this to happen tops, maybe even within months. China will soon give Saudi Judea Arabia an ultimatum to sell oil to China in Yuan instead of Federal Reserve worthless Jewish fraud dollars or be cut out of the largest oil market on the planet losing large parts of the world oil market share to Russian Iran Iraq etc. This will likely kill the Federal Reserve worthless Jewish fraud dollar and defeat the racist supremacist global Jewish slave empire of hate it supports. Israel the capital of the racist supremacist global Jewish slave empire of hate will also collapse with the loss of the tens of billions of dollars in wealth it steals from its American slaves every year.


CIA source, quoted by Benjamin Fulford: “There is a lot more than the ‘the sideline meetings and brief handshakes’ that the media has portrayed. The three world leaders (Trump, Putin, and Xi Jinping) met off the record. President Jokowi [of Indonesia] was there as well (as a representative of the Soekarno M1 gold holdings). Trump was informed that next month, Putin and/or the Russian Central Bank will officially announce the new gold-backed currency. It is backed by Russia, China, and India along with their gold holdings. Indonesia will use the Collateral Accounts gold to back the new currency. This move will put a lot of pressure on the U.S. dollar and the global Rothschild banking system.” So sometime in December 2017 a major currency shift is planned. Now as to the USA Fed system, there may be a plan to change that involving shutting the banking system down for up to two weeks. Suggests we prepare by buying enough water and food for those two weeks. I have a bag of rice. Today I get 12 gallons of distilled water.

John Brown

I seriously doubt any arrests in the USSA or in Saudi. Racist Jews are getting ride of Goyims no longer of use to them in Saudi. Unfortunately for American Goyim slaves I think racist supremacist Jews would have to kill at least 50 million American Goyims before Americans do anything. I see more than 100 million American Goyims being exterminated by racist supremacist Jews more than the 66 million the Soviets lost to racist supremacist Jews within the next 20 years tops.

Solomon Krupacek

Why don´t take the road and secure the gain until river?


They did this flanking earlier, too. Maybe they are avoiding the mines, IEDs and ambushes along the road and just encircling ISIS. It worked before.

Solomon Krupacek

can be


As we can se frm the map, ISIS has an open exit to north where USA-puppets are (kurds). Why has not SAA cross the river and surround ISIS totally and destroy tit ? Maybe because there is an agreement that does not allow SAA to do that. One the other hand….where are Russian helicopters, planes, and aerospace force protecting and supporting ground troops ?


u r right SAA should cross river bcuz iraqi army has crossed already it will be easy for SAA bcuz thier back will be secured. and there is no agreement SAA can go any time crossing river bcuz SDF is far away from border and doesn’t have capacity to control


SDF is coming back i think, as they have finished to clear some pocket, so they are going along the river hand by hand with SAA, as map shows. I don’t think there is any interest anymore, just finish the battle, and invade or negotiate with SDF. It’s very hard to imagine that SAA will go far north, where SDF hasn’t finished ISIS yet. I think it’s a strategy also, that SDF is simply waiting for SAA to clean up and they got the rest. (USA might not have long term strategy so why the Kurds really care, has got some oil field and selavie)

George King



“As we can se frm the map, ISIS has an open exit to north where USA-puppets are (kurds). ”

” When you surround an army, leave an outlet free. Do not press a desperate foe too hard.”

Sun Tzu

“The object, as Tu Mu puts it, is “to make him believe that there is a road to safety, and thus prevent his fighting with the courage of despair.” Tu Mu adds pleasantly: “After that, you may crush him.””


It seems Daesh main force was blocking the road to Albukamal from the northern direction (aiding SDF to get to AB first), but when the SAA took the town from the south they descended on the town and took it back. Now the second SAA section is making south from Al Mayadeen as there are now less fighters on the river roads. it is the end times battle for Daesh so I’ll expect their effort to be highest.


Death to the ISIS caliphate at last ! The battle may be hard , but it is the SAA that will accomplish the task. :)


SAA should cross river and encircle ALBUKAMAL bcuz iraq i army has already crossed river near border with qaim so it will be easier for SAA to cross toghter and take more area along the river and bridge of Albukamal to cut isil and SDF. put a siege on isil the eat will defineyly comes out in frustrations


Yup, why do we have this well pissers crawling all over this days, huh, been wiped, hehe, because you stick out, we have read this “shitty” and “lousy” Syrian Amrys fight for years now, do you never give up, boys and girls, you have become an full blown ZioTurd, along with Leftards, etc, etc and we smell you from miles away. But i can live with it, like I have to shit from time to time, etc.

Second, everything we see this days is because of and driven by, the Imperial Banana Repobuilc

uISISa, and ISISrael, filling in with more, profs, mercs, and the stupidity of the Kurds, etc, etc, kept alive by drugs, oil and cash. Thats the problem, the west is panicking, and throws what they have, and I am still wondering are the Russians serious, and why are they not bombing the crap out of the rats, they know perfectly well where they are, I dont doubt that, wipe them out, or face them later, because that will inevitably come, when Syria falls, even if Iraq is liberated, the uISISa will have Syria, thats why we have this escalation this days, to try to steal as much as possible, before, eh…… “ISIS” is gone.

I know something ugly is coming, its to f….. quiet, like been in the middle of an tornado, dead silent and blue sky. To me, everybody is in place, we just await the starting gun to go off.

Syria goes, Iran will be next, we all know it, Lebanon is just an freak show, an side kick to hide the real agenda, Iran. To attack, Lebanon, I think never will happen, but that dont exclude that in an wider war theater, where Lebanon will be forced to take an side, thats were I know we are heading political speaking, the rhetoric is increasingly more agitated, and filled to the brim with bullshit, and lies, if that dont work, fake something, and thats why I am letting time pas, before jumping on anything this days.

And I know Iran will eventually stand alone, to my great sorrow, Persians, this time its for your existence, they will never stop until they have been either beaten to pulp, or crushed, because, its an empire, and they have unlimited resources, men and cannons, prints their own money to feed the wars, fake economy, taxing their own to their eye balls, and so far, everybody is pussy footing the scums of this earth, you will regret that, and eventually, bleed for it. Full spectrum dominance means just one thing, full spectrum dominance, nothing else, where is it in this that is hard to get, huh.

ISISrael does as it wants, because, again the uISISa have the same goals, Balkanize Arabia. And the stupid Arabs fight each others, while the west watches, and on top of it, feeds it with weapons and soldiers. Your very own cowardliness, your epic compliance, your insanity regarding morale, will be your down fall, despite the pressure from out side, you as other collapses because of the enemy’s within, your own people, until something is done with that, I leave you with little hope, my respect goes to those that fights the enemy of man, but the present political reality wants everything to escalate even further, and nobody is willing to be honest, despite everybody knows about it. That process, is what I beholds this days, its not about religion, trade, or people/race, its petty Greed. And it corrupts souls. Freedom or be an slave.

In the end, its all up to you, nobody else.


Kira Binkley

Posters on Southfront are beginning to realize that it is the U.S. who is the REAL enemy NOW, not ISIS.


Both are


SAA needs to surround the city from all sides except the side near the Euphrates, like sun tzu said always leave an opening to your enemy to not make them fight so hard, I hope Daesh has boats LOL!!!

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