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MARCH 2025

Preparation Of Military Operation By NATO Countries And Ukraine Against Transnistria

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Preparation Of Military Operation By NATO Countries And Ukraine Against Transnistria

In the past week, the situation around the small unrecognised republic of Transnistria, which lies along the Nistru River between Moldova and Ukraine, has sharply escalated.

Preparation Of Military Operation By NATO Countries And Ukraine Against Transnistria


Ukrainian saboteurs have staged several terrorist attacks on the territory of the republic. Hostile forces are being drawn towards Transnistria.
From the west, NATO units are moving towards Moldova’s borders.


If a few days ago there was information about redeployment of Romanian and Polish units, according to the latest information, large units of the USA, Portugal and other NATO countries are also moving. There are no NATO troops on Moldovan territory yet.


From the east, AFU troops and a group of thousands of foreign mercenaries, including at least 1,000 fighters from the Turkish far-right organisation Grey Wolves, Canadian, Croatian units and fighters from Scandinavian countries, are concentrated.

On 29 April, Ukrainian and Russian sources reported that Ukrainian President Zelenski allegedly offered Russia, through closed channels, to exchange Nazis from Azovstal for de-escalation in Transnistria. If this information is true, such an offer should only be perceived as an attempt to obtain additional benefits before the start of hostilities in the Transnistrian region. During the conflict in eastern Ukraine, which has lasted more than 8 years, Kiev has not fulfilled any commitments on significant issues.

On 29 April, the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry urged compatriots to leave Moldova in view of the “difficult situation” in the country and around Transnistria. Following Bulgaria, the US, Canadian, French, German, British and Israeli authorities advised their citizens not to enter Transnistria and, if possible, to leave Moldova.

It is noteworthy that the Moldovan leadership is trying its best to avoid opening hostilities in the region. Chisinau understands that the outbreak of hostilities in Transnistria will lead to a war on the territory of Moldova itself. Also, Chisinau has no alternative to Russian gas, which the republic receives at a fixed price, much lower than the market one. A large number of Moldovan citizens are working in the Russian Federation.

At the same time, Moldova’s political leadership is not independent in its decision-making. If Washington orders a military operation against Transniestria, Chisinau will be forced to obey.

In the meantime, on 28 April, the head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, Naryshkin, said that Washington and Warsaw were planning to deploy a Polish “peacekeeping contingent” in the western part of Ukraine. Today, the FIS said that Naryshkin’s statement was not a version, but intelligence information obtained from several reliable sources.

“According to information received by the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, Washington and Warsaw are working on plans to establish tight military and political control over ‘their historical possessions’ in Ukraine,” Foreign Intelligence Service spokesman Sergei Naryshkin said.
According to the FIS, the first stage of the “reunification” should be the introduction of Polish troops into the western regions of Ukraine under the guise of their “protection against Russian aggression”. Modalities for the upcoming mission are being discussed with the Biden administration. “According to preliminary agreements, it will take place without a NATO mandate, but with the participation of ‘willing states’. Warsaw has not yet been able to agree on potential participants in a ‘coalition of like-minded’,” the FIS said.
At the same time, the FIS pointed out, the Polish leadership is not interested in “unnecessary spies” in its operation. “The so-called peacekeeping contingent is planned to be deployed in those parts of Ukraine where the threat of direct clash with the Russian Armed Forces is minimal. And the priority “combat tasks” of the Polish military will include gradual interception of control over strategic objects located there from the National Guard of Ukraine. Polish special services are already searching for “agreeable” representatives of the Ukrainian elite to form a Warsaw-oriented “democratic” counterweight to the nationalists,” the FIS said in its report.
According to the Polish administration’s estimates, a preventive entrenchment in western Ukraine is highly likely to split the country. Warsaw will essentially gain control of the territories where “Polish peacekeepers” will enter. Essentially, it is an attempt to repeat the historical “deal” for Poland after the First World War, when the collective West, represented by the Entente, recognized Warsaw’s right first to occupy part of the Ukraine to protect its population from the “Bolshevik threat”, and then to incorporate those territories into the Polish state. The events that followed were a clear illustration of the colonial order and forced polonisation as the main methods of building a ‘Greater Poland’,” the FIS concluded.

In May 2022, Warsaw announced large-scale military exercises, mainly in the northern regions of the country. At the same time, exercises by NATO countries are planned in the region.

Apparently the Polish Armed Forces will be ready to conduct a military operation in Ukraine near the end of May. During the same period, we should expect a dramatic escalation of the situation around Transnistria.


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Poles would sure like to “protect” Western Ukraine. Permanently.


Could be disinformation about occupation of western Ukraine. But yeah, i wouldn’t mind gaining Lwów back, especially without a fight.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lech

Can’t see that happening, as the west wants to keep Ukraine exactly the way it is. Lvov will remain in Ukraine, unless of course the Russians take everything.


