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MARCH 2025

Treason And Incompetence: How Soros-Trained Armenian Government Lost Karabakh War

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Treason And Incompetence: How Soros-Trained Armenian Government Lost Karabakh War

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On November 9th, Armenia and Azerbaijan signed a peace deal to end the war for Nagorno-Karabakh. The peace was brokered by Russia. Largely due to mismanagement of the situation and its own forces, Armenia can be considered as having lost the war.

Despite Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s claims that “the loser is only he who thinks himself defeated,” the facts are there.

The peace deal as mentioned was brokered by Russia, and it was the least it could do to salvage a situation that was becoming more for Yerevan with each passing day.

The entire situation is such:

  • Back in 2018, the pro-Western coup took place in Armenia, which saw the government fall and Nikol Pashinyan, a Soros-funded ‘democratic’ activist back then, being released from prison and becoming the Prime Minister.
  • In 2018, and continuing in the future, he proved one thing – he has no actual authority, as he had to join citizens’ protests to attempt and enforce his political plans, and they were ineffective in most areas.
  • One area where they were quite effective, however, was spreading anti-Russian hysteria, and for two years Armenia’s main foreign and internal policy has been focused on distancing itself from Russia, which continues being its only real ally and the guarantor of the Armenian statehood.

In Nagorno-Karabakh, there was a sort of testing of the waters in 2016 when a more open conflict began, shortly and then ended.

In 2018, when Armenia started distancing itself, willingly, from Russia, there were a few small-scale clashes.

In July 2020, heavier clashes took place, likely as a way for Azerbaijan to see what Armenia would do and if Russia would flinch, at all. It didn’t.

As a result of two years of anti-Russian policy, Azerbaijan ultimately began its offensive on September 27th, and approximately a month and a half later, the fighting ended with Baku as the victor, and Armenia’s Prime Minister Pashinyan looking for a scapegoat to blame for the disgrace.

Treason And Incompetence: How Soros-Trained Armenian Government Lost Karabakh War

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Throughout the approximately 1.5 months of war, Armenia tried a very questionable bid at “multipolarity” looking to get help from any direction, all the while not attempting to restore any relations with Moscow.

Essentially, no significant forces, equipment or hardware were actually deployed from Armenia to fight in Nagorno-Karabakh. Whatever forces were presented in the self-proclaimed Republic of Artsakh fought, with some limited support from “mainland Armenia.”

As per official information, no regular Armenian troops from the armed forces entered Nagorno-Karabakh to fight. What was there instead of that? Livestreams of Nikol Pashinyan in Facebook and multiple PR statement claiming about victorious counter-attacks of Armenian forces. In comparison to actions of the Armenian prime minister, the Artsakh President even went to the frontline for a day or two to promote protecting the motherland.

The lack of any concrete actions, as well as any adequate actions was covered by a very wide and loud media campaign, calling for other countries to recognize Artsakh as an independent country, hoping that it would happen, and for a while there was a minor hope from France (presented by Yerevan as the large victory of the ‘democratic government’).

It didn’t happen, but also Armenia didn’t recognize Artsakh as independent and didn’t undertake any tangible actions at all, since “reunification” would be quite difficult, especially if the OSCE or UN Peacekeepers are present.

This all led to Armenia ultimately losing Nagorno-Karabakh, it was certain as soon as Azerbaijan’s forces, with some help from Turkey and a few thousand Syrian militants captured a vital road, and managed to encircle the Artsakh forces.

Even the Artsakh president admitted that Shusha was actually lost on November 7th, or rather that it was inevitable for it to fall. News of Shusha falling came on November 9th.

The peace deal, which was a “very, very difficult decision” as per Pashinyan is a fact, and he’s now struggling to find whom to blame. He’s blaming other officials, other countries for not recognizing Artsakh as an independent country, also the military for not doing enough.

Armenians are blaming Russia for not stepping in and fighting their war for them, while less than 2 years earlier, banners with “Russia go home and never return” were commonplace.

The entire situation is such: Russian peacekeepers will preserve the situation right now. As long as the Russian military is there, the Armenians remaining in the area of the Russian presence in Nagorno-Karabakh are safe. However, in the event of the further deterioration of the Russian-Armenian relations these peacekeepers could be withdrawn. For example, in the event of Armenian attacks on Azerbaijani forces, it is unlikely that Russia decide to simply send troops and retake the region back for Armenia’s sake. On the other hand, Azerbaijan cannot capture the entire region  as long as the Russians are there. Nonetheless, from the military and political point of view, Baku also made gains. The control of Shusha and the promised transport link between the mainland and Azerbaijan’s Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic through Armenia and under the supervision of Russian border guards are important achievements.

