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MARCH 2025

Tillerson: US To Keep Military Presence In Syria To Remove Assad From Power

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Tillerson: US To Keep Military Presence In Syria To Remove Assad From Power

US troops in Syria

The US will keep an indefinite military presence in Syria in order to remove President Bashar al-Assad from power, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson revealed in a speech at Stanford University on January 17.

“Assad’s regime is corrupt, and his methods of governance and economic development have increasingly excluded certain ethnic and religious groups,” the official said. “Such oppression cannot persist forever.”

“A total withdrawal of American personnel at this time would restore Assad and continue his brutal treatment of his own people,” he continued.

Tillerson added that “free and transparent elections … will result in the permanent departure of Assad and his family from power.”

Currently, the US has at least 2,000 troops deployed in Syria according to official reports.

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Solomon Krupacek

Thanks Putin!


Other then starting WWIII in order to evict US troops, what could Putin have done?

Solomon Krupacek

he hurry and not always stopp the saa when had momentum. (daraa, hama, latakia, aleppo, tabqa, …)

Solomon Krupacek

pls not invite the western partners, but clearly say, syria is russian sphere.

Floyd Hazzard

Thru could have occupy the eastern banks early and prevented the kurds from getting all of it.

Solomon Krupacek

the tabqa operation was stopped also by russians.


As long as Turkey ,Iran and Russia says no, US will back down.

US is not that suicidal to go for Ww3 and like before more talk than actions.

Mahmoud Larfi

I see people do put much trust into Turkish current apparent alignment. Hopefully however, Russia isn’t delusional on that subject. US laboratories of deception have succeeded to a large extent to fool the average geopolitical analysis into believing that they care and insist about the establishing of a true Kurdish entity in Syria ; in truth they’ll be quick to throw Kurdish nationalism under the bus and Turkey will much eagerly join, when the time comes, the large occupation of northern Syria under the tutelage of a US led coalition of the “Saviors of Syria” and will play a major role in term of military presence along with its fellow NATO and affiliated partners.


Couldnt agree more


Well that to create a northern state that is friendly to US has been their dream all along It would have succeeded if ISIS had defeated SAA before the Russian intervention.

Problem is SAA won and the Americans are trying their luck to see if might is right here on Syria which I do not think so.

Too much is at stake and my take is ASSAD’s allies will force US to leave peacefully or forcefully.

It’s now or never Russia with Iran and Turkey as allies already dominate the ME and I don’t think Putin will allow it.

So here will never be a northern Syrian state with US friendly force in control.

A war is certain now by Turkey first then ASSAD’s forces will take over

See if I am right

Mahmoud Larfi

The only (victorious) way out from this conflict is to have the Syrian state reassert its sovereignty over ALL its territory. And the only way I see that possible is thru Russia helping its ally to build a modern defense to impose its sovreignty. It’s ok for Moscow to “coordinate” and pass deals here and there with Turkey, the US, Israel and the so called opposition in order to gain time and keep the situation from worsening but in the other hand I do sincerely hope that they are training in Russia thousands of syrian pilots, technicians and elite troops and will, when the time comes, equip the Syrian army with modern and potent aviation, air defense, artillery and surveillance systems. I repeat that’s the only (viable) victorious way out.


No that would take too long. For your information, SAA’s allies can take care of defeating SDF if they try to be funny. If Russia is not a coward would control US from meddling if not war will still go on as no country no matter how weak will never allow their land taken away like that.

Look at the Houthis, bear footed able to face massive air power not to say Iranian and Syria has air defences too.

Strategically US is weak here.

Syrian victorious side has said ,Syria is one . So US trying to enforce otherwise will fail. No one is afraid of US today especially the Iranians and it was public stated to stop the Iranians.

Now Iran alone can force the US out …no question let alone all the allies. V

Mahmoud Larfi

“… that would take too long” It’s not like the Russians haven’t had 6 or 7 years already to see the situation building up. And I remind you that despite being frozen since 2013, in order not upset Israel, the S-300 and MiG-31 delivery contract to Syria is still resting somewhere in Putin’s office.

