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MARCH 2025

Trade War Goes Global: China “Indefinitely” Bans Australian Coal Imports

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

Just days after it warned its citizens against traveling to New Zealand, Beijing has reportedly cracked down on imports of coal from Australia, cutting off the country’s miners from their biggest export market and threatening the island nation’s economy at a time when it and its fellow “Five Eyes” members who have sided with the US by blocking or banning Huawei’s 5G network technology.

Trade War Goes Global: China "Indefinitely" Bans Australian Coal Imports

Customs agents at the port of Dalian have banned imports of Australian coal “indefinitely” while reportedly capping all coal imports from all sources at 12 million tonnes per day, Reuters reported overnight. Elsewhere in China, Australian coal – the combustible rock is the country’s biggest export – has faced customs delays of up to 40 days, just as Rabobank analyst Michael Every anticipated when he pondered earlier this month whether Australian coal might face “bureaucratic delays” at Chinese ports following the country’s “Huawei moment.” This is what Every said two weeks ago:

Billionaire political donor Huang Xiangmo, Beijing’s former top lobbyist/fixer in Australia has just had his long-standing application for Aussie citizenship rejected and his permanent residency cancelled while travelling overseas, leaving him stranded and locked out of his USD10m Sydney mansion. The citizenship application refusal apparently comes on both character grounds and concerns about the reliability of his answers in interviews and correspondence with authorities including ASIO, the Australian intelligence service. Note that Mr. Huang has donated AUD2.7m to both major political parties over the last five years and also funds former foreign minister Bob Carr’s Sydney think tank – Carr himself having made several recent public statements arguing for Australia to side with China due to their economic links.

Does this smell like a real US-China trade deal is on the cards? And is this Australia’s Huawei moment? Might Aussie exports to China suddenly run slap-bang into bureaucratic delays or boycotts? And should we add Australia to the list of nationalities that might want to rethink visits to China? But silly me: China is already holding one captive. Germany might be about to push the EU onto that China hit-list too, as it is apparently setting the following standard for Huawei to operate: “A guarantee its data will not be shared with Beijing”. So that’s nein then, nicht war

And while at least one Wall Street analyst had anticipated some form of retaliation, the ban apparently took Australian diplomatic officials by surprise. Here’s more from Reuters:

Five harbors overseen by Dalian customs – Dalian, Bayuquan, Panjin, Dandong and Beiliang – will not allow Australian coal to clear through customs, said the official. Coal imports from Russia and Indonesia will not be affected.

“I’m aware of unconfirmed and unsourced media reports and have asked our Ambassador in Beijing to urgently clarify their veracity,” said Australia’s Minister for Trade Simon Birmingham.

“We continue to engage closely with industry on matters of market access…China is a valued partner of Australia and we trust that our free trade agreement commitments to each other will continue to be honored.”

It would be hard to understate how big of a problem this is for Australia. The ramifications will be felt, not only by the country’s miners, but by the broader Australian economy, and as economist Robert Rennie notes, a ban would have a major impact on Australian exports as 22% of Australian coking coal exports  in 2018 went to China (39mt). 24% of Australian thermal coal exports  in 2018 went to China (49mt).

Trade War Goes Global: China "Indefinitely" Bans Australian Coal Imports

… which is why the Aussie, and shares of Australian miners, tumbled on the news…

Trade War Goes Global: China "Indefinitely" Bans Australian Coal Imports

… while the Chinese Yuan dropped as well, which prior to the report had hit a 7 month high.

Trade War Goes Global: China "Indefinitely" Bans Australian Coal Imports

Meanwhile, shares of Chinese coal miners climbed.

Which brings us to our next point. Aside from showing the international community what they stand to lose if they side with the US in the dispute over Huawei (the DOJ recently filed two criminal indictments against the company alleging both IP theft and sanctions violations, and the US has been pressing its allies to ban Huawei 5G network equipment over security concerns), Beijing may have an ulterior motive in cracking down on coal imports: Support domestic prices.

As Reuters adds, Beijing has been trying to restrict imports of coal more generally to support domestic prices. A Beijing-based coal trader said Dalian had cleared about 6 million tonnes of coal in January that had been delayed since late 2018 as China slowed customs clearance to curb imports.

The delayed cargoes would not be included in the 12 million tonnes under the 2019 quota, he added, citing customs information. Dalian handles both thermal and coking coal imports but the clamp down is expected to have a bigger impact on coking coal, used in steel making, than thermal coal, used to generate electricity.

Spot Australian coking coal at the northern Chinese port of Jingtang is 200 yuan ($29.85) cheaper per tonne than domestic prices, according to data tracked by Orient Futures. The price difference for thermal coal is about the same.

“It is hard to find a replacement for Australian coking coal since its sulfur content is very low,” said a purchasing manager at a large plant in Hebei province that produces coke, used in the steelmaking process, from coking coal. “Current inventory at ports should be sufficient to support usage for one or two months, but it could be a problem in the long term, especially if other ports also tighten imports,” he added.

So far, at least, the ban has apparently had the desired effect. Diplomats in Canberra don’t know what the hell is going on. The Aussie is sliding, as are shares of the country’s miners. Soon enough, we will probably hear from economists and maybe even the RBA for an analysis of what the impact might be on Australian GDP.

So will Australia capitulate on its decision to ban Huawei from building a 5G network in the country on national security grounds. Given Germany and the UK’s decisions to begrudgingly allow Huawei access following demands from their telecoms industries, and with the threat of losing one of its biggest trading partners, it at least has a convenient excuse.

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Wolfgang Wolf

do not fuck with china… .and russia, too


Rubbish! China is the bad guy! Russia is a good guy! USA was a bad guy but now a good guy since Trump came in!

Canada holds Huwaei execs! Australia siding with is long time MILITARY ally (ANZUS treaty) WHY IS CHINA HACKING AUSTRALIA? THEY HACKED OUR POLITICAL AND DEFENCE FORCES!


2 sides to a story, FUCK CHINA!!!



So you support United Australia party, which is owned by Clive Palmer. Clive makes most of his money selling Nickel to China, and is getting his Titanic2 built in China. You’re ignorance is an embarrassment to Australia, do the right thing for Oz, drive into a tree.

Bobby Twoshoes

Kevin Rudd, our last sovereign leader had the right idea. “why is China hacking Australia?” What do you expect China to do if we take sides against them? Why do we hack them and other countries? Both questions have the same answer. “Military capable”? What the fuck does that even mean? Any airport is “military capable”. Pull your head out of your arse mate, we have enough real problems without indulging the paranoid ramblings of some eccentric billionaire.


ANZUS treaty was created after the US saved us in the battle of the Coral sea! Otherwise Japanese invasion (as they did in Malaysia and Indonesia and China and Korea WAS IMMINENT! Read a fucking book or 2!

“Military capable” READY to be Educated?? Fuck everyone on this site doesnt know jack shit do they!

it means access to ALL services! 1. remote / hidden / secretive 2. accessible by sea 3. defendable 4. isolated 5. location that is capable for sudden and rapid deployment of defensive and counter attack operations that allow an enemy to gain a beach head and hold it until other majority forces arrive!

etc etc

Thats what the fuck Military capable means!

it means Sydney and Melbourne airport would not be military capable because they do not cover the above mentioned military necessities!