In short, what is the short-term result:

It seems that the pro-Western government of Armenia intentionally failed the war and lost the unrecognized territory that by the fact of its existence undermined the pro-NATO, EU integration of Armenia. Azerbaijan received its lost territories back, and it is quite satisfied, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev even made fun of Pashinyan, in his speech following the “victorious peace deal.”

“This paper does not contain a word about the status of Nagorno-Karabakh. Well, Pashinyan? Where is your status? Your status has gone to hell. There is no status, and will not be. As long as I am the President, there will be no status. This is part of Azerbaijan,” Aliyev said in the video.

Turkey strengthened its position in the Caucasus and the Turkic world, as a trustworthy ally that can help its own.

Russia once again demonstrated that it is protector of the Armenians, and secured the existence of Armenia as the state, it guaranteed that no other losses were made, despite Armenia entirely failing to adequately handle the situation.

And Russia didn’t specifically need to do it, since Moscow has a strong foothold much further south – in Syria, and the military base in Armenia as the factor of Russia’s “security perimeter” has no more strategic importance.

Thanks to actions of the pro-Western, globalist, neo-liberal-oriented government, the Armenians have faced and will face even more hard times. There will be more chaos, disappointment in the government, blaming of the Russians, and depending on how successful the propaganda is, the blame could entirely be shifted on the “traitorous” Moscow and the older generation of leadership.

Once again, the history demonstrated that color revolutions, the seizure of power by supporters of NATO and the circle of globalists, generally, leads only to the chaos and the destruction of the statehood and widespread chaos.

For example, when Pashinyan seized power in 2018, he was congratulated by another famous ‘democratic’ activist – the leader of the pro-Western/neo-liberal Russian opposition, Alexey Navalny. Fortunately for Russia, in the current conditions such persons as Pashinyan and Navalny have no chances to come to power in the country and lost some Russian territory to foreign forces.

“Pashinyan has been elected prime minister. I congratulate the Armenian people for preventing the usurpation of power in the same hands. Great achievement. I hope Armenia will succeed. Well, everyone in Russia will only be happy with the emergence of a successfully developing neighbor.”

Below is what Pashinyan commented, following the signing, and he considered that, he really wasn’t to blame. He reportedly even left Armenia, because he can’t face responsibility for his failures.

“I was not the initiator of the truce,” he said, then who was?

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated that he made a decision to end the war in Karabakh under pressure from the country’s military leadership.

“The army said that we must stop, because we have certain problems, the prospects for solving them are not clear, and the resource has been exhausted. The military resource was not effective in everything. Those who fought on the frontline had no replacement … On the frontline there were people who had not been replaced for a month in a row,” Pashinyan said in his Facebook video speech.

The Prime Minister of Armenia specified that the ceasefire had not been signed earlier, because at the end of September it assumed the transfer of seven regions around Nagorno-Karabakh.

“And we could not take such a step, because we believed that we could all do so that we were not interested in ceasefire, but could impose it on the enemy. Unfortunately, this did not happen,” Pashinyan said.

The country had problems with the mobilization system, and civilians were not ready to fully participate in hostilities, the prime minister said. Pashinyan also pointed to a number of problems in the troops, in particular, about several dozen cases when the population of specific regions did not allow the military to redeploy troops, the low level of combat capability of the militias and cases of desertion.

It is not known exactly where Pashinyan is now. Earlier there were rumors that he hastily left the country. At night, the protesters, dissatisfied with the surrender of Artsakh, broke into the government building and the prime minister’s residence. They smashed furniture and appliances, and took away some of the prime minister’s personal belongings.

Meanwhile, Armenian President Armen Sarkisian claimed that he learned about the agreement on Karabakh from the media.

“Taking into account the deep concern of a large mass of people due to the current situation, I am immediately initiating political consultations in order to quickly agree on decisions arising from our agenda for protecting national interests,” the president said.

The head of Karabakh Arayik Harutyunyan said that the Armenian troops completely lost control over the city of Shusha on November 7. He added that history will appreciate the decision that was made yesterday, but they had to go for it.

