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MARCH 2025

Today, Ukraine Bombed a Donetsk Hotel Full of Journalists – Here’s What It Felt Like to be There

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Today, Ukraine Bombed a Donetsk Hotel Full of Journalists – Here’s What It Felt Like to be There

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Another attack from Kiev has hit central Donetsk, targeting a funeral and a hotel where numerous reporters stay and work

Written by Eva Bartlett. Originally published by GlobalResearch.

At 10:13 am today (Thursday), Ukraine began shelling central Donetsk. There were five powerful blasts in the space of ten minutes. The last explosion blew out my hotel’s ground-floor glass, including a sitting room – where journalists often congregate before and after going out to do field reporting – and the lobby. About one minute earlier, I had passed through the latter. A cameraman’s assistant who was there at the time of that fifth explosion suffered a concussion from the force of the blast.

A woman walking outside the building was killed, as were at least four others, including a child. Donetsk Telegram channels are filled with videos locals have taken, of the dead, the injured and the damage, and of grief-stricken people. One such hard-to-watch Telegram post (warning: graphic footage) features a man in shock at the gruesome sight of the bodies of his murdered wife and grandchild on a street two blocks from the hotel.

The total number of injured is still not known, as I write. First estimates placed the number at at least ten, among them two ambulance workers: a paramedic and a doctor.

Reading the news, you have the luxury of graphic image warnings and the choice not to look at the pictures and videos of the carnage that occurred today, as well as over the past eight years of Ukraine’s war on Donbass. The people here on the ground don’t get a warning, or a choice as to whether they will see the mutilated remains of a loved-one or stranger. As uncomfortable as it is to see such footage, it does need to be shown if the world is to know the truth of what’s going on in Donbass, to give voice to the locals, killed and terrorized by Ukrainian forces as Western corporate media looks elsewhere or covers up these crimes.

Chronology of a bomb strike

When the shelling started, I was in my room editing footage from the previous day – from the aftermath of another shelling of a Donetsk district. You wouldn’t know it from most Western media coverage but explosions are so common here that I didn’t think much of the blast other than it was louder than usual and the car alarms were going off.

Seven minutes later, another explosion, much louder and much closer. From the window, smoke could be seen rising to the north, probably 200 meters away. This would have been right near the Opera House, where the funeral ceremony for Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) Colonel Olga Kachura, killed yesterday, was commencing.

A minute later, another loud blast sent me running from the room, which faced the direction of incoming artillery. Luckily, the only damage ended up being a broken window.

Downstairs, journalists who had been in the hotel and others who had been outside ready to go out reporting, took shelter in the hallway for the time being, ready to run to the basement if things escalated.

One told me he had been preparing to go film and was about 10 meters away from where the last shell struck. “I believe they were trying to target the funeral. And journalists also,” he said. He also said there was a woman outside who had lost a leg, and that she was probably dead by now.

One could assume that Kiev’s forces’ only intended target was the funeral service for Colonel Kachura, aiming perhaps to send a message to the DPR military and the civilians who support it. While that would be egregious by itself, it is likely that a hotel housing journalists was not just ‘collateral damage,’ either.

Ukraine routinely persecutes, censors, imprisons, tortures, and targets media personnel, putting us on kill lists.

Kiev’s forces know a lot of journalists stay at this hotel for its central location and strong wifi. Many frequently do their live reports from outside the hotel. And those staying here, as well as in other central Donetsk neighborhoods, have been loudly reporting on Ukraine’s showering of Donetsk with the insidious, internationally-prohibited ‘butterfly’ anti-personnel mines of late – the latest, until today, in the list of Kiev’s war crimes. These explosives are designed to rip off feet and legs, and Ukraine has repeatedly fired rockets containing them, intentionally dropping them on civilian areas in Donetsk and other Donbass cities.

After the explosions rang out in central Donetsk today, Emergency Services arrived at the scene and, following a period of calm, journalists went out to document the damage and the dead. The woman I’d been told about lay in a pool of blood, covered with what appeared to be a curtain from one of the blown-out windows.

The calm didn’t last long. Ukraine soon resumed shelling, and journalists outside ran back inside as we received another four attacks. “It’s like a common thing, they shoot one place and shoot it again. So we’re in the middle of that process right now,” a Serbian guy near me said.  The chief of a local Emergency Services headquarters told me Kiev also makes triple strikes, not only double.

It is said that Ukraine used NATO-standard 155mm caliber weapons in today’s attack. If that is true, this is another instance of Ukraine using Western-supplied weapons to slaughter and maim civilians in the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics.

If by bombing a hotel full of journalists Kiev wanted to intimidate them away from reporting on Ukraine’s war crimes, it won’t work. Most journalists reporting from on the ground here do so because, unlike the crocodile tears of the West for conflicts they create, we actually care about the lives of people here.

Eva Bartlett is a Canadian independent journalist. She has spent years on the ground covering conflict zones in the Middle East, especially in Syria and Palestine (where she lived for nearly four years). @evakbartlett


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jens holm

I think I heard Zelinsky put up Putin statues all over to try to protect the civilians from Putin bombardments.

Some say the Russian army by that will bombard even harder.


you think too much

jens holm

I read, sse and listen. By that I learn and conclude what can be concluded.

jens holm

Some here says Im biased or worse. But facts are Im a sobern western in most things.

