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MARCH 2025

Top Leader Of Kurdish Democratic Union Party Arrested In Czech, May Be Extradited To Turkey

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Top Leader Of Kurdish Democratic Union Party Arrested In Czech, May Be Extradited To Turkey

Salih Muslim (ESMA CAKIR – ROMA / DHA)

On February 25, the Czech authorities arrested Salih Muslim, a leader of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD), in the Czech capital Prague upon an official request from Turkey, according to the Turkish Anadolu Agency.

In late 2016, the Turkish Interior Ministry issued an arrest warrant for Salih Muslim. On February 14 2018 the ministry placed Muslim on its “most wanted terrorists” list and offered a bounty of nearly $1 million.

According to Anadolu Agency, Czech officials said that Salih Muslim will be produced before a court which will decide whether or not he would be remanded in custody. The sources added that the Czech authorities had asked Turkey to submit the necessary documents for Muslim’s extradition.

Meanwhile, Turkish security officials confirmed that Turkish Ministry of Justice had begun an administrative process to extradite Salih Muslim, according to Anadolu Agency.

Salih Muslim occupied the position of the PYD’s Co-Chairman from 2010 to 2017. During his term, the Kurdish party built its alliance with the US and founded the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in eastern Syria. Muslim played a key role in this process, according to Syrian and Turkish sources.

Due to his key role in crafting the PYD-US relations, the extradition of Salih Muslim will likely lead to more tension between the two allies, as they have disagreed lately on issues related to the Turkish attack on the PYD-held Afrin area.

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oh my god the ypd party kurd irak is totally pro. us pro.israel arrested!!!

Leon Auguste

He could have at least shaved off his moustache to be less conspicuous :-)

Glen Etzkorn

will they extradite Erdergon to the Hague for war crimes in Turkey and Syria?.


If Hague apply to everyone else there going to be a very long lines before Erdogan and Trump to be processed and prosecuted.

Jens Holm

So far I cant see Trump being procecuted for something outside USA.

Jens Holm

None probatly will do anything about him until he has entered death penalty by Decrete in Turkey himself – I hope.


Once again, Erdogan doing what Assad should have done. Unbelievable.


upon an official request from Turkey

No, he was in list of wanted of Interpol.

Czechs did good. They arrested him. But in czechia is democracy, the independent court will decide. I am sure, they will not hand over hom to turksa. Czechia already refused also to hand over gus to USA.

There is nothing better then democracy!


Czech is 100% USA slave. Czech is like Netherlands.


Whole Europe is like the Netherlands…. A Dictatorship run by Losers in Brussels……


Hungary is not a slave but Hungary is scared and is not brave enough. Poland plays double game.

Croatia, Slovakia, … are too weak and play neutral.

Switzerland doesn’t give a f… about others and is with the strongest but keep democracy. Switzerland is maybe the only democracy in Europe.

Spain has trouble with Catalonia.

Scandinavians are hostages.

France, Italia, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Czech, Belgium are 100% US slaves.

Greece is being sold to China after beeing bankrupted by EU.

Joe Dokes

France seems to do whatever it wants.


Macron-Ra thinks he’s the King of the Sun….he’s a complete Retard…

Joe Dokes

I believe he calls himself Jupiter and if you look at him without sunglasses you will melt.


Son-of-Satan…. that is what he is…mister Micron….

Jens Holm

You certainly could need some clorine in your mouth. I do not know about the rest.

Jens Holm

I dont see that. So far he is the best for France, they have had for many years.


Must have been pretty pretty Bad the last couple of years then…. for France


Jens Holm

Thats how it is. France during many years has tryed to protects themselves against others, but fx there should be free market both ways almost 100 at least to EU/Shengen.

That has been an expensive succes, because there has only been low innovation. Good innovative French companies therefore has grown and expanded less then they could as well some bad museums still are there but in old days.

None before Macron has dared to do, what normal economics are in EU and sometimes also outside.

Therefore they pay the price but also should be innovated in production from inside as well as outside.

Its long termes and not a couple of years backs and forward. I really hope France again can grow as it should.


I hope that Europe gets what it deserves for their Ignorance, their Imperialism, Evildoings, Lying and Cheating…. Deceiving…. Betrayal…. of its own citizens and the rest of the world….


