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MARCH 2025

Trade War Backfires On US Hegemony: China May Shift Production To Russia

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

President Trump’s efforts to force China to ‘fair’ trade (along with sanctions and/or tariff threats against many other nations in the world) appears more likely to destabilize the unipolar US hegemon than support it.

Trade War Backfires On US Hegemony: China May Shift Production To Russia

Many multipolar-supporting nations are hording gold, seeking alternative payment systems, and creating bilateral trade agreements between themselves in an effort to skirt US threats (or merely to defend their own sovereignty in the long-run).

While we have seen China pushing the petro-yuan (rather anti-climactically for now) and Europe pushing INSTEX to enable trade with Iran (still unused for now), RT reports the latest shift away from the US ‘system’ and towards multi-polar collaboration is coming from China, where small and medium-sized enterprises, under pressure from Washington’s trade war, are studying the possibility of moving production to Russia.

According to the secretary general of the China Overseas Development Association (CODA), He Zhenwei, “many Chinese export-oriented small and medium-sized enterprises are now facing difficulties.”

“The US has already raised its duties on Chinese goods from 10 percent to 25 percent, which is tantamount to closing its doors. In case American consumers agree to pay more out of their pockets, these companies will be able to raise prices on products by 25 percent, which is hardly probable,” he said.

In such harsh conditions, Chinese companies are now struggling to maintain their existence.

“They should think about moving production to Russia,” He said, adding that “Chinese goods produced in Russia could be further sold in the United States and even in Europe.”

As a reminder, trade between Russia and China saw historic growth last year of around 25 percent to US$108 billion, beating all forecasts. According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, China is and will continue to be Russia’s number one foreign trade partner. He recently said that the two countries are enjoying their best trade and economic ties ever… not something that Makes America Great Again, for sure.

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Chinese goods made in Russia is still good for Chinese entrepreneurs, but not so good for Chinese workers. I can’t imagine this will go down well in China. Although Beijing can still maintain its rule by playing the Evil Americans Did It card.


I think they want to move few millions of Chinese workers in Siberia ;)

Bill Wilson

Russia has been allowing the Chinese to leased land in Siberia for agriculture and logging operations. Some Russian authorities have become concerned about the chemicals that the Chinese farmers are using because they won’t or can’t tell them what those are. The authorities already know that the Chinese use a huge amount of nitrated fertilizers to get large crop yields and some strange stuff that makes their hogs grow incredibly large in a short period of time. I guess the Russians don’t mind all that as long as all of the Chinese ag products are shipped back to China to be consumed there.


China thinks she has the right over Siberia.


So Chinese companies plan to skirt US tariffs by moving to a country that has been under sanction by the west virtually continuously since 1918? I guess it’s better than moving to Iran.

Toronto Tonto

Boycott all that is Chinese or Russian .

Concrete Mike

No canadian would want that, our stores and homes are filled with made in china products.

You are in another reality.

I dont want to live in an empty house thanks.


First look in your home, is there any thing which is not made of China or you wanna become a stone age man. LOL


Actually without the trade with USA, Chinese people were still eating grass, like 30 years ago.


Whether Chinese eat grass or fruit but still the mobile handset in your pocket is made in China. LOL


Rob, can you read? I said they were eating grass 30 years ago. I had a Russian handset by then :)


China was the most powerful empire in the world, when barbarian Anglos were eating grass (and sheep turds) on their shitty island. They stole everything, including that island, plus entire “America”. More than 25% of world GDP was Chinese, before Brits infested China with opium. So fuck off.


The word ‘China’ appeared after the words ‘Angles’ and ‘Saxons’. You’re as stupid as an Italian that brags with the Roman Empire.


Sure China wasn’t China, because you say so. Pathetic excuses, you braindead, clueless imbecile. btw search Qin if you know how, you dumb moron.


The official name of the country was changed with every dynasty, the common name used by the inhabitants was ‘Zhongguo’ which means ‘main land’. They didn’t call themselves ‘Cin’ or ‘Qin’. They didn’t even have the notion of ‘nation’ back then.

Found that in your source: ‘Cīna was first used in early Hindu scripture, including the Mahābhārata (5th century BCE) and the Laws of Manu (2nd century BCE), the word Cīna is used to refer to a country of “yellow-colored” barbarians […]”

And probably cutting the last part gave you the image with the orange president… “ha ha”

Also from the same source, the official name of the country was changed with every dynasty, the common name used by the inhabitants was ‘Zhongguo’ which means ‘main land’. They didn’t call themselves ‘Cin’ or ‘Qin’.

And most likely they didn’t even have the notion of ‘nation’ back then.

Just mind the recent history when the Chinese and North Koreans were eating Grass. This can come back soon if you don’t suck well American cook.