Why the fuck do u think almost all the worlds military airbases are in remote locations u dumb fuck!

OK now the education process is done here, do u have anymore questions u fuckin rookie?

Did i say i supported this politician? Did u read my other post u moron or do u just get all hyped up after reading a line or two?

Bobby Twoshoes

Clean the sand out of your cunt, even without the absurd assertions and false characterisations it is impossible to take you seriously because it doesn’t even take a line or two to get you hyped up.


Which parts are Absurd Bobby? look at my first post! pick it a part for me! “retired squadron leader” made the statement!


You wanna talk about Rudd? ok lets talk about Rudd! Introduced the global warming income tax bill which was knocked back eventually by the Liberals! Global warming is Zionist / globalist bullshit to push industries to China!After he left being PM his job was the UN global warming ambassador!

So if China is the nation to benefit from such an agenda, that makes u wonder where Rudd’s loyalties reside and why he speaks chinese so well!

Also something that will make u happy! Alexander Downer acted as a spy for British intelligence against Donald Trump in order to have him impeached!

If u know nothing of this, ask me…. happy to educate u!

Not made up! FACT, Proved, He’s in massive trouble…. and wait and see what happens! Wanna know more? Google George Papadopolous!

But like i have said before, people on this site seem to only have a one track mind! They have literally become the product of what this site has intended them to become! I do not view anyone on this site as a free thinker! Just biased and dumb!

Bobby Twoshoes

LOL ;p


awesome response! u must have learned a lot at debate school! Let me guess, u were the best in the class?


This is what happens when the US lapdogs in ‘Five Eyes’ are let into the yard to bark and snap at those who have befriended them in the past.

The US is thrashing about like a dying shark in a pool of ‘ exceptionally ‘ smelly excrement.

Tommy Jensen

We in the West will never give up our freedom because of a few tons of coal. You are talking to Sparta!!!


Americas 21st century Spartans :)


Gary Sellars

He ate his other platoon members….


LOL. Harsh but fair :)


But were they finger lickin good?

Gary Sellars

What happened to the Spartans? Their society became obsolete and was overtaken by their more enlightened neighbors. Athens is full of history and magnificent buildings, while ancient Sparta is sparse and dull with little to recommend it.

Thats what you get when you are preoccupied with muscle flexing rather than using yer gray matter…

Veritas Vincit

A well calculated move. There are also many other actions China has the potential to take in response to the developing adversarial behaviour of Australia.

It is also worth noting statements and strategic policy documents confirm forms of warfare are active (albeit so far in a non-kinetic stage involving economic warfare, information warfare, destabilisation/partition operations [targeting the territorial integrity of China], evidence of further colour revolution preparations, etc.). Preparations for a potential kinetic stage of conflict are advancing [1-4]. For example:

– “The report [‘Australia-Japan-US Maritime Cooperation’ by the Centre for Strategic and International Studies] contains specific recommendations to enhance “inter-operability” on intelligence and surveillance, submarine and anti-submarine warfare, amphibious forces and logistics….. The report’s author, Andrew Shearer, is a senior figure in the Australian foreign policy and military establishment…. Shearer is also very well connected in Washington [and] makes clear [the] main “hard security” objective is to prepare for war with China. The Pentagon’s preoccupation with “freedom of navigation” and China’s A2/AD [Anti-Access, Area Denial] systems flows directly from its military strategy for war with China—Air Sea Battle…. Australia and Japan are central to Air Sea Battle and associated strategies, which include a naval blockade of China to strangle its economy…… [Air Sea Battle] relies on networked, integrated forces to take the offensive across air, maritime, land, space and cyberspace…..” (CSIS report argues for strong US-Japan-Australia alliance against China, 9 April 2016)

Recognising Australian procurements, the increasing U.S. military build-up in Australian military bases, the nature of joint U.S.-Australian military exercises, etc., China has the potential to quietly respond (including through the development of defence ties with Indonesia, which is also subject to increasing security threats associated with the U.S.-Australian military build-up).

Veritas Vincit

References: 1. “Are we already fighting a war? In modern conflict, the fighting can begin long before a country is officially “at war”….. “Arguably, there is a warfighting domain in which there is already activity underway,” the head of Forces Command, Major General Gus McLachlan, said.” (Talisman Sabre: Australian military enacts war in a bid to prepare for ’emerging threats’, [Australian] ABC News, 16/07/2017)

2. “The expanding scope of this integration into US war preparations is being underscored by the latest biennial Talisman Sabre military exercises, involving more than 33,000 troops and other personnel across Australia, the Pacific and the US…. The exercises are rehearsing “Special Forces activities, amphibious landings, parachuting” and other offensive operations in the Asia-Pacific. Their stated purpose is to display the interoperability and “battle-readiness” of the US-Australia alliance, and send a threatening message to China. Briefing journalists on board the USS Bonhomme Richard, Admiral Harris was asked how he thought China would view the exercises. He said the size of the deployment was intended as a signal. “I’m pleased about that message it sends our friends, allies, partners and potential adversaries,” Harris stated.” (Australian government lines up behind US threats to North Korea and China, WSWS, 6 July 2017)

3. “Australia will spend $7 billion on six unmanned spy planes that can stay in the air for more than a day and will be used to hunt enemy submarines and carry out surveillance flights….. Once they are in the air, the South China Sea is expected to be a prime target for the long-range, high-tech planes.” (New Air Force spy drones to monitor South China Sea, fleet of six planes to cost $7 billion, By Louise Yaxley, ABC, 26/06/2018)

4. “The Hobart-class guide-air warfare guided missile destroyer is the newest ship class in the RAN [Royal Australian Navy]. It is equipped with the Aegis Combat System and AN/SPY1 radar…… The vessels are equipped with the MK 41 Vertical Launch System….. Two other destroyers in the class are under construction.” (Lockheed Martin receives contract for Australian AEGIS systems, by Stephen Carlson, UPI, Jul 11, 2017) [Note: The Mk 41 VLS is compatible with MK 14 launch canisters (U.S. nuclear capable tactical cruise missiles). Australia is integrated into U.S. missile architecture]


This world would be not lead by warmongers whose criminal record is dirty by nuking two cities in Japan and have invaded Germany, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Palestine and hundred of other countries.

These evil, fucking idiot warmongers have invaded every single country in the world for chaos and regime change. Even I don’t interested to listen from their dirty mouths about crime in other countries.

This world would be lead by China who has never invaded any country in the world..


fuck off!!!

Japan pre-emptively bombed their harbour! Japan then planned to invade my country Australia! They dropped more bombs on Darwin Australia than they did on Pearl harbour! Do u know what they planned to do here? We were to be slaves!!

Dumb, narrow minded cunts on this site!



Japan never planned to invade Australia you fkn moron. They bombed Darwin, because the US/UK were using it to bomb Japanese troops/ships. Wars are about money, trade and the fight was over who controlled the Strait of Malacca and Sunda.

If you had half a brain you would realize that Australia is simply to big to occupy, and nobody wanted Australia back then.

I am so fed up with the tards my country is producing, you should have been flushed at birth.