Ryan Glantz

Guys, Russia and US are working together…. Common, it’s obvious! Think about it… it’s all just public relation posturing to keep you distracted and confuse the real threats.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Funny how both countries like Turkey and the US have irrational leaders and seem like real nutcases. Well we can’t leave out the other nutjob western nations and Israel along with their brother from another mother Saudi Barbaria . They all have the most base delusion they are right and the majority are wrong. Surprising is they all have a survival mode and none of them will waste their lives so foolishly.


lMAO, For a loser that changes their reasons everyday!

Keep dreaming. There is no way Syrians will allow it . The for es against it is too great

Putin and friends are silent as the Turks will do the job for them.

Already US starts giving excuses to the Turks as they cannot stop Turkey.

After that Putin and friends acts

Solomon Krupacek

syria is nothing. syria is keot alive by foreign soldiers.


You are still dreaming until now. Syria is nothing?

Hello hello, Syria beaten your massive coalition and Rich Arabs !

Syria has powerful allies . What have you got other than big words trying to turn defeat to a victory.if you think Assad’s allies allow that after so much lives, cost, and sacrifice, keep dreaming.

Just wait for Sochi, US not even relevant there

A clearer picture will emerge See which way the Kurds will move.

Solomon Krupacek

saa lost all wars in history. also was not able to resist to some thousand jihadists. losers on power losers.


Rubbish… Syria has to bear the full force of Western powers plus Arab nations ALONE! What do you expect? And they were losing was correct until Russians provided the air cover .

SAA still fought on the ground and defeated left and right your proxies .

Still in denial mode as do all Western zombies who reads Western fake news .

You are regular here yet you are so ignorant of facts other than you are holier than thou kind.

Try disparage your own kind for all the failures for once.

SAA did a superb job.

Daniel Castro

Yes, thanks to Putin the process of western globalization is pretty much stopped right now, the fact he has managed to achieve this without sparking a nuclear war is really impressive, and instead we only have standoffs, standoffs in Syria, Lybia, Yemen, Ukraine, DPRK… Yes, it’s not perfect and it still can turn into WW3 anytime, but it will be by the choice of USA giving te moral high ground to Russia and China, and they do have the moral high ground, even a child can see how the West just goes around bombing and regime changing any country which doesn’t bow to them, if they start something over these several conflicts they have ilegaly started they are so going to get burned really hard, so that’s what keeps them from screwing things even more.

Yes, thanks Putin, he certainly isn’t a saint, but he surely does what can be done.

Floyd Hazzard

Keep hallucinating while truth stares you in the face. Russia and Putin keeps groveling for western acceptance even after trickery and NATO brought the enemy right to their borders. How long will they continue to be deceived and made to look like naive novices?

Tudor Miron

Floyd, by now (accordin to west’s plan) Russia had to be dismantled into several sovereign (or souvenir?) countries and serve as a global gas station. Somehow it is not the case is it? Also, while you criticize Putin – show me one world leader that did better in last 20 years.

Daniel Castro

First, it is the west who has the military upper hand, so of course Russia needs to be cautious and diplomatic, they’re dealing with megalomaniac mentaly unstable individuals with a lot of power on their hands.

2nd, after the fall of Soviet Union Russia was very weak, they couldn’t do much more than stare at the west while it wreaked havoc in Yugoslavia and the middle east, only after Putin came to power russians started cleaning the house and rebuilding their power, they need every time they can get to try and catch up to the west, that’s another reason for them to be diplomatic.

Solomon Krupacek

nothing is stoipped. west got east syria and grunts in pleasure.

Daniel Castro

They keep pushing, but they have stopped, of course the aggressions goes on, but they pay a price, everyday they push they are stressing their support lines (And I mean on all levels, plitical, economical, military, intelligence, public opinion), to the there is a huge pressure building inside western nations, there might be a point the system breaks, or they simply can’t keep pushing anymore, but of course anything can happen, from ww3, and who knows, perhaps even Russia breaks before them, but at this point it is Russia which protect us from another world war, or the takeover of the world by the globalist empire.