Blah, blah, more worthless feces from your bitch mouth… totally irrelevant crap. Wtf are you even trying to prove moron? That you can use google? That you are not a complete and utter imbecile? Sorry retard that’s already established, too late for your pathetic excuses. ‘Barbarian’ is a greek word, they used the term towards those who did not speak Greek and follow classical Greek customs (including Persians and Egyptians, older and more advanced civilization). Keep googling ‘chinese history’ you’ll find 1000s of links, learn something; sucking dicks is the only thing you know, that’s your job, your degenerate culture, your entire faggot ‘civilization’ of transgender cocksuckers like you. You suck black dicks, mexican dicks, italian dicks and when you finish you suck jewish assholes. That’s what defines you as ‘american’ you pathetic dumb bitch.


Btw I’m not American. You assumed that because you are desperate to be taken into account by one, I’m from a shithole like yours, my fellow shithole worm :)


Without Chinese goods the West would be paying much much more for basic goods of all sorts. Lawnmowers, clothing, tools, vehicle parts et al.


Good, the basic goods will be more durable and the corporations will have to pay decent wages, making less profit so the people will afford less but better quality.


Prices could easily triple without Chinese goods. For example , Chinese made generators cost less now than I was paying for European generators 30 years ago. The Chinese made ones work well and are durable as well. I have a Chinese diesel 2kva generator that I bought in 2006, and it’s still in regular use with no problems.

The price issue with Western made goods are the result the massive tax and regulatory burdens imposed by governments on producers. The employment gained by these pernicious regulations only benefit the previously ‘unemployable’ with their new non-jobs . This enables the government to declare that unemployment is low, yet its all a slight of hand, as the cost of employing the unemployable is still a burden on the purchaser and tax payer.

If anything the burden is worse, as the previously unemployed cretins, of all social classes, now need offices and other assets to perform their useless jobs.


I agree if that would happen immediately, but it will happen while slowly robots will replace humans in manufacture.


And all the recent migrants escaping US wars of choice and ending up in NATO countries will be a dead weight on economies and a breeding ground for crime and domestic terrorism. A trend that is growing inexorably day by day.

Its as if all of this was pre-planned :)


I don’t think it was pre-planed, in my opinion it’s like a gold rush for corporations

Jim Bim

The only thing racist Canada ever has accomplished is the theft and the genocide of the native people.

Jim Bim

Genocide in Canadian brainwashed expression = assimilate.

Jim Bim

if there is space left in your brainwashed mind, read the latest Canadian report.

Canadian Inquiry Calls Killings of Indigenous Women Genocide https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/03/world/canada/canada-indigenous-genocide.html

Jim Bim

Crawl back to your hole brainless creep.

Toronto Tonto

You as we knew very little about what happens on some of our reserves until the people speak up , this is a issue that those close to it hide , its a sad issue with drugs and alcohol not genocide .

Toronto Tonto

13000 dead in the brotherland of Ukraine at the hands of putins men , and the Russian mommies cant speak about there DEAD kids because its a putin rule when its NOT war time . fuck putin and his pals .


Murican slaves are barking only when allowed by their masters.

Toronto Tonto

At least we can bark when WE want to unlike Russia and chinkland .

Toronto Tonto



Fake “Toronto” troll is not from Canada obviously, he doesn’t even know what to answer.


Boycott oxygen, you’re a waste of good air you dumb piece of shit.

Zionism = EVIL

haha dopehead.


The America and Israel game over. A bunch of defeated states would not invade any country anymore. Their sanctions has been slammed by world leaders.


world leaders. LOL


The World leaders one is Netanyahu he changed his profession from PM to justice minister and remaining Trump his political carrier finished buy childish behaviour. He is now out to sell his weapons country by country.



Zionism = EVIL

The Americunt and Zionist controlled monetary system needs to be destroyed next.


The UK, Germany and Deutsche Banks confiscates 30 tons of Venezuelan gold after default on swap agreement.

Taking loans on swap agreements should be prohibited. Its a trap.

peter mcloughlin

Small and medium-sized Chinese companies are ‘’struggling to maintain their existence’. This will increase unemployment – dangerously destabilizing – as will the proposed solution. The world is running out of ways to avoid world war three. https://www.ghostsofhistory.wordpress.com/

Bill Wilson

This is the silliest article that I’ve read for quite some time.

Xoli Xoli

Hazo,China man goody man vely vely fasta fasta.Blinging all China fongong and duplicate to Lussia.

Xoli Xoli

Tlumpa nolonga goody.Evely thinga Tlumpa puti the sea and hisa bomba.Maybe Putina isa gooda but Putina no dola.

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