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Top CIA Officer Behind Soleimani Assassination Died In E-11A Crash In Afghanistan: Media

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Top CIA Officer Behind Soleimani Assassination Died In E-11A Crash In Afghanistan: Media

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On January 27th, the Taliban reported that a US Air Force Bombardier E-11A crashed in Afghanistan, killing all people on board. In his statement, Taliban’s spokesman Zabihullah Mujahed did not specifically claimed responsibility for the plane crash. However, it should be noted that the group says that the E-11A was downed by a rocket.

The crash happened in the Taliban-controlled Sado Khel area of the Deh Yak district in Ghazni province, the Taliban’s spokesman Zabihullah Mujahed said.

“A special American aircraft which was flying over Afghanistan for an intelligence mission was tactically shot down by the Taliban,” Mujahed said. “All on board including high-ranking CIA officers were killed.”

According to unnamed Russian intelligence sources quoted by Veterans Today, the downed plane was the mobile CIA command for Michael D’Andrea, head of The Central Intelligence Agency’s Iran Mission Center. And all of the equipment and documents were now allegedly in Taliban hands.

Furthermore, D’Andrea was a major figure in the search for Osama bin Laden, as well as the American drone strike targeted killing campaign.

He was allegedly the one behind the drone strike that killed Iranian General Qassem Soleimani and was the most prominent figure of the CIA intelligence in the Middle East.

The US Forces in Afghanistan spokesperson Col. Sonny Leggett confirmed that the Bombardier E-11 crashed in the Ghazni province, but said that the cause was under investigation and that there were no indications enemy fire downed it.

He also denied any claims that other aircraft had been shot down.

“Appears we have lost an aircraft,” General David Goldfein, the U.S. Air Force chief of staff, told reporters in Washington. “We don’t know the status of the crew.”

Following the crash on January 27th, Afghanistan’s Civil Aviation Authority provided some details.

“The plane was apparently dispatched for military operations and it took off from Afghanistan territory,” said Ghulam Masoom Massumi, the director of air traffic management at the authority, by phone. “The military plane was not a cargo plane.” Massumi added.

This article was updated on January 29


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Assad must stay

He was allegedly the one behind the drone strike that killed Iranian General Qassem Soleimani and was the most prominent figure of the CIA intelligence in the Middle East.


Concrete Mike

Hehe thats what i told wife last night. Sweet justice and not even a month later.

Zionism = EVIL

This is just a fraction of what’s coming :) like I said before. In one go the whole CIA near section is gone to hell, last time this happened was the Beirut 1982 :) courtesy of Mousavi brothers, very brave and decent guys. One was school teacher and brilliant.

Concrete Mike

If this is true and D’Andrea really got whacked, this raises a few questions.

Are we sure the plane was shot down or just crashed by sheer luck?

If it was shot down, could this indicate penetration of the cia by taliban or some of their “friends”? USA have enough ennemies, china russia iran, that could easily feed the intel to whoever needed to do the hit.

2 more questions

1: what is the altitude of where this incident happened?

2: do specifically manpads(as that is the weapon that was claimed to be usee) have performance changes due to altitude?

Thanks cheers.

Im curious to see if more will.happen like you predicted.

Zionism = EVIL

From a technical point, the new generation of Russian and Iranian manpads are laser riding heat seekers and far more lethal than anything the world has ever seen. They can hit targets up to 5km in the sky with proximity fuses. This slow E11A would be easy picking if the operators had the flight plan, and they obviously did. Afghanistan’s mountain terrain and good cover is the ideal environment for manpads as the Russians found too.


Effective range: 5,000 m (16,404 ft)

Maximum altitude: 4,000 m (13,123 ft)

Reaction time: 5 sec

Maximum velocity: 850 m/s[4] 2.8 Mach

Fire and Forget Infrared seeker

Missile weight: 11.32 kg

Warhead weight: 1.42 kg

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQZkTCZdlbY A

Arch Bungle

Dear Santa …

Harry Smith

Thanks for explanation.


This reminds me of the time a Special IRA Unit took out a RAF Hellicopter with a SAM 7 on the Mull of Kintyre with all their enemies on board on a June evening in 1994. 25 Senior Intelligence officers were on board, RUC officers, MI5 and the hated SAS. It was claimed by an unidentifed IRA spokesman that 2 of the SAS officers had taken part in the murder of 3 unarmed IRA operatives in Gibraltar 6 years earlier. The Brits claimed it was an unfortunate accident due to fog. However, the Lighthouse keepe claimed he saw a fireball explosion while a woman out walking also saw the Hellicopter Explode. It was all hushed-up and the msm printed the Fog story.

