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MARCH 2025

Top US Commander In Afghanistan: Taliban Cannot Be Defeated

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Top US Commander In Afghanistan: Taliban Cannot Be Defeated


Commander of Resolute Support Mission US Forces in Afghanistan Gen. Austin Scott Miller has admitted that the Taliban cannot be defeated despite a 17-year long US military operation in the war-torn country.

This is not going to be won militarily,” Miller said, according to NBC News. “This is going to a political solution.

The general added that he believes that “the Taliban also realizes they cannot win militarily. So if you realize you can’t win militarily at some point, fighting is just, people start asking why. So you do not necessarily wait us out, but I think now is the time to start working through the political piece of this conflict.”

“We are more in an offensive mindset and don’t wait for the Taliban to come and hit [us],” Miller stated. “So that was an adjustment that we made early on. We needed to because of the amount of casualties that were being absorbed.”

Since taking his command post in September, Miller has eliminated layers of approval for the troops advising pro-government forces. He has gave them the authority to make decisions and move quickly around the battlefield as the need arises. The number of troops and equipment deployed close to Afghan troops positions have been also expanded.

Nonetheless, according to the Pentagon, in August and September, Afghan Security Forces suffered 1,000 casualties. The Taliban is in offensive in multiple provinces across the country. Since the start of 2018, the group has successfully expanded its zone of influence and is now working to continue its efforts in this direction. So, it does look that the US is more in “defensive” position than in “offensive” in this conflict.

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Top US Commander In Afghanistan: Taliban Cannot Be Defeated

I have mentioned two years ago that Washington cannot defeat Taliban because they are not only Taliban but Afghani students. Taliban is an Afghani word mean students. Till this time Washington and NATO terror forces have done genocide of Afghani nation. Now this war will stop itself when Taliban burn all these foreign terrorists intruded into Afghanistan from US and NATO states.


well last time the taliban burned their entire country down…all ancient treasures, opressed women by making them wear curtains….sorry but i prefer the west over the middle ages.


They are not nice people, but it is their country, and the US created them, trained them and armed them, to kill Russians.

Also you can make similar claims about many western countries, should we invade and occupy England because they oppressed the Irish Welsh and Scots?


yes we should bring democracy there as well!!!!lets look at the facts now. ISIS ,talibans whatever they callthemselves they represent the darkest forces on the planet right now. they want to go back 1000 years. all that the civilized world calls ‘civilization’ is a red flag for them. so my point. between two evil powers….US, NATO, RUSSIA, KOREA ,whoever, and the dutchers with the koran on their pocket, i prefer those that have less blood on their hands.


America is the heart of evil in the world, kill America, and the rest will just fade away.


well now that i think about it….both taliban,isis and all the fanatics were sponsored by US or its closest allies……


Sinbad2, think a little bit deeper, learn from your history and connect the missing dots. The Americans constitute only the largest part of the military arm of the ‘real’ axis of evil. The real decisions are still made by the ‘British Crown’, and those are not the poor folks living in those royal palaces … These crony crowns only form with the other noble families in the world, the ceremonial arm of that ‘axe of evil’. The real directives are taken by the Anglo-Zionists, Rothschild &Co., who manage and control the financial capital of the world: ‘London City’. They also own and manage virtually all federal banks and our money system all over the world.

This are mainly Askhenazis (= fake Jews), Khazars from the Caucasus, whilom expelled for the first time by the first Russian Tsar ‘Ivan the Terrible’. This is also the groundwork for centuries-old hatred and enmity against Russia, the Russians and the murder of the Romanovs by their self-installed Bolsheviks. Just like the Nazis in Germany, they were the forerunners of the current mercenary armies named after IS (IS), al-Quada, the Taliban and so many other Boko Haram, al-Shabaabs call them how you want …

Since than these fake Jewish gangs were expelled in 109 other countries but still they managed to survive and obtain our whole capital systems and money trade. They are not Semite as that little minority of religious Jews living in IsraHell. Jews are not a race, a nationality. The Jews are a social/cultural community that you can join or get out of, based on a racial religion / ideology that has been pushed into a victim role through the centuries through its own unwilling adaptability. And that is why Askhenazis made grateful use of it as a cuckoo to merge, and to victimize themselves again and again and again.

They handed the same strategy with the Anglican Church and Wahhabism, because they can not and do not want to keep to rules, laws or agreements, but want to set up their own structures based at will and arbitrariness so they can control, distribute and above all set up the most important (religious) communities against each other. Recently, they have even achieved a schism in the Orthodox Church, which will isolate the Russians in the next ages even more.

Together with their many Goy secret societies such as the Freemasonry, the Jesuits and Templars, they destroy our civilization and try to get the whole planet, ground – water and air into their private hands. Through their likewise planned, failing capitalist system, which means no more or less pure fascism with a colour. Depends on the chosen colour of our political theatres, manned by elected representatives who are only henchmen and accomplices in our equally fake democracies.