“If the hostilities continued at the same pace, we would have lost all Artsakh in a matter of days. <..> There were no more resources to continue the struggle,” Harutyunyan said.

According to him, the fighting took place on the outskirts of Stepanakert, at a distance of two to three kilometers from the city.

“The drones inflicted heavy losses on the Karabakh Defense Army. The question is why the Armenian army did not create similar weapons,” Arayik Harutyunyan stated.

At the same time, it became known that the Secretary of the Security Council of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) Samvel Babayan announced the termination of his powers after the adoption of a joint statement of the Russian Federation, Azerbaijan and Armenia on a ceasefire.

“Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) is the center of the Armenian statehood, a symbol of the Armenians, and we were obliged to preserve the dignity of the Armenians. Realizing this, we have gone through all the stages of the Azerbaijan-Karabakh conflict, sacrificing thousands of lives and suffering from hardships for the sake of this land, for the right to a dignified life on this land. Today, when the leaders of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Artsakh questioned the existence of the Armenians by one conspiratorial decision, and then made false statements about reality, the question arises – who authorized you in a democratic country without the consent of the people, without consultations, to surrender us,” Babayan wrote on your Facebook page.

It should be reminded that Armenia and Azerbaijan, with the mediation of Russia, agreed to end the war in Nagorno-Karabakh from midnight on November 10. After this news, mass disturbances began in Yerevan. Hundreds of protesters took to the streets of the city, shouting curses at the Prime Minister. On the eve of 17 opposition parties in Armenia demanded the voluntary resignation of Pashinyan.

If the patriotic forces do not take power in Armenia and the globalist-controlled government led by Pashinyan or Pashinyan-like leader remains in power, the destruction of the Armenian statehood will continue in the coming years. At some moment, this process could become irreversible.


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What is the point of getting Pashinyan resign? People understand that the decision will not be reversed, they understand that this agreement was made by Russian pressure. By getting rid of Pashinyan, Armenia will not change anything on this agreement, but also will go back to the same exact situation that made them bring Pashinyan to power. Armenians should remind themselves why they brought Pashinyan to power. Was it Karabakh negotiation or politico-economical purposes? Karabakh resolution was a matter of time, maybe it is gone now. But Armenia remains there and should focus on building a truly independent and strong country. Even use this agreement to develop cooperation with neighboring countries, further diversify the economical independence. Many things to do. Maybe not even Pashinyan, but need someone pro-independence candidate with focus on economy.

Lone Ranger

There are no truly independent countries we depend on eachother. But it matters how much you depend and on whom and is it beneficial or not. Armenians can see now to where CIA/sotos policy leads, same as Lybia, Syria, Iraq, Georgia, Yemen, Ukraine…and now Armenia.

Why remove him? High treason. Loss of life. Destabilizing factor. But more importantly to not let him fuck up Armenia in the future strike ever again. He did it once he will do it again and again… Traitor politicans are like serial killers they will kill till they are stopped, that simple. What you are saying is victim mentality, hey he beat and raped me but thats ok, he wont do it again, everything will be fine now… Nope. Have a nice evening ?

Servet Köseoğlu

So you are Sherlock…:))))

Lone Ranger

Hi Watson ?

Servet Köseoğlu

Hi chef..By the way imo chef spree-killer fit better than serial killer

Lone Ranger



Might as well keep him now that Russia sided with the Turko-jihadis to destroy most of Artsakh.

Lone Ranger

Is that what clown News Network told you? Poor man…


Russia and pretty much the whole planet, including the Armenians, supported trading the 7 buffer zone districts for N-K sovereignty. The Azeris can pretty much kiss what’s left of N-K goodbye. With a Russian armored division there. The Armenians aren’t going anywhere. At least as long as a competent Russian nationalist like Putin is running the government.


What’s left of NK is worthless. Yeah Armenians are real happy about this result – not. Putin is a fool at best, an evil crook otherwise. The only settlement worth the while was what I wrote here some time ago, core NK including Shushi, plus the connecting zones to Armenia. If Putin had stepped in then, that was all still in Armenian hands, but Putin wants NK and Armenia totally dependent on Russia with only a tiny connecting corridor to Armenia guaranteed only by Russia. This is a massive victory for Islamist Turkey and the Aliyev dictatorship, and Islam more generally. Armenia and others will look to the West only from now on.