France is aligned with USA since De Gaulle has been toppled by the colored revolution “May 68”.

Since De Gaull has been toppled, USA came with his “economy” and France began to have debt. Sarkozy reentered France into NATO and sold France gold to USA. Alstom has been sold to the american GE.

Macron is finishing the job.

Joe Dokes

Alstom GE what? Alstom is taking the GE money to take over Siemens to create a Euro mega company to be the Airbus of railways. GE was left with a dud and now have take a $5 billion write off.


Alstom has been sold out by the french gov and removed I don’t know how many workers. It’s the US strategy to dry out the french industry in order to submit more the country.

Joe Dokes

If the US strategy is to pay France $10.6 billion to put the French out of work it is not a very good strategy when they put that money to buy Siemens.


Siemens is not for sale. Siemens wanted to buy Alstom but the french gov gave it to GE.

Joe Dokes

Alstom sold its money losing power unit to GE in 2015 which has now cost GE $5 billion. The new group, called Siemens Alstom, will have headquarters in Paris and be led by Alstom chief executive Henri Poupart-Lafarge.


This fusion doesn’t concern power unit.

Also, don’t forget that Germany is occupied by USA. France industries will be shared between USA and Germny.

Joe Dokes

The merger concerns rail transport. Siemens just cut 7000 jobs in their power unit. It is not a profitable sector.


Siemens cut but didn’t sell. Alstom sold and cut.

Joe Dokes

Now Alstom controls Siemens transportation unit and Siemans is left will loss making power unit as well as GE left with two loss making power units. Who made the smarter play?


Alstom doesn’t control Siemens. It’s a merge not a buy. Now, Alstom share transportation unit and lost power unit. So, Alstom is cut into pieces. In some years, the technical knowledge of the power unit will be lost. Alstom is the looser.

Joe Dokes

Alstom stock price is at 5 year highs while Siemens lingers and GE collapses. If you don’t stay profitable there is no point having a business because once you run out of money you lose it all.


Profit is zero without knowledge. If you only care about money, why not closing hospitals, universities, …. And Alstom doesn’t have the HQ only half of the HQ. Siemens rules the governing body. Also, 6 of the 11 members of the governing body are designated by Siemens.

Bye bye Alstom.

Soon, France will only be a museum.

Joe Dokes

The CEO is a board member so it is 6 to 6. They know that if they don’t combine economies of scale they won’t have a business once the China trains comes to town. France did pretty well with Airbus, they are home of the HQ and 50% of its employees which is far better than Germany came out of the deal. The French have a way of coming out on top of these pan-Euro projects.


China ?? XD. They say they want to merge Alstom and Siemens to compete with China. XD. It’s a big joke because China have barely 0 contract in Europe maybe one in east Europe. China can’t compete with Europe when it comes to large and reliable infrastructures.

That’s the difference between “Made in Germany” (made with love and quality) and “Made in China” (made for money).

Jens Holm

So far I see no train. I only see China produce low quality products up and even the wrong places in their country.

So if China want to sell here, the chinese market should open up as well. That market is not only windmills, but how to distribute and use electricity well incl. cooling and heatingsystems.

I hope France remember what Pan-Euroa says.

Joe Dokes

It is not about the saturated single market, China is taking all the global expansion. They control almost half of all rolling stock.

Jens Holm

Thats right. When Vestas started up the windmills as an alternative, they produced everything themselves. It gave big problems.

So we are in the next or next step, where companies specialise themselves making products for all. Its named as outsourcing. By that the windmill producers has a lower risk loosing money.

Its also better for the single part producers. If one company dont get the order, another do – and if they use the same producer, the producer has spread the risk and make + .

So the difference in windmill productions are the unike parts of them or where they want to sell them and fx as land or sea mills.

Jens Holm

We are not. We own them too.

Jens Holm

Thats right a joke GE could by them. They are worth many 100 billions.

Jens Holm

If You calculate buy and sell like that, You dont understand world economy at all, but are in the old days of Muhammed economics.

Hard to understand Siemens is for sale. I read it as they will try parts of the markets from Siemens and Vestas. None says GE should be as written.

All 3 will be forced to make lower prices and the KW/Hour is slowly goind down.

The resut by that also can be many more mills are made and we get lower price of electricity. Thats not so bad.

