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Torn Jeans And “The Great Reset” – A History of Mind Manipulation

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Torn Jeans And “The Great Reset” – A History of Mind Manipulation

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Written by Peter Koenig. Originally published by GlobalResearch

Have you ever wondered how come that people, especially young people, almost in uniformity walk around in torn jeans? This includes highly educated university students and graduates. They have become lasting fashion models over the past two decades – and the fashion prevails. To the point that people pay more for ripped and used-looking pants than for new ones. Common sense has totally disappeared from the mainstream.

There are lots of every-day trend-setting facets, indoctrinated by media and propaganda – not only for commercial purposes, but for reasons of subtle but targeted mind-bending.

“Their” plot is brilliant. Gradually forging people’s minds into one direction, one template – is needed for eventually achieving total control.

Another little example, you may or may not know about: Car colors. Have you noticed, during the past two decades or so, the vast majority of cars – actually about 90% to 95% – are either black or white, or shades in between? All with the same purpose. We, the people, ought to think in a black and white pattern.

Some 15 years ago, responding to my remark that he had only black and white cars in his lot, a car dealer smiled and said, yes, that’s the norm. He added that about 90% or more of all the cars in Europe and the US (and maybe elsewhere) were black or white or shaded in between. He noted, this was done on purpose to influence people’s thinking. I was flabbergasted. But then observing it myself and today connecting the dots – it all makes sense. Brilliant. No coincidence.

Things seem to be changing a bit, as you may see now, more colorful cars are decorating our western road networks. But by far not enough. Will it last? Will people’s minds be open for colors? For a kind of societal “Color Revolution”?

Or is it just a little time-bound relief, making believe we actually have a choice.

What better occasion than the 21st Anniversary of 9/11 (2001), the wanton collapse of the NYC Twin Towers, to reflect on the endless lies, deceptions and targeted mind manipulation humanity has been exposed to for the last at least 100 years. All with the intent to enslave the population, control the people and reduce the population, so that the benefits and bounty of our generous Mother Earth may be shared among just a small elite – and their insect-eating slaves.

The rest of the surviving population serving the same elitist people and financial corporate organizations – becoming confined, physically and mentally, and digitized transhumans that obey 5G-emitted signals.

Torn Jeans And “The Great Reset” – A History of Mind ManipulationDr. Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer Vice President and Pfizer’s Director of Research appeals to us, the People, to react now, before it is unretrievably too late, namely when this coming Global Northern winter 2022 / 2023 the last fatal crackdown on humanity may take place. Among other calamities, you may expect geoengineered freezing, famine, by artificially created energy and food shortages, blackouts, communication interruptions, lockdowns for a myriad of reasons, police patrolled streets and urban warfare to suppress protest movement – and more.

But be not afraid – just aware. And being aware should give us the power NOW to prevent the Reset bulldozer from implementing its agenda.

Dr. Yeadon calls on all people to imagine the unimaginable, namely that we have been and continue to be betrayed by our governments which work for the obscure all-controlling Cult Organization.

He warns us and recommends that we “experimentally” adopt the position that our government is actively working to harm us, to dismantle modern society and enslave all people in a digitally controlled totalitarian world. If we accept this realty, all we have been living through the last 2 ½ years makes sense and fits together. There are No coincidences.

See the full warning by Dr. Mike Yeadon.

We are living under a targeted mind manipulation, leading to total mind-control. Key instruments are:

(i) lying politicians, whom we trust since we (believe) having elected them, and since they are paid by our taxes;

(ii) the bought, 24/7 indoctrinating media, 90% of which belong to five huge international media corporations, all pulling on the same string, all funded by the same corporate finance giants;

(iii)  fashion – yes, fashion – and imposed lifestyle trends, and

(iv) ever newly invented fear campaigns, or “invisible non-existent viruses” – and

(v) the newest announced food and energy shortages, from where – they say – stems the astronomical inflation, for which to combat, societies’ debts – yours and mine – need to be charged higher interest rates.

Anything goes, lie after miserable lie, and people buy it. We know; however, the purpose is the contrary, namely leading to the ruin and collapse of western industry and civilization.

Who is to blame for it all? Of course, Russia-Russia-Russia, or rather President Putin. Another flagrant lie.

Torn Jeans And “The Great Reset” – A History of Mind ManipulationAll is made in the US of A and in their vassal-Continent, called Europe; by bought, compromised and unelected criminal politicians, who enjoy wielding their dictatorial power over people.

People! Wake up to reality, before it is too late. There is not much time left.

You are also being sold a “Green Agenda” – supposedly preventing man-made climate change.

Be aware: Carbon as well as CO2 is a life support line. Without CO2, there are no trees, no plants, no life.

Today’s Green is yesterday’s Brown.

We are being lied to, that man-made CO2 is destroying our planet. We are drifting ever faster into a total-control, digital Fascist One World Order (OWO). Globalization is taking hold as we are doing nothing against it, and tacitly letting it happen.

