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MARCH 2025

Trace Of Polish Colonel Spotted In Severodonetsk In Eastern Ukraine

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Trace Of Polish Colonel Spotted In Severodonetsk In Eastern Ukraine

Colonel Dariusz Majchrzak

As Russian-led forces advance through the Ukrainian defense in eastern Ukraine, more and more secrets of the Kiev regime are being revealed.

On May 6, documents of Polish Colonel Dariusz Majchrzak were found in the military positions left by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the city of Severodonetsk. The documents confirm that NATO officer was deployed in Severodonetsk and now may be hiding in the Azot chemical plant.

In one of the premises left by the AFU in Severodonetsk, documents for the KIA Sorento car of Dariusz Majchrzak were found by Russian servicemen.

Trace Of Polish Colonel Spotted In Severodonetsk In Eastern Ukraine

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Trace Of Polish Colonel Spotted In Severodonetsk In Eastern Ukraine

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Colonel Dariusz Majchrzak is the Vice-Rector for Military Affairs of the War Studies University , ASzWoj, in Poland. He studied at the Officers’ Academy in Wroclaw, served in the 11th Armored Cavalry Division.

He has repeatedly participated in the organization and conduct of military exercises both at the national and international level. In 2005-2006, he served as a senior specialist of the Divisional Advisory and Training Group as part of the Polish military contingent in the Republic of Iraq.

His scientific researches are dedicated to the issues of national and international security. He studied modern threats, crisis management, mainly in the EU and in Poland.

It is still not clear if Colonel Dariusz Majchrzak was killed or if he is still in Severodonetsk, or if he left the city and Ukraine. The documents may be considered the first evidence of the participation of Polish military personnel in hostilities against Russia.


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Ukroppers are the polaks…polaks. Let’s hope this evil Natostan whore is already fertilizer or bunkered in the aZot chemical rat hole.

Looking forward to the next perp walk of tatted aZoV monkeys crawling out of their poisoned nest.

Simon Ndiritu

Russia should henceforth publicize arrest of such NATO slugs incase they are captured or end up surrendering like in Azostal.


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Last edited 2 years ago by Evelin
Ashok Varma

Basically NATO is fighting Russia. It is time to take the velvet gloves off and inflict more pain on dumb Pollack racist bastards. JAI RUS!

Mary Dahl

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Last edited 2 years ago by Mary Dahl

They are not Polaks, they are polonized Galicians; then this virus called ‘ukrainian nation’ was spread eastward to Russian population. It’s highly ironic, these real ‘ukrainians’ from Lwow actually hated Poles, they fought bitterly after WW1 and then Bandera slaughtered 100.000 Poles in WW2. Today Zelensky is ready to sacrifice hundreds of thousands only to betray ‘ukraine’ and give it to to Poland.


well, bomb the syhte outta them poles

Simon Ndiritu

NATO is (de facto)in war against Russia, as scary as it may sound . It is openly sending arms and covertly sending mercenaries and specialists


Itwouldn’t surprise me if there are thousands of Polish troops fighing as Ukrainians,in other words NATO.

Haans rauss

Oh boy, another russian propaganda. If nato is there than russian troops could be destroyed in just two weeks by nato superiority. Russian army is 30 years behind NATO , just stick with facts. We just want to bleed out russia in ukraine and seems like its work out. Finland and sweden in nato is just bonus ;)

BTW card of car doesnt mean anything, if ukrop buy cars in EU and export in to ukraine then he will get documents of car from previous owner so whole strory from SF is like searching for reptilians…nothing more. I guees this polish dude doesnt even know that his car is in ukraine now :D

Last edited 2 years ago by Haans rauss

Nato is a pussy army, most of the soldiers don’t have experience, those who do ran like little girls after they got hit by kinzhals. Russia is taking easy on ukkies cause they want to capture Ukraine with as little of damage as possible. Nato trash can be just wiped out no need to preserve.


Just go back to cheating on your wife

No Bs

You mean his beard

There's always hope

And you are the pits! but that said; obviously it’s being used that way! your side would do the same, oops just a minute, no they don’t do they, they celebrate the capture of Russian POW commanders by murdering them.

And you said; NATO is 30yrs ahead of the Russian Army? ok then, yeah show us these facts, with links to such sensitive strategic NATO intel, all here especially are very much interested. eh.

The truth is you cant present any evidence to back up that claim because if you did you would immediately become an enemy to those whom you allegedly support, your running your mouth off right over a cliff you idiot, suggest you stick to playing your sex box or gay station, this is a mans game. Game over for you.