I will not give any specific advice for french economy apart they from now are more innovative and create jobs like most of the rest of us.

LM windpower was a danish mill wing producer now bought by GE for almost 2 billion dollars.

Jens Holm

Thats incorrect. Those ineffective companies cant be runned by olddays even they are fashioned.

Nothing to do with americans. Its a world trend even not the best succes You get, if you do not know, ehat You are doing.

Jens Holm

Those companies are owned by stockholders. I have some Siemens one. Fine with me. Nothing unusual in that as well as for Vestas.

A dane named Soeren Hoeffer is the leader of the windmill power systems for GE as sales director.

its a very big market and the price of windmills will go down as well as we becomes more independent of oil, gas, coal and wood.

GE cant take over those 2 companies.

Joe Dokes

I have some Alstom and was paid big dividends from the GE sale and Siemens merger. I can’t complain about making money which is the only reason a company exists, to pay its shareholders. GE has suffered such huge write offs the SEC is investigating them as the next Enron. We will see who is standing at the end of the day, the company that buys losers or the company that cashes out and invests in winners.

Jens Holm

Thats how it is. I think You should keep some optmisme for the non usefull parts as well. After all its a growing market, so it happens loosers just are relative loosers.

I have shares in Siemens because of the windmills from them started from buying a danish company. That company part of Siemens seemes doing very well and the rest is ok. I have Vestas too, which operate at the USA market as well. They are making safer profits now, because they have focused og innovation and had outsourced most standard part.

I follow spread out investment and make no speculative moves. But when I had more money I lost 2 x 8.000 dollars. That was hard ones. 1 company should be oil sale to ships all over the world. It was, but they gave credit to thieves of the worst kind and some investors hope, they get some cents back…

The other was in shipping. The owners has 2 companies and sold the many companies in one of them. So I kept my stocking in the other one and thought I might be rich. But the owners in stead used the 70 million dollars to print more stockings in “my” company of their. Those came cheep for sale and my expected good profit went into minus 8.000 …

I am no expert. I got some money when my parents died and are in branched, which I follow well.

I also have 10 in Maersk, which started as a Danish one, but the Leader married some Machiney. You see their light blue containers and ships almost everywhere and they adminstrate big harbours as well as drilling and producing oil.

Its a multinational. If You have money for safe investments, I would no recommend Vestas. Its a good business but also very much up and down for the shareholder.

I think I recommend Siemens. They are in the same level all the time and give some ok income every year.

I have been lucky and clever by buying a sommerhouse far away. By that i am a a tourist there for almost no money. But its also in a growing urbanisation so I can sell it making money.

Well, I write too much, but thanks for Your comments and have a nice day.


They already took over during “la Révolution française”


Yes, the free masons did a “revolution” to topple the french King. After that, Americans took over Louisiana (basically all the US mid-west) from France.

Ironically, the french king supported the american revolution by sending Lafayette help Americans. XD.

If you support USA, it’s at your cost !!!

Jens Holm

Most of that is very incorrect. The not well economy truly depended on protecting the state, but all in EU as well as USA are against unlimited protectionisme, which too often gets ineffective in production as well as making bureaucasy.

France has no gold. They systematicly has tryed to keep expensive productions and services making more and more minus.

We still have problems selling our products to them even they are better and cheeper. When You try according to EU-Shengen and like that, You often meet a wall. If its not true, there is another behind and another…

Jens Holm

No, its not. They have done as they wanted to a hard price. Macron right now are cleaning as well as rebuilding.

Of course You can say thats doing, what it wants. I only can see, they now again will be closer to the policy of EU.


Yeah Great isn’t it!! I Bloody Love it that people are Revolting everywhere in Europe….Viva Catalunya!! Go Europeans!! Love you Like Me Brothersss….. Don’t need Retards from Brussels for that…..


Vivat Unated States of Europe! With own, 2 million army, 3 000 nuclear warheads, 7 fleets.


New avatar for you :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a5313abe69891391ca59ac25fae6affd17680689d860eab04c9d1d9c1ef95155.jpg

Jens Holm

Thats not the point. Those revolts hardly hit things like that.