Solidarity is out of the window, as the “Dark Cult Masters” invent ever new means to divide us, divide society, countries, political parties and even families.

Yes, climate change is man-made – but its not what you are made to believe. It’s called “geoengineering” – highly sophisticated weather manipulation. The kind that brought us in the Global North, in the summer of 2022 extreme heat waves and drought spells, never seen before in recorded history, destroying food crops, infrastructure, and outright killing livestock and vulnerable people.

Or, alternatively – extreme flash floods, never-heard-of catastrophic monsoon rains, also destroying agriculture, infrastructure and bringing death. See the case of Pakistan.

Geoengineering is amply documented“Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) constitute instruments of “weather warfare”. They are an integral part of the US military arsenal:

“Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally… It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog and storms on earth or to modify space weather… and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of [military] technologies.”

Study Commissioned by the US Air Force: Weather as a Force Multiplier, Owning the Weather in 2025, August 1996


Torn Jeans And “The Great Reset” – A History of Mind Manipulation

Does the US Military “Own the Weather”? “Weaponizing the Weather” as an Instrument of Modern Warfare?

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 31, 2022


Targeted mind manipulation – actions that make you believe what is not, or what is different from the visible, from the going narrative – is more than 100 years old. It’s solidly implanted in our western world’s minds.

Key watershed moments of this Dark Cult campaign of treason, include

Torn Jeans And “The Great Reset” – A History of Mind Manipulation1.     Federal Reserve Act 1913 – laying the groundwork for the US dollar to become fiat money, unrelated to the US-economy, to be produced at will and as needed – becoming the basis for western currencies debt-economies, with the banking system becoming ever more dominant – eventually digitally controlling YOUR income, your behavior, through digitally manipulated currencies, spendable according to YOUR behavior. – If not stopped NOW, western monetary systems are soon to become instruments to enslave us, the Common People.

Torn Jeans And “The Great Reset” – A History of Mind Manipulation2.     The Cold War, end of WWII – a targeted fear campaign against communism: The Soviets are coming, the Soviets are coming – be aware, be scared – we must contain them. The Berlin Wall that was translating into the term, the Iron Curtain, preventing Soviets’ ideas from spilling over into the freedom loving democracies of the west.

All the while, the Soviet Union, defeating Hitler’s Third Reich and winning WWII for the West, was so badly damaged by the war that they could never, even if they wanted to (they never had expansionist plans) be a threat to the armed-to-the-teeth west. The Cold War was a farce, another miserable lie, paveing the way to the next Watershed Moment in the war against humanity.

3.     Wanton Destruction of the Soviet Union, leading the way to a globalized One World Order (OWO). We are not there yet, and indications are that an ever-greater majority of people and countries are moving away from globalization; away from western economic and monetary systems, back to national sovereignty, and towards the East – opting for eastern associations, such as the China-Russia led Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) – which by now encompasses about half the world’s population, controlling about a third of world-GDP.

4.     9/11 (2001) – marking the beginning of the end of freedom, as we thought we knew it – imposing the long-before-planned Patriot Act – depriving Americans of up to 90% of their civil and human rights, as the application of the Patriot Act supposes a State of Emergency and can be applied at will, by Presidential Decree or Congressional decision. Most Americans are still unaware to what extent their rights have been curtailed by the Patriot Act which needed an event like 9/11 to come to fruition. Europe followed suit by an ever more tyrannical – and it must be repeated – UNELECTED European Commission, that pretends calling the shots over 500 million Europeans; and finally,

5.     The Great Reset, alias UN Agenda 2030 – the ultimate tightening of the screws around societies and individuals’ necks, through an intense fear campaign, based on a fake, never isolated virus, denigrating and dangerous forced mask-wearing, social distancing – separating people from each other, lockdowns, work from home – travel restrictions, keeping people in place – reducing contacts as much as possible and gradually ever more restricting measures are being imposed, including a digital all-encompassing, QR-code based (or similar) ID – the final enslavement of humanity.

This, paired by a vaxx-campaign of an experimental and poisonous mRNA injection that has so far led to the death of millions of people, contributing significantly to one of the Great Reset’s goals, massive population reduction (40% excess deaths were recorded by insurance companies since the beginning of the vaxx-campaign, mid-December 2020); artificially creating food and energy shortages with all their ramifications, famine, starvation, death; destroying what’s left of western economies, moving the bankrupted assets to the elite-billionaires and the financial giants, like BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street and other Wall Street icons.

Torn Jeans And “The Great Reset” – A History of Mind ManipulationThese preliminaries are paving the way to 5G-powered digitization of everything, including the human mind, converting surviving humans into “transhumans” – following Klaus Schwab’s (WEF CEO) dream: Owning nothing but being happy.

We are not there yet. But time is short.