So Ukraine has th right to be with the rest of the world after own choise. No more Hitlers, Stalins, Tzars and for that matter Napoleons and Mongols should run us.


Yeah he thinks too much about cock.


Zelensky didn’t have to do anything. Putin styles himself as a big humanitarian, that is why Kiev and Lvov are safe and untouched.

Southfront resident nigha

Finally!!! Something productive from Ukrops! How do you know? Because Агитпроп agitational propagandists (cuckolds who call themselves journos) got scared :D

Last edited 2 years ago by Southfront resident nigha

and what does it mean in English?

jens holm

It says You pretend to be more stupid then You are. It must be a hard assignment.

Zelensky, Vlodimir

hey yanks, keep sending me the multi-billion tax dollars, I need to pay to pay the Colombians


These kind of events are why I’m so mad at the Russian government for being such incompetent fools. The Kremlin’s lazy effort can’t move the front away from Donbass after 5 months of grind. No one is being protected by this so called Special Operation.

Jens Holm

Ukraine’s military is gone, rampant corruption leaked documents reveal. Leaked documents show just how much the Ukrainian army is suffering. By some accounts, nearly half of the country’s armed forces are out of commission. So cope, here the facts youtube.com/watch?v=sKvLn-Gi1V4

jens holm

Yuri almost upgraded to white trash wrote that. Paint wasnt enough, but we tryed. The main donator was UNICEF.

jens holm

I never wote that.

Jens Holm Denmark

V for Victory

Ah! For once you could have done a rational analysis and not, it was another one to use your ID. LOL.

Peter Jennings

Sure you did, and for once, something you posted i agree with.

Southfront resident nigha

Yes, you did.

Florian Geyer

It’s just another day and another War Crime for the US and UK trained Ukie Army of wannabe gangsters.

Slava Russiya.

Peter Jennings

This dead horse is about flogged. The US and nato are turning on the reporters who are spoiling all their propaganda bullshit. The truth will out, thanks to brave souls such as Eva Bartlett, and others.

Carry on the good work and expose these NWO mofo’s.


Finally, a fellow Canadian that I don’t curse at or laugh about.

jens holm

It shows You level well. If You upseize it, Your right horn is an arm.

jens holm

The right horn is a hand. You keep You low level well.

The picture can be reseized.


Hahah they got the arab-‘feel’, bombed ta shit with Yankee TNT lol

jens holm

Globalresearch is an “anti-Western” website that can’t distinguish between serious analysis and discreditable junk — and so publishes both. It’s basically the tankie equivalent to Infowars or WND.

While some of GlobalResearch’s articles discuss legitimate humanitarian concerns, its view of science, economics, and geopolitics is conspiracist — if something goes wrong, the Jews West didit! The site has long been a crank magnet: If you disagree with “Western” sources on 9/11, or HAARP, or vaccines, or H1N1, or climate change, or anything published by the “mainstream” media, then GlobalResearch is guaranteed to have a page you will love.

The website (under the domain names globalresearch.ca(link), globalresearch.org(link), globalresearch.com(link), and sister site mondialisation.ca(link)) is run by the Montreal-based non-profit The Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG) founded by Michel Chossudovsky (1946–),[2][3] a professor emeritus of economics at the University of Ottawa, Canada.[4]

Whenever someone makes a remarkable claim and cites GlobalResearch, they are almost certainly wrong. GlobalResearch is such a bad reference that it has been put on the anti-spam blacklist for English Wikipedia.[5]

Do not confuse Globalresearch with globalnews.ca, which is a perfectly ordinary news site, basically the Canadian equivalent to CNN.


These reports are showing the death throes of a nation that is dying a painful death. The Ukrainian army is almost depleted of able bodied professionally trained soldiers and been replaced with soulless criminals that have recently been freed from prison to take over the fighting. Very soon these POS will be destroyed and their bodies will be scattered to the 4 winds as Russian bombs and missiles rain down upon them. Their life clock is ticking away, soon for them will be their end of days. Their time on Earth is about to expire, in a flash of light and a burning fire. These soulless vessels of flesh and blood will cease to be a danger to anyone. Although most will not be missed, their gruesome deaths will be a joyous celebration. Goodbye forever never to return, your deaths will not be of concern.

Frank McCarthy

Blessings be on those poor souls who had the misfortune to have been torn apart by incoming shrapnel. So, the Ukray lines kill civilian women now? Why hurl artillery that they have no predilection for accuracy for? Me men and fight on your feet like infantry are supposed to. Face to face especially in civilian areas using missiles to kill mice never turns out well.

jens holm

Nice to see Krimera in fire done by themself. So many direct photos and videos from Ruusians tourists there.

Russia makes happy new Year twice or they finally fired Putin.

It’s me

obviously they got tipped off where all the journalist reporting on their crimes are stationed.

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

The Seversk-Soledar-Bakhmut line is one of the most fortified enemy lines in the Donbass. Day by day hour by hour it is crumbling and having to be replenished with raw recruit cannon fodder.

Tick Tock, Tick Tock for the drug addled Jew faggot CIA puppet and his regime of murderous perverts!


The front line is still close to Donetsk. Why dont push Russia away the ukrainian army from Donetsk?

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