Hans raus

Proof? look at russian army- they losing 100+ people daily against one of the most corrupted and poor country in europe. So called 2nd world army………… xD

Mene Mene

Two thing there. 1) you admit to supporting “one of the most corrupted… country in europe”. 2) you mistakenly quoted the admitted minimum Ukro KIA figures.

That makes you a loser twice over.


Lol! Just like all those NATO generals that were at Mariupol but suddenly werren’t when they surrendered? Catch him or kill him but this time, prove that NATO officers were there instead of “alleging” / lying.


Plenty of cia and other nato trash in Kiev running this war but they always run when Russians get close.


So, you’re saying that there is 0 proof and proof is what matters.


Well… you have qualifications, skills and required experience and $1500 per day looks great, stay alive and in three months you might buy that house on the lake. Nothing personal just business he’s a professional soldier.


Flatten it. Scrape dna samples. Send results to imbeciles in Warsaw, with “Warmest Regards”.

Ashok Varma

Indian officers should command the russian army, they are well trained and know how to fight against NATO (Brits). We are a world power now, unlike Russia which is struggling to feed it’s own citizens and is technologically speaking a third world country.

Samatar Koseean

What? Bro, India is a literal toilet even in the open streets and rivers.

Hans raus

India still belong to brits, you are just shithole that nobody care about. Majority of population dont have access to toilet.

Peter Jennings

Can you keep a straight face? I couldn’t after reading your post.


Nuke Poland

Peter Jennings

Oh dear. Me thinks the Russian admin won’t forget this after the USadmin self implodes its country through debt, starvation, and crime. Polish admin will be left to grovel for forgiveness, and food…er… .and oil, and gas.


I hope they catch him


catch and burn alive that polish bestrd mothafacka racist..

Roman Dmowski

And what kind of problem Russia has with that (even if it’s true)? Maybe Ucraine requested foreign help like Assad asked Russia?

Last edited 2 years ago by Roman Dmowski

then Zelensky MUST CLAIM “combat position”, but oddly enough, he does not do this, the owner does not allow it. Russia has declared not war, but a special operation. Or do you not know a damn thing about military affairs?

Last edited 2 years ago by Iren

Apparently he doesn’t

Roman Dmowski

Special operation. Kremlin propaganda teminology. Have back to China Vladivostok. Until 1856 it was part of China.


Totally makes sense this pig would be there. My guess is that he ran and is back in western Ukraine or Poland. An aging scum sucker like that was just bringing in his polish boys and to brag he was involved. This wasn’t Iraq and when he found that out he fled.

Natalia Guberna

Fegelein, Fegelein, where is Fegelein???????????????

hunter bidé lab pork !

its just a Polish Pimp paid by Urubus !!!


meanwhile the urk-pollack poroshenko is having fun in London with a 20 something years old bitch


Oh they finally let him cross the border?

Roman Dmowski

What about Lavorov mistress daughter who bought luxury property in London for 5 milions pounds?

helene matz

catch him give him a trial on tv


Publish all NATOSTAN members in Ukraine fighting dead or alive. To show the level of decietand lies they author.

Johny B G

The big difference between the Russians and Ukrainian military is that the Russian Generals fight in the front lines with their men, while the Ukrainian Generals fight from under their beds in their 1 or 2 miles deep bunkers. Maybe a good way of combating the evil and lying western media and press will be by dropping millions of leaflets over Ukraine. Explaining all the western deceptions, lies and manipulations. And how we the west deceivingly and secretly really provoked the Ukraine war. And how the Nazi Ukraine regime was created and funded by American and EU Zionist Bankers and Oligarchs. And last telling them to stop fighting for rich American and EU rich bankers and Oligarchs, while their children and families are dying and they all have their families safe and sound.


Poo_land must become part of Novo_ewe_kraine


Jarred pickles?

Notbenedict Arnold

Since most neo n****s in Ukraine are from outside countries and are vaccinated the Russian military should be able to geolocate groups of them using Bluetooth Low Energy. In fact this might be their best method for linking them.


To be honest, if the documents are genuine, it means the colonel sold his car to Ukrainian along with karta pojazdu. Considering there are photos of him on polish soil from yesterday, still no direct evidence. Of course it’s highly unlikely that there are no NATO presence, NATO would be stupid to miss such opportunity.


this is FAKE NEWS

Last edited 2 years ago by кацап
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