Zionism = EVIL

This is nothing, just wait and see what is coming to both the Americunts and Jew filthy Jew motherfuckers. Why do you think the hasbara arseholes have gone to ground :)


I guess that the guys in Langlay are already looking for a larger wall for all the stars to come…

Zionism = EVIL

33 of the motherfuckers died, 7 were airforce, 15 CIA and rest NSA and DIA ELINT specialists, the Taliban have carted off a lot of intel as I posted in the first long video in the other thread. They also shot down a Chinook that was trying to get to the flaming site. This is one of the text book ambushes with a manpad fired from a hill over 2,000 meters with perfect vectoring coordinates, which only means that the Kandahar airbase from which these motherfuckers took off from has been compromised.I calculated the downing site which is about 35 minutes flying time from Kandahar at 350 knots which this medium turbo jet would have been doing at about 18,000 feet, so the ambush team had enough time to whack the fuckers and they did and the rest is history :)

Traiano Welcome

That’s a lot of human capital investment down the toilet! I can’t imaging the dollar value of education and training that just went up (down?) in smoke :-(

Zionism = EVIL

The last time the arseholes took such a hit was in Beirut and they also lost CIA station chief Buckley and the CIA “academic” Dodge, who was kidnapped by Hezbollah and gave details of every Arab traitor on their payroll and then Hafez al Assad, Hezbollah and Iran went to town cleaning up the scum and that is both Hezbollah and Iran have impenetrable security. These idiots live in totally ivory tower cocoon and can’t last a day in the Muslim world without treacherous Arab puppets like Saudis, Egyptians and Emiraties. Afghanistan is a different story as it like Yemen is a tight knit mountain society and revenge is top of the list. The Afghans will keep coming at the Americunts for centuries now as the NATO cowards have killed a million Afghan civilians, abused them and destroyed their tribal society and now payback is coming. The Russians made the same mistake.

Arch Bungle

“When you’re wounded and left on Afghanistan’s plains, and the women come out to cut up what remains, jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains and go to your gawd like a soldier”

Zionism = EVIL

Kipling was being nice :) Afghans skinned the Brits and Russians.

Karen Bartlett




Karen Bartlett

Thank you…

Peter Jennings

Sounds about right. The intel will be gold.


Do you mind if I ask , what are your sources ? For the MANPAD to have destroyed its target, means also that the ECW of the aircraft were rendered useless or switched off ???? Why was the target flying so low ? Me thinks that this plane may have had a BOMB ON BOARD, it makes more sense than a manpad, which would have been better suited to whacking the Chinook ? 33 people on board. Mmmmmm, The civilian version of the EA-11 is the Bombardier Global 5000 which has seating for 3 crew members and 13 passengers. Any other thoughts ?

Zionism = EVIL

The E11A BD is a medium Bombardier BD-700 series and is equivalent to a RJ 700 (regional jet) and can handle seating up to 76 passengers. Any aircraft can be altered. In its civilian version it can take 66-76 passengers depending on the layout. Even on ELINT aircraft now due to thin light flat screens and processor miniaturization there is lot more room, than in my days when the old cumbersome monitors weighed 30 pounds or more each. So this plane technically could have a rear passenger seating configuration of over 40 people easily with all the communications gear included.


Thanks for the correction. I was echoing info from another commentator. This is a good illustration of the aircraft ;- https://www.airliners.net/aircraft-data/bombardier-bd-700-global-express/124

Peter Jennings

People were wondering over the Iranian response to the general’s assassination. Maybe this response is now ME wide, and doesn’t just involve Iran?

Assad must stay

Yes I remember his daughter asked rouhani who will take revenge over my father and rouhani said everyone will


This was a well planned op. No knee-jerk reaction, coolly and calmly planned and unhurriedly and accurately expidited. Effing superb. Reminds me of the Hezbollah hit on the Israeli General, another text book whack.


More black stars please. Hope the need a bigger wall.

Zionist Internet Warrior

All the INTEL jews on twitter are going crazy about it, they can’t believe it or accept it. They say it’s all “fake mullah news” XD


Did the CIA underestimate Iran’s reach here?


I thought Iran and Taliban were enemies but maybe Suleimani’s assasination has changed that. Anyone with info on Iran – Taliban relationship especially after Suleiman assasination?

