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Top German CDU Politician Slams U.K. For Lack Of Evidence In Skripal Case

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Top German CDU Politician Slams U.K. For Lack Of Evidence In Skripal Case


Armin Laschet, The deputy chair of Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the Minister President of the most populated state of Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, has slammed the United Kingdom and its supporters for actions over the so-called Skripal case.

Particularly, the official has criticized the expulsion of Russian diplomats without providing any evidence confirming the Russian involvement into the poisoning.

“If you force almost all NATO-countries to demonstrate solidarity, shouldn’t you have sound evidence? You can treat Russia as you like, but I have learned a different way of dealing with states, studying international law,” he twitted.

Earlier this week, it appeared that the UK Foreign Ministry has repeatedly lied saying that it has evidence confirming that the nerve agent involved in the Skripal poisoning case has been produced in Russia: “U.K. Foreign Secretary Flounders In Its Claims Accusing Russia Of Being Behind Skripal Poisoning”

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chris chuba

I still cannot get over the fact that the Keystone Cops at the OPCW have neglected to demanded that Porton Down turn over their samples of ‘Novichok’. Porton Down is within a few miles of the incident so they should be checking all viable sources of the chemical agent. Porton Down could still claim that some sample had been stolen but it is an obvious candidate for testing.


The so called NATO solidarity is just a facade cracking from all parts. Brexit, Trump and anti Russian hysteria will accelerate the disunion of its members.

Elisabeth Jenders

I am happy that at least a few rare politicians refute our German regime’s shameful “solidarity” with Britain in the Skripal case. Cowardice in front of an enemy is excusable, in front of a lying and deceitful ally is a crime.


Well they only expelled 4 diplomats. Chances are they even asked the Russian ambassador which guys he would like to get rid off. It was only a show of EU solidarity, nothing more. The number gives you what the Germans thought of the action. Only the UK and US expelled big numbers.


How about that little Ventriloquist Dummy Führerin Merkel? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/91c78020da35775a5c6b847c7f23ee3675e4c7affab4d11324b291ba456b10d9.jpg

US-Navy Revert Shia

Baby rape-OOOS


Germany trying to placate both sides. People forget that Germany is still an occupied nation and 99% of the German media is controlled by the USA. The Germans have to move very carefully, the Americans would turn Germany into Ukraine, if they thought they were losing control.

Softly softly catchee monkey.


Funnily enough , a treaty to end the war with Germany as a Wartime State has never been signed by the Allies. The US still has some constitutional powers over Germany.


Elisabeth Jenders

The only peace treaty Germany has is that of Brest-Litovsk in 1918 with the Soviet Union. The Versailles Treaty is titled “Treaty of Peace” instead of “Peace Treaty” and therefore probably just a commercial treaty, a ruse. This is why the 1939 – 1945 war is a continuation of the 1914 – 1918 war, with a cease-fire in between. Again, we see who cannot be trusted.


Whats left to say, I think this was meant to be an part of an chain reaction, if I may use this narrative, because I firmly believe this was to happen, either right before or right after an “Syrian” Gov, gas attack, with the Yankikes piss-ants was planning is Syria, where the Russians set their foot down and stopped it, warned us and there is the key, the NoevuCraut, witch I know is 100% bluff, it never happened, came right after. I think this was their last straw, clutching as hard they could, but again, when they put idiots to make propaganda we end up with this, like Sarin, they simply didn’t know what they where dealing with, stupid Brits.

And now, when their house of cards is farted away, to use an gas terminology, farting is what we cal bleeding, hehe, and now, yeah, even an Germ is yapping, suddenly, and how credible should we all rate that, coming from another spineless vassal, like Norway, petty whores, is that, to me, sub-zero, along with the Brits, the entire cabinet jumped, and No Spine Whatsoever Goorebin, from uh….. Labor, yeah, remember them, dont we, lied, and lied, and lied and lied, and now, tries to distance Him self from His own coward acts, and watch them crawl, I despised Gorebin from before, and now, everything we thought, have been confirmed by this corrupt spineless ISISraeli ass liking British Creep.

In Norway, where sheep f…. rule, its become dead silent, apart from wanting to wipe Palestinians from the face of the earth is remarkable silent. Yeah, inbreed Khazars what to expect, lies and deceit is everything they know, and is so brain washed is bizarre, and the MSM lies about everything, all the time, never forget that.



More & More people will Know…Babylon is bound to Fall….they are workin’ on Bringin’ it Down….how sweet…. Well spoken btw…

John Mason

UK is itching for a fight, what will they do if Russia decides to sink one of their ships and then warns the UK that it is only the beginning? UK will shit itself and no country will support her because they really don’t want a war with Russia.


This what happens when Governments are controlled by imbecile ideologue’s who then employ more ideologue’s who live in a state of self delusion.