Floyd Hazzard


Florian We

Regime change at any cost ? Well, lets see. I think the USA is doing a “good” job in international affairs; everyone thinks they failed with their foreign policies but they achieved to develop military bases in nearly all middle east countries and also de-stabilized these states aswell. When “everyone” thinks they failed, they achieved a lot of their goals. However, I hope Syria will be a turning point, lets hope for a re-covery of whole Syria, including the destruction of all proxies and NATO criminals. If Assad fails, Syria will fail. My two cents.


The US government doesn’t give $0.02 about democracy in Syria, human rights in Syria, the Kurdish people in Syria or all Syrians in general. They’ll happily supply clusterbombs to their Saudi allies who terrorbomb the people of Yemen. So democracy and human rights my ass! All the US government cares about is countering Iranian influence, and in order to do that Assad has to go.


To some extent I actually agree with you.

So, in what wayis that different from any major power?


The really big difference here is that the US is trying to expand her empire by means of wars of aggression – while other nations are trying to conduct trade far more honestly and less aggressively by trading their national resources and products while following an independent economic policy.

Capiche ?



China has annexed Tibet in 1959, war with India 1962, war with Vietnam 1979, annexing islands thousands of kms away.

Russia annexing pieces of Ukraine, Adchazia, South Ossetia, Moldova.

Turkey invading Syria. Annexing Hatay earlier. Erdodoggy claiming old Ottoman colonies

So no capiche at all.


Solomon Krupacek

i dont like you, but you write again the truth. this wil lnot ubderstand the pathological infantile commenters.


No he wrong and you are stupid.

Solomon Krupacek

when tis tell an imbecile, this is congratulation :)))


me not understo your lango

Solomon Krupacek

xuy odin


You have managed to misspell even this.

Solomon Krupacek

mexico, ty xuy


Misspelled again, imho, i think you’ve got a severe case of dyslexia, that would explain your usual “typos”, you should get a treatment.


Wrong, pure disinformation, again, Abchazia, South Ossetia, Transnistria are independent Republics and are not part of Russian Federation, thus NOT annexed, Crimea is an autonoumous region and was never a part of Ukraine, it joined RF and wasn’t annexed. That’s like saying EU has annexed, Bulgaria, Romania, Baltic states, Poland etc etc etc…

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well we can go back further on the US , which has had annexation laws woven into it’s government and still has been attempting annexation Mexico and Canada to this day. Hatay was annexed by Turkey with the collusion of France and the west, much of the others are breakaway republics and independent, while Crimea was an already autonomous region.

How is one to capiche your nonsense when those nations have stopped yet the US beast goees on.When talking about annexation of Islands thousands of Kilometers away , that is more reminiscent of the US than anyone else.

Seems easy enough to understand.

Анрэс Суарэс

Hey dutchnational, re-read your own words. According to you they ANNEXED the countries as part of them. Accordingly, the Tibetans are now full CITIZENS of China, the Crimeans are full CITIZENS of Russia.

But the Syrians will NEVER be citizens of the USA. Rather, the USA only wants to destroy middle east. Hope this helps you understand.

Ryan Glantz

No. Zionists want to destabilize the ME. The US is just their muscle to do it.


You’re not making sense..

Ryan Glantz

Haha, no. USA is just the military arm of the cabal and has recently seen through the sham. There’s 3 major power centers of the world that are sovereign countries- Washington dc (military), London (Financial) and Vatican (Spiritual). This is how the cabal has been running their game, but now the USA military has had enough and wants to turn a new leaf. Notice there haven’t been any more invasions? USA has been fooled the last time with Iraqi invasion.


None. That’s why I am not in the camp that worships Russia. I respect Putin, in ways I do admire him, but he will do what he thinks is best for Russia. And that may be different then what a lot of people here fervently seem to believe.

The enemy (Russia) of my enemy (the US), metaphorically speaking, is not my friend. There are no friends in international politics. Only mutual interests. But hey, what do I know. I’m just a cynic.