But you have to start somewhere right?: Civil disobedience is the active, professed refusal of a citizen to obey certain laws of the state, and/or demands, orders, and commands of a government, or of an occupying international power. Civil disobedience is sometimes defined as having to be nonviolent to be called civil disobedience. Civil disobedience is sometimes, therefore, equated with nonviolent resistance. Although civil disobedience is considered to be an expression of contempt for law, Martin Luther King Jr. regarded civil disobedience to be a display and practice of reverence for law; for as “Any man who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust and willingly accepts the penalty by staying in jail in order to arouse the conscience of the community on the injustice of the law is at that moment expressing the very highest respect for law.”

Jens Holm

Did You use the globe as a football ?


Yep… the entire EU is under full american military, intelligence, media and cultural occupation. That’s why they need this imaginary “Russian threat”, to maintain their occupation forever: to “protect” Europe (mafia style) with their tanks.


Top Ten Big Investors in the States:

Japan with $373 billion.

The Netherlands with $305 billion.

Canada with $261 billion.

Surprisingly, the tiny country of Luxembourg with $243 billion.

Germany with $224 billion.

Switzerland also at $224 billion.

France at $223 billion.

The British Virgin Islands at $100 billion.

Belgium with $89 billion.

Feudalism Victory

For a canadian to invest in the us they would sell canadian dollars to buy american assets with american dollars lowering the value of the cdn dollar.

Jens Holm

Yes, but if its a good investment, they get enough profit to make it the opposite way. There are several other reliable results of an investment then You describe.

Shares are loan and behave like that. You also forget it sometimes is clever lowering Your currency. You can sell more products if you have more buyers for it, because they are cheeper. By that You often need more employd or are forced to upgrade Your prodution, so You can sell more and make more new canadian currency.

Jens Holm

You might upgrade to the truth. Most socalled american companies are like others mainly owned by millions of stockholders. Large parts of them are international ownerships. By that You actually are owned by many private and public investors.

Take Your socalled “own” canadian one: http://corpo.couche-tard.com/en/our-company/

Look at the ownership


I suppose everything is higher and isn’t it nice that most of my information always comes from sites…. so I suppose there is really a LOT of Crap to be found on every Site… and the only point I was trying to make was that Holland is a very BIG investor in The States , Nothing more….


There you Go….

Jens Holm

Well, again: The Western economy is mixed in like that and also include more coutries then only “westerns”.


Yeah China Owns the United States Basically……

Jens Holm

No they dont. If China sells its many dollars and some proporty as well, the values of it goes down, and China itself can sell its own products, because the yuan goes skyhigh.

World economy says all are depended in that group, where others are associates, and you therefore can be bought by others, but others are not USA versus China as an example but stockmarket and stockings.


You don’t get my point: I’m against this phony Economic System that rules the Earth!!! It keeps poor people poor! And makes the rich richer!!! Can’t you see that? You sound a lot like Politicians…..


This is the System you are talkin’ about:

You should read these articles:




U.S. stealing gold from Iraqi people:


Jens Holm

I dont have to. Im well oriented even Im no John Wayne in all of it.


No you are already Smart enough….!!! You are so very smart…..

Jens Holm

I do not know where those numbers come from, but my pension fond has many stockings in USA as well as several other countries.

USA pension fonds do exact the same here having many normal one with no influence.

About Your currency its about what You can buy for it. I allow me to add that the social security system for health as well is mainly better then the US one. By that You already has paid in for being ill, so You need less savings and insurrence.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Might be talking loans as those numbers are quite higher than that as Italy holds a lot of US debt along with China. The US and Israel have made no gains in that department either but numbers are dropping for support daily why the war drums are continually being beaten.


if you, the Universal Fool of menkind fesl as slave, is your problem. You shold contact a psychiatrist.


Who’s the Universal Retard in here?……Sure I feel like a slave on a daily basis……..you little MossadLover……


MossadLover :)))

thanks, this is new :DDDD


Yeah….. sounds a bit more friendly….

Jens Holm

Yes, Turks soon will give us all west of Bosperus, so they dont get infected :)


Ne, have you ever lived in CZ? This is actually a typical CZ action like Zeman going to Moscow for the May 2015 celebrations of victory. Respecting Ukraine situation, head of CZ medical corps surrendered his medals, there were CZ volunteers in Donbass, and situation in SK is quite similar.

Jens Holm

Yoghurt slavia ??

Have You ever left your garden ? Is the garden a part of a childcare center. Who bought Your brain, or is it very expensive because it never has been used.