Zionism = EVIL

You guys don’t have a clue how much the 2 billion plus Muslim masses hate the Americunt arseholes. I have traveled from Morocco to Indonesia, not one educated person had anything good to say about the arrogant Americunt morons and their evil Jew masters.

klove and light

thumbs up

Zionism = EVIL

Hubris and idiotic arrogance is all the dumbass Americunts have. The idiotic motherfuckers don’t realize these old cultures are very deep and have been in the game of nations for thousands of years.

Zionism = EVIL

2 JEW FUCKS did not like that :) that means that I am getting to them and mission accomplished.

Karen Bartlett

That guy bob isn’t here either. I think he’s CIA.

Tommy Jensen

Mohammed Ali was Muslim, Black lives matters and he was also American.

Arch Bungle

“My conscience won’t let me go shoot my brother, or some darker people, or some poor hungry people in the mud for big powerful America,” he said at the time. “And shoot them for what? They never called me nigger, they never lynched me, they didn’t put no dogs on me, they didn’t rob me of my nationality, rape and kill my mother and father. … Shoot them for what? How can I shoot them poor people? Just take me to jail.”


I’m a Vietnam vet, and worked side by side with Americans, unfortunately, I haven’t anything nice to say about them either. Nor did the Vietnamese I met. That was quiet some time ago now, and they have pissed off millions more people, not surprised they have become the most hated nation on the planet, after the Israelis.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend………………. I wish they would whack the entire Israeli political cadre…………….. the world would be a much safer place.


Soleimani has been working with taliban for past few years. Initially, Iran tried to float a Shia armed group but that didnt work out. Taliban will be shooting down a lot more US birds from now on

Zionism = EVIL

Persians have been around for 3,000 years, fuck with them at your own peril.

klove and light

spot on

Arch Bungle

I guess that top ranking cia officer is now bottom ranking …

Zionism = EVIL

I told these ranting kiddies from get go that this was a very planned and masterly executed manpad strike that killed 33 Americunt arseholes and the whole Afghan-Pakistan section team. The motherfuckers were coming from Herat on the Iranian border to plan more terrorism from Paki occupied Baluchistan. Fuck them all and RESPECT for IRAN. I have been in this business a long time and know that this ain’t the end of it. The Americunts and Jew fucks will rue the day they messed with Iran.

Pemba Sherpa

Exactly what you said! Well spoken!

Zionism = EVIL

I am retired and come to these selective sites just for mentoring and tell a real story based on life experience spent as a soldier and many other roles. The reality is the Americunt aseholes are historically ignorant and dumbasses who think that killing one individual in a sea of resistance will make any difference. General Soleimani was a very decent and kind man, hardly a soldier and more of a diplomat. His assassination was disgraceful and cowardly and was bound to backfire as the newer generation of Iranians are more aggressive and have better grasp of their nations great place in history. The general Ghaani who quickly replaced his boss Soleimani is one of the world’s leading specialists of Afghanistan and Pakistan and speaks fluent Pashto, the language of the Taliban Pastuns and spent a lot of time with them. So now the dumbass Americunts will have real problem in both the east and the west.


Hello Evil,to your point, straight from the iranians with whom I have respect for their candor, they said the strike on the US base was just the beginning, only the beginning. So, this seems to fit right in with that. I want to follow this more and see how it all pans out in a couple of weeks. That said, if they did decapitated CIA in both Pakistan and Afghanistan, the US is crewed. Everybody is watching this one now. It is not reversible.


One small point………… Gen. Soleiman was not a soldier, he was a WARRIOR of immense intelligence and possessed capabilities beyond the conceptions of most mortals. How else could he have created a widely respected and feared Spec. Ops. group such as the Quds force. He commanded from the front………..THAT is how you gain the respect and allegiance of your peers. The only way the Yanks could have killed him, was to offer him the flag of truce, lull him into a false sense of security and murder him in the most cowardly fashion. Out of the ashes of his demise rises a successor who will prove to be a far greater thorn in the americans arse.

Ali Al H

and those who realllllyyyy think that taliban has the technology to shot down an american plane..hahahah damn what a fool….they just don’t want to say that Iran is able to do so. and they shot down Kobe’s helicopter to distract the public from this one :) …. alllwayyysss when the media is focusing on something then there is something very big they try to hide from the public


I support your sentiments, but you’d be hard pressed to get 33 people on that model of plane. It carries 3-4 crew and 12 passengers. Initial reports quoted 82 ! They’d have had to be packed in like sardines !!!!!! Standing room only !.