Amazingly shoplifting has almost doubled since the police stopped investigating theft under £200.

But if a citizen ( subject in the UK) calls a fat person ‘fat’ and the fatty is ‘distressed’ it can be prosecuted as a Hate Crime. Like the USA, the UK is collectively insane with hubris.


Those things will chage sooner or later (either before muslims take control, or after).


Islam is the second largest religion in the United Kingdom, with results from the United Kingdom Census 2011 giving the UK Muslim population in 2011 as 2,786,635, 4.4% of the total population. The vast majority of Muslims in the United Kingdom live in England: 2,660,116 (5.02% of the population).

You must be Kidding Me……do you really think 5% will take over?


Yea, Sweeds and Germans are laughing too. People born in Yugoslavia, like myself, have stopped laughing long ago.


Yugoslavia was Balkanized by NATO… not by Muslims…People like Soros..they want to Create Hate & War By Divide & Conquer…they are trying to Create a war in Europe too between Muslims & “White Boys”..after the Cold War the AngloZioNazis were looking for New Enemies..what I see in Europe is that most people don’t dare to resist People making problems..If I see People harrassing some “weaker” people…I’ll stand up and do something about it… if that means I have to fight four Guys… no Problem…It’s all about intention…many people today are scared..they keep looking on their iPhones like nothing happens…I thought Swedes were Vikings….they obviously have become pussies….that is their Problem…in Holland we have 7% Muslims or so…most of’m are very Friendly Hardworking People…no problems at All….like I said…a lot of people just don’t dare to stand up against anything….

US-Navy Revert Shia

My buddy, you do a great job calling out all the Suckers, May the GOD of Mercy Protect you & your family Fam……


Should watch the Movie Tudor Miron has sent…gives a very good impression

Tudor Miron

Take a look at this video https://youtu.be/Fn4tBelsh6c Notice that it was first published before Syrian war.


Thank you very much… good movie & exactly how I think things are…Like I said Respect for one another, eachother’s thoughts & believes very important… if there ever will be a War created by AngloZioNazis to implement their Evil Plans….I will be Fightin’ on the side of Humanity….not on theirs..for now AngloZioNazis have met their defeat in Syria…my Respect for the People that have accomplished that..with Their Blood…

US-Navy Revert Shia

This Video was in a Veteranstoday.com Article, it’s a mess, bottom line all these saudi Mercenaries need to be sent to hell


I must say that there are a lot of similarities in this movie that I recognized in the world of today… Wahhabism is an ideology that will vanish like snow for the Sun…

Tudor Miron

What? “police stopped investigating theft under £200.” Do they really? Is it some kind of low? I suspect that doubling (“small scale” crimes) is only beginning.


They have stopped investigating shoplifting thefts under £200 in many areas and they are not sending officers to investigate domestic burglaries where there was no violence involved in many areas BUT they will issue a crime number for insurance purposes.

Tudor Miron

Their tolerance is growing doesn’t it? Does issuing a crime number help with street safety?


ummmm, well, possibly, but not really in the real world.

The other day a known felon and his mate forced their way into a house . One went upstairs where the owners wife was and the other forced the owner into the kitchen with a screwdriver. The owner fought back and stabbed and killed the intruder.

The house owner was charged with murder. He is 78 years old.

Tudor Miron

Ouch! It’s like they are revoking your right to defend yourself.


It the words of the police and the law, any physical defence must be proportionate. Try that when your home has been invaded by an unknown number of thieves who are threatening you :)


The UK, The ZioNazis, The U.S., Wahhabistan are losing every Credibility…the Masses soon will Know…so Every Step & Every Action they Make will Bring them closer to their Fall…. Ain’t that a Nice & Positive thing? They are Destroying Themselves BWahahahaaA…. get the Popcorn…and even if the Masses keep rolling in the Excrement of Ignorance….who cares…than they Deserve to Be Ruled By Devils….


Britain by itself is hopelessly outclassed by the Russian nuclear capacity. Britain can only field one of its four, outdated, Vanguard Class and Trident II SLBM armed submarines at sea at any one time. These ageing submarines lack any short range self defense missile system. But what it really means is, that at any given time, Britain only has up to sixteen nuclear warhead armed ballistic missiles operationally available. Sixteen. Likewise, these Trident II ballistic missiles are NATO common pool assets, US designed and US maintained Lockheed missiles, that in all reality Britain cannot launch without first consulting the US. That’s the true status of the British nuclear deterrent, it is a political asset rather than a military one, and in reality Britain relies on the US strategic arsenal for its security.



The whole episode is an amateurish British intelligence service intrigue – no more credible than the British intelligence service’s stage managed and funded White Helmet program in Syria.

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