You always seem to be standing up for the Asian nations and not honouring any kind of alliance for those WHO SAVED US! Japanese had plans, havent u seen the money they printed? Also as for us being slaves, this is from their own transcribes u moron! u think i just make this shit up? they used to practice their samurai sword swings on captured Anzacs whilst they marched us to their concentration camps! You love communist China yet i never hear u comment on the 80million of their own they killed! u always seem to leave this out when u comment on all the bad shit the USA has done! Did it slip ur mind?

You are the dumb cunt who prefers China over the USA! This makes u beyond doubt the dumbest cunt i know! You will find out very soon just how bad China are! And im gonna be here rubbing it in your old dumb ass face!


“Japanese had plans, havent u seen the money they printed?” No I haven’t, why don’t you post a pic?

“u think i just make this shit up?” No i think you read it on the back of a public toilet door.


Sinbad how many died in WW2?? 50 million? How many have died in china by just Mao alone? 80million?

40% more than WW2!!

Care to comment on why u love china?? CARE TO FUCKING COMMENT???

They copy EVERYTHING! They took our industries!!!

Did u see what China did to its own people just for the Olympic games?? DID U SEE WHAT THEY DID?????




Take your meds.


You are not Australian! get that kangaroo off your avatar!

if i met u id punch ur fuckin head in! and if u are too old for that, then your eldest son right in front of u! TRAITOR!!




Yes, Mao is guilty, like all internationalist communists he presided over a genocide. But did you know he was a globalist asset, with links to American Universities? Yes, he was a western educated globalist who did the devil’s work in China. Just like they did in Russia and Ukraine in the first half of 20th century, and are doing in US at the moment, asset stripping everyone, 50 million below poverty line, and congress full of satanists bowing to aipac, and endless war in action, sucking in Aussie forces into illegal wars. No it’s not the chinese you should be blaming but the globalists who see you too as no more than an animal to be herded or slaughtered according to need. China is finally freeing themselves from the globalist curse. Australia should too.

Gary Sellars

Genocide? Yeah, like the 1M killed in Iraq over fake WMDs… or the hundred of 1000s killed in Syria as a result of the failed regime change using hordes of Wahabbi zealots (ie Terrorists) actively supported by the West via proxies like Saudi Arabia…

If China is guilty of killing millions due to stupid policies (great leap Forward) or its own internal power struggles (Cultural revolution) we can at least note that they did it to THEMSELVES, not their neighbors.

Western genocides are always inflicted on other peoples, usually the poor and (compartively) powerless, and fro no fault of their own.

In my book, that makes us far worse…


Wait a second!!! We basically agree then except for one part!

ok so firstly the part i dont agree with!

i believe…. thats its worse to kill 80 million people then to kill 1 million people! do u agree? i also believe….. that its worse to kill your own people than to kill 1 million of another country! Because if u dont give a fuck about ur own people….. and u kill 80 million of them…. imagine what u would do to another nations people!

Make sense?

OK Next….

No empire is good! they are all inherently evil! Power corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrupts! Thats said…. lets look at other modern day empires!

The Soviet Union, killed 20 million of its own people! invaded other nations and forced a communist union upon them Proxy nations were not so well off! East Germany for example

China, its well known proxy nation is North korea! How well off have their people been? Their leader is a GOD? People must cry or be tortured if they die?

The USA, not innocent but lets look at how they treat their proxies. Japan! 3rd or 4th strongest economy in the world! Gave them back freedom and honour! Western Germany. Rich and wealthy and free!

So compare north Korea with South korea! Compare West Germany to East Germany! Compare Western Europe to Eastern Europe! Compare the losing nations of Germany and Japan to any other losing nation in history!

Lets remember Japan bomber the US first! Lets remember Germany was to take over all of Europe!

So lets put things into perspective! Empire take over, thats why they become an empire! But who would u rather be ruled by?

North korea has a leader who passes down the leadership to its own family! China has a leadership that is named “president for life”!

So this makes me wonder…. do people really fucking know what they are talking about on this site?



oooooh man i agree with almost everything u said! And for that i thank you! its nice to see someone with a brain on this site instead of people who THINK they have a brain!

So again thank you and well said!

But if i may….

the only part i cant agree with (but i totally understand why u say it) is when u said “china is not to blame”!

Because if we can say this, then we can also say that “the USA is not to blame” too right?

Because the zionist globalists took over the US and turned it into this war machine to take over peoples lands and suck their resources dry! But to say China isnt to blame basically means the USA isnt to blame either!

We all know the jews and Zionists took over in the USA and we all know that these scum have no loyalty to any nation! Therefore pushing industries to china just makes them richer and gives them more power!

They used the USA to hammer the nails and China is being used as a vaccum cleaner to suck all our manufacturing up!

But after reading ur comment, i think i know who u are! WWG1WGA nice to see u here! Thanks for ur comment! :)


You’re welcome! When I said “don’t blame the chinese” it logically follows that I also said “don’t blame the americans” – this is correct. I don’t blame the American people. All wars are bankers’ wars and nearly all destruction and violence in the last 200 years have been inflicted by the globalist cabal, who are basically all satanists at the top levels, and require blood-letting fests regularly. USA military is being used as the globalist tool to hammer peoples and cultures into submission. I know some super chinese people, and I also know some fantastic americans. We have far more in common than what divides us. It is the satanists who require us to fight each other constantly. Our duty as humans is to refuse! The time of the satanists is drawing to a close, they are panicking and bringing in ever more draconian measures trying to hang on a little longer. It is only lies that need to be defended by force, truth stands on its own (although it does get buried under a mound of shit every now and again – as we see every day on social media) and has a power all of its own.


i dont hate the Chinese who come here! i hate the growing housing prices!

We pay 1.4 million dollars for a normal suburban house! 3 bedroms, one bathroom and s backyard!

Would u like to be in that kind of debt? Im talking about a house thats 30 to 40 mins away from the city driving on the freeway!

i watched our population double in 18 years!


We do not have our own culture anymore, its gone! Unlike the USA we have more than 50% immigrants here! They werent born here! They dont assimilate! But we are forced to accomodate them while they drive up our housing prices, crime goes through the fucking roof!

China is a problem! They are rich now because globalists made them rich and now the most over populated countries in the world India and China are coming to my country like rats to cheese!

My country is DEAD!

So yeah….. fuck China!

Gary Sellars

You go FUCK OFF, you stupid dumb cunt. No-one with a brain in their head really relives that propaganda shit like killing 80M of their own people. That’s just a bumper sticker for stupid haters, but you are too THICK to get it

I ‘spose you think the ChoComs has imprisoned 1M Uighurs in concentration camps? ROFL!!!

hahaha… another idiot who can’t tell lies from reality, and simply chooses to accept whatever the establishment and their media assets choose to tell him.







great News……australia lol hahaha a fake created Nation…..created by the british crown on genocide,, just as its brother the USA..another fake Nation created by the british crown on genocide……..and to this day , both still controlled by the british crown ………


Australian politicians are true sluts, they will be totally loyal to America today, and totally loyal to China tomorrow. We cling to Americas skirt, just like we clung to the skirts of Britain.

There has only been one Australian leader in my lifetime that put Australian interests before the interests of the US/UK, and they got rid of him.