Russia doesn’t want the khazars of west Ukraine.


I have actually heard that from many different sources. I wonder why West Ukraine doesn’t seem to be that popular, except to the Polacks of course, who want Lvov back.


Right, another russian antisemite with Polonophobia… Why all russians are racists?


why all amerikans poles racists?


filled with the most extreme Nazis. It will be Poland’s undoing and takedown a RC nation.

Shlomo Shekelbergsteingoldsilvergreen

Oy vey, cool it with the antisemitism

stephan williams



at this point the waterways need protection, if nato is gonna intervene and take moldova, russia must act.

transnistrianis a given

Omas Bioladen

You are retarded.


Poland does want ukraine, if they keep the anti Christian demonic nazis too, they deserve them.


The West can destroy RC Poland by gifting Ukraine to them. Lots of lovely Nazis there, the women and kids too. Their prophets are the same Nazi collaborators who murdered the Poles en masse. Their bible is mein kampf and their god is Hitler along with the lesser gods of the SS. Poles, the EU and West whom you love so much without questioning may soon give you a trojan horse.

helene matz

the poles wanted to agree a corse with hitler before ww2,they are religious maniac reactionaries,they hate russia more than the nazis.what a paradox when their freinds called them untermensch


Its on the cards,Stalin did alot of good things to put a stop to fascism,but to grab lyov i mean, what was he thinking?


Exactly! Lvov with their Bandera-nazis should be Polish despite Volhynia massacre. Let them be ‘frirends’ forever.

helene matz

stalin was human he could also make mistakes no one is infallible

Omas Bioladen

You have no idea who poles are. They’ve always been after landgrabbin in both both world wars and now is just the same. They give a shit about ukraine.


Will Gernany therefore regain control over Silesia? (:


Trojan horse for Poland to take the part of a nation with a high density of satanic Nazis, nazi families and kids who have been indoctrinated against decency who hate God, the church and whose bible is mein campf. Their prophets are Hitler, the SS, nazi collaborators and those who massacred Poles. You are begging for it though. RC Poland will change if you take this trojan horse as a gift from the demonic forces you support so well in our world.

Peter The Ungrateful

I’m gay, so what?

Peter The Ungrateful

Stealing my nickname, are you? Must have done something right.

As to your admission: good for you. Now isn’t it much better to be out in the open and not have to hide anymore? You go, boy!


Honestly I welcome that possibility. Let Poland have Lvov/Banderastan whilst Russia takes Novorussia. The rump of Ukraine can exist as a neutral buffer state in between.

Chris Gr


helene matz

viky nu land can take up permanent residence with kagan clan and little coke head the piano abuser




Poland is not interested in getting Lwow back. Why you russians love lies and disinformation! Yes, Poland is interested in brotherhood with Ukraine, wellbeing of Polish minority in Western Ukraine, making business together! All those things – Lwow is now Ukrainian and in fact always was


Meddling with Ukraine and its satanic NAZIS will be to the detriment of RC Poland.

Marcelo Rodriguez

Es necesario que Rusia suministre a la región de transnistria misiles Iskander y artillería nuclear táctica para defenderse de cualquier operación de la OTAN para ello Rusia cuenta con buques de desembarco que podrían hacer llegar ese material, además de aviones de transporte que los pueden movilizar de manera rápida como en la operación de pacificación en Kasajistan.

Peter The Ungrateful

Stop the bullshit cheerleading for nukes. Unless you fancy that 200,000 degrees suntan*.

*: blatantly borrowed from Scott Ritter.

The maharaja

They will all cheer they are young and stupid raised on movies where the bad guys nuke a city and everything is fine. Tom Cruise gets away in a helicopter that is tossed around a bit by the explosion and it all ends well. They have no idea that they are standing on the edge of the abyss.

Peter The Ungrateful

Yeah, or as the saying goes: “today we are standing at the edge of the abyss, tomorrow we will be a step further.” Or something along those lines. The flood of post-apocalyptic movies did its job of romanticizing. People fail to understand that those are overly optimistic by design, because otherwise there would be no plot.


They will cry for momma as soon as the internet goes down


They are mind kontrolled strawmen.

Scientism Is A Cult


More and more people are waking up to the fact that “nukes” never existed.

Can’t exist, in fact.

Simple physics. First grade level, actually.

It’s the old question: “What has more mass, a pound of lead, or a pound of feathers.”

In every situation except “nuclear weapons,” the answer is “they have the same mass.”

But we are expected to set this aside in regards to “nukes.”

Example, the fake “nuclear weapon,” known as “El Gordo” (“Fatman”) that was allegedly dropped on the nearly 80% previously destroyed Japanese city Nagasaki.

We are told that a “pit” of plutonium metal got “compressed” down to “double density” via mechanical means (chemical explosives). Ignoring for a moment that metal is not compressible past about 101% of normal density (there were several experiments done in the 1920’s illustrating this fact), increasing the density does not change the mass. Therefore, there could be no “critical mass” achieved for “El Gordo,” and thus, no nuclear reaction.