Liberal guy

Or this act was done by zio cia themselves are these insane fools where already v killed in Iraq in 8th Jan by Iran in ain asad base and all it is a hoax

Liberal guy

Plz answer


Known as ‘The Dark Prince’, yes now very bottom ranking.

Zionism = EVIL

CIA is WASP and JEW inbred organization and all Hollywood hype. They are arrogant victims of group think and that is why the dumbass Americunts are going down the gurgler.


According to VT,……. Michael D’Andrea, . nick named, . ‘Ayatollah Mike’ or ‘The Dark Prince’, was a convert to Islam, like John Brennan the Wahhabi.

Zionism = EVIL

This is their cover to penetrate Muslim societies, these fuckers don’t covert and it is Wahabbism anyway. John Brennan converted in Saudi Arabia at the pimp kings feet.


Arch Bungle


“The men and women of the CIA must penetrate closed societies and secretive organizations. They must overcome challenges of language and culture and learn things that our adversaries don’t want us to know”

— GHW Bush Snr.

Zionism = EVIL

Moscow: (Russian intelligence sources confirm) It has been reported that (Mike de Andrea) responsible for the assassination file of the martyr Major General Qassem Soleimani was killed in the downing of the American plane that was shot down in Afghanistan. He is the most prominent figure of the CIA intelligence in the region. The CIA top official was killed in the US Bombardier crash in Afghanistan along with a over a dozen CIA officers of the covert operations section.

Arch Bungle

‘The Dark Crisp’

Zionism = EVIL

Looks like an evil arrogant motherfucker too.

Arch Bungle

One odd thing: Apparently his wife is a muslim of Gujarathi origin. Gujarathis are a very closed ‘High’ caste of Hindus. Islam and Gujarathis dont mix, it’s like having an Islamic Jew. Moreover, a muslim marrying an infidel is extremely rare… so now you have a Muslim of Hindu caste married to a non-muslim engaged in the butchery of muslims … Fucking weird, I tell you … fucking weird …

Achu Martin Koshy

Gujarat is a state in India dude.ofc Hindus dominate Gujarat but there are a lot of Gujarati Muslims over there aswell.


You are spot on !

Arch Bungle

We all know that. But there is also a Gujarati ethnic group. The Gujarati people are predominantly Hindu. There is also a significant populations of Muslims, and minor populations of Sikhs, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Jews, Jains and Christians … Well, thats what Wikipedia will tell you if you believe it. However, ALL the Indians of Gujarathi caste I have EVER known have been Hindus. This is the first time, in 40 years of living among and near indians I have heard of a Muslim Gujarathi. Not talking about the State Gujarat, talking about the caste.

Zionism = EVIL

Exactly, even some last names like Patel are common to both.

Zionism = EVIL

Gujrat is the home of Hindu RSS extremists as well. However, you are right, I have met many Gujratis with the last name Patel who are Muslims.

Jimmy Jim


Jimmy Jim


Gary Sellars

Karma. Dontcha just love it?

LOL!!! :-P


Karma is indeed the leveller of hubristic empires, and always has been.


Must be “coincidence” right?

Zionism = EVIL

Yeah, the 122 mm grads going through kitchen windows at the Americunt embassy were also a sheer coincidence :)


The grads were just a Diet Plan being speedily delivered by the Iraqi Amazon Prime franchise to the US lard arses restaurant in the US embassy.

Traiano Welcome

Remarkable coincidence. I see reports of a total of 5 US aircraft gone down this January.


Yes, a total coincidence of course. Gods will :)

Karen Bartlett


Damien C

The fact that nothing regarding the reasons for the crash has been released by the U.S indicates that ether no warning was transmitted from the plane by the occupants or the message broadcast is too sensitive for release to the public.

The Taliban did not have an Air Defence System (ADS) so their downing of the plane is highly unlikely unless they aquired this ability from a neighbouring source. The engines and cockpit areas look reasonably intact which would allow for a crash landing and the area the plane came to a halt in is relatively flat.

However how do you make a crash landing with no wings? The main wings are missing! If you removed the wings in mid-flight with an explosive charge this thing will have the same ability to glide as a grand piano

Bill Wilson

The light weight wings were torn away from hitting big heavy rocks.

Zionism = EVIL

No you dumbass armchair pilot. ROFLMAO.

Pemba Sherpa

Electronic warfare, isn’t that just sweet? Leaves everyone with dead bodies, questions and speculations…

namulit emperor

The wings were torn away in the crash landing and the body of the aircraft slithered further. There’s a picture among the others showing the plane somewhere which shows parts of a wing.

