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Treason & Mismanagement Of Armenian Military Command: Former Chief Military Inspector Revealed Details Of Nagorno-Karabakh War

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Treason & Mismanagement Of Armenian Military Command: Former Chief Military Inspector Revealed Details Of Nagorno-Karabakh War

Movses Hakobyan. Source: aysor.am

Former head of the Military Control Service of the Armenian Ministry of Defense, Movses Hakobyan, has revealed new shocking information about the recent conflict with Azerbaijan.

Hakobyan, who submitted his resignation on November 18, served as the Minister of Defence of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic between 2007 and 2015.

In a press conference on November 19, Hakobyan blamed the defeat in Nagorno-Karabakh on the Armenian leadership represented by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, who assumed power two years ago.

Hakobyan said the new leadership had failed to mobilize the Armenian military when Azerbaijan launched its offensive on Nagorno-Karabakh on September 27.

“On the third day of war, the mobilization in Karabakh was completed at 78%, in Armenia only at 52%. Besides, with a secret decision five regiments were reduced,” Hakobyan said.

According to Hakobyan, the mobilization, which was supposed to be completed in 40 hours only, would have changed the course of the war.

“From all the functions of the army, this is the most complicated one. It is necessary to be honest and while blaming the political leadership, it is important to say that there are mistakes of military authorities, too. Part of these mistakes are objective and part are subjective. The objective ones are that the areas, where the replenishment was necessary, were seriously shelled from the artillery and the UAVs did not allow to do it. The commanders were to make operative decisions and change the form of mobilization,” he added.

The former Armenian MoD official also revealed that, on the third day of the war, Pashinyan had issued a decree to stop the replacement of Armenian forces and sent volunteers on Nagorno-Karabakh frontlines.

“Crime has been committed, on the third day the leadership of the country stopped the mobilization deciding to send volunteers on the front line, I have no idea of the substantiation of the decision.”

“Those, who were responsible for this process, knew that the time would come and they would have to answer for it, so the conversation was recorded”

The volunteers, who were not trained enough, suffered from a shortage in supplies as well as from the lack of proper communications with their commanders.

“A person who does not have communication system with the fighting staff, how could he fight? From the very first fight a part was eliminated, the other fled in panic. On the 5th day we had 1,500 who fled, they were isolated in aim to not to return to Armenia and raise panic.” said Hakobyan.

Hakobyan criticized the work of the Armenian MoD Information Center, which ended up spreading lies.

“There is a criteria though that the lie must not exceed the 30% of the truth. In our case it exceeded 100%. …  The locals, the guys that were fighting did not understand why it happened so,” he said.

Regarding the military situation, Hakobyan revealed that Armenia had disrupted the operations of Azerbaijani Bayraktar TB2 combat drones over Nagorno-Karabakh for 4 days with the Russian Pole-21 electronic warfare system. However, the Azerbaijanis managed to bypass the jamming later.

Hakobyan revealed that Armenia didn’t use its Su-30SM warplanes to counter Azerbaijani drones due to the lack of air-to-air missiles. Production and delivery of these missiles were stopped in Russia.

Treason & Mismanagement Of Armenian Military Command: Former Chief Military Inspector Revealed Details Of Nagorno-Karabakh War

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The former MoD official criticized a decision by the Armenian leadership to purchase more of the aging 9K33 Osa air-defense systems over buying the advanced Tor-M2KM system in 2018. According to Hakobyan, the last battle in Nagorno-Karabakh proved that the Osa was useless against combat drones.

Treason & Mismanagement Of Armenian Military Command: Former Chief Military Inspector Revealed Details Of Nagorno-Karabakh War

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Hakobyan went on to reveal that Armenia had used the Russian 9K720 Iskander short-range ballistic missile system during the battle, without providing any additional information.

Treason & Mismanagement Of Armenian Military Command: Former Chief Military Inspector Revealed Details Of Nagorno-Karabakh War

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The former official concluded his conference by saying that Russia had helped Armenia in every possible way and even supplied local forces with systems that they “have never dreamed about.”

Hakobyan’s statements are yet another testimony against Pashinyan and his administration, which led Armenia into a historic military defeat. Hakobyan even said that Pashinyan had behaved inappropriately towards Russia, to whom he ran asking for help when Azerbaijan was about to take control over Nagorno-Karabakh.