Good that Czechoslovakia was broken up. It’s way to hard to spell correctly :)


Well, before WW2, there was the Sub-Carpathian Res province also.


russian thiefs stole

Jens Holm

My old teacher named it the carpatian tail :)


Godd, that ussr were broken up. good, when russia will broken up. free yamals, free yakutsk!



Jens Holm

I hope they not only are better dopers then the russians.


What are you now? Fyordish ekf? :)) Double your Xanax dosage! :))


So you are free too? Are you giving away your arsehole for free too? So Leftists radical of you, you are a good boy, the Stockholm syndrome is taking you away from the freemind i see. Everything is free, how nice, do you give your female familys for free, too?


blablablabla :DDDDDD

you orcs are sooooo pathetic :DDDDDDDDDDD


Your monkey brain is broken you retarded shiteater with 100 accounts. Russia defeated Carolus Rex, Frederick the Great, Ottoman sultans, Napoleon, your master Hitler… and where was your shitty, little “nation”? Licking horse arses in foreign stables for 1000 years.. now you lick american dicks for $2 per Bj, you must be so happy! Pathetic slave.


Czechs also have good relations with Assad, the WILLY-NILLY barrel bomber of puppy sanctuaries.


They should just execute him on the spot and be done with it.

Lloyd Yona

They`v executed one of them before they do it all the time.why are they going to do that for.


Pawns are meant to be sacrified. This guy can be replace tomorrow by USA with no difficulty. He helped USA to take over Syria. Now, USA stole 1/2 of Syria. The job is done.

Some pawns think that they are king. That’s the problem.

Joe Dirt

Just like Osama bin Laden. Now the Chinese have al-Zawahiri to toy with.

Lloyd Yona

What !

Lloyd Yona

southfront.org/ i think you can pack up and live.


If he is extradited to Turkey there will be a few issues that the US and Israel would be rather embarrassed to see the light of day I would think :)


Imagine that he is extradited. USA will let him to Turkey and find another pawn to rule SDF.

The job has been done : USA has invaded east Syria.

Jens Holm

He has resigned at the latest election of theirs. How much of the rest going on there do you follow in the same ISIS tunnel grab a chair to raise the level.


Zeman=dobry chlovjek!


He is just a pawn in the US Game of Thrones. He may be a good man and he may be a bad man, I do not know. I do know that he will have knowledge that would inflame Turkey and embarrass the USA.

Jens Holm



That’s not going to happen


I see, yoiu have no idea, how runs democracy? :))

Lloyd Yona

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-36354742 erious allegations have been made about the deaths of civilians at the hands of Turkish security forces in the overwhelmingly Kurdish town of Cizre in south-eastern Turkey earlier this year.

Local people say Turkish security forces killed up to 160 civilians in the town, according to statements made to the BBC and human rights groups.

The worst single incident ended with the deaths of around 100 people who had been sheltering in three cellars.

The UN human rights chief has expressed his concern in unusually strong terms and wants to send in investigators.

The Turkish foreign ministry dismissed the allegations. It said that the Turkish military took all necessary precautions to protect civilians during military operations.

The killings happened during a 78-day curfew imposed on Cizre between 14 December 2015 and 2 March this year. During the curfew, the town of about 100,000 people was sealed off.

The curfew was part of a military campaign in south-eastern Turkey, which is still going on, targeting the PKK, the armed Kurdish group. Turkey, the European Union and the United States classify it as a terrorist organisation.

Since the long-running conflict resumed last year, the PKK has killed hundreds of Turkish soldiers and police. It has also exploded bombs in Ankara, the Turkish capital, killing many civilians.


Fake news. Who believe BBC ???

Lloyd Yona

Turkey: Dozens ‘burned to death’ in basement by government attack, say Kurdish activists Umberto Bacchi By Umberto Bacchi Updated February 8, 2016 16:25 GMT


The hell is he doing there? Welp, Sent to Erdogan. He’ll probably put him in a cell that will be shared with gullen.

Samantha Green

Czechs will let him go, as they should. But Muslim needs to tell SDF to retreat from Turks in Afrin and go back to fighting ISIS in the East!


Shut up Jonathon, Norway takes gold !


On olympic games?

Samantha Green

Because Norway defends ABORTION RIGHTS!

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