Putin competent? Not anymore.

John Wallace

Sometimes you have to make deals with those you dislike to achieve a greater good. Russia and Turkey brokered a peace for the war ravaged Syria. Most don’t like the result but it has mostly stopped the killing of the countries fighting youth and more importantly save countless civilians , women and children from being collateral damage. The destruction of homes and infrastructure that aid life. Most now live in a semblance of peace . Now Russia and Turkey have stopped the slaughter again. Wars are best left too Hollywood . I am sure the history here goes back centuries and many will not be happy with this result for numerous reasons but in the words of John Lennon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3_0GqPvr4U


Russia and Turkey started it, both gave the green light to the Azeris to attack.

John Wallace

Whatever , but it has stopped now and I hope it stays that way so no more needless killing. Those on the ground were sitting ducks to the drones directing fire getting slaughtered . No fun being a dead hero/

Concrete Mike

Have you considered that there is a side deal in syria.

I noticed news of turkish op’ closing in the idlib zone a couple times lately.

I agree with your sentiment in regards to dealing with the turkhadis trash. It must be like banging a girl you really dont like. Just get er done.


Sacrificing Artsakh to Turks for Idlib does not cut it.

Lone Ranger

Told you so…


Me too

Rhodium 10

Pashinyan dont care NK…he could have supported sending SU-30 to shot down drones with long range missile without fly over NK…even SU-25 armed with air to ground missile could have attacked AZ troops around Shusha away from NK airspace….NK troops only had the old SA-8 OSA which have limited range, only can track one target therefore was easy to destroy just using many drones at the same time or using TB2 which can attack out of the range on SA-8!…he only sent one TOR which was manage to shot down many drones during last days in Martuni included 2 TB2…but was spotted from far distance travelling to a shelter and was destroyed inside it…Armenian armed forces use very limited drones and everydays posted the same image of the first attacks….therefore Pashinyan and the military staff are the guilty of the defeat!


Hmmm, Azerbaijan threatened nuclear terror early on against Armenia by striking the Metsamor plant, and also Turkey threatened full-scale intervention, and that’s just the public statements. Russia allowed this attack and defeat, even much worse than had to be the case. Russia loses as a result.


No, Russia wins. They got rid of the NK question and Pashinyan is one fell swoop.


Wrong. What Russia got rid of is any future of Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, and even Belarus in the Russian sphere, as well as its own reputation as any sort of reliable friend let alone Christian power.


They got georgia (main=wealth) and armenia (always) and belarus (always) listen up gimp,you have no true sak nor class,either way your going down bot!

John Brown


Here is what is happening.

You will soon see Turkey pull out of Idlib as part of this deal as they can now save face with the defeat of Zio Soros Armenia.

The Soros Armenian leaders will now be purged and sent back to the JSSA.

Turkey Syria Russia Iran, Iraq and China will now all jointly attack the kurds and kick the USSA out of Syria and Iraq.

China is to invest massively in Turkey like Iran to save their economy and country as well as Syria and Iraq. a Middle East martial plan. Another huge defeat for the racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship.

Azer got all they wanted. They will rule over all of NK with a bit of autonomy for a small part of the NK region.

Now Azer and Armenia will be bound to the EEU, Russia, China, Iran etc., through the silk road trade routes and economy. These economies will soon be many times larger the those of the collapsing racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship combined the JSSA and the JU.

All Armenians should be thankful for Russia stepping in to save Yerevan and all those fleeing Armenian civilians and panicked soldiers retreating from NK!!

Pashinyan and the rest of the anti-Russian Soros coup leaders would not send 1 Armenian regular soldier to try to help them escape from NK to Yerevan.

Since the start of November, the Turksih military has started reducing the number of its military positions and observation posts in Syria’s Greater Idlib:

As of November 10, Turkey stared evacuating its Sheikh Aqil observation post;

As of November 9, Turkey stared evacuating its Qabtan al-Jabal military post;

As of November 7, Turkey stared evacuating its Maar Hattat military post;

As of November 4, Turkey stared evacuating its Sher Mughar observation post;

As of November 3, Turkey evacuated its Morek observation post.

Israel is an expendable ally to Azer like the Nazis were an expendable ally of Israel. Any ally of Israel is expendable by Israel. Now Israel is the one dropped like a used piece of chewing gum.

