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MARCH 2025

Top USMC Commander In Japan Says Pentagon Preparing For War With China

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Top USMC Commander In Japan Says Pentagon Preparing For War With China

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (R) and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin (L) meet with Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga (C) at his office in Tokyo on March 16, 2021. (Photo by KIM KYUNG-HOON / POOL / AFP)

The US general spoke in regards to the ongoing arming of Taiwan, claiming this serves “to prepare” the island similarly to how the Kiev regime has been since 2014.

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

The United States is now publicly discussing the “containment” of China with its Asia-Pacific vassals. On January 8, the Financial Times reported that the supreme US Marine Corps commander for Japan gave very direct statements regarding Pentagon’s China strategy. Lieutenant General James Bierman thinks there are “numerous parallels” between Ukraine and Taiwan and admits the US is preparing what he dubbed “a counter-China theater” by strengthening coordination with its regional satellite states.

“The US and Japanese armed forces are rapidly integrating their command structure and scaling up combined operations as Washington DC and its Asian allies prepare for a possible conflict with China such as a war over Taiwan, according to the top Marine Corps general in Japan,” the FT report states.

Japan has indeed become more active, as its new government decided to abandon the economy-focused policies Tokyo practiced since WWII ended. The historic shift doesn’t only include (re)militarization, but also an increasing rivalry with three regional powers – China, North Korea and Russia. Apart from a break with its military neutrality, as Tokyo is massively increasing its defense budget, USMC Lieutenant General Bierman confirmed that Japan is exponentially expanding its role in joint military operations with America.

In what can only be described as a complete break with even a semblance of diplomatic etiquette, the US general spoke in a very direct and rough manner, particularly in regards to the ongoing arming of Taiwan, claiming this serves “to prepare” the island similarly to how the Kiev regime has been since 2014. His exact statement was as follows:

“Why have we achieved the level of success we’ve achieved in Ukraine? A big part of that has been because after Russian aggression in 2014 and 2015, we earnestly got after preparing for future conflict: training for the Ukrainians, pre-positioning of supplies, identification of sites from which we could operate support, sustain operations. We call that setting the theatre. And we are setting the theatre in Japan, in the Philippines, in other locations.”

The interview is scandalous, to say the least, as it can hardly be considered anything else but an attempt to provoke China. This is further reinforced by the US general’s explicit comparison of Taiwan and Ukraine, which is a textbook example of how the political West generates conflicts that then turn into open warfare. Bierman’s position as the commander of the Third Marine Expeditionary Force and USMC Forces Japan makes these statements all the more disturbing and alarming, especially to Beijing, which has been making strides to improve relations with the US.

As the general casually admitted the political West spent years preparing the Kiev regime for war with Russia (while feigning “efforts for a peaceful resolution”), his comments about Taiwan are quite revealing and will surely be taken very seriously in China. Even the FT, one of the flagships of Western mainstream media, admits that Bierman’s statements are an “unusually frank” comparison with Ukraine. To make matters worse, he didn’t stop there, but made several more controversial “frank comments”. The FT claims the general’s further statements were as follows:

“When you talk about the complexity, the size of some of the operations they would have to conduct, let’s say [in] an invasion of Taiwan, there will be indications and warnings, and there are specific aspects to that in terms of geography and time, which allow us to posture and be most prepared… …You gain a leverage point, a base of operations, which allows you to have a tremendous head start in different operational plans. As we square off with the Chinese adversary, who is going to own the starting pistol and is going to have the ability potentially to initiate hostilities… …we can identify decisive key terrain that must be held, secured, defended, leveraged.”

The aforementioned preparations also include the Philippines. Manila reportedly plans to allow US forces to double their prepositioned weapons and logistics in the island country. In addition to five Filipino bases, the Pentagon will gain access to five more, all of which will be part of the “China containment effort”. Bierman also “cautioned” the US regional vassals “not to overestimate the Chinese military”, claiming that “the PLA should not be fearfully seen as being 10 feet tall”.

It’s quite clear the general couldn’t have possibly acted on his own when giving such statements, indicating that the Pentagon refuses to deescalate the ever-growing tensions in the increasingly contested Asia-Pacific region. If Washington DC continues with these aggressive Sinophobic policies, Beijing is extremely unlikely to stand idle. China’s aim is a peaceful settlement with Taipei and this isn’t just its official position, but a clearly defined goal. Beijing has consistently been working to achieve this through diplomatic and economic means. For decades, it invested heavily in improving ties with the island, offering unparalleled autonomy.

On the other hand, America has been “discouraging” Taipei from signing any deals with China. This has prompted Beijing to further invest in its military might. Although China’s primary focus is economic development, it also had to make plans for strategically important contingencies such as further arming of Taiwan, to say nothing of the US-backed independence movement which has gained traction in recent decades. Although it hasn’t given up on a diplomatic solution, as it’s still investing in a “soft power” approach towards its breakaway island province, China still needs to mitigate the disastrous effects of the significant US regional influence.