Bobby Twoshoes

I presume you’re referring to K-Rudd, I miss sovereignty, even if it was only ever nominal.


No Gough Whitlam, the man that went to China, when the US insisted that Taiwan was China.

The guy who tried to break the economic hold the US/UK has on Australia. The guy who gave us universal healthcare. The guy who gave us the widows pension, something that is important for me, because I saw how hard my mother had to work to raise me. He is the only leader in my lifetime to have a vision, and honoured his election promises.


i do not support ANY political party in Australia! whenever i vote i put a cross across the paper ballot! i just get my name ticked off so i do not get a fine!

The video i showed u was an illustration of the Chinese not being our friends!

Why do u think a country who has murdered 80 million of its own citizens, is communist and has a president for life would be our friend??

Do u like Communism? Do u like a President for life? Do u have an excuse or choose to ignore the treatment of China’s own population?


The ONLY reason we have a relationship with China is because of trade! MONEY!! Yet u and i both know that if the Chinese had a chance to takeover our nations land and resources, they would do it in a heart beat! Thats why Hacking, spying and paid insider corruption are being attempted by China upon our land!

And yes i am willing to admit that we ourselves would do it to them too! But in the end they are much more wealthy than us and therefore have the greater advantage politically, economically and militarily!

Having said that, the only reason we are not over run by China is because of the USA!

Do u really think Taiwan wants to become a part of China?

Yet here u are! im sure ud happily hand over our land to the Chinese u fucking traitor!


And if u think China has nothing to do with the conditions and leadership in North Korea, then u are even dumber than i thought!

Yet u are a massive supporter of the Chinese!

i KNOW i am right about China and i KNOW u are a traitor!

Fuck off and live in China u rat!


“Yet u and i both know that if the Chinese had a chance to takeover our nations land and resources, they would do it in a heart beat!”

Yes of course they would, they are already doing it, legally in the market. But Australia isn’t selling its resources to China, it’s the American and British owners of Australia’s resources that are doing the selling.

You accuse China of wanting to do something that was done a long time ago.

And by the way, you seem to confuse Japan with China, they are very different cultures.


i explained clearly what japan did and what china did! read it again! CAREFULLY

I dont disagree with Britain and the USA being the nation who controls what we sell and to who, but none the less, we are them!

Commonwealth nation! We have a governor General and until we are a republic, we do not get to dictate these rules! So, we are little england!

So maybe u can understand better now yes?

If we are little England and the US helped save their butts in WW1 and WW2 and they certainly saved Australia’s butt also! Who in ur dumb ass mind do u think we answer too? huh?

Reality check, we answer to the fucking Queen and the USA!

We are an alliance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soviets had an alliance! North Korea had an alliance Western Europe had an alliance!

Alliances exist and new alliances are formed! Even after being an enemy! Yet still they are formed!

yet we have been an ally since before when some were enemies!

and u want to end that because u love china!

and yet u COWARD still cannot answer after i have asked sooooo many times about China’s crimes on its own people!

u are a coward and a traitor!

nobody has the balls to answer on this because they KNOW i got u fuckers hook line and sinker!

Weak, traitor, cunt!

Gary Sellars

“We are an alliance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

No, we are a cuck nation of servile satraps, bowing and scraping to the Muricans like we did to the Britz during the days of Empire.

We need to tell the yanks to sling their hook, take their bases and then FUCK OFF. We don’t need them. We never did. Don’t bother yabbering about WW2 and japan. We turned the Japs back in New Guinea when they overextended. The Seppos only cared to island hop where they could use naval and air power to bomb the Japs to shreds before walking in.

We owe NOTHING to the US. We have been cowards and meekly sent troops along to legitimize their aggression against Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq… We still raise our squeaky little voices on their command to repeat lies as needed, such as CW allegations against Syria, or in support of nazis in Ukraine.

We are pathetic, and the US is a cancer on our polity that needs to be excised.


Soviet union was awesome yeah? yes????? or no?? North Korea is awesome yeah??????? yeah???? East germany???? awesome??

like it or not, they saved us! Go find yourself a 90 yo seaman and ask him!

As for Vietnam, there are many bad things ti say about it! False flags for sure! Communism vs Democracy geopolitical influence etc etc

But the Soviets were plaYing the same game!


So let me guess…. u LOVE all the Chinese coming to Australia yes? YES OR NO?? i bet u dont answer that question directly u little fuckin rat! i bet u dont!

So u will choose china over the USA any day of the weak huh?? yeah??

Well la di fuckin da, we got another traitor!

Enjoy your mindset mate…. cos its about to be destroyed very soon!

Keep your eye on the news! CIA worked with China! They are one in the mother fuckin same! WATCH THE NEWS and dont say I DIDNT FUCKIN TELL U SO!

“adults’ my ass! more like fuckin lemons!






If your so in love with America, move there.


I love pre-1995 Australia!

you love post 1995 Australia!

Thats the difference between u and me!

You fuckingLOVE the Chinese dont u Sinbad!

yes u fucking do!



Hear hear.


‘We have a governor General and until we are a republic, we do not get to dictate these rules! So, we are little england!” ‘

‘…cannot answer after i have asked sooooo many times about China’s crimes on its own people!’

Australia was founded as a penal colony – the British shipped their own people there as convicts in leg irons, often over petty crimes, and then proceeded to incarcerate them in places like Norfolk Island, notorious for its whipping based regime. There was also a very strong political and ethnic aspect to this penal history – as great number of convicts were Irish and were generally dealt with the most harshly – as an overall extension of the English repression of occupied Irish colony.


Havent times changed! :)

lol thx for the history lesson! like i didnt know this already?

my reply! The USA started as a penal colony for England also! Look at them now! Australia was not populated by prisoners, it was colonised by the Gold rush! FACT!

We became a nation on January 1st 1901 This is the date that matters! Until then, we were a colony of the UK! A COLONY!! fact! So if u want to talk to me about this shit, fast forward to 1901 please! Also remember how we were populated and remember who else was a colony and where they are today!

OK? SWEET! Later!


You missed the point entirely – you were talking about China’s current authoritarianism and human rights record – the point being, take a look at own country’s very founding and you’ll see something extremely authoritarian and brutal. In fact, a penal-police state run by the British Marines.


“You accuse China of wanting to do something that was done a long time ago.”

China did not directly do this to us! they were propped up! u remember as well as i do when china was just a poor and peasant country who one day were given a golden offer!

Globalists (Zionist Jews) Chose China as the new land of manufacturing! From this point it enriched China, empowered china and sucked our nations dry of industries and manufacturing! On top of that, they were not beholden to any copyright laws! They literally copy and show it on full display!

Additional to this, the globalists brought us a new global warming religion blaming it all on man made carbon dioxide so that we all feel personally responsible! So they brought in a carbon trading scheme that allowed certain companies (such as the ones Al Gore was an executive of) to sell these carbon credits!

Therefore only the WEALTHIEST companies would be able to afford these credits and thereby have the ability to pollute as much as they wanted too!

China would produce eveything, the globalists would get rich from the credits they sold, Western nations would be sucked dry and there would be a new sherriff in town! A Sherriff that is a communist, has a president for life and has committed the worst crimes in history against its own people!



u are too dumb to even know how dumb u are!