Tommy Jensen

The US Pilot did the Epstein thing. Shit happens.

Bill Wilson

Fake news. The US troops stationed there call those jets their Wi-Fi in the sky since those carry specialized equipment that relays communications in remote regions.

Pemba Sherpa

You think those communications planes are there to provide wifi to soldiers? lol


the terrain in afghanistan makes it difficult for ground forces to communicate, one of the functions of these 4 aircraft is is to allow that communication. Seriously. I’m sure they also do all kinds of other evil shit. There are 4 of these civillian airliners in the world kitted out for this purpose, well now 3, they are all in afghanistan.

Arch Bungle


Free man

“Fake news.” – I agree. It is amazing that there are people who believe the propaganda of the mullahs regime. Those people also believed that 80 American soldiers were killed in the Iranian missile attack. They also believed that the Ukrainian plane crashed because of a technical problem. The mullahs regime is only trying to save face.

Arch Bungle

Hell of a way to save face by blowing up the enemy’s bases, embassies and aircraft. They get a double thumbs up from me! Face. Saved.

Traiano Welcome

You mean the plane did not go down at all? It’s just a figment of the imagination?

Bill Wilson

Fake news as in it held CIA agents. Those aircraft are flying transmission towers that just fly in circles. My guess is that the aircraft experienced icing on its wings so the pilot was forced to do a belly landing on the first smooth slope he spied.

Arch Bungle

Who cares. Real news: A flying shitcan of US Imperial Army Intelligence operatives came down in conveniently hostile territory. Their treasure is salvaged to the stores of the natives, their bodies are crisped and ready for manuring. Who cares which three letter agency they came from? Military intelligence operates Elint for sure, thats good enough for me.


Bill watches CNN, they ‘imagine news’ most of the time. :)

Ivan Freely

Bill does have a point. Time will tell.

klove and light

hahaha american Zionist cock suckers………

pure coincidence?……… yeahhh sureeeee, thats why Pentagon played stupid at first….now it says yes, an american plane went down, but they are keeping the Information on a very low Level as does “their” media outlets such as CNN or fox…………they are probably in a shock and Panic mode for gooooood reasons…….where did Iran get their info on Michael D’Andrea and his movements and how were they able to shoot down the Aircraft……………

death to america death to Israel curse on the jews

cechas vodobenikov

I surmise this derives from generalized amerikan incompetence, not the taliban

Zionism = EVIL

Americunts are hated in Afghanistan and most of the ANA is compromised and it is a Pashtun tribal system based on BADAL (revenge) and they got it. Now more Americunt bases will be attacked as the resistance is getting better weaponry.

Pemba Sherpa

I’ve been fighting back tears the whole day..


Me Too :)

Zionism = EVIL

I am losing my hair :)

Rhodium 10

IRGC and Taliban had accounts receivable with the CIA…

Zionism = EVIL

and they collected the first installment :) and many more payments to come.


Gen. Qasim gave a warning, and I won’t quote but essentially…we will hit you where you may never know.

Christian S

Oops friendly fire i say..remember downing of navy seal delta team 6 in same area 9 years ago? 22 seals died , the team who raided and killed osama? This is all big cover up in where the zog entity eliminates its own wardogs who witnessed somethin too important to stay alive , same for this CIA team


IF that was proven it would certainly destroy the morale in all of the US military.

Tommy Jensen

So you suddenly forgot all about the sheeple and their habits.


The ‘sheeple’ have been what they always have been. Enslaved minds being sent to slaughter other enslaved minds.


That’s what i suspected. High rank officers don’t take a propeller plane for risky mission unless given very impt mission. They are like the seals, have too great story to tell.


This plane was not a prop plane, but a JET.


My mistake. The jet engine still there to prove. LOL.

Tommy Jensen

You could be right. Its quite normal mafia practise.

Karen Bartlett

Hm, maybe so.

Arch Bungle

For goodness sake, where are the hasbaranim!?

Zionism = EVIL

I told you guys yesterday, the Jew fucks go to ground when things don’t go their way :) The ZP Zionist Pussy is lurking around, he is too stupid to even bait. I got bored. His English makes no sense and worse that the Danish shithead Jens.

Arch Bungle

They don’t make ’em like they used to. Millenials.

Zionism = EVIL

Seriously, Millenial women are really stressed and totally dumb. I tried to date one a while back and her attention span was that of a kid on acid and Ritalin trip combined. They are totally narcissistic and in the same league as the old retard Trump.