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??? https://twitter.com/301_AD/status/1329391451717963777?s=19


Shocking revelations of the pro-Russian opposition.

Lone Ranger

Probably true tho. That fucker is hiding in the basement of the U.S. embassy


I’m not in touch with Armenian internal strugle but in other countries he had to run. I feel Armenians are very mad on Russia for not overthrowing him already. Most likely Russia supported the most corrupt politicians there, it’s what they do at home and abroad.

Lone Ranger

You are mixing up Russia with the CIA as usual… Projection at its finest.


You are tired, stable boy. Go to sleep, tomorrow Friday.

Lone Ranger

Night night…

cechas vodobenikov

more pork fat non thinking…projecting your Kansas ukrop insecurities


Russia has no interest in taking over a shameless garbage dump like Armenia. It just wants a terrorist free humiliated loser state on its borders.

Fog of War

But they sure have an interest in hanging out in NK for five years.


Russia is hanging around to keep NATO out of a humiliated Armenia. Armenia is now defacto Russian Federation territory with Russian military footprint growing by the day. Azerbaijan seems to have been left out in the cold too.

Fog of War

No, they are hanging out in the NK. Armenia proper is still on the “menu”.

The Objective

You forgot the 2000 US military and civilian personnel in Armenia. Russia cannot take Armenia back, I promise you.

The Objective

Goodluck to Russia overthrowing Pashinyan with 2000 American security and diplomatic personnel there.

Servet Köseoğlu

A person who does not have communication system with the fighting staff, how could he fight?

✋???Houston, we have a problem…


When you are a self-appointed coup leader, it is obvious that the military doesn’t want to obey your orders.


Yeah because military role is to fight for the leader not the country. If they don’t like the leader, the country can go fuck itself.


Morale. If you know that your fight will just serve a self-appointed idiot to screw your fellow countrymen, it is really difficult to find the motivation to fight.


Can you please detail a bit? How would Pashynian screw their fellow countrymen after a suposed victory?

Vox Populi

This is a total victory for Russia as it has consolidated control over the Caucasus and exposed Turkish impotency yet again. The Armenians just traded Russian occupation than a Soros puppet regime. Azerbaijan’s celebrations were a bit premature.

The Objective

Claiming it has been a Russian victory, you need to read this: https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2020/11/18/big-winners-losers-in-regional-nagorno-karabakh-conflict/


How? What has Pashinyan done for the economy? For the well being of armenians? For the public of sphere of Armenia?

Wherever Soros and others like him go, there is looting, impoverishment, moral degradation.

Do you think that armenians want to see their faith crushed by the gay prides? Or a transgender army?

And they don’t even like to live in poverty. They are surviving because Russia has kept helping them. But Moscow is not obliged to help a Soros-oriented country forever.

Heck, did Pashinyan work at rearmament of Armenia? Nope. And this is why the country lost so badly. He didn’t even order the deployment of vital assets like the Su-30.


Are you saying that Pasynian should improve the army in 2 years? And he directly commends over those 4 Su-30?


He hasn’t done a single thing. So, what was he doing? Scratching his belly?


Other than calling everyone for help eveey day, from Putin and Macron to Tramp and Biden, what should havw done, piloting one of those SU-30?


Calling, but categorically refusing to sign a truce, because he didn’t want russian soldiers in the south Caucasus.


That’s out of context. Putin asked to allow all Azeris to return including Shusha, with help from Russian troops. And he refused. It’s a good thing that they are allowed to return anyway.


Because the war for Armenia was already lost. Pashinyan refused because he is an incompetent fool. Not because he loves armenians.

Holy crap, Lavrov is an armenian!!! Do you really think he would do something against his own people?

Without Russia, Aliyev’s troops would be dining in Yerevan now!


Are you saying if Putin sides with Azerbaijan, Lavrov will backstab Putin?


Are you assuming that Putin is really a dictator and handles personally all of the russian politics?

Putin is siding with Russia. That is all. Armenia made a choice. They wanted Soros and Pashinyan. This is the end result.


They wanted less corruption, Soros and Pashynian were the only ones to promise less corruption. If they had better choices than that, probably they made another.


Yeah…promise!! How can people believe Soros, is beyond me. A shark that wants more democracy, more peace, more prosperity, more honesty. Yes, and my grandma is a truck.


Poor people always have to try the lesser from two evils.