Never mind that “nuclear reactions” cannot ever cause an explosion (and before the usual trolls jump in a shout “but Cherbobyl! But Fukushima!”) in both of those cases, the explosions were caused by conventional means (the former a huge buildup of steam pressure, in the latter the ignition of hydrogen within the reactor structure).

So, no nukes.

For those that want further proof, suggested reading follows:





Last edited 2 years ago by Scientism Is A Cult
Peter The Ungrateful

‘More and more people are waking up to the fact that “nukes” never existed’

…right. If you say so Mr “Scientism Is A Cult”. BTW, I know for a fact that nukes can and do exist. I even know how they work, so save your BS conspiracy theory. Plus, look up Hiroshima and Nagasaki, for a start. And try to find a copy of “Trinity and Beyond” – a documentary narrated by William Shatner, just to make sure there are no misunderstandings because there seems to be some kids show with the same name.

And before the idiots accuse me of “using movies” again: no, I actually learned how nukes work, it was part of my education. And I have visited actual SS-20 launch sites.

P.S.: Just as a hint. A nuke has at least two undercritical masses, which combined exceed the critical mass. They are safely separated until they get mashed together by an implosion that sets of the uncontrolled chain reaction otherwise known as nuclear blast. So you clearly do not know what you are talking about.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful
Scientism Is A Cult


You say you “know for a fact they work.”

Excellent! How many have you constructed from known materials and tested?

Because that is the only way you would “know for a fact” they work.

“I have been to SS-20 sites.”

So?! Did they launch one for you, and let you examine the blast site? That’s like me saying “I have an uncle who worked at the Unicorn factory. He assembled the horns. Therefore, Unicorns exist!” Try again, without using a logical fallacy.

“Look up Hiroshima and Nagasaki.”

I’ve done one better. I’ve been to both places. Which would be impossible if they had been “nuked.” You see, the half life on Plutonium is several hundred thousand years, and that of Uranium several hundred million.

Took soil samples and bark samples from “survivor trees.” Two independent labs tested the samples. They came back with normal soil assays. No radioisotopes. No Uranium. No Plutonium.

Akio Nakatani, the author of the first book I mentioned, works at Fujitsu. He ran numerical modeling simulations on the “Little Boy” bomb.

Under no scenarios did it work.

And regarding your statement “a nuclear weapon has two “undercritical” (did you mean “subcritical” perchance?) masses.”

Yes, that is true. Except for the “implosion” type devices, which is why I used “El Gordo” (“Fatman”) as my example.

Which has more mass, a pound of plutonium, or a pound of “double density” plutonium?

If you are capable of using your brain for a split second, you may have a “lightbulb turning on” moment. But likely not.

Ask yourself why everything regarding “nuclear reactions” refers to “critical mass.”

But regarding “implosion devices…..” it suddenly becomes “critical density.”

“Little Boy” was not an implosion device, it was a “gun-type” device. It used the hilarious notion that if you “shot” two subcritical masses together you would magically get an explosion. Just more obfuscation, since the velocity of combination did not matter. No moderator, no chain reaction possible. Full stop, the end.

You are free to believe whatever Flat Earth nonsense you want, but for those of us that still pursue science, The Earth is a sphere, nukes are fake, and midwits like you are hilarious ignorati.

Nukes are literally 1920’s tech, but to this day, none have been used? Really?

I have read “Trinity and Beyond.” The only one of the entire “dream team” that had half a brain was Fermi, and Teller was not a total dullard.

Einstein was borderline retarded, and Oppenheimer was a grifting actor. Ever wonder why Tesla had to die when he did (1943)? It’s because he could have exposed the grift, and thus undercut the huge profits.

I mean, the “Trinity” bomb was so hilariously weak that it didn’t even melt the support struts on the test tower (but allegedly turned sand to glass…yeah, no. The solidus temperature for steel and glass are virtually identical).

The sooner midwits like you acknowledge you have been had, the easier it will be on your psyche.

Last edited 2 years ago by Scientism Is A Cult
Peter The Ungrateful

The half live of Plutonium is irrelevant. You’d know that if you had the slightest idea what nuclear fission does. Hint: Plutonium gets transformed. Next hint: Hiroshima, or “Little Boy”, was not a Plutonium bomb.

And “Little Boy” was but a “mere” blast of 21 kilotons TNT equivalent. Modern nukes are multi-megaton devices, so some 100-1000 times more than that.

The other BS is not worthy wasting time over. The Flat Earther is you.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful
Scientism Is A Cult

Oh dear lord. Can’t fix stupid.

According to “the official account” -less than 5% of the plutonium “pit” was “converted!-” Meaning: yes, there would be plenty of traces of plutonium in Nagasaki soil and “survivor trees.” Not to mention Strontium-90 Iodine-37, and all sorts of other long-lived and very rare radioisotopes.