By financing ‘friend and foe’ in almost all wars in the last centuries and making enchanted despots like Napoleon, Kaiser Wilhelm II and Hitler think they could own the world, … as well as supporting both sides in the American war of independence, they have taken total control of the so-called ‘free’ West and since than, they read us financially, economically, socially culturally and militarily the Levites.

Through financing of those wars and eg. disinformation about the profit or loss of Napoleon in Waterloo, the Rothschilds bought almost all of the English stock exchange, in one day, just for an apple and an egg and thereby took over the British Empire. The other countries and empires were bound by loans for arms and raw materials, war damage and reparations and the entire capitalist, debt economy. The Americans and Europeans are only puppets in their entire doctrine, which are currently being led to their own destruction. But first they will be used to make a final attempt to take revenge on those damn Russians and then complete their plan to kill 90% of the population further.

What we see is the step-by-step creation of a ‘Greater IsraHell’ that will strategically contain the entire Arabian Peninsula and extend from Nile to Tigris and Euphrates. That the earth will be turned into a lunar landscape will be of no concern to them, on the contrary. They are only with a few millions and have every means to survive. As for the time being the English and Americans still control the Oceans with their mighty sea locks, they are trying with all their might to demolish the Eurasia projects and the ‘One Belt – One Road’ new silk routes through Russia and China and even Africa, with all their might.

It must be positive for us all, that the military and financial power of the Anglo-Zionists has been seriously decayed by internal corruption and dysfunction. Like the high-hat and decay of the Ancient Roman Empire, this is our chance to create new concepts for a more just and democratic world and to completely abandon this age-old ‘axis of evil’. People and the environment can only benefit from it …

H Eccles



yes ….you cant call these dresses or somethng like that…..curtains is th right word for this…..

H Eccles

you can’t call these dresses becuase..??

let me guess.. your snotty-nosed racist view of Afghans doesn’t allow it..?


i am pro women equallity in this planet…..my racist opinion doesnt consider women objects that you can treat like waste. so im pro women freedom to choose what they wear.maybe racist against men putting them inside bags dead or alive because that what they like but ….even so….


Your a pathetic identity politic beta male troll that is wasting precious internet space, but I have never thought much of pathetic banker owned Greeks.


thank you for your kind words. when there is luck of arguments one always pulls out the wild card ‘fasism’, ‘racist’ etc. Tell me your opinion about the Afghani woman that was beheaded because she dared to go shopping without being accompanied by her husband…..its the US fault again right…..because i cant tolerate these kind of treatment i call myself civilized you call me a racist….well suit yourself. i see clearly which side you are on….

maybe you think women deserve a beating once in a while, they only purpose in life is cooking, house cleaning and being sexual objects……


I appreciate your point of view, but the west is never better than those. You can say that Taliban are animals but what about FUKUS? They are bloodthirsty beasts. They adopted homosexuality as a precious human value. Was the anus created by God for sexual purposes? Is it natural? Is it worth of human dignity?


again….i prefer homosexuality than having women being treated like dogs….and not dogs as in the western warld….they are worthless possesions only….God said women are equal not objects.


Sure, their attitude towards women is not polite.But not to that extent as you mentioned. Actually they are uneducated, backwards, and rigid people. But how about so called well educated, civilized,advanced modern western societies always hungry for human flesh and blood to Carry on their weapon industry?


i read about a woman being beheaded in Afghanistan because she went shopping alone, without being escorted by her husband…..you dont call this ‘not polite’. its just that the gap between those fanatics and the western civilization is huge…no matter what you cannot change them because they dont want to change. it all comes to weighting pros and cons……US is evil they have blood of innocents on their hands indeed. but they represent the lesser than 2 evils.


Same to you, I hate both of those evils. I admit that rigid fanatics deserve much more hatred. But the question remains that who created those ones? Who is responsible? What is the root cause of their creation? The answer is Wahabism.Who generated, invented and launched wahabism in the world? The so simple answer is the West.


thats unfair. not all ‘West’ countries are the same. blame the US policy ok but not half the planet.


Sorry, generally when I say West ,it means FUKUS ruling establishment.


Wow, and it only took 17 years to work that out.

H Eccles

Top US Commander In Afghanistan: Taliban Cannot Be Defeated

Well then, maybe it’s time to apologise and pay compensation to the Afghans.. and then get the fk out!

Hamed Azamy


Hamed Azamy

The war in Afghanistan would have ended long ago if the United States stopped playing a double role. On the one side the puppet government is supported by the US and on the other, the opposition groups are supplied better equipment and supplies through the third parties only to justify their presence and keep looting the natural resources of Afghanistan.

In the meantime, let’s not forget the regional players who have an interest and a lot at stake in Afghanistan because of its geographic location. The Pakistanis have been involved in the Afghan conflict from day one in the 1980s and they have increased their interference ever since to counter the Indian influence, Iranians have their proxies as they do in Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Lebanon, Russians and Chinese have their part so it is a totally fucked up situation for the poor population of this country.

All that said, each and everyone of these players will miserably fail because at last it is Afghanistan! the graveyard of empires. That’s the hope we are living with, no one will win a fucking war in this land.

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