Ashok Varma

When India defeated Pakistan in 1971 in a equally humiliating defeat and liberating half of the country and creating Bangladesh, even the Pakistani came out in the streets and overthrew the Yahya military dictatorship. Armenians seem very shameless to let this criminal stay in power.


Good work

Fog of War

Please explain to us how one pulls off a successful coup without the support of the military ? We’re all ears.


An armed uprising by disgruntled defeated Russian soldiers in WW1 resulted in the Bolshevik revolution. Armenians have no nationalism or shame so that is unlikely. Pashinyan is still presiding over his defeated generals and pretending that nothing has happened. However, since the Armenian military never fought such a scenario is not even possible.

Fog of War

Frankly, I dont get your point. They were still disgruntled soldiers AKA the military.

Pashinyan must have had the support of the military to pull off his coup.


My point is that the defeated and humiliated Armenian military should have led the movement to unseat this treacherous Pashinyan, instead he is being protected by the CIA bought and paid for shameless Armenian Soviet era generals. Even the Argentine conscripts led the movement to get rid of the Galtieri junta after the Malvinas defeat. The Armenian soldiers, if there are any, seem to accept such humiliation.

Fog of War

Frankly, you probably have a point here. The security forces are still protecting him. I was only talking about the initial coup.

Either way, I believe there will be a major exodus of people from Armenia soon as their collective national pride has been shattered. The ZioWest beckons.

Lone Ranger

Told you so…


Frankly, only in a third humiliated world trash can like Armenia would a treacherous CIA installed “leader” still be in power and holding press conferences after presiding over the most humiliating defeat and ceding over 40% of its territory. Armenians besides being cowards and no shame as well. They would be better off joining anyone that will accept such disgusting people. Luckily, even Russia or Iran don’t want them.


Pashinyan is a cuck… https://youtu.be/o_6-zf1teWQ

Vox Populi

So is Azerbaijan and Turkey. Russian military presence is now permanent in NK and even Southern Azerbaijan. Just shows how weak the Turkish and Zionist coalition was, no wonder the hasbara and Pakistani troll farms have gone mute.

Matthew Whitticar

I was foolish to align with the west. They are completely inaccessible by the US, France, or anyone else.

Vox Populi

The only real victor in this border spat has been Russia and it is also interesting to see how fast an impotent Turkey was sidelined as Russian troops moved into NK. There is remote chance of Russia leaving NK or Azerbaijan getting control over NK. Even the Pakistani trolls have accepted this.

The Objective

Turkey and Azerbaijan are the real winners in the N-K war. Iran and Russia the real losers. Read a detailed and more ” balanced” analysis of the war here: https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2020/11/18/big-winners-losers-in-regional-nagorno-karabakh-conflict/ Don’t just depend on Russian propaganda websites for analysis. They never criticize or admit Russia’s failure anywhere. Combine sources to get a more objective understanding of situations. In case you don’t know, a land corridor between Azerbaijan and Nakchivan has been created now. It doesn’t take a strategist general to know this means trouble for Russia. Turkey has been trying to create this land corridor to connect with other Muslim countries for decades, but never succeeded until now. Russia never thought sophisticated drones would be used in any war between NK and Azerbaijan. Hence, they couldn’t equip Armenia or NK to win the war. Had Azerbaijan only relied on Russian weaponry, it probably never would be able to regain the territories it liberated. Thumbs up to Erdogan and his team for this brilliant move. Another victory yet for Turkey. Now a more complex plan may unfold towards some kind of alliance between several countries led by Turkey. I hope it succeeds.


A land corridor existed between Nakhjavan and RoA, through Iran since 30 years ago.

So creation of another land corridor through Armenia, under Russian inspection is a failure and headache for Russia?

The Objective

Did you read the link I provided. All the details are there for you. I wonder where you get your information from. But the source I provided is neither pro-Turkish nor pro-Trump. It’s far more reliable than anything from SouthFront, let alone from an individual like you.


I don’t think you want to look at it fairly. A corridor through Armenia means FREE for Azerbaijan, while through Iran it was not just long but also paid. And most importantly will remain as symbol of defeat for the Armenians. Can you imagine Azeri and Turkish vehicles running right through the Armenian territory. It will hurt Armenians everyday!


You are right about the expenses of the road, but It wasn’t the point of the comment, neither was hurting the feelings of Armenians.

