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Tigray Rebels Claimed Responsibility For Rocket Attack On Eritrea’s Asmara Airport

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The Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) has claimed responsibility for the recent attack on Eritrea’s Asmara International Airport.

Several rockets landed at the airport late on November 14. Loud explosions were heard all over the Eritrean capital. Nevertheless, no casualties have been reported yet.

TPLF leader Debretsion Gebremichael, the de-facto ruler of the northern Ethiopian region of Tigary, confirmed on November 15 that his forces bombed Asmara International Airport. The leader did not provide any details on the attack.

Gebremichael justified the attack on Eritrea by claiming that Eritrea is backing the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF) ongoing operation in Tigary, which started on November 4.

The leader said his forces have been fighting Eritrean forces “on several fronts” for the last few days. According to his claims, at least “16 divisions” of the Eritrean army are currently involved in the ENDF operation against the TPLF.

“As long as troops are here fighting, we will take any legitimate military target and we will fire,” said Gebremichael, according to al-Jazeera.

When asked about possibly targeting Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa, Gebremichael replied: “I don’t want to tell you,” adding that the TPLF possess long-range missiles.

The attack on Asmara was a major escalation by the TPLF, which may be planning to internationalize the conflict in Tigray. Such attacks will only attract more international support for Ethiopian government forces.


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Jihadi Colin

Eritrea was attacked by the Zenawi TPLF regime in 1998 and the war dragged on to 2018 when Abiy Ahmed ended it. The Zenawi TPLF regime even admitted that the goal of the war was, if not to conquer and annex Eritrea, at least to take the port of Assab and get an access to the Red Sea. There is absolutely no reason why Eritrea would welcome the return of any TPLF regime in Ethiopia ever again. Also, Eritrea has always been in the crosshairs of the Amerikastani Empire’s destabilisation efforts, so you can easily tell who is instigating these attacks.


what is going on


It sounds more likely that Ethiopea is planning on internationalising the conflict. The truce had held for 18 years until the US educated Nobel prize winning prime minister assumed power. He has delayed elections and stacked the administration. Assassinations of his oppponents have allowed the US to invest in the Nile dam. He is reported to have held secret meetings with the Eritrean dictator – Eritrea borders Tigray.

cechas vodobenikov

don’t attack Tigray—no war

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