TRAITOR! And i know that u are soo old, that when the truth is to be exposed (in the next 2 years) u still wont accept it! Because old traitor cunts like u cant change their minds! pride before prejudice!

Gary Sellars

Shut-up you raving looney fkwit. The adults are talking and we don’t need your silly white noise.


“whenever i vote i put a cross across the paper ballot! i just get my name ticked off so i do not get a fine!”

Well then you have no right to say anything, you give up your right to have any input into the affairs of Australia when you chose not to vote. Your not an Australian, your a creature that bludges off Australians.




you said “Well then you have no right to say anything, you give up your right to have any input into the affairs of Australia when you chose not to vote.”

u made me laugh!

My input is that i have no political affiliation! if i voted liberal, ud probably have something negative to say on it!

if i voted labour ud probably have something negative to say on me

if i voted green ud probably say it was a wasted vote


but i have a right to vote and to vote nothing! What if i hate all of the politicians?? Didnt u say the same thing? Why would i vote for any party who i believe is full of shit?

Do i have the right to remain silent? Or in your china loving world…. i must speak! i have the right to whatever the fuck i want! i can buY australian or i can buy chinese crap! i can save my money or i can spend it all i can vote for a party or i can write “fuck u all” on the ballot!

So dont talk to me about rights!


Bobby Twoshoes

Even better! :)


im not a defender of any politician because i do agree they are all prostitutes!

HOWEVER one with half a brain can assume that a country like australia (an ass licker) tries to get along with nations that provide a strategic interest in its own prolonged safety, security and economical welfare!

Makes sense right? even a dumb traitor cunt like u could agree with that!

So who is buying our resources? CHINA! So who must we suck too? CHINA

Who provides our security other than ourselves? USA!





Gary Sellars

You’re unbalanced and delusional. Sinbad2 is 100% correct.


OK so if Sinbad is right about China being great, why does he always mention US war crimes but NEVER and i mean NEVER makes a comment about China’s crimes against its own people!

i have asked him at least 8 times and in his replies he never answers the question!

Communism proven human rights genocide president for life proxy nations are even worse (North Korea) digital social credit system to spy on each other copy everything!!! chosen by elite globalists to be the manufacturing base of the world taken western industries

Yet Sinbad knows?

Julian Assange / Mark Zuckerberg one of these guys is a globalist CIA puppet! Try to guess which one it is!


Also, in the world of agents, they do not marry for love! Common phrase, “follow their wives”!


Wait until you hear whats coming out real soon! Remember this phrase its important! “FOLLOW THEIR WIVES”!!!!

STAY TUNED! :) be a free thinker, dont get sucked in by these one tracked minded fools! China is in BIG trouble!

Gary Sellars

“i have asked him at least 8 times and in his replies he never answers the question!”

You’re the Sinophobe equivalnet of a flat-earther… No response is required :-)


Flat earther…. rubbish! Stop making uo bullshit! Some fuckwit on this site said that Mao never killed 80 million chinese people and that it was all made up! And u wanna paint me as a conspiracy theorist?

was it a conspiracy that iran was building rockets /missiles in syria? Ended up being true didnt it! Yeeeesssss.

So what else did iran lie about? making nuclear enriched materials in Syria also so they could escape the sanctions and make that deal with obama?

So it seems iran was lying after all! Saying it was doing anything naughty in iran but was actually doing it all in syria!

And when u guys find out about it, u dont say “wow iran was lying” u say “hooo raaay, iran is making long range missiles in syira, hooo raaaay”!

Reports u dont find on this website! The USA missile volleys that hit “nothing” did hit something! they hit missile bases and nuclear bases in Syria!

But u didnt read that here yet this info is available!

As for china, u will hear this news very soon! So REMEMBER MY NAME!!!! MAKE SURE U MESSAGE ME WHEN U HEAR THE NEWS!

The news is already out, but not on MSM!! But it will be! But it aint no conspiracy dude! just get off this site and have a looksy!

Gary Sellars

Keep raving buddy, and confirm your credentials as a gold-plated grade-A1 1st class class nutjob ;-)

No-one is going to bother to sift through your incoherent rants in order to extract a nugget thats worth responding to. You’re a small-minded know-nuffin who lacks the ability to recognise cheap propaganda. Do us a favour and kindly STFU :-)

P.S “nuclear bases in Syria”?????? Heeee-haw… what a donkey :-)


Gary… make me STFU! do it right now!! make me!

i have a right to speak! And i will! i support Russia! i support syria i hate israel!

but i dont like china either! And its also evident iran isnt “the good guy” too!

u dont like my views? SUCK MY DICK!

Gary Sellars

You want me to suck yer dick?

So you’re a faggot as well as a moron?

BTW we seem to agree on some things (Russia, Syria, China, hate for Zionistan) but your hate for China and Iran is seriously misplaced.

I grade your paper with a C-. Need to do better.


Not gay Gary, but think of it like prison! Only one of us is going to be the bitch! That will be YOU! Its not about gay, its about domination! u will be submissive to me! Because ure a dumb cunt!

Gary Sellars

Nah, you’re a full blown mincing faggot soy-boi… a little girly shirt-lifter freckle puncher with an unquenchable taste for cock snot…

Domination? Don’t make me laugh. Now put your gimp mask back on and get busy servicing your clientele. Don’t stop till yer trick is dry….


Doesnt matter what u think gazza!

i know more than u! much more!

and ure too dumb to know that u and i are on the same side but u just cant take that extra step! for u that step is like a mile!

And u defended China!!! Shame on u!!! There is proof for ya! right there!!! let me guess…. u love the Chinese in our country dont ya gazza! be honest! u like communism too dont ya gazza! come on just admit it!

u LOVE to be dominated and invaded! Thats why i KNOW u love dick!


“BTW we seem to agree on some things (Russia, Syria, China, hate for Zionistan) but your hate for China and Iran is seriously misplaced”

YESSSSS finally u understand!!!

Well done Gazza!

u are corrrect here!

I dont “HATE” Iran! i actually feel bad for them what the USA has done to them over time and in fact, 18 months a go i was CHEERING for Iran to PLEEEEEASE fuck up Israel!

i thought China was a “pussy” for not getting involved! (and if they were, it was barely)

But new info comes out Gary! So i dont ignore it i research it! And guess what Gary?? the info that came out isnt going to be reported on this site because this is a pro-iran site!

So Gary….. do u want to hear the info? or do u want to be the guy who just chants the same thing over and over and over!

The good news is…… the info PROVES just how bad the CIA and Mossad are! So it doesnt actually go against your beliefs! In fact the new info RE-INFORCES YOUR BELIEFS because the CIA and MOSSAD are even WORSE than u could imagine! YESSS even worse!

Which is what im trying to tell u people!

i honestly thought people on this site wanted to hear it! But it seems nobody wants to except a few who have said “hey justin, i have tried to inform these people before, but they have a one tracked mind”

im not a Shill! i have backed russia and syria and iran from day 1

only 8 months a go things changed! i still back them! But iran isnt so innocent and china is very very very guilty!

u know damn well the CIA and Mossad created ISIS and HTS! i know u believe that and so do i! But they created much worse than this GARY! much much worse! So if it seems like i back America, i dont! i back Trump and Putin! Because they are putting a stop to it!

like i said: Russia very good Syria very good

Iran not so innocent

USA was extremely bad but better now

Israel extremely bad

Zionist Globalists PURE FUCKING EVIL! Zionist Globalists control BOTH the perceived Good guys and perceived bad guys” (does this surprise u??)