All the Neocons care about is pleasing their masters whom desire full spectrum control over absolutely everything that you can imagine.

Cheryl Brandon

Off course.


The rule by Neocons is an insult to humanity.


U$ is a SATANIC ROGUE state!

Ryan Glantz

No. It was infiltrated by Nazi’s and satanists/lucifarians after WW2. Look up Operation Paperclip, please. Also, many other countries were infiltrated as well. There is a massive push to expunge these corrupt elements from nations all over the world right now.


Thanks. I will look up “Operation Paperclip,”. Thanks for the info.

Ryan Glantz

You’re welcome!

Cheryl Brandon

It is all about destroying Iran and the Hezbollah a sa major force in the ME; My advice to the JEWS;LEAVE iran alone.


I agree 100% with you. This is nothing more than cooperation between politicians and corporations (companies) that want to confiscate assets, make more money, subjugate people to their will and control everything. Then, they will fuck your daughters and sons and break your spirit until you have nothing left. Look at the American Indians. Destroyed culture. Perfect example is Cuba. Daughters became whores and dance girls, American mafia and politicians feasted, corporations confiscated and those on top in Cuba turned blind eye to all. Thanks God for Castro and Che. They tore that shit up in half and sent Batista packing. This will come to America as well. They control us vis media and many too stupid to critically analyze. I have a work acquiantance that has brother in silicon valley. Maybe 3-4 years ago, his brother spoke how they (the powers) want to give living wage to Americans. Enough for 2 adults, 2 children. 40 thousand dollars annually. This way, people stay comfortable with video games and social media, enought for rent (they won’t own home, mind you), basic foods, and they won’t complain. Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook, already discussed this in news. I believe they are already trying to do this on small scale in some Scandinavian country. It’s all about control, exploitation, and stealing our souls and spirits. We must resist!


Currently, the US has at least 2,000 troops deployed in Syria according to official reports.

Completely illegal. Occupying a country to overthrow its government. Against the UN and international law. I trust Syria will now use any special forces that are available to it to kill this invading force one by one if necessary. They have every right to do so. It is intolerable that the planet can accept this. It is an act of war.

Daniel Castro

It has been an act of war since the start, too bad Syria didn’t have enough power back then to counterstrike on Israel.

Syria must develop a massive balistic missile force to make sure Israel is brought back to the stone age next time they start this sort of aggression.

Massive and widespread balistic missile force pointed to israel, enough to carpet the entire country into debris(civilians included), that’s the solution for middle east instability.


They still need to wipe out every American in Syria – one way or another. They are an invading hostile occupying force and Syria has every right to slaughter them collectively or one by one. They are no different from the islamic scum they are financing. arming and training. Go Syria….clean the out.

Анрэс Суарэс

You’re one of the few people to correctly point that they must slaughter the invaders, each and every one, and publicly.


America have failed in Vietnam. American have failed in Iraq. America have failed in North Korea. America have failed in Pakistan. America have failed in Afghanistan. America have failed in Yemen. America have failed in Syria. America have failed in Egypt. Which country America invade by his military force or terrorist networks the results are devastated. Each week 5 US military officers are dying only in Afghanistan.


The important point is that all these wars have help USA to keep its military economy running, and to avoid its collapse. It does not matter, if they are loosing o winning, the war must last as long as possible for the benefit of USA economy.


Please see US debts. US is in the top of the list of countries in the case of debts.


I think the point is despite debts, the US economy has provided well because of these wars although it is completely unsustainable.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Have to disagree here your naivete in regards to the growth of the US relying on military purchases is all wrong. The US in a far away time relied on other goods and a manufacturing industry etc. and that was after the WW2. Now selling arms doesn’t help the many but the few, leaving the US with crumbling industries. Currently 47 million in the US live in tent cities, poverty is increasing in time as many as 147 million will be in below the poverty line. There is the slippery slope of military manufacturing when wars end so to does manufacturing. USA has no diversified economy and that will lead to it’s downfall.


