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MARCH 2025

Total Mobilization Coming In Ukraine

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Total Mobilization Coming In Ukraine

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Total Mobilization Coming In Ukraine
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Total Mobilization Coming In Ukraine

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Important update: Dear viewers, the voice over actor has misspelled the current population of Ukraine. The correct number is 24 million people.

One of the main problems of the Ukrainian Army are the horrific losses on the battlefields. The meat grinder assaults during the months-long counteroffensive did not bring any significant victories, and the combat-ready units of the Armed Forces were ground down on the battlefield. In order to continue any effective military operations, Kiev needs to increase mobilization throughout the country.

At first, the German media reported that Ukraine needs to mobilize about 3 million people to win the war. Such reports were widely appreciated as a kind of instruction to Kiev from NATO.

However, according to various estimates, a total of no more than 24 million people remain in the country, and combat-ready aged men are already either at the front, in graves or have fled abroad. Kiev is unlikely to find the necessary number of new fighters. At the same time, the West has to find additional funds to provide them with training, food, weapons and payroll.

Nevertheless, Kiev is already preparing the public for total mobilization. In February 2022, the Ukrainian authorities announced a general mobilization in the country. At the end of August, Zelensky said that the General Staff was asking for “an opportunity to mobilize more servicemen.” The Head of the National Security Council made similar statements.

In its turn, the Ministry of Defense claimed that the mobilization plan has not yet been implemented and there is no need to announce a new wave.

Despite attempts to calm the population, mass mobilization continues throughout the country. Men are forcibly caught on the streets or in public places and enlisted in the military against their will. This often leads to clashes with civilians. Military commissars beat off women and children trying to save their loved ones.

The public anger is growing. Ukrainian military commissars have become the targets. In the Transcarpathian region, a sergeant who caught men and sent them to a meat grinder on the frontlines was found with a broken skull in the forest.

With or without any official public statement, Kiev is preparing for a new wave of mass mobilization in autumn.

All employees of military enlistment offices and military medical commissions were taken under tight control and banned from issuing deferrals and permits to leave the country. Pro-Russian hackers have published documents confirming that the military authorities have already obliged local state and commercial enterprises to provide lists of all their employees who are fit for duty.

What is the most important is that Kiev is mobilizing the population of the eastern and southern regions, which Kiev nationalists in power consider to be widely pro-Russian. According to the documents, preparations for large-scale mobilization are being carried out in the Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Odessa, Zaporozhye and Mykolaiv regions.

These are the regions that the Kiev regime is considering to be lost. First, their population will be ground down in the assaults, then, they can be destroyed by hostilities.

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old men, the disabled, trannies, a few women and children are all that is left in ukostan… plus what is left is either at the front or doing necessary support jobs, so who are these ghosts kiev morons want to mobilize ?

USA #1

hehehe this is good, another 3 million dead orcs is exactly what ukraine needs right now. get rids of the orcs and make room for nova khazaria.

Barba Papa

in order for 3 mln russians to die with the current loss ratios 30 mln ukrainians have to die as well. there’s only 10 mln people in total left in the country. everyone who had a brain or the money left.

USA #1

>30 mln ukrainians have to die as well

excellent, more space for proud khazarians to relocate back to their homeland hehehe


you and v.i.v. are absurdly delusional. you are the splitting image of the lies you believe about “not sees”.

archiveorg details/nemesisatpotsdam0000deza_i0i9 page 68 mode 2up? q=ilya

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric
Ali Bongo

pretty sure that there would be people coming of age, you forget that putin while posessing most of the country has been reduced to two years of trench warfare.


you are completely delusional. keep coping, schizo.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

i guess the people doing necessary support jobs for regions, not militarly. after all if you want to give up on southern and eastern regions… which are populated mostly by russian… why not to send them all to die? childrens… grandfathers… pregnant womens…

i believe this is their logic. (just to be clear, this is not what i think, but it is what i think ucraine is doin with that mass mobilitation)

Last edited 1 year ago by bat

i hope zelunkski puts out a call to recruit all trannies and other lgbtq scum in the us and eu to come and join his shaggy horde of soldatskis so the west can be rid of degenerate scum, dying on the battlefield, walking on russian mines and getting run through with russian bayonets.

Reinhard Rung

“”at the same time, the west has to find additional funds to provide them with training, food, weapons and payroll””

when the war began, the “west” said, we are making the waras expensive as possible for russia. today, russia is making this war more and more expensive for the “west”.

let’s see how far the spiral still turns…

WT Baker

this is satanic. to eliminate by ethnic cleansing the eastern part of ukraine. this is a nato policy bent on depopulation before they abandon the killing. leave no one and nothing for russia to inherit.




wow. i didn’t know there were only 10,000,000 people left in ukraine. that’s about the same population as belarus in 3x the size.

