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MARCH 2025

Time To Talk About US Role In Aiding Terrorism Along With Russian Role In Fighting Terrorism

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Time To Talk About US Role In Aiding Terrorism Along With Russian Role In Fighting Terrorism

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Written by Uriel Araujo, researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts

Peter Smith, Lucas Webber, and Colin P. Clarke, writing for The Diplomat, argue that ISIS and ISKP terrorist groups “have viewed Moscow as their enemy since the group’s inception” largely due to the Kremlin’s role in Syria. I recently wrote about the Russian role in fighting terrorism in the Levant and Central Asia, and much is being (finally) said about that in the aftermath of the violent Crocus City Hall terror attack near Moscow. It is about time, however, to talk about the hypocrisy pertaining to Washington’s role in Syria and elsewhere and in the evolution of ISIS itself and Islamic terrorism in general.

It may be a politically incorrect truth, but the fact remains that Hezbollah as well as Iranian and Russian forces have been playing a major role in fighting ISIS in Syria for over a decade as well as in guaranteeing the safety of Christians and other minorities in a region where Wahhabi extremists were beheading, enslaving and kidnapping them. Meanwhile, American military aid to insurgents in Syria is a well established fact.

It so happens the weapons provided by Washington to rebels there “ended up” in ISIS hands, according to more than one Amnesty Report. It could be just a coincidence, but, in fact, it is not far-fetched at all to say the United States played a key role in the evolution of ISIS both in Iraq and Syria – and much has been written on it. In any case, this is far from being the only instance of the world’s Atlantic superpower sponsoring terrorism – mayhem and civil war. Already in 1991, Graham H. Stuart, who was Professor of Political Science Emeritus at Stanford University, wrote on how the terrorism of the American enemies even paled in comparison to Western sponsored terror. This remains true to this day. The case of Libya is emblematic in this regard and it is worth having a look at it.

One may recall that, after seeing reports of Gaddafi’s capture and brutal assassination on her Blackberry device in between interviews, then US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton famously said, while cheering, “We came, we saw, he died” – paraphrasing Julius Cesar’s “Veni; vidi; vici” (“I came; I saw; I conquered”). She had been in Tripoli (Libya) earlier that same week for talks with Libya’s National Transitional Council (NTC) leaders. The reporter then asked her whether the Libyan leader’s death had anything to do with Clinton’s surprise visit to the country. She firstly replied “no”, but then added with a chuckle while rolling her eyes, “I’m sure it did!”

The Roman statesman and general, according to Appian of Alexandria, used the aforementioned phrase to report to the Roman Senate his swift victory in the war against  Pharnaces II of Pontus in modern-day Turkey. Clinton’s paraphrasing of it in turn was basically a top US official cheering the obscene assassination of a sovereign country’s head of state by the hand of American proxy terrorist bandits in Libya. These rebels stripped and tortured the deposed leader and joyfully filmed it before killing him. A video appallingly shows the man being stabbed or poked in the anus with what appears to be a stick or a bayonet, which ensued a scandal throughout the country. The rotting body, later placed in an industrial freezer, was publicly displayed for days by the rebel authorities.

Both Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International called for an independent autopsy and investigation, to no avail. Whether one likes or not Gadaffi and his authoritarian rule, the hard fact is that slavery has literally made a comeback in post-Gaddafi Libya, with Black Africans being sold as slaves in open markets. The American-aided “spring” basically turned Libya into a ruined nation – Gaddafi’s Libya was no paradise, but one should keep in mind that the country for years had the highest Human Development Index in Africa before the civil war, and boasted of significant gender equality.

I’ve written before on the hydropolitics of the American intervention in Libya and the NATO bombing of the “Great Man-Made River” project. Besides dropping bombs on over 100 targets in Libya, together with France and its other NATO allies (which resulted in the deaths of civilians, including babies), Washintong provided covert military assistance to the rebels who toppled Gaddafi, despite the presence of Al-Qaeda and other terror groups amongst them. Sometimes it was not so covert: an American Predator drone took part in the airstrike in Muammar Gaddafi’s convey just moments before his death, and the whole matter was hailed by Washington and enthusiasts as a “new kind of US foreign policy success”, with an unnamed US official describing such policy as “leading from behind”. According to former CIA officer Bruce Riedel:

“There is no question that al Qaeda’s Libyan franchise, Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, is a part of the opposition. It has always been Qaddafi’s biggest enemy and its stronghold is Benghazi.”

It is no wonder ISIS-Libya (ISIS-L) emerged in the aftermath of the country’s civil war and is active there to this day. One group of Liybians who had fought against Gaddafi went to Syria to join the anti-government rebels there, by forming the Battar Brigade in 2012, which later pledged its loyalty to US-aided ISIS. Many Battar Brigade veterans then returned to Libya in 2014, to create the  Islamic Youth Shura Council faction.

To sum it up, time and time again one will encounter Washington authorities directly or indirectly involved in the aiding and arming of the most vicious terrorist groups in North Africa, the Middle East, and elsewhere, as admitted by US top officials themselves. It is part of the core of its foreign policy. And it is about time to stop pretending it isn’t.