“Little Boy” was a “mere” casing filled with magnesium flash powder, known as a “photoflash bomb.”

No crater. Fragile structures near ground zero still standing. And here’s another hint, Sparky: no crater means the “mushroom cloud” was due to a standard firebomb attack. A “pyrocumulus cloud” is seen only in two situations:

A) A large ground-level explosion


B) A forest fire

But then, that would make sense, considering the “Hiroshima strike” consisted of 29 B-29s with incendiaries (was originally 30, but one plane had mechanical issues and had to RTB) that were supposed to strike Imabari on August 6th, but got “diverted” to an “unknown target” to jettison their loads. A hint: Imabari was reported as “100% destroyed” as of May 1945.

So there would have been no need for a strike on Imabari. Hiroshima itself was already 60% destroyed as of August 5th, Nagasaki (an important primary target) had already been well-serviced prior to August 1945 and was 80-90% destroyed.

The real clincher was the B-29 photo recon plane that inadvertently overflew Hiroshima 20 minutes after “Enola Queer” had supposedly been there. There was no “mushroom cloud,” they had seen, and they noted that there was a large amount of smoke consistent with an earlier incendiary raid (they would know, since their whole purpose was BDA, or “Bomb Damage Assessment”)

You say that “modern bombs” are “ever so much more powerful,” yet we have never seen one. The video footage is hilarious, and has not aged well. Here’s yet another hint: a “nuclear explosion” would not look like a conventional explosion.

There would be no “smoke,” since nothing is burning (and if you say “buhhht the atmosphere is burning!” then you are relegated to the corner wearing a dunce cap for all eternity). The award for “most hilariously fake footage” is a tie between the alleged Chinese and Pakistani tests. Clearly they went a little overboard with the napalm, and the Chinese chick doing the narration is just beyond hilariously stupid.

A “nuclear explosion” would look nothing like anything we have ever seen. There would be no flames, no smoke (after all, nothing is combusting, much less combusting incompletely or at low temps).

This is what I term the “Campfire/Dynamite Equivalency Fallacy”. People don’t realize that chemical and nuclear phenomena do not scale the same.

A campfire is a slow combustion of fuel, releasing useful heat and light. Dynamite is fast combustion (detonation, really, since it’s combustion products exceed the speed of sound). So, because most people don’t have the background for it, they aver (incorrectly) that because we can generate useful heat from a controlled nuclear reaction (used to boil water and power steam turbines), that there must be an equivalency to dynamite, and therefore the creation of a “fast nuclear reaction” that would create and “explosion.”

Well, the unfortunate thing is, they would be wrong. Chemical and nuclear do not scale the same way.

No “nuclear explosions” are possible, since no gas is released. Nothing is burning. The metallic “pits” would simply melt (being, well, metal). No moderator means no chain reaction is possible (something else you seem to be ignoring or forgetting, assuming you even know what a moderator is).

But it is clear you received your “education” from rags like “Popular Science,” and have no actual scientific background.


Last edited 2 years ago by Scientism Is A Cult
Peter The Ungrateful

“Oh dear lord. Can’t fix stupid.”

I agree wholeheartedly. Your populist “science” ain’t got nothing on true hard science. ;)


Now that’s what I call special effects. A 50 megaton device. And they actually dialed it down because they got cold feet. It should have been 100 megatons.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful
Scientism Is A Cult


Well, since you never actually refuted any of my statements, and since I have actually done the boots on the ground work, you can believe whatever you wish.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki didn’t even know they had been “nuked” until they were coached. Up and running a week later. Hilariously weak and pathetic weapons.

You are the equivalent of a little kid who has been told something he does not like, who sticks his fingers in his ears and screams “Lalala! I can’t hear you.”

The footage of “Tsar Bomba” did not age well. Funny how there have not been any atmospheric tests in recent history. Might have something to do with the prevalence of cheap ubiquitous mass spectrometers.

But again, here we are, 80+ years on, and no “nukes” have ever been used.

And you avoided my question to you regarding the “pit” used in “El Gordo” (“Fat Man”)- where did the extra mass come from? It was a single mass of plutonium.

Squishing it down does not change the mass. Metal cannot be compressed down to “double density.”

“Lucy, you got some ‘splainin’ to do!”

Last edited 2 years ago by Scientism Is A Cult
Peter The Ungrateful

Dude, you have literally no idea, what you are talking about. You try to explain things away with your very primitive understanding of chemistry (bon fires), while in actuality it is about nuclear physics. You have clearly never reached that level of education and I cannot give it to you in the scope of this forum.

But your name does speak volumes.

Nuff said.

stephan williams

Agreed. The flat earther is him.

Scientism Is A Cult

By “him” you mean “Peter the Ungreat” I aver.