You have just said it. Military industry benefits just a few. These few do not care the other own citizen or abroad (mainly abroad).


Very well said, indeed!

northerntruthseeker .

Tillerson is a lunatic… A non-military expert and a piss poor criminal with no understanding of world politics and exactly who calls the shots…

The US is being DEFEATED in Syria and this ass clown cannot face that reality..

Cheryl Brandon

Indeed but, FAILURE inspires them to FAIL even more.


failure is their achievement. this is their goal. chaos and destruction, death and misery. that’s what makes them stronger.

Gary Sellars

You forgot Ukraine, Georgia, Libya, Somalia… fuck, the list just goes on…


Yes you are right.

Rafik Chauhan

just talking . time will come when they will run like tails between their leg and they don’t care about kurds or any other . US/Zionist can even leave their best friend to die. alone

Floyd Hazzard

Blame Russia. If they had done what they should have and occupied the eastern banks of the Euphrates in a timely manner, and especially the oil fields, making it impossible for the kurds to secure any meaningful territory, that would not have been possible. Instead, even after the kurds started seizing the dams they did nothing. It’s almost as if they gave tacit approval to the balkanization of Syria. Now the kurds occupy both lifelines needed for survival, the dams and the oilfields. I don’t know what they expected from usurpers that was attacking and killing government troops.


I kind of agree with you there but I think there are reasons why Russia didn’t or couldn’t (economic I think I dont know). Remember the US really started supporting the “SDF” (Kurds) when they realize Russia wouldn’t allow the “FSA” (Al Qaeda) to take over Syria.Supporting the Kurds was plan B not A…to partition Syria and have a footprint there because the Kurds were never interested in overthrowing Assad . When Russia intervened in Syria it should have worked(given air support) both to the kurds and Assad and have them come to an agreement at the end..especially after Turkey shot down the aircraft


Are they baiting Turkey to wipe out the Kurds? Do you think they will allow a Kurdish State along their borders?

J. Laoshe

The question is not if they can allow. The question is if they can prevent a Kurd state. The Turks don’t care if the Kurds have a state in Iraq/Syria, they will be glad to see it happening if not for the fear that the Kurds in Anatolia will curve one third of turkey and join that state . So the Turks will gladly accept a Kurdistan in Syria and Iraq if they can deport the rest of the Kurds from turkey to it as they previously did with the Greeks and Armenians but they know that this time they can’t do it. So they are in a preamtive war against a future partition of turkey. And the destiny of Nations is in the will power of its citizens !!!! Kurds/ Turkmans


ISIS = SDF To assert control only Syrians eligible for the job. Syrian Army has to shoot their way to Euphrates sometimes even under direct fire of USAQF.

J. Laoshe

You are right . But please note that Russian behavior toward the Kurds in that situation is part of a bigger scheme. The physical presence of America, Russia, Turkey and Iran in Syria is to earn the right to negotiate the new map of greater Syria and Anatolia . The existence of Isis proved that the Asia Minor agreement between France, Briton and zarist Russia(Sykes /picot) became void. The Turks are interfering to avoid partition of turkey and the creation of Kurdistan . The Iranian presence is to secure a friendly state stretched from southern Iraq to Syria on their border. The Anerican are looking to secure the borders and the reconnection of greater Israel . The Russian will take whatever is leftover as extended sphere of influence in the Middle East . The real discussions behind the scenes are: the borders of Kurdistan and the sectarian borders of the rest of Syria/Iraq .


You may be right I dont know. WhT I can tell is that there is something bigger at play here. I havent done as much historical research as probably you have.. I just know something feels off..

Ryan Glantz

The P2 Freemason lodge out of Italy (Illuminati) have said they plan to divide Turkey to create a Kurdistan.

Tudor Miron

“Blame Russia”(c) – you could actually stop here. That’s your aim and the rest is just blablabla to make it sound reasonable.


I dont consider ISIS/whatever and the Kurds as an problem, military speaking or by any other way, the problem is UssA and its whores, aka Saudi-barbarians and the bonkers free range asylum ISISrael. Yeah, what could possibly go wrong.