Gary u are very welcome to report me to southfront and say:

“Southfront admin, there is a guy saying things i dont agree with, can u please ban him?”

Gary, u have 2nd option…. u can Block me! Then u dont have to see my posts again!

Gary, am i talking “hate speech” because u dont agree with me?

Gary, am i annoying u?

Gary, do u think i “dont fit in”?

Gary YOU ARE A PUSSY!!!!! I see u as weak!

Ive had some pretty good responses on this site, im not taling about those that HAVE AGREED WITH ME, im talking about the ones who have not!

But you… lol, u want to tell me to “go away”! How fuckin piss weak are you!!!

U have been the weakest protester so far! THE WEAKEST GARY! YOU!!!

Gary Sellars

I should be somewhat flattered by the effort you go to in order to express your inadequacies and intellectual failings, and project them against yours truly, but to be honest its a little creepy and you come across like the village idiot, cursed from birth from being a product of the union of siblings.

Begone little cockroach… ye are beneath contempt, and soon ye shall be beneath my boot heel.


Gary, like i have said to Sinbad! I’m on your side! But youre not!

Message me when u wake up! News to tell u!

open ur ears and i’ll give u the GOOD NEWS but u may have to re-think some of your loyalties!

Ask urself…. “do i have the whole story?”


hahaha hey, Gary, i forgot that it was YOU who said this about China! hahaha i was telling people about u (as an example of the nut bag fuck heads on the site) but i forgot that it was YOU! hahaha

Hey gary, when are u gonna answer my questions? Check the picture, read my questions and answer! OR do what sinbad does…. avoid it! You are the exact type of person i talk about who fuck this site!


Hey Gary…. now im going to use YOUR comment to defend myself! Im gonna say “LOOK AT THIS FUCK WIT….. look what he says…. now do u believe that there are biased nut bags on this site?”

Yep Gary, now u are my rat in a cage! We gonna use u as the study subject! Analyse all ur shit! lol, i cant believe u wrote that hahahaha Fuckin GOLD!

Gary Sellars

Wow… what a retard. What else can you call someone who screen-grabs comments on SF?? :-D

Seek some professional help before you pop and go postal. I’ll keep an eye out for you on Channel 9 news…


Here is what screen grabs do Gary! They expose people like YOU! I use them all the time!

example below


Gary Sellars

Yep, Dutchnational is a total azzhat and a wahabbi terror-gang supporter. A real C U Next Tuesday. I’m a hardline supporter of Syrian government and Assad, and watching the good guys beat the US/Saudi/Turk regime change terror-war has been most gratifying. I expect we have this in common.

Not sure though what it has to do with me… People like me? You mean dystopian contrarians who can think for themselves and not be mind-fcked by Elite-owned media echo chamber manipulations? Someone who can tell when our corrupt politicans (aka sock-puppets controlled by Deep State and elite private capital) are telling LIES?

We ain’t so different ‘cept when it come to China.


Gary do u believe this happened with Hillary?


Gary Sellars

Most likely yes, if for no other reason than the “Clinton Foundation:” was a blatant crinminal enterprise that involved influence pedlding and outright corruption.

They claim the money wasn’t for services rendered, but for “charity” but thats nonsensical. The CF received hundreds of millions of dollars while the Clintons had their hands on power, yet now the “contributions” have dried up to a trickle. Clearly their benefactors don’t have “charity” on their minds…

Clinton is a loyal Globalist appartchik and trusted asset, so she is being protected by the Deep State and its minions (like Mueller and Comey), and this forms part of the rationale for so-called “RussiaGate” hoax, ie to take the heat of the Clinton crime family and keep Trump too busy fighting fires to focus on bringing them to justice.

The other reasons for “RussiaGate” is to restrain Trumps freedom to act and prevent him from improving relations with Russia, North Korea etc. The globalists need fear of Russia to enforce their hegemony ove rthe Euro-peons, and the US MIC doesn’t want its tax-payer-funded meal-ticket to be cut back in any way. Increased geopolitical tension = more weapons, = more profits for the mega wealthy owners.


Awesome Gary! Ur knowledge saves me a lot of time explaining some of the things i want to inform people on this site (which is not advertised on this site for logical reasons)! I now see u as a “common sense” person and one i can probably communicate better with!

i agree with 95% of what u said and thats pretty good right?

U are correct on all counts but where we differ is China and the other point i want to make is about Iran!

We both can agree the CIA is evil and plays and creates both sides of a war! they control the perceived good guys and the perceived bad guys!


But the REAL point im trying to make Gary is that ITS EVEN WORSE THAN THIS? Gary would u believe that the CIA is even worse?? I have a feeling ur answer is YES!

OK, let me begin……

Its easier if i just point things out that i think u can agree with that helps u and i to agree on the same points!

* Uranium 1 is a real thing! It had to be disguised as this was a national security CRIME to give Uranium stores to the literal enemy!

* Rosatom was the Russian atomic energy agency that made this deal (in the interests of Russia) for what i believe to hold an ace against the USA for its missile shield in Eastern Europe by allowing Iran to threaten Israel! Thats just my opinion and would be the fastest way for Russia to make a deal on these systems being removed!

* Everyone knows that Russia (including Kazakstan as Russia co-owns and runs their nuclear energy grid still) has the worlds 2nd largest Uranium stores behind Australia and thus does not have a lack of Uranium! So why did Russia want US uranium? THIS IS AN IMPORTANT QUESTION! So why in the hell did Russia buy 20% of US Uranium and why did the Clintons sell it to them?

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/264f2a1cd676cefbfcdc291abead9fc1538b3f6f17c71bfd4126aa4af296c7cf.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e4ef257b047c72f6940887fe6eec8b895eae58a54f74c24d3898c2b7634b7708.png

* Do u know where this Uranium went Gary? We know where it went! IT WENT TO IRAN!

* URANIUM after a nuclear explosion can be traced back to its origins in the same way a chemical attacks can be traced back to its origins! Uranium isotopes have a signature so that any industrial chemist can trace the origins not only to the country but also to its mine! Russians were able to do this in Damascus. UK were guilty of supplying CW!

* therefore if Iran created a nuclear weapon and used it, of course the western world would wipe iran off the face of the earth! But when a nuclear explosion occurs WITHOUT a missile (but planted) then the world needs to investigate WHO DID IT OR WHO SUPPLIED THE URANIUM!

Sooo here is the CRAZY story that u wont believe but its worth a try!

North Korea (just like isis) is a CIA black site! I mean, it is RUN by the CIA! Kim Jong Un and his father before him were patsy’s / puppets! The Zionist rulers of this world needed a “CRAZY STATE” just like ISIS to blame or use an an excuse for whatever plans they had for this world!