If you mean me, well, I already stipulated my position on “lenticular Earth whackjobs.”

A fluid forms a sphere in microgravity.


given those walls of text I say this isn;t your usual troll. I’m guessing you may be talking to an advanced AI troll based on GPT flat earth persona training sets

Peter The Ungrateful


Peter The Ungrateful

There, found it: Trinity and Beyond


Watch and weep.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful
Scientism Is A Cult

Hey Peter,

I have watched it. Several times.

You seem to like to substitute “films” for your lack of actual knowledge or ability to debate.

You have yet to explain how metal, which in experiments was shown to be compressible to only 101% max, was supposedly compressed to 200% according to the bomb grifters. (Mechanically-densified steel would make dandy tank armor).

You have yet to explain why “Little Boy” relied on “critical mass” but “Fat Man” relied on “critical density” to facilitate “detonation” of the fissile components. Which is it, critical mass, or critical density?

You have yet to explain why the photo recon B-29 that overflew Hiroshima 20 minutes after “Enola Queer” saw nothing out of the ordinary for a simple firebombing raid?

You have yet to explain how a “fast nuclear reaction” can occur without any moderator to capture fast neutrons?

You have yet to explain why, if there was no lingering radiation or any detectable fissile daughter products at Hiroshima or Nagasaki, we should worry about nuclear weapons (since, according to “the official narrative,” smaller bombs such as “Little Boy” and “Fat Man” produce more radioactive fallout products, and thus, are “moar dedly.”)

You have yet to explain why there were no craters at Hiroshima or Nagsaki, which should have been present for such large ground explosions.

You have yet to explain how “humans were vaporized instantly” but tiny saplings immediately adjacent were not (it takes an order of magnitude more energy to “vaporize” a mostly-water human compared to a tree).

You have yet to explain why there have been no “explosive nuclear accidents” in all of the tens of thousands of nuclear weapons around the world in the last 80 years. Simple probabilities stipulate that there would have been at least a couple.

I’m not “weeping,” I am laughing. I am fairly sure you did not look at any of the links I provided (since that would expose your mind to unacceptable levels of critical thought, and would likely cause a dissociative event as the cog-dis detonated your midwit brain).

Akio Nakatani is at least three times as smart as you, and wrote a book proving that nuclear weapons cannot function. Feel free to discourse with him, since you seem to like to use proxies to attempt to win your pathetic arguments.

As always, what you believe is your business. The links were provided to remove one more fake and ghey lie from the 20th century, so people can focus in on what matters.

Peter The Ungrateful


Tell me more about “Chemistry” when the actual matter is nuclear physics. m(

Actually, don’t. You have embarrassed yourself enough.

Chris Gr

That’s correct. Even if nuclear weapons exist, they are not that dangerous. All this talk is to make humanity afraid in order to make humanity submit to their bondage.

Bernard Davis

Er, the atom bombs at Nagasaki and Hiroshima were air bursts, not ground explosions AFAIK.


You clearly know your stuff. And me being open minded and prepared to change my point of view about most things, if the arguments are good, believe there is something to what you are proposing. Knowing all about how lying is part of the tactics of war, an extremely important part actually, it is clear that it is absolutely possible that the nuking of the two Japanese cities in 1945 could have been a hoax. Perhaps they didn’t have the time to finish the bombs on time and therefore used other means to destroy the cities that, as you said, already more or less had been destroyed. I have also many times wondered how the people could return to their flattened cities so soon after the bombs had fallen, as they surely would have been extremely radioactive. Their are definitely many questions still unanswered. It was fascinating reading your comments.

lksdlsknds dsjod

nukes does exist,see 911 towers,but nukes who destroy a city fired from a missile is hoax,nukes can only unfold is power deep in the ground to trigger an earth quake or under water on the see ground to trigger a tsunami.nobody will be killed by a nuke directly.

Peter The Ungrateful



ok, this is some incredibly creative trolling. hats off to you

Edgar Zetar

You are just a crazy maniac. Dont even known what you are talking about. Please go back to your cage.


you are right, one nuke a day keep American and western cuckolds away


Any country moving military personal and weapons into Ukraine is saying Hey look at what we can do, and Russia will look bad in the news if they try to stop our peace keeping operation. Russia needs to send a clear signal to anybody crossing into Ukraine. Those that follow will see it as a suicide mission.


The Chess table is too big for the Kremlin midgets.

Peter The Ungrateful

Yeah right, ever heard the saying, “don’t play chess against a Russian”?

The hubris of some of these armchair warriors. m(


They are poofs,disregard the weaklings,cant fight for shit anyway,its not in their genes!


Your just a mongrel anyway,besides theyd snap both your wrists in a jiffy too midget brain!


Don’t you think the decision making within Russia is far to reliant on public opinion of the west which is paid for by Russian lives?

I am starting to think he has lost the plot.