Arch Bungle

They behave when my Harem queen breaks them in!

Karen Bartlett

They watch too much TV and/or are on the computer a lot. Or see every new movie no matter how trashy. They don’t know how to read books. They are totally media controlled.


I’d say Quarterly Seminar, but this one might be an emergency one. They need guidance and new material, a change in their behaviour is on the horizon. Bibi is going to be removed from politics, Trump’s “deal of the century” is announced, multiple causalities of the Empire, and other important matters of the last 5 days. Each of these require a change in Hasbara strategy. Imagine all going at the same time. They’ll be back in 2 days and we’ll see what changes were made in their work.

Arch Bungle

Rusty Iron Zion just showed up again but he’s as dumb as before, so I guess remedial kibbutz did him no good. Useless eater.

Zionism = EVIL

Taliban repel Afghan forces’ attempt to reach US spy plane crash site as most of the wreckage carted off by the Taliban and others in trucks. I bet most of the ELINT info is in Tehran and Moscow and the crispy fried dark prince and his pals are ashes now.


it’s down – could it be better and how is of little relevance – trust the talibans managed to get to the treasure trove of doc’s and equipment to an extent that the morons will have to cut short the negotiations with the talibans and just get on with the umpteenth defeat on behalf of the american people (while the mic laughs all the way to the bank). cause the talibans won’t grant the washington cunts any honourable truce to end the war that has cost american tax payers in excess of 1000 biion bucks to no avail. what a friggin larf – they should be so ashamed that they wouldn’t dare to put their faces outside of washington dc.

Zionism = EVIL

Well, the cowardly Americunt arseholes have dropped more bombs on Afghan civilians last year than ever, so they will take revenge in spades.

US bombing of Afghanistan hit 10-year high in 2019

The number of bombs dropped by the United States on Afghanistan in 2019 was the highest figure recorded in at least a decade, according to the US Air Force.

The US Air Forces Central Command reported that US warplanes dropped 7,423 separate munitions on targets in Afghanistan in 2019, a major rise in bombings in the war-hit country compared to the peak of former president Barack Obama’s “surge,” in 2009, when 4,147 bombs were dropped.

The US military has stepped up its airstrikes on Afghanistan since President Donald Trump was elected in 2016 as the White House removed earlier restrictions that provided greater oversight over aerial attacks aimed to prevent civilian casualties.

The United Nations (UN) and rights groups have repeatedly expressed concern that the spike in the air raids across the country has resulted in a significant increase in civilian casualties and over 10,000 women and children were killed by indiscriminate US and NATO bombing.

Karen Bartlett

Lord have mercy. None of the US presidents are any different. They’re all thieves and murderers.

Karen Bartlett

That’s probably why this isn’t on the MSM.

Mehmet Aslanak

Perhaps persians lend some s-300 portable battery for high altitude targets. Taliban doesn’t like mollas for sure, but remember that “enemy of my enemy is my friend”.

Peter Bozich

If true, this top CIA killer, probably still was on a high after killing Soleimani. Good riddance to the CIA scum.

J Ramirez

Any Jews out there? Nothing to say?

Arch Bungle

The Hasbaranim are at the remedial kibbutz today for reformatting due to poor performance yesterday.


could we step away from using “cunt” as a derogatory?…are you equivocating “women” as the worst possible evil?….do you not like sexual intercourse with a woman?…did you not come into the world through your mother’s “cunt”?

Arch Bungle

What makes you think ‘cunt’ is a negative connotation? I’ll have you know I’ve had women in orgasms by simply repeating that word over and over again in their ears. It’s about context. And of course, women are not the worst posdible evil, Zionist women are!


Iranian inside job. Bomb planted on plane?


They think they are all untouchable, guess not.

Ivan Freely

Too good to be true. I’ll believe it when there are unaltered photos of his remains. Someone that high up the food chain wouldn’t be onboard this flight. Publicly announcing one’s death is the typical way of shaking off potential assassins / jumping into the memory hole.


Like I posted with Evil, we watch, wait and see.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Trump will be putting Bolton (next American Ambassador to Afghanistan) on a fact finding mission any minute now.

Possibly one-way.


Ok… I guess that solves it than… Bring all the troops home and let them kill each other for another thousand years…

Wolfgang Wolf

greetings from Iran) as promised)


33 killed you say? interesting number of dead…

Tommy Jensen

Actually there was 66 passengers on the plane plus 6 air staff.


for real? certain number combos are like code for the people running the show

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