The point was, Nakhjavan was already connected to the Az mainland through Iran, it wasn’t totally isolated. The new corridor will probably shorter and free of charge, BUT it will be under Russian control. What we need to wait and see is if Russians permit transportation of weapons through this corridor.

cechas vodobenikov

your CIA propaganda as reliable as the f35


Not enough A2A missiles for their Su30SM fighter jets… So that’s why they weren’t used. What idiot decided to buy them without enough A2A missiles? Or were they still on order due to being so new in their inventory?

As for the Osa AD systems, buying them in 2018 is ridiculous, I had assumed they had just been in their inventory for decades, given how old the system is.

Fog of War


“Crime has been committed, on the third day the leadership of the country stopped the mobilization deciding to send volunteers on the front line, I have no idea of the substantiation of the decision.”

” TB2 combat drones over Nagorno-Karabakh for 4 days with the Russian Pole-21 electronic warfare system. However, the Azerbaijanis managed to bypass the jamming later. “


Armenian ground units where never sent into the disputed region. So obviously the decision was taken to not go to war with Azeris over N-K. :/

Fog of War

Not to mention Russian jamming equipment got ” out jammed “.


Doubtful that Armenia had the latest high tech equipment from Russia. :/ Perhaps you remember the Tomahawk strike on Syria??

Fog of War

I strongly suspect this was Russian operated equipment that was brought in for some ” tests ” against the Turkish and Israhelli drone technology.

The Objective


Servet Köseoğlu

They mounted anti-jamming gnss to detect and remove band-jamming signals…


This is a real band jam. :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2reeNKtRjg

The Objective

I see you noticed that phrase about defeating the latest Russian jamming technology. Another humiliating defeat of a Russian system that buyers certainly won’t fail to notice. These Turkish drones have been a disaster for the Russian arms industry. Until now, no one questioned the efficacy of Russian systems. Now countries are rethinking the wisdom of investing in them. Thumbs up to Turkey. We are waiting to see the Turkish TFX fifth generation fighter. If this project is as successful as the Bayrakta drones, then a large arms market await Turkey. This plane should be designed to defeat the best anti-aircraft systems, especially the celebrated S-400.

Fog of War

I’ll be more impressed when ” strong, independent ” Turkey gets out of NATO. Or are they scared to ?

cechas vodobenikov

the Armenians didn’t require Azeris to defeat them; they defeated themselves


That is the most rational comment so far. Armenians presided over their own defeat and national humiliation.


Yes, the traitors should be hung and mailed back to the USA https://youtu.be/o_6-zf1teWQ




So much talk about treason and incompetence in Armenia, but why hasn’t anyone been hanged or gone to jail for it?

Ashok Varma

Because Armenian men are like gossiping cuckolds and no one wants to die for anything.

The Objective

Russian propaganda in full swing to stir up revolt in Armenia. One question all these claims of Pashiniyan’s betrayal doesn’t answer is: “Is it in Pashinya’s interest for NK to be defeated? How does he benefit from this defeat? In fact, what I see is Pashinya knew he’d be in trouble should N-K loss the war”

This is looking more and more like Russia is desperately pushing for a change in leadership in Armenia. Putin seems to be more clueless than I thought. Does he think the Armenian government (whoever succeeds Pashinyan) would simply pursue pro-Kremlin policies even with 2000 Americans serving a diplomatic/security mission in Armenia? Does he think any new Armenian leadership can defy America, especially with the current state of the Armenian economy and threat of sanctions? Or does he think Pashinyan does not have a support base that’ll push back?

I remains to be seen what this pro-revolution Russian propaganda against Armenia would achieve. But I’ll bet my last dime Russia will lose. It simply doesn’t have the economic muscled to compete with the US who has the power of sanctions.

I couldn’t help but notice this phrase: “Russian Pole-21 electronic warfare system” worked for four days in disrupting drone operations, then the Turks figured a way to defeat it. This Russian system is the latest, deployed as recently as 2019 with the Russian military. If non-stealthy drones can overcome this supposedly state of the art Russian system, then think of what arms buyers will think of this Russian system. I can’t believe these Turkish drones could humiliate such advanced Russian systems. And with the Turks being in possession of the S-400, it is very likely they’ll design a plane that defeats it over the next decade or so.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Sadly I have to agree with you, Erdogan’s certainly running circles around Putin when it come to geopolitics and military expertise.

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