It’s like he wants to escalate this war into a nuclear holocaust by just continually letting Russia take blows and then when it’s dire nuke the world. Why? because he doesn’t have more than 20+ years to live before age claws him down and fuck it right? If I don’t get to live you don’t…this seems to be the MO.

Younger Putin would of already finished this war and stomped this ridiculous theatre into the ground and ground it to dust…old Putin is…fucking strange.

Peter The Ungrateful

Why? Because you have not a whiff of an idea what you are talking about.


Ohhh and you do…well do tell.

Try to stay away from referencing movies for your inspirational posts.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheWorldIsCrazy
Peter The Ungrateful

Only this much: Russia and the Kremlin couldn’t care less about public opinion in the west. Since the rest of your ramblings is based on that premise…


No it isn’t.

Peter The Ungrateful

I guess you should read your own comment.


I guess you should stop relying on spoon fed news and read my comment with current events in mind.

If I met you on the street or anywhere else, random, not associated with war analysis websites etc. I wouldn’t expect you to use your knowledge of past events to read my comment with.

But you are here, this is a war analysis, pro Russian website and hence you should be using knowledge obtained from the start of this war to understand my post.

Unless you are an idiot, which I feared to be true…in which case I am sorry to expect things from you that are out of your reach/ capability.

Take take buddy.

Peter The Ungrateful

So, what is that knowledge from the start of the war, then, idiot buddy?


Like I said before, stop relying on others to spoon feed you information. Why re-invent the wheel? You are on this website, use it, it’s a decent start. XD

And if you can’t analyse the information properly then hey ho, move onto something a little more…palpable.

Unless you are an idiot, which I feared to be true; you have no excuse for relying on me, to spoon feed you ALL the information that enables you to easily understand my point. Such as every article worth its ink since 5enstart of this war.

As my fear regarding your mental capacity became a reality, I should of understood that I was expecting things from you that are out of your reach/ capability, for that, I’ll be the bigger man and apologise.

Take care buddy.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheWorldIsCrazy
Peter The Ungrateful

OK, so only hollow ramblings. Didn’t even try to answer my question.

Bye, idiot.

P.S.: “I should of understood” It’s “should have“, imbecile. But nice going calling others idiot to distract from your own idiocy. Ever heard of a thing called projection?

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful
hans raus

You lost the argument when you stooped down to gramma nazism.


Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

There is no substitute for knowledge by experience,stick to pc games n sht,thats what your likely good at,but in the real world of geopolitics and strategy there are too many variables to consider it simple as holding hands with the other homosexual and skipping in centenial park happy ever after! Like it or not Putin cracked the nazi bio weapon corona scamdemic(period) Proven credentials of todays cannot and must not be undermined or else. it will be to your detriment and underestimating russia is proven a mistake! Just saying.


Fukoff toy boy,go back to your pc war game,leave it for the real men to deal realm!


Says the one sat at home in a nice, warm comfy place out of harms way…

You sound like a prepubescent kid.

You argue like one too, none of your points are relevant to his posts…talk about being a looser.


ruble 71 to usa dollar now,despite kicking nazis sorry ass outta ukraine does that shock you? Or you are suffering such the millenial culture shock of disregard for experienced heterosexuals, either way you will get flogged if you are not carefull there.the older soviets are killing erm ukronazi toy boys regardless of your opinion,there is no substitute for hard earnt strength!


You must be really insecure about your sexuality.


Haha you beat me to it, that guy is fucking laughable.

John Tosh

Third World War.

USA bombed out of existence Russia damaged where New Moscow is rebuilt UK also ceases to exist

Europe and what is left of the USA are forced to join a new community of countries no longer controlled by the Caucasian race.

Caucasian race becomes the lesser race in human hierarchy. Even the Africans become higher.

This is the future the USA and NATO are forcing on the world by fighting Russia. As the war gets closer it becomes more apparent what the future holds.

British and American citizens lining up and begging for immigrant visas to Africa. The only continent that will accept them. Africa will accept them but will degrade them almost worse than how the Western media degrades Africans on TV today.

Peter The Ungrateful

No, it goes likes this: Third World War… THE END.

There are no winners only varying degrees of suffering before the ultimate demise of all higher life on Earth. Watch “The Day After” for a good estimation. And that was a rather optimistic scenario to make the movie a little longer.


Yeah base your assumptions on movie.

^this dude is so based…woah

Last edited 2 years ago by TheWorldIsCrazy
Peter The Ungrateful

No, I cited a movie for a “good estimation” so ordinary people get an idea. I also noted that it is a rather optimistic scenario for dramatic reason, otherwise the movie would have ended rather quickly. Plus, it received praise from scientists for its somewhat realistic depiction of events.

But yes, you go and try to prove me and the scientists wrong. Hit that shiny red button…


Scientists keep changing their view daily, what was will not always be. And saying “ Plus, it received praise from scientists for its somewhat realistic depiction of events” is stupid. Don’t even get me started on the latter part of your posts.