What I find amusing in the Wankees Gov. if it wasn’t so severe, is the constant barrage on Fake News, when the same Gov. is capable to lie thru their teethes, about everything else where, f….. laws, f…. country’s, and kills millions, and maims more, thru sanctions etc, and no matter how lame their excuses and even lamer explanations, its for domestic abuse, and the Wankees sucks everything in, no resistance in there, and never forget this, they simply dont give an rats ass about whatever, apart from their own narratives, created of course by them self, and pimps this in an never ending spiral of bollocks and bullshit, without an ounce of shame.

Makes one wounder, how do you deal, with insane people, whom is whining about loosing the grip in the utterly lame propaganda eh…. war, no shit, Sherlock’s, Hens or whatever, the present bonkers Gov. contradicts them self faster than we can or even bother to follow, while the rest of the idiot train is run by an Twittering Twat, dunak, dunka, Its bloody poring shit out of Wankeestan from all ends, yeah, an genuine shit-hole flowing over.

But, its the creeping silence, the never ending flip flopping, back stabbings, deals behind curtains and under the table, will in the coming days be exposed, because the war on Iran is as far I can judge, even after the pathetic and miserable attempt to stage something inside Iran failed, the rest, the war machine is on track, and the Facistic EUroCrauts will of course, since their heads are thrusted as far its possible up the Wankees asses, hangs after the insane Wankee, yeah, follow the stream. They, the UssA wants wars, feeds upon wars, live by wars, and do you really think they somehow have grown an consciousness, huh, morale, justice, gotta be kidding, the scums are getting more and more insane.

Yup, interesting times indeed.



What for the USA and so called “Western” governments? All corrupt as well, and Israël/banksters puddles. What a pity. They are helping banks to enslave people, they are the TRUE oppresors of their own people. Shame on you Tillerson, you perverse manipulator. This is a psycho desease, a clinic case

Matt Lazarus

America’s best buddies are the the Saudis–the most brutal, vicious regime on the face of the globe, bar none.


Ever thought of north Korea.

Don't read butthurt replies

Nonsense. Stay away from spreading bullshit here.


Excellently put!




Sounds like a good idea at the minimum as long as Iranian proxies are within Syria and as long as the regime does not give Kurds autonomy or whatever one would call it.

Rüdiger Preiss

This statement beggars belief. I’d have liked to see Tillerson’s face knowingly lying through his teeth – surely he must know this is a blatant lie??


Don’t fall for the bait, absolutely no one gave the US the authority to deliberately overthrow democratically elected governments, yet now they’re practically admitting it which is a complete turnaround from saving Syria from terrorist.

And not a mention about all that oil in the Southern Golan.

Don't read butthurt replies

If something happens Assad like what happened to Gadaffi then I hope Israel, Saudi Arabia and US gets bombed to death.

Alejandro Bonifacio

usa goverment has lost this war, the mic “goverment” must be overthrowed now before the usa destroy our world

Анрэс Суарэс

About your point, locally, Mexico should by now have formed at the very least a Confederation with Cuba and Central America. Yet instead the idiotic traitors over here insist in behaving as a bunch of loosers without idea about anything.

Mahmoud Larfi

Now this is the official (and so correct) posture of Damascus regarding the Turkish assault on Afrin ; the news just popped up when I was reading through Southfront.

Syrian Air Defense Ready to Destroy Turkish Aviation if They Attack – Deputy FM


See, the Syrian government is no fool, Turkey is no partner and won’t be a partner anytime soon in Syria’s attempt to reassert its sovereignty.

Now wether Syria has the means to execute it’s threatening is another story, at least its official posture lacks any ambiguity.


The US in particular and the planet need to be dejudified.