This is why the USA for all of these years did nothing to North Korea while they slowly built up nukes and missile tech! Information was leaked through the CIA and the Clinton crime syndicate to NK to speed up NK’s missile and nuclear tech! Just like The clintons sold out the US uranium supplies to Russia, they also sold nuclear and missile secrets to NK!

They didnt just do this for money, oh no…. it was done for a much more grander plan! A plan i wont say to u but it the part i will say is there was to be a planned and controlled nuclear war!

A fake nuclear that is REAL to u and me and the people who are killed but fake in terms that they are controlling where and who is destroyed!

So the whole timeline is this….

starting long a go the globalists chose China to be the new global economic and military leader since the USA had no rivals left after the soviet union and was too difficult to control due to its “freedom, constitution and civilians who bare arms”

China was propped up, given industries that had almost no rules and regulations (slave factories) where people were worked very hard, paid very little and could pollute as much as they liked! China was given zero tariffs for goods they exported but created tariffs for goods they imported mainly from the USA! So of course most industries in the USA went broke or were forced to move to china or mexico! The NAFTA agreement created a lot of this (bill clinton)

Is it hard to believe that the CIA is the globalist intel agency?? Mossad also!

The state of Israel and the CIA were created 6 months a part! (the CIA first) think about that!

So China was propped up by Globalists! What is China? its communist, people cannot vote, its a giant slave system, and now has a social credit system thx to AI! Much easier to control!

North Korea was the Patsy! Made to look like the Chinese proxy but in reality, belonged to the CIA! its known as a CIA black site!

NK sells its nuclear and missile tech to iran and iran uses US uranium! Iran (lacking money due to sanctions) having made a deal with Obama to drop sanctions and to “stop pursuing nuclear weapons tech and weaponised enriched uranium” was given 130 billion dollars that the US had frozen! Some of this was given in cash which is additional to the cash the US paid to Iran for the US hostages!

The reason why Trump was against it is because Iran didnt stop its weaponised uranium enrichment! it just shifted it all to Syria! Inspectors in Iran would find nothing wrong while all the weapons tech would be created in Syria! This is why the so called “cruise missile attack that hit nothing” actually did hit targets! Its also why Southfront had to finally admit that Iranian missile bases existed in Syria! These missile bases are making missiles that can travel many thousands of km and have been labelled as Medium range!

This is also the reason why russia didnt attempt to shoot the missiles down nor respond with a counter attack! Putin allowed these attacks because Putin also knows the plans of the globalists!

Now u are probably wondering why the fuck Iran would work with or make a deal with the CIA or the USA! Fair enough! Wait for it!

Valerie Jarrett (she is from one of the richest / if not the richest family in iran) she was Obama’s top advisor!


Obama is Shia Muslim! He made the deal with Iran! Neo cons were against it hence a MIC vs Globalist war taking place in the USA right now! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e61ee3c939eb0eb798e2b32016a5fd062479cd6b6e603077e87976d755faade3.jpg

Huma Abedeine married a Jew who Sexts 15yo girls! Her father and uncle are the heads of the Muslim Brotherhood!

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c53a1c32943d85f074af614992f99765daa61f9389b8cba5961afd123f623093.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ecb7e9d7b0e695772306e1318693c0c07528cf39c3e04f95bf5799c1f61d569a.jpg

Why is Obama reading “the post american world” written by Fareed Zakaria who is a muslim who works for CNN and The Washington post (CIA MSM companies)


Why is Eric Schmidt (the head of googles parent company “alphabet” in North Korea?) What was he setting up access too? Clinton private server in her bathroom? How many phone and tablets and computers did they Destroy? Who were the Awan brothers? Why so many emails destroyed? What was on the Weiner laptop besides evidence of texting underage girls? Where were Huma’s emails kept? THINK! Why was Hillary’s garage set on fire? THINK!

Was Obama a communist supporter in college? Find out!! Was he Muslim? Why so many questionable muslims surrounding the clintons, bush’s, obama’s? Why the private email server in the bathroom? Pay for play? Access granted to who? Who set the network up on both sides??



Youtube is the CIA Facebook is the CIA Twitter is the CIA

Watching, following, listening, reading, locating and reviewing all we do! Do u think they only support and create ISIS and Al-Quieda?

U cant believe for one second these globalists didnt MAKE CHINA in terms of China being NOTHING 25 years a go and now fucking HUGE! U think NK a country that has nukes and ICBM’s is too much for the CIA?


They will rule from the UN after the nuclear war! UN is not elected! China polices the world via digital spy grid! China (the main hub nation) controlled via communist rule! My fucking NBN Modem is made by Huwaei! So is yours even if it doesnt say it on it! Thats why our modems come free with our plan!

China owns our modems! China is the Zionist Globalist lap dog!

Good news! Both Putin and Trump are against these globalists! Putin allowed these US cruise missile attacks because globalists working with iran were creating nuclear weapons and missile fascilities in Iran!

This is news u will not get from southfront!

i dont want u to believe me! i want u to find out for urself!

The end goal?

The UN has been creating weapons in space as a deterrent for future nuclear wars (control of the planet from space)! This is why Trumpp created the new branch “space force”!

maybe this contradicts what u believe but i am telling u, hundreds of people know this! u cant get this info from southfront!

Solike i said! Iran isnt so innocent! Nor is China! And NK is a CIA black site! Trump is trying to free the leadership there while the globalist media try to destroy any meeting Trump has with Putin or Kim jong un!

Think about it!!!!

Forget venez! its either controlled by the USA or China! So of course the USA will take it! But he is backing from Syria! Russia has won! A deal was made!

I dont want u to believe me, i want u to find out for urself!


And this…. Michael Flynn (former head of the DIA Defence intel agency) Trumps TOP advisor! Why was he the FIRST person to be targeted by the left for “Russia Collusion”? When was this picture below taken? TRUMP AND PUTIN ARE NOT COLLUDING! THEY ARE AT WAR WITH THE SAME PEOPLE!

The enemy of my enemy is my friend!



Yelling at people and calling them names does A: not make for a convincing argument and B: only serves to make you look like an ass. Learn to take the high ground, reread your posts a couple of time to find out if you are stating your case correctly, coherently and while not making you yourself look band. And learn that Caps Lock should only be to emphasize key words, NOT WRITE WHOLE SENTENCES. Besides, we have text formatting now. You can use bold and italics to do so. Combined works really well for emphasis.

Gary Sellars

He’s a bona fide idiot child. Spare your breath, cuz he won’t get it. he’s an example of a true galah whose become infected with US exceptionalism disease…


explain why u like china! GO!



im not here to argue grammar! i dont check my spelling nor do i use the word “you” when i can just use “u”!

u see my point?


im not here for polite conversation either! i am MORTIFIED by the idiocy these lemons portary on this website!

We have people claiming they KNOW about certain things when its obvious they dont!

here are 2 classics… “the SU-57 is not a tactical fighter” even though sukhoi’s website states this!” “the PAK-Da will replace the TU-95 and the SU-24” (replaces the SU-24??)

and people on this site just continue to suck each others dicks without actually knowing anything they can just easily look up!

one guy abused me for politely telling him there is a canal between the black sea and the Caspian sea that allows Russian missile corvettes to transit!

This guy said i was full of shit and called me a “Zio-Nazi”! And when i proved him wrong, calls me some other weird name!