Ukraine is apparently “winning” and is getting praise from every western country on this planet…that doesn’t make it real, doesn’t mean they are winning.

You’re comments are reminiscent of the MSM networks narrative, which by default means you are a moron.

Nuff said.

Peter The Ungrateful

Scientists change their view, when there is new knowledge. Nukes exist, ain’t no future science make them go away.

But you are clearly not here for discussion, so bye.


Are you really trying to argue that a nuclear war in the 21st century is winnable or has a post war scenario? Are you utterly insane?

Peter The Ungrateful

Uh no, quite the opposite. Have you replied to the wrong comment, maybe?


This is where and how I came in.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful
John Tosh

Actually after nuclear war there is life. The explosions spread radioactivity; causes mutations but life goes on to flourish just as you have wild animals running around Chernobyl or blue fish with sores off the Japanese coastline.

I m not guessing. I am telling you what will be.

Peter The Ungrateful

You know what else radiation does? It destroys DNA, hence the “mutations”. Enough radiation and no procreation of higher life forms is possible.

You don’t get to tell me what will be for you are clearly full of yourself and ignore scientific facts.

John Tosh

In a lab I used genetic scissors to cut DNA at specific sites and insert sequences. Then insert in E. coli to mass produce before killing and using FISH (flourescent in situ hybridization) to identify genetic abnormalities. This was a job I had a long time ago.

So I know what I am talking about.

DNA has repair processes all the time. Yes there will be mutations but bad mutations kill the host. Sickle cell disease is deadly however being a carrier confers the carrier with the ability to survive malaria.

Nuclear radiation kills by destroying bone marrow or your ability to create new red blood cells.


Peter The Ungrateful

So you know about microbiology and want to talk about nuclear physics? Now that’s funny on so many levels. Radiation also does a whole lot more, like, as I said, destroy DNA. Or where else do you suppose the “mutations” in the aftermath of nuclear explosions come from?

For the last time: there will be no survivors, let alone winners in a full scale nuclear war. Period! Unless you count cockroaches, that is.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful
Peter The Ungrateful

Chernobyl does not even count as a sneeze compared to nuclear war.

BTW the core of Chernobyl is still active and will be for quite some time. It was a meltdown not a nuclear blast, thus not all fission material reacted. Otherwise the “blast site” would look a whole lot different.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful

Finally I agree with the Peter the Ungrateful. But this wont happen yet, this year and next year would be only skirmishs so both sides tested each other and rebuild their MIC (military industrial complex) worldwide. The thing is… There are no Unipolar or Bipolar World. Europe wasn’t anymore the center of the world, now Asia is the center and you should ask yourself why all Asia are so silent about this nonsense of Western vs Russia.

Peter The Ungrateful

Asia is silently in agreement with Russia standing up against US hegemony. They stood by watching the way up to this culmination and know the true culprit. This is the beginning of the Multipolar World and Asia won’t do shit to prevent it from happening. They too want to end the “rules based” world order.



Chris Gr

Yes but not Japan or South Korea for example.

Chris Gr

The winner of that war would be China. And we will see how the Chinese will take care of the black, red, brown and yellow races.

Peter The Ungrateful

Meanwhile Belarus is moving troops to its western border for “exercises” of their own.

hans raus

Daily reminder

Transinistria is part of moldova and they have right to kick out russian occupers


No chance,the eu bitch would be ditched,on the other hand poland may tale lyov?wasnt soviet russia!

Cornelius Pipe

Let the Poles have UkroNaszii Banderastan. Much good will it do them!


This Analysis is over far fetched, It’s hard to believe NATO would engage into actual combat with Russian units in Transnistria besides that a couple of armored vehicles are not enough for an invasion of that scale, Ukraine might launch an offensive however the cost is too high. They are losing dozens of towns and city in the east and south as we speak, they would have to allocate all Odessa’s manpower and resources for such an invasion to take place, I don’t think that’s a smart move.

The maharaja

we may find out? it is possible that it is also being done to keep the Russian forces there pinned so they can move troops from odessa to other fronts. Its clear Russia did not plan for this to play out as it is. Transnistria should have been had additional troops deployed before the war started. it should also have been building defense for this type of attack. Question really is if Nato enters will they fight? or will Russians be confined to their bases by their command?

his raus

analysis – those who write this articles for southfront are not capable for any meaningful analysis, they are complete idiots, they are just like these nazy ukrops they pretend to fight against


NATO intervention there will be a reason for Russia to advance the war to Moldova since this autonomous region is a Russian protectorate, welcomed by the citizens.

Edgar Zetar

This is a bluff and sure smart Russians realize that. NATO is getting closer to the east just to “protect” his borders. Well, Moldova the only ‘neutral’ country not aligned to NATO in the region between Big Powers collides probably would be forced to pick a side in the war next door. Moldova will be just a innocent victim on this crash accident. Be smart Moldova Goverment your citizens depends on you now more than ever.