Cheryl Brandon

It would take a long time cause, JEWS started at the very top/Presidents eg Woodrow Wilson 1917/ Harry Truman with his $2,000,000 bribe/ High Court Judges like Louis Brandeis and his PARUSHIM terror training organization. eg Louis Brandeis/ Felix Frankfurter whose post at Yale was created for him by a prominennt jewish businessman Jacob Schiff/ High Court Julian Macks+ Horace M Kallan. See;Against our Better judgement;The Hidden History of how the USA was used by the JEWS to create Israhell,which was already inhabited by 1,000,000 Palestinians/ Canaanites from the Bible.


Dejudification has been done over and over throughout history. Which is a source of Jewish resilience, because they know how hated they are for their parasitical anti social behavior, crime and evil. And expect persecution and discrimination, and make preparations to cope with it.

The US would be a much different and better place without Jews, we need to get rid of them.


Jew pedophile rape cultists:


Ryan Glantz

^^^ Ladies and gentlemen, the public faces and mouthpieces of the deep state cabal!


Dejudification in Europe, the near east, and North Africa 1946 to 2010:


Cheryl Brandon

Haim Saban; donor of the Jewish Neo Con organisation gave $hitler Clinton lots of money towards her 2016 campaign. His aim was to help Israhell by targeting Iran; The Shocking Neo Con Plan to invade Iran by Jewish Oligarchs. Method 1. Support terrorists like MEK and others and pay protestors 2. Create Instability 3 Use military invasion to remove present Iranian government. When Iran/Russia and Hezbollah got Syria almost sorted and routed their Syrian proxies. They then turned to the KURDS cause, Kurds are distributed over 3 countries. SABAN CENTRE is part of the Jewish owned right wing /pro Israhell and anti Arab organization.


“The Border Force” , effectively creates “Kurdistan” . This new creation , threatens not only Syria , but Iran , Iraq and most of all Turkey . Truly a Declaration of War against four nations .


still the same story….but what did we expect…US still believes the didn’t lose the war in Vietnam…..it will take them ages to realise that their policy in Syria was a huge disaster….

Solomon Krupacek

they are winning. because russia steps back :(

Gary Sellars

Tillerson – just another stupid arrogant Murican cunt.

Asaad will remain president long after Tillerson is gone…

Cheryl Brandon

Indeed;The CIA tried to murder Fafez Al Assad in 1957 and failed. The “Get Assad out of power” has been going on for the last 7 years.;Good luck USA and JEWS ;CIA/MOSSAD.

Un Jong Kim

Tillerson can keep on dreaming. The militant promotion of regime change in Syria is no longer an option for the West. But the desperate U.S. is still a danger for Syria and the region as well.

The Americans have failed to overthrow President Bashar al Assad and changed their primary goal in Syria. They are now seeking to geopolitically fragment the country by using their seperatist PYD/PKK proxies under the label of the so-called SDF.

Washington hopes to use these proxies as a tool to create a “decentralized/federalized” statelet in northern Syria in an attempt to legitimize terrorist PYD/PKK and American geopolitical designs in the region.

Such ambitions by the U.S. to carve a “Kurdistan” out of the Middle East reminds the pattern of Israel’s creation. In other words, the formation of a proxy statelet by a foreign power out of the territory of other countries to realize the hegemonic American divide and rule strategy under the label of “Kurdistan”, aka a second pro-Western geopolitical Israel.


– The Mossad’s role in the Kurdish Independence movement –


There is Jewmerica, with the Jew occupied territory inside the DC beltway and a 50 mile radius of NYC. And there is the America First America in the 85% of land and counties in the US that put Trump in office. Who he has partially betrayed to keep the Jews and their collaborators from impeaching him.


American terrorist invaders are a legitimate target for the Syrian Army. The only problem is that there are still too many other enemies to kill before they can focus on driving out the American occupiers. But the time to confront the mercenaries of the US zionist bourgeois regime is getting closer and closer by the day…


So Tillerson basically admitted publicly that the US have initiated an illegal and direct partial invasion of Syria, and that they will keep sponsoring terrorist factions on Syrian soil indefinitely. US foriegn policy change under Trump much?!


The single best thing that can be done in the best interests of the American people and humanity is for America to be dejudified.

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