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Dick Von D'Astard

When losing just one major war is never enough…

Ivan Freely

You first need to define what winning means. If it’s arms sales then the US is definitely winning as long the US mainland is left untouched.

EU must not be USA slave

How about tens of thousands of veterans left homeless to die a slow and painful death? Is this part of wining wars?


It is for the psychopathic American MIC.

Mexican Cocksucker 🇲🇽

Just more bullshit. Trying to conjure up reality from grifter’s delusions.


If the US mainland military infrastructure got hit and then repeatedly hit, the US would sue for peace, as they aren’t able to withstand military strikes on the homeland. And the US population have zero concept of what war is like, especially when it happens in their neighbourhood, and they see death and destruction around them.

Last edited 2 years ago by Christopher

I tend to agree with you. The USA has never really known war on it’s home soil, at least not modern war. Both China and Russia together would annihilate the USA from a distance but sadly, the retaliation would be almost equally devastating.


And the counter retaliation would annihilate what was left of the US.


Any conflict with China would seriously damage the military capabilities of the US for decades to come regardless of the outcome

Isser Harel

What a Jackass to say Ukraine is a success. Truly an incompetent person in a position beyond their level of understanding.

Wayne Gabler

Like Taiwan could survive once Brussels surrenders to the Russian war machine.

William White

They’re always planning to invade someone, usually several so they can pick off the weakest to keep the troops in shape and keep the money laundering up to speed. It’s really all they do, they sold all their industry and stupefied their population to make them easy to mold while distracting them with odd queers and big moth stupid Women. Just a sad embarrassing Country now, just sad.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Stop feeding junk food and metamphetamines would do better in keeping troops in shape.


I got this !!Japan loves being nuked so I suggest Russia sends one to Tokyo and then we all can be friends !! What a fuking retarded society pissing on their parents and grandparents graves for the love of USA !! No shame no pride !!

Tommy Jensen

This is not something we think, this is something we actually know from top high level sources who wish to be anonymous due the sensitivity of military matters between big nuclear powers. News you can trust as the truth!


The Pentagon is going to get its arrogant ass kicked!

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one


In less than 5 years after getting its ass kicked by goat shepherds.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Getting your ass kicked by Russia with 50 allies pouring in top professionals and harware, then start another war in the other part of the planet with an enemy 20 times bigger (2.5 billions Chinese and counting…). This is how schizophrenia looks like.


Having been born in the USA at the beginning of the Reagan years (the Last Hurrah of the Cold War) and with now an adult understanding of how truly close the USA and USSR came to nuclear exchange in 1984, I see the current Washington warmongering against both Moscow and China (simultaneously) to be nothing short of sheer lunacy. Uncle Sam has truly become the proverbial monkey with the hand grenade whom we are all locked in a small room with praying the curious chimp doesn’t pull the pin.


American leaders should be preparing foe a weight loss and mental health evaluations


Suga bowed to these terrorists. When will Japan learn their lessons? This is beyond disturbing…


Stinking Slumville USSA is a bankrupt ghetto divided and smoldering and yet the Pentacon and Washing town filth imagine they can take on the Dragon and the Bear. I hope to see Washing town burn as the peasantry revolt and hang the most evil scum that the angloZionaZi empire has ever spawned.


Anglo Suckers

Japan like Germany is reduced to a wasteland. What a waste to die for England and America. A complete waste of oxygen. These countries have surrendered to Anglo satanism

Last edited 2 years ago by Anglo Suckers

The blood dollar is dying !!! That is why dey need to ignite more zio- yankee wars. In the mid east they are stuck, Iran is to dangerous to attack, Syria is stopped, Irak they will soon be kicked out, Yemen will become a graveyard for the US, UK, Zionists. The people in Europe are not stupid to let there regimes start on the battle field, we will hang them or put them against the wall and firesquad.


America wants to cynically use Japan as proxies against China in exactly the same way as they´ve used the Ukraine as proxies against Russia. Japan would be foolish in the extreme to fall for this. They should dump America and make friends with Russia. If Japan kicked the Americans off the Ryukyus they could have their Peace Treaty with Russia and return of the Kurils.


Sadly Japan like Germany are under US occupation. They’re mere vassals. The people of these lands can make it happen, they need to recognise first that their governments do not represent the peoples best interest. A ripple can create a wave but the process of awakening has to come to fruition.


The Empire is completely out of control, like a rabid dog. A trail of destruction and misery always follows its path. Russia or China or both, need to put it down. If it continues we can all admire fleetingly, the pink skies and red clouds above and that’s it, THE END.

In a million years from now, some extra-terrestrial will land on this planet, unearth our bones, and resign in disbelief, that we never developed beyond the primates because of our primeval affliction to greed and power.

Last edited 2 years ago by DogFart
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