Chris Gr

There is not a chance that Moldova is alone. I dislike Ukrainians but I like Poles and Romanians a lot. This should not happen.


Putin should not make any deals with the clown prince of Kiev. Instead he should simply state : “If you attack Transnistria, Kiev will be destroyed!

Michelle Obama

Putin doesn’t have the power to destroy Kiev, it’s been 60 days and he’s nowhere close having any control there, pathetic.


Are you serious? Russia has nukes which turn the West into dust. And you think they can’t flatten one city?

Peter The Ungrateful

It would be beyond stupid to use nukes so close to home.

Muhammad your Prophet

Now the Putin cockroaches are using Moldova as an excuse to try to destroy the rest of Europe, especially now that the Russian economy is about to collapse. There’s nothing new here. Adolf Hitler did exactly the same thing when he realized that he about to bankrupt Germany. Cockroaches doing what cockroaches do.

Michelle Obama

It’s fine, Putin will soon be dead and the russian empire is facing its downfall, goodbye and good riddance russian scum!

Peter The Ungrateful

Famous last words. Don’t get high on your own supply! m(


Don’t compare incestry with jesus,dumb cockroach brainz!

stephan williams

My gawd! You are truly stupid. Get out of your mother’s basement and breathe some fresh air. It won’t make you any smarter but at least you’ll be away from here.


Economy about to colapse? Wtf?


He means the west’s and the US and said Russia’s as a typo.


Moldova is not nato,push come to shove they will ditcxh the eu muppet bitch,instead of losing(period)

hans raus

So we will make moldova NATO member and what rusian dog will do ? nothing! one big nothing at all!

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus
Michelle Obama

Good, tear the Russian fags apart!


It is absolutely time for Russia to use nuclear armed Kindahl missiles. After they hit Warsaw with them they to make it clear to Moldova they will be next.

Chris Gr

What a special kind of retard.


One should not worry about Western mercenaries. Most are just glory hunters or idiots. Russia has many friends in the West! Find out the personal details of these mercenaries and post them online we can arrange home visits for them and their families


God help us. This is WW3.

Karl Pomeroy

Don’t let yourself think it.


Odessa is the key to ending the conflict. Poland will be the middleman of the deal whereby Odessa will be secured by Russian, Polish and Ukrainian peacekeepers. NATO does not need to be included in this scenario. It acts as an incentive to Poland by giving limited access to the black Sea. All 3 nations would have reduced animosity between eachother and the USAs role in using Ukraine and Poland as beligerents against Russia would be nullified. The whole region would become stable and the conflict would come to an end.

Chris Gr


Chris Gr

This is good news if Poland takes West Ukraine. Nazis would be in trouble.

Karl Pomeroy

It also makes it hard for the West to object to Russia taking Southeast “Ukraine”.

Chris Gr

Romania can take southwestern Ukraine also.

Arhimandritul Ioan de la Viisoara

We dont want foreign lands. Those people dont wanna be part of Romania. Moreover Romania and Ukraine have a treaty…. Unlike other countries, we will play accordingly…

Last edited 2 years ago by Arhimandritul Ioan de la Viisoara

poland loves nazis. they welcome all nazis that run out of ukraine


This article is full of holes as big and smelly as Putins ass. This is so irrational that it is not worthy to contradict it.

Karl Pomeroy

Like what in the article is inaccurate, Johan?



NATO fags love high heels and lipstick

Time to drop a few tactical nukes.

Karl Pomeroy

These idiots are spreading the war. Why Moldava? And Poland taking territory? Well, they toppled Yanukovich, so now they’re splitting up the whole country. Like I said long ago, once there’s a coup, it’s anybody’s guess what belongs to whom.


If the headline were accurate the dominos for the end days (i.e., nuclear exchange) are in place and this is it for mankind. At least in our last moments we can consider a large insight into Fermi’s paradox, and many can consider this paradox solved.

As far as the below SF quote, I am mystified as to what can possibly be so precious about some lowlife gang of nazi fascists meth addicts hiding out in this bunker complex. This really should be no negotiation matter. Just pump in LSD already, from as many shafts as possible, wait, and then storm the blasted place.

“On 29 April, Ukrainian and Russian sources reported that Ukrainian President Zelenski allegedly offered Russia, through closed channels, to exchange Nazis from Azovstal for de-escalation in Transnistria”.

Exercises or not, any troops (esp foreign and nato members volunteers) near the eastern border of Transnistria should get carpet bombed to kingdom come, including conventrations heading that way. RU airforce shoud be operating overtime on this and have almost the entire personnel made available.

Last edited 2 years ago by B A
Chris Gr

Zelensky has lost his mind.

Remember Bucha!

Time for USA/NATO to begin dealing some serious ass-whoopins to the russia axis…

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