Last edited 1 year ago by War
jens holm

the counter lost some long fingers in the saudis.


someone who left ukraine and has all his senses together , will not come back to be conscripted. people who are still in ukraine and at least 1% fit for military , will try to escape , no matter how much they must pay to the corrupt junta. the people who didn’t pay attention and can’t leave any more , got the crap card. sorry for them.


wake up folks!! the soldiers on both sides are christians, while the war-instigators, war-profiteers & propagandists are exclusively jews !! example: solowjov (whose son is excluded from war service) admits to being jewish: he said in an interview with scott ritter, quote: “when i see bandera flags and hear that bandera is a hero, then [i also see] the part of my family who, because they were jews, were buried alive by the bandera nazis during the second world war.” http://rlu.ru/3v9kg

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

stop pretending that the pawns of the anglos are somehow the kings of them. there’s a reason the holocaust was about jews being half-annihilated and not half the anglos in australia/new-zealand/canada/united states.

they have a priviliged position in the anglo-empire, but they’re still vassals of the anglo-empire.

Last edited 1 year ago by M.Paraplu
Ali Bongo

solovyev’s son is literally a professional poof and clothes horse lol.

Icarus Tanović

you know whats fab? we haven’t yet used a single one. so, remember that word good.

Icarus Tanović

the shit doesn’t looks great for you, and so called ‘collective west’.

Icarus Tanović

western money in the pockets of gypsy pigs. that is great! soon they’ll be filling guns with dollars and fires that.


naziism is an anglo-psy-op designed to distract you away from them. jews are nothing but anglo-vassals.

Last edited 1 year ago by M.Paraplu
Ali Bongo

ukraine should start killing russians on russian soil.

Icarus Tanović

3 million combat ready? what kind of comedians are they? them demonic imperium goes down, and nowhere but down. only in klishchivka them punks losted thousands upon thousands of inmates from every single prison in ukrotardia, west, pakistani, bangladeshi, psychopaths and all sort of human garbage have bitten the dust just there. these meat grinders are real scary stuff. come on o you wahhabis of the world and fertilize that deserted land.

Icarus Tanović

ukrotardia is the biggest open sewerage in the world. biggest pig farm in the world in the open.

Last edited 1 year ago by Icarus Tanović
jens holm

another funny russian version.

very much as they had added heroin from the talebans to their vodka.


the numbers are crazy , but why “russian version”? , it’s a german version as the journalistic whores of collective west. the number “over 20 millions who left ukraine” is from who. alone in germany are about 1 – 1,5 millions registered refugees and , due to different estimations, up to 3 million illegal ukrainians. the conclusion is thus correct: the country is being depopulated and there is no way they find 3 million people ready to die the next years. no vodka and no heroin needed.

Ali Bongo

1. invades crimea, gets beat 2. donbass developed by a welshman 3. russia butthurt anyway


who writes on 3.may.2023: “since 24 february 2022, over 20 million people have left ukraine to seek refuge in other countries” i wonder what mathematics is actually used , if you read on wikipedia , 2020 ukraine had a population of 44 million and 36,744,636 as of 2023.


it’s for me an example of the actual war propaganda which goes beyond all limits. “over 20 millions” can also be: 30 millions. and 44 millions could mean: citizens of ukraine + descendants of former ukrainians. and how the hell wikipedia has calculated exactly 36,744,636 at the moment? it could be: 10 millions in the part of ukraine actually controlled by zelensky, 20 millions left the country and 6,744,636 somehow lost. honestly : i don’t understand it.


there’s no way ukraine has 36 million left by 2023. by mid-2022, 14 million had already left the country and that was on my state television that’s taking in ukrainian refugees in the eu. 9 million is on the russian side. that’s 21 million left by mid-2022. a further 11 million gone after a year isn’t much of a surprise.

the bigger surprise is how long ukraine is capable to keep this conflict going. they’re making a record.


why does russia not simply begin mass strikes on all mobilization offices and recruitment centers? it would simultaneously gain approval of the local population and prevent the ukronazis from gaining new troops


i think this could backfire ukraine training citizens that are pro-russian what if they just turn their guns on their pro-ukrainian instructors.


it backfired allready. in 2014 when ukraine send the special forces to kill eastern resistant. but the special forces was ethnic ukrainian russians and switched the side to novorussia (donetsk and luhansk)




nastasja bourbon…


betjina puskin…


mdr @ en reste dix millions. hahahaha comment vont-ils trouver 3 millions d’hommes dans un pays peuplé de 10 millions d’habitants ?

vive la russie !!!

Last edited 1 year ago by M.Paraplu

the elites have been doing this for centuries.


these eastern populations (russian-speaking) will also be the first to promptly surrender.


this will leave ukraine defenseless in time even if nato launches a nuclear war russia will not be defeated.


germany in world war 1 had a final mobilisation for their kaiserschlacht, and it bled germany white of man power, it looks like ukraine is going the same way. aka history repeating itself.


no, ukraine is far beyond world war 1 numbers and befond world war 2 numbers as well. this is more akin to the fall of the aztec empire than it is the fall of the german one.

Last edited 1 year ago by M.Paraplu

you do not understand the comparison, towards the end of world war 1, the germany army had to use up all available man power in a last ditch move, and this included masses of farm workers, and factory workers.


rasche flucht schützt leben!


please get your facts straight. current population of ukraine is 36.950.000.

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