Azer will make a lot of money with China, Russia, Iran and Turkey as allies, many times the amount of money they can make with Israel, so good bye Israel.

In this century slaves of racist Jews and any one who wants to do business with Israel will lose massive amounts of money go bankrupt etc., so they won’t do business with Israel as everyone is in business to make money not to lose it.

Its all about the Chines Yuan and making lots of them as the Zio dollar collapses.

No Zio dollar means no Israel and the end of the racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship.


Get lost punk.


Yeah Belarus. We have seen how Lukashenko’s pivot to the west has gone. He was going to die!

Your reasoning looks like the one from a spoiled brat. You have a friend. You spit in his face and become friend with his bully. When you are in danger, the bully leaves you alone to die. But you pretend ( not ask, but pretend!! ) that your friend comes to rescue.

And your friend is the bad guy!?! Come on.

Armenians know one thing for sure. Pashinyan let Armenia be defeated. And it will be a miracle if he can save his skin.


Friend? What friend? Russia? Russia is a friend to Turks, not Armenians. Or any Christians (ok maybe Syria is about it – and only under Assad). Not Pashinyan but Putin had the real power here – and he used it like a Mongol bandit, to benefit Turko-jihadist evil. Armenians and others know that for sure.


Pashinyan had no power. So Soros is a stupid moron too! Good to know.


I said so often enough.


Biggest winners of this war are Russia and Aliyev (personally).

Armenia will stay under Russian influence, even more strongly then it was, when Pashinyan came to power. They managed to bring troops in NK and they will stay there at least for 5 years. Now, Russia has even better relations with Azerbaijan. Finally, they thought a message to ex Soviet States.

Aliyev probably guaranteed life time leadership by being a national hero. He became much more powerful.

But if you see the world as Christians versus infidels… it is no surprise that you can’t see such simple deductions.


Russia loses big time in fact. Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, and even Belarus once Lukashenko is gone will not trust Russia again, ever. Nor anyone in the Christian world. Russian troops in NK will just have an empty wasteland, few Armenians will stay there long now. Islam defines the world as Islam vs infidels, and Russia just sided with Islam against Christians. it will not be forgotten, ever.

Rhodium 10

jajjaa nuclear terror attack….Turkey full scale?..jajajja the last one was that they will take Sirte..and what happened?…oh wait I remember full scale war vs SAA and days after Turks told that they have been destroyed SAA…Syrian troops launched an offensive that retake Saraqib, 5 villages more, another 4 in south idlib and 3 more in Great Aleppo…and reopen the lost M5…


Get real! Sirte? A remote sideshow. Syria? The SAA has Russia as its air force. Turkey rolling in force into Artsakh to support Azerbaijan was a real major threat to Armenian forces, unsupported by Russia.


Too much homosexual porn does the soul no justice,gimp insomuch self defeated! You complain now there is peace in the making,why you lowlife degenerate piece o sht,who the hell do you think you are kidding with your fake snake baggy pan’ts!


Fuck off evil scum, Putin’s ‘peace’ is Islamist victory, I argued for real peace all along.

cechas vodobenikov

Russia win/win; closer relation Azeris that r not Russophobic racists like Armenians; why r 2 million Armenians living in Russia?


Russia lose/lose.

John Brown

Here is what is happening.

You will soon see Turkey pull out of Idlib as part of this deal as they can now save face with the defeat of Zio Soros Armenia.

The Soros Armenian leaders will now be purged and sent back to the JSSA.

Turkey Syria Russia Iran, Iraq and China will now all jointly attack the kurds and kick the USSA out of Syria and Iraq.

China is to invest massively in Turkey like Iran to save their economy and country as well as Syria and Iraq. a Middle East martial plan. Another huge defeat for the racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship.

Azer got all they wanted. They will rule over all of NK with a bit of autonomy for a small part of the NK region.

Now Azer and Armenia will be bound to the EEU, Russia, China, Iran etc., through the silk road trade routes and economy. These economies will soon be many times larger the those of the collapsing racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship combined the JSSA and the JU.

All Armenians should be thankful for Russia stepping in to save Yerevan and all those fleeing Armenian civilians and panicked soldiers retreating from NK!!

Pashinyan and the rest of the anti-Russian Soros coup leaders would not send 1 Armenian regular soldier to try to help them escape from NK to Yerevan.