Togetherness, initiated by a spiritual separation from the Dark Cult, from dictate and tyranny that emanates from the World Economic Forum (WEF) – and its colossal money masters; separating ourselves as societies from our current governments and monetary systems; initiating parallel societies and monetary schemes.

If we grasp the spirit of togetherness, rather than each one for himself, dynamics of new ideas may make this endeavor come through as a societal Reset, made by the People for the People.

Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also is a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing. 


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Southfront resident nigha

Another inept and useless prostitute from Prostitute Thinktank dreams about rent seekers paradize. Yup, it is coming. To his cunt 😆😆😆😆

Last edited 2 years ago by Southfront resident nigha
Peter Koenig

I quit performing at geypride and currently I create $80h – $120h…how? I’m operating online! My work didn’t precisely make Kunt happy thus i made a decision to require an opportunity on one thing new… when four years it had been taking nigha dicks in the ass so onerous to quit my day job however now I couldn’t be happier. Heres what I do……….niggerdickintheass.𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘀𝗽𝗼𝘁.𝗰𝗼𝗺

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter Koenig

Why is the Russian army unable to complete basic tasks? That would be an interesting article. Here is another interesting article, why can’t the Russian army blow up a bridge, but it could blow up a damn?


Excellent analysis. This reminds me of a master’s course I took on Semiotics. We live in a presented and orchestrated reality that is planned many decades in advance. The Venetian Black Nobility and their Hidden Hand of Jesuits, freemasons, zionists, royalty and the MIC are pushing this WEF reset that will collapse the West. Putin and Xi are both controlled and pushing control via digital ID and digital money. Their are no good guys in the current masonic governments. Time to restore the Common Law and ban usury.


Don’t make me lough – this ‘geopolitical analyst, must learn some history first: ‘Soviet Union, defeating Hitler’s Third Reich and winning WWII for the West, was so badly damaged by the war that they could never, even if they wanted to (they never had expansionist plans) be a threat to the armed-to-the-teeth west‘

Well, soviets were strong enough to enslave nations like Poland, Czechia, Estonia and dozen of others. Without Iron Curtain the same gulag system would be installed not only in Warsaw but from Paris to Lisbon… not to mention simple fact that ww2 was started by hitler and soviets attacking Poland. Soviets switched sides only when they seen hitler loosing war… today russia is like hitler. Ukraine war will finish once lukashenko would switch side and join free world. Mark my words

Southfront censorship sucks

Mass formation, Mandela effects, Masonic-Jesuit influence in media, the inversion of intention is the true form of the pathological globalists. You’ll be dead, they’ll be happy, the bugs will be eating your corpses, and they’ll own everything… Just take the jab for a disease that never existed…it’s ‘safe and effective’…


This guy only see’s the foot of the “beast”.

John Tosh

The Predictions of Nostradamus are about to be Proven Accurate.

Third World war is indeed a 27 year war…. most people do not realize this. The Islamic world will rally behind Russia….. other Christian countries will also rally behind Russia.

The USA for once will be directly involved in this war. There would be attacks from California to New York and Florida. This is not a war the USA can stay out of.

In trying to weaken Russia, you only made it stronger with more resolve.

Only one thing remains to be said about the Central Intelligence Agency….

“So long, and thanks for all the fish” …..from the movie “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.”

Kaboom time!

Florian Geyer

Well said, John.

Slava Rossiya


Ripped jeans first became popular in the 1970’s as part of the punk rock fashion scene and have been around for over 40 years not 20. Perhaps that was not true globally but it certainly was in Western Europe I think.


It is simply an example, yet the author points to when they were first sold and sold for more money. Specific to more than jeans without holes… or wear…. Rather it is the best example or not, it does demonstrate what he is saying. No matter how stupid the idea it is backed…. little is required to get people to go along…. truth is he cant even use the big examples or he will lose half his readers…

Covid19/ covid vaccines/ the war in Ukraine any of these can be used to show support for a narrative that is clearly not reality. Yet all have popular support for the craziest of action…….

He may be wrong in some of the details but he is right on when it comes to the big picture…. cult of bahl and his followers are working day and night to enslave you.


I remember in the early 90’s lot’s of teenagers especially those who liked punk or rock music wearing ripped jeans and there were shops where you could buy used or ripped jeans as fashion items, also fashion brands sold them, nor was that anything completely new I believe, in the mid 80’s stonewashed denim was popular which was new but patchy and faded, and loads of people wore that. The date of fashions arriving and becoming popular in a region vary.


Liar…. your lies are guild and false


Dark cars are awful when left in the hot sun, the dashboard is dark the seats are dark and it is SO HOT inside the car. Perhpas we should drive vans as they are mostly white. I know that in the seventies and eighties that beige was popular for car interiors. It certainly beats black and charcoal. Without being Ukrainian, my favorite colours for cars are blues and yellows. We can put seat covers on the interiors but with all of that black plastic inside the car and the black wheel, it does get very hot.

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