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first of all u.s. is greatly divided and 90 percent of u.s. citizens with the help of 9.999 percent of clowns, lapdogs and monkeys (politicians, ngo workers, secret agents and media). anyway, the living standard in the west is still much better compared to the rest of the world but what is very important is the trend, not the status. west is in freefall and the gap is getting smaller. in other words, west ruined everything which took hundreds of years to create in 2 decades.


secondly, putin is an evil guy, who seeks power. he is a maniac, not a savior of russia. putin had all the possibilities to stop maidan 10 years ago but he would probably end up as brezhnev, who intervened in czechoslovakia and then invaded afghanistan. no, putin let the west militarized ukraine, he let cia terrorize luhansk and donetsk and then he claimed, look, i believed merkel, i believed nato and they deceived me. russia, go and fight to defend our motherland.


from my perspective, militarily it was a suicide, but politically it was great victory. now this guy has presidency guaranteed till the end of his miserable life, the only thing he needs to do is yapping about unity of russian nation, about the threat of civil war inside russia and about western enemies (not partners anymore lol) who deceived him and all his people. shit. we told him million times, cia can’t be trusted, these are your fucking enemies, but putin/lavrov, deaf and dumb.


and now you get the point. they were in fact not dumb, they grabbed all the power in russia by this dirty political game which cost already >300.000 russian soldiers dead (not counting only in ukraine, but in syria as well as these 2 wars are closely connected together) and these wars could be ended and prevented long ago if putin didn’t forced his own army circling in enemy minefields with tied hands behind the back.


did you read this article? where is your indignation about western hypocrisy?


he can’t show any indignation for the west hypocrites as he is one.

jens holm

i hope not.

and why should. not all are raised to parrots or sheep.

jens holm

you dont decide his writings

why write about western hypocrisy. your version is more then well know. you must think were are dummies or slow leaners.

its the same from before i was born. even russians coins at least has 2 sides


holm is more stupid than amerikan

AM Hants

his monthly bonus comes from the n a f o.


300 000 russian soldier dead? oh yeah, sure, only if you trust famous british mod, well known for their honesty and “look how bad these germans are, they impaled little belgian babies on bayonettes – join the army, for king and country”. united kingdom is a kingdom of lies, ruled by satanist jews and a german castouts. you lie just like britprick, so you must be one of them.

AM Hants

us paid uk pr management company bell pottinger £500,000 to spin the iraq war. times moved on, but still the £millions flow to these pr management companies, however they rebrand themselves. how much does the uk foreign office spend on integrity initiative/statecraft and russian disinformation, for starters? that is just from the uk, then you have the eu, 5 eye, us and hato contributions.


you must be one of the ukro-strategists. such an intelligent view can only come from the great minds of sbu dicks or genocidal jews – read fake russian opposition all bought and payed by london and washington.

jens holm

sure. and yours reach ther ground because you have short legs as well.

AM Hants

you do know that president putin is the president of russia and not ukraine?


moron amerikan hillbilly desperate


it is of utmost nescessity to help create civil war in us. just as they did it to many other countries for a more than century. whatever richness is on display in us, uk or france, it arrived by the plunder, theft and war on other countries. americans need baptism by the fire, to get rid of the fremasonic cabal, satanists and so called intelligence agencies and large corporations.

jens holm

use a candle nest time you take something out from your behind.


they will not leave peacefully. when every god damn yank family lose a member in a civil war, they will become the most peaceful people in the world. i haven’t say nation as they are not a nation but a corporation. east india corporation on steroids, presenting itself as a true state.

jens holm

almost all the world are recession and many many much worse then usa.

none normal people in our part of the world that infantile stand alones. you only lie or for yown.

forthere usa has just annonced the have made some 300.000 new jobs instead of 200.000 as hoped.

you not only where we live. very much as you has been in fall or worse.


halfwit nazi holm—russia growing at 4% china 6%—europe dying amerika a fake burger economy produces nothing purchased by other nations


amerikan standard–cesspool ugliness…”i do not envy amerikan happiness-it is the happiness a different and inferior species”. stendhal


danish so happy they pay 65% income tax 35% require mental health tx

jens holm

whatever written here all is already well described in almost every detail.

its forgetten this startede in caucses where old russia expelled tjetenians all over middle eats. many others emmigrated themselves.

thats vhy usa and uk fast could make al qaida in afghanistan with many hating soldiers. those has networks and by that both money and recruits.

jens holm

usa and britts trained and armed them well. those qaidas was the need extra strenght for tjenebia war 1 and 2.

and usa int start isis and isilm at alls, which were inspired by war against russia.

you are just as about maidan. every facts rusians did are erased. the help to ukriane was not only usa ad militaries up grade the old big ukrainian forced. and usa parashute their whole balalaijka in. well didnt .

jens holm

they main thing was many usa companies import minerals and ukrais got money.

no. the visions with helpers was to remation and modercise them for the worls outside the long dirty arm and not disconneted them fom measum russia.


senility painful for holm? do they give you glue or fentanyl to prevent suicide?

AM Hants

i. secret intelligence services/a. qaeda – both clinton and obama have admitted to being behind their creation. the latter was set up to fight the soviets in afghanistan, between 1979 – 1989, according to clinton and obama admitted to being behind i. secret intelligence services. on the eve of 9/11 the bush family were having dinner with their business partners the bin laden family. guess they were keeping it in the family?


south front should charge fee to amerikan troll

jens holm

i had new seizure sniff too much glue—thanks you for sending me shekel in my nursing home

Andre Rivas

this was beautiful admin. thank you for your reflections.

Agustin Beasley

the level of detail in this post is commendable. you have a great way of making things interesting while still keeping them informative. keep it up!

Myla Shannon

i really appreciate the effort you put into making your content so valuable. this was an excellent read, and i’ve taken away some great points!

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