Since the start of November, the Turksih military has started reducing the number of its military positions and observation posts in Syria’s Greater Idlib:

As of November 10, Turkey stared evacuating its Sheikh Aqil observation post;

As of November 9, Turkey stared evacuating its Qabtan al-Jabal military post;

As of November 7, Turkey stared evacuating its Maar Hattat military post;

As of November 4, Turkey stared evacuating its Sher Mughar observation post;

As of November 3, Turkey evacuated its Morek observation post.

Israel is an expendable ally to Azer like the Nazis were an expendable ally of Israel. Any ally of Israel is expendable by Israel. Now Israel is the one dropped like a used piece of chewing gum.

Azer will make a lot of money with China, Russia, Iran and Turkey as allies, many times the amount of money they can make with Israel, so good bye Israel.

In this century slaves of racist Jews and any one who wants to do business with Israel will lose massive amounts of money go bankrupt etc., so they won’t do business with Israel as everyone is in business to make money not to lose it.

Its all about the Chines Yuan and making lots of them as the Zio dollar collapses.

No Zio dollar means no Israel and the end of the racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship.


Dream on, dope.

John Brown

Pashinyan and the military staff are the guilty of the defeat!

Yes you finally got it after I told you what 10 times?


Russia once again demonstrated that it is protector of the Armenians

Wrong. This is a truly appalling result, that demonstrates that Russia is not a genuine protector of the Armenians, but rather a betrayer of them, and a rewarder of Turko-Islamist genocide and aggression.

Armenia and others will be looking elsewhere in the future for friends and allies.


Armenia has already looked elsewhere and look what has happened. In the ’90s, Russia defended Armenia with the blood of its own soldiers. And as a thank you, armenians put the clown Pashinyan in power.


Armenia and others will look elsewhere much more now. The 90’s were the least Russia could do to repay its failure to protect Armenians around the early 1900’s. But to be meaningful, Russia had to maintain that defense on an ongoing basis. Using Pashinyan as an excuse to betray Artsakh to Turko-jihad is no excuse at all, and destroys Russia’s reputation.

cechas vodobenikov

only w Russophobic, islamophobic, antisemitic Armenians

rancilio 70

However, why not participate in the war? That you are very brave here


YOUR WORNG gimp (period)


This looks like a big trap set up by Russia. Harutyunyan isn’t a Soros puppet, instead he is part of the old guard ( pro-Russia ). They lost the war and they are now accusing Pashinyan of sleeping while Aliyev was buying weapons like crazy.

With this set up, the old controversy around NK is almost solved. And Pashinyan will go out of the window, with all the other Soros’ minions.


A very well written and insightful article.

Russia has 5 years to resolve the issue of the Azeris not recognizing N-K sovereignty.

The Azeris are in a very week diplomatic position on this issue. They could only get 20% of UNGA members, and none of the UNSC P5/6 members to recognize their claim to the Artsahk governate with the 7 buffer districts included. Few bordering on none will recognize their N-K claim. If anything they’ve weakened their position by occupying 30% of N-K.

As a practical matter Russia becomes the first UN member to recognize the N-K government. And has aquied it as a protectorate.

Fog of War

I don’t understand why Azerbaijan continues to agree to land that is not contiguous with Azerbaijan proper ? Once again its parts of NK will be spilt off from the rest of Azerbaijan. It should trade some land with Armenia and connect its borders to Nackchivan also.

Thomas Osa Jeng

Putin wants Turkey out of Nato that’s why he sticks with Erdoğan. Because Turkey is the Second strongest Nato member


Erdogan is close to losing elections more than ever. Besides, it won’t happen either with him or without him.


Some of it,but did it occur for trurkey to prosper they better side with the far more dynamics?

Jan Reznicek

Everything what Russians touch turns to mess.


Begone feminazi rant,that title belongs to cia/usa/eu-epp (period) miss iq of your shoesize:

AM Hants

Projecting?????? Russia is doing quite well, to the envy of so many.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

I believe the idiots in Pentagon-land actually believed they could entice Russia into another Afghanistan scenario using their useful idiots within the Armenian govt.


They did in syria too,but nowadays russia can afford everything without going broke(period)

Jan Reznicek

Is this site a tool of Russian propaganda? It looks like.


No ,you are just a low iq feminazi facist bloke pretending to be a woman,shames on you vile! Propoganda,what the fk you are just another nwo/facist/soros shill on oincests I may add,pfft!

cechas vodobenikov

another CIA armenian?