This site is INFESTED with LIESSSS!

thats why i use caps!

We have an Aussie (im aussie too) who bragged he did military service when we had a national conscription! Meaning it was MANDATORY!

That same guy prefers China ruling the world to the USA! (ruling meaning to lead the world)

So i debate him! He avoids answering questions on Chinese crimes against their own people!THEN this other fuckin nut case comes along and says that MAO’s genocide is bullshit!


I mean America literally saved Australia! LITERALLY in the battle of the coral sea which is what formed our alliance and treaty “the ANZUS treaty” and these fuckin traitors wanna side with China!

now i have named all the bad shit china has )which is a huge and fucked up list) and these MORONS continue to deny the points made yet just continue to only point out what the USA has done bad but never what they have done good!

these are biased and ill-informed people who need a baseball bat rather than a comment to get through to their thick heads how dumb they are!


You want to actually engage in debates or just shout at people? Because the latter is not convincing anyone, that’s for sure. Being polite won’t change closed minds either, but I’ve learned in life that it just takes as much effort to be nice then it takes to be an asshole, but you’ll get more done with the former. Be an asshole and all they will do is dig in further.

That is my advice to you. Do with it as you please.


im not shouting! if caps make u think i am shouting then u assumed wrong! i am making points! its just my style :)

as for people thoughts of me…. i care not! to be honest most of the people agree with me and i them! i also support Syria and Russia. I am disgusted by Israel and the US former tactics!

When i hear the USA is leaving i feel happy! i dont hit them with words of insult (like the people on on this site do) because there is a different person in control of the USA now.

So from my perspective, its the people on this site who are yelling and screaming! Every single comment u read is an Anti-USA comment and pro Russian and pro syrian with some extra revolting words thrown in!

So im here commenting on things a little differently!

i think the USA is OK now since Trump has come in and i think everyone on this site is still talking the same old bullshit!

where i wont agree is China! China = Globlaism Globalsim= jewish / zionist cabal

Which makes China supporters hypocrites! nobody likes to be called out like that! They alll hate the Jews so much (and i agree) that they cant see that they are supporting them when they support china!

So i need Caps to tell them :) and a few swear words too :)


Note: caps-lock rants make you look a permanent resident of crazy-town.

Australia has its own regional relations and balancing act – but the current US policy to stop China from assuming greater economic power will invariably drag Australia into that broader economic war – and it will damage Australia’s relations with its major regional trading partner.


“Note: caps-lock rants are associated with residents of crazy-town.”

Is this better?

“and it will damage Australia’s relations with its major regional trading partner.”

thats funny, i actually thought it was already fucked! i was quite certain that Holden, Ford and a shit load of other companies had left australia!

Im pretty sure we dont make TV’s anymore! Do we even make our own clothes? what the fuck do we make here?

Mate, the damage was already done! And the TPP that Trump killed would have killed us too!

China killed us 20 years a go! So wtf are u talking about?

ahhh i know what u mean, ure talking about our mining industry yeah? ahhh i see! So forget the manufacturing industries, lets worry about the corporate giants who dictate Australian policies! yeah…. good one!


US major corporates moved their production offshore from early 1980’s onward – as they were long transnationals at that point. They did this to minimize overheads, ie political and economic commitments to their country of origin. This is known in economics as post-Fordism, and means no fixed plant assets, no payroll tax, no superannuation, no medical benefit schemes and no union negotiation policies. As soon as the US multinationals began this internationalization process of labor markets, which really ramped up in 1990’s, they triggered a slow and long term manufacturing labor market collapse in the west. This process was profit driven – and China was not first foriegn labor market by any means – Latin American countries had ‘free trade zones’ from mid 1980’s, ie regional backwaters with ready supply of cheap labor, no unions or taxes, and sub contracted sweatshop manufacturing for US corporates. It was simply the case that in long run China was the most efficient offshore international labor zone – with centralized government policy focused on encouraging manufacturing and a colossal labor supply. With time China created parts supply chains and manufacturing hubs in different regions of the country – these are ow extremely hard to compete with. Multinationals went in search of an international labor market – and they found it – they just weren’t particularly concerned with the long term consequences for their countries of origin.


Bob, buddy, mate… you are preaching to the quire my friend!

“US multinationals”

Lets name a few shall we?? GE, Newscorp, GM, Ford, Time Warner, Amazon (a newbie), etc etc

Multinationals of the mega corps are just another name for “Globalists”!

Bobby boy, you are basically saying the same thing i am saying! Didnt u notice?

These multinationals jumped ship to China, propped it up and and sent our industries down the tube!

Now all we need to do is understand who these multinational corporation (Globalists) are! Who are they? Have u seen the heads of these corps?

What is their common theme?


Who did they choose?


Communist President for life social credit system digital spy grid (not only legal but admitted agenda)

Who were the bolsheviks bob? Were they jews? Was stalin a Georgian or a Jew or a Georgian Jew? Who funded Marx and Trotsky?

What would be the preferred political system for a globalist? Bobby, Multinationals have no loyalty to any country, they are only loyal to money and power!

u and i are on the same team! The only difference between u and me is that i know who the players are! You dont!



‘What would be the preferred political system for a globalist?’

Presumably, highly centralized and controlled, international supra-state.


i almost agree with this!! UN is the best choice for globalists! Soviet union was good! European union is good but still not enough govt control :) China is perfect! Communist, digital dictatorship! YES dictatorship! Social credit system is a dictatorship! please dont say it isnt, i cant be bothered arguing this point! it should be clear as day!


Australian mining companies are some of most powerful institutions in the country – when they cannot find other buyers for their low-end coking coal exports on international markets, the politicians in Canberra will be hearing about it. The politicians will publicly pretend there are no current policy problems or trade contradictions with China – but Australian mining executives will be screaming at them behind closed Canberra doors. Coal exports to China largely buffeted the Australian economy from the full impact of global financial crisis in 2008 – that is the scale and significance of this market for Australia.


China has only banned the import of thermal coal, and only in one region. It could be targeting a particular corporation, in response to Australia targeting Huawei.

Kell McBanned

Cokeing coal – thermal coals the valuable one they are still letting in, I doubt they would weant the lights going out in Bejing


You can buy thermal coal anywhere, coking coal requires low sulphur content and is harder to get. As for the lights, well China is reducing pollution and switching over to clean Russian gas, as it becomes available.

Lazy Gamer

When politics affects economic matters, economics can also be used to affect political matters. Lol


Politics has always been about economics and those who seek to control that though.


Ha Ha Trump going to bankrupt all the 5 Eyes Nations. Seems they are Blind and Stupid. #MAGA-NOT

Kell McBanned

Multinational miners in Australia win again – the lower the Aussie dollar the more profit they make, cheaper to export as everything is bought and sold in US dollars.

Its only cokeing coal restricted so far but the panic is what the Chinese wanted and what they got, Australia is part of the Anglo club (5 eyes) and the Chinese would be expecting a basically defenseless Australia to be a walkover – they might be surprised.

Jihadi Colin

Australia must be compelled to crawl. China should show it no mercy at all.

Jason Peras

Call everyone a C**T when you can’t engage your brain.. thats the Australian way. Are you people really that stupid?

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