Lazy Gamer

Armenia lost because it was not able to react from battlefield developments that can be seen in Syria. The stupid coup was also the initial attack in hindsight and Armenians should go after the people who instigated it. Armenia wasnt strong enough, therefore it could not decide when the war ends.


Mr (fake democracy nazi/soros lost again) Not armenians,the deep state is getting crushed by the sharp edge of the iron sickle.like it or not better soviet commys than fake commy homosexual bidens!


“Part of Gazakh district will be transferred to Azerbaijan” In the upper part of the map… Wtf??? Now Azerbaijan is taking parts of Armenia that have nothing to do with NK??????!! Might as well cancel Armenia being a country… They’re reducing it’s size slowly it won’t be visible on the map. -_- Poor Armenians… I hope one day you get your revenge on the Turkoid aggressors.

cechas vodobenikov

no killing over desolate mountainous villages without any natural resources—excellent

chris chuba

Reminds me of Syria. The Russians and the SAA save the Kurds from the Turks. They patrol the border while the U.S. demonizes the Russians / SAA to keep the Kurds from rejoining Syria and keeping all of the oil. The Russians and SAA are expected to provide security for free.


If these Armenian idiots wanted Russian support, they needed to stick your colours to the mast and not play the smart arse dickheads with their flirtations with NATO.

But they didn’t. They told Russia to take a hike and started sucking on NATO cock. Now they reap the rewards. Their new buddies NATO did absolutely NOTHING to protect Armenians while the Turks happily assisted their fellow Muslims.

Pashinyan is 100% responsible for this debacle. He alienated the only power that might have stood up for Armenia, and now those idiots need to own up to your stupidity and act accordingly.

NATO doesn’t give a flying fuck about those clowns. It just wanted to use Armenia as a club to whack the Russians. Armenias only value to them was as pawns, willing and ready to be thrown under the bus…


Seems like instruction came (from certain place) to mobilize the media (of a certain country) against Pashinyan. Since the war is over, there are powers that want to get rid of a disobedient Armenian leadership.


Pashinyan was put in place and Armenian fate (NK really) was sealed. The man did the job Soros put him up to do. A globalist stooge.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Muslim Brotherhood and Russia are getting really good at carving up islamic Nations and disputed territories.

Random Dude

Operation Ring 2.0. Skrrat (GottiOnEm), skidi-kat-kat Boom!!!!


Turks have been killing, raping, and robbing Armenians and other Christians (including Russians) for a thousand years (see below for links to just the last century or so).

By rights, ALL of Artsakh, plus Nakhitchevan and Ararat AT LEAST should go to Armenia as even MINIMAL compensation. They were all Armenian land (whether fully independent or under Perso-Roman suzerainty) for over a thousand years before the Turks turned up, copiously established and documented in history and scholarship. The Turko-Azeri claim, based on previous dispossession by force and massacre of the Armenians, is not only countered by that key fact, but by the rights of the Armenians of Artsakh to self-determination also under international and humanitarian law, by the right of Artsakh and Armenia to a viable and secure territory, especially in face of ongoing Turkic-Islamist threats and genocide-denial, and by the fact that Azerbaijan as a nation never held lasting sovereignty over them EXCEPT as part of other empires, most recently the Russian and Soviet ones for most of the last two centuries. Therefore, if the Azeri claim is ‘valid’, then so is the prior longstanding claim of the Russians to rule Azerbaijan itself, along with eg Kars and Sarikamis in Turkey, and Ukraine, and conversely, if the Armenian ‘separatist’ claim to Artsakh is invalid, then so are the separatist claims of Russian and Turkish ‘annexations’ like South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Crimea, Transnistria, and northern Cyprus. The fact is that this attack on Artsakh is a dirty piece of Satanic skulduggery and ‘might is right’ thuggery cooked up by crooks and thieves, and a continuation of the thouand-year long Turkic aggression against and dispossession of the Armenians and other Christians, disgracefully aided and abetted by outside ‘Judeo-Christian’ powers who never seem to learn their lesson: that whilst such evil may “succeed” and “profit” in the short term, it plants the Devil-seed and sows the Divine Destinic wind for even greater retributive evils down the track, which history provides myriad examples of, and which they most assuredly will draw upon themselves as a result of this evil upon evils.











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