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Trolling Russia “Hopes” White House Refrains From Releasing Putin-Trump Calls

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

With Democrats going all-in with a rare impeachment process  for the fourth time ever in American history — it appears Moscow couldn’t resist the opportunity to troll, while also perhaps legitimately slamming what is a deeply unusual practice in foreign relations. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s office is said to be bristling over the “embarrassing” release the Trump call transcript — which of course means Kremlin officials have grabbed the popcorn to sit back and enjoy the show.

“The Kremlin says it hopes the US will not release the transcripts of Vladimir Putin’s phone calls with Donald Trump after a whistleblower claimed the White House was hiding records of the US president’s phone conversations with foreign leaders,” FT reports from Moscow.

Trolling Russia "Hopes" White House Refrains From Releasing Putin-Trump Calls

Spokesman for President Putin’s office, Dmitry Peskov, told reporters on Friday that Russia “would of course like to hope that we won’t get to that kind of situation in our bilateral relations, which are already full of extremely serious problems.”

“This practice is fairly unusual; as a rule, materials from conversations between world leaders are usually classified secret or top secret and not published,” he said, according to an Interfax report cited in FT.

Meanwhile Politico reported Thursday that “The White House annoyed and embarrassed Ukraine’s president by releasing his comments in a private conversation with President Donald Trump — and may have violated the Ukrainian constitution.”

Trolling Russia "Hopes" White House Refrains From Releasing Putin-Trump Calls

Trump and and confident Putin at their Helsinki summit in July 2018, via Reuters.

Zelensky said in the aftermath of the transcript’s release, which he may or may not have been warned about shortly ahead of time: “I think such things, such conversations between heads of independent states, they shouldn’t be published,” according to Politico.

Media commentators fairly unanimously mocked what appeared to be the Ukrainian president’s seeming attitude of abject groveling and fawning over Trump — something which would have likely remained more hidden if he knew the whole world would later see his words.

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Yanki sleeze machine release Zelensky’s blow job on Big Don. However, can’t see them releasing the hiding Trump has had to take when confronted with the quick witted and political adroit Putin.


President Trump’s dictionary has too few words in it to debate with President Putin. :)

AM Hants

President Trump

“Believe me, President Putin is a great guy. Him and me are going to make a lot of money. We are going to take care of Syria, Iran and Ukraine. President Putin, agrees with me, we are winning again”

President Putin (to himself)

“I guess I can afford 10 minutes of time, over in the kindergarten. Where does Washington DC get these idiots from? Still, at least it will provide a laugh for Friday’s mornings coffee slot”?


Well said :) And so true.


grovel and fawn. Now at least they have a clear foreign policy other than lets start WWIII which would be well underway if Hillary were queen.

AM Hants

Love the wit of the Kremlin. Although, saying that, how many world leaders, will now refuse to speak to Trump or any future US President, knowing that the conversation will be reported in the main media, within days?

AM Hants

Russia must love her neighbours. Not just NATO and the US encircling Russia, but, also Nazi supporting Eastern European nations. I thought they out-lawed the Nazis in Europe, back in 1945? Just under 80 years later, so many nations swear their loyalty to the Nazis, including Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine and Poland.

Funny old world.

EU debtor nations, exlduding Ukraine, who were heavily reliant on the Soros ‘Open Society’ ideology, with a top up from the NED. Soros, who in his own words, stated that his time as a Hungarian, born into the Khazarian faith, well he did state Jewish, working as a Nazi collaborator were the best years of his life. Guess, that is the major topic of compulsory study, in a Soros funded University, over in Eastern Europe.

‘…Latvia’s Minister of Defence Called SS Legionnaires the Pride of the Country and People September 27, 2019Stalker Zone

The Minister of Defence of Latvia Artis Pabriks told journalists on September 27th that Waffen SS legionaries are the pride of the Latvian people and state.

“Waffen SS Legionaries are the pride of the Latvian people and state. Our duty is to honour these patriots of Latvia from the entire depths of our soul,” said Pabriks. According to him, nobody can “allow to mock” the memory of them…’


Harry Smith

I think that Soros is not Nazi, but messianic Jew. And he is just a front face of Pax Judaica movement. Nothing but a puppet, while big boys remain in the shadows.


Guess what? The White House made Trump’s conversation with president Putin and Bone Saw a state secret. You know, just like any normal politician who doesn’t want to incriminate themselves and has nothing to hide whatsoever.

I can understand why Trump doesn’t want Americans know what he and MbS talk about on the phone, being a “Saudi Bitch” ® and all, but come on, what is so embarrassing in his conversation with Vladimir Vladimirovich that warrants such a move? Why not the same thing for other head of states, their allies for example? Surely their conversations contain much more secrets than the one with an adversary?

…and don’t call me Shirley!

AM Hants

Then you have the Impeachment Chapter, from the same story.

Now why is Schiff, wanting to impeach Trump, for having a private conversation with a leader of another nation? When he had no problems with the Vice President and what he was getting up to in Ukraine. There again, is that beause of Schiff’s own dodgy dealings and friends, over in Ukraine?

EXPLOSIVE REPORT: Rep. Adam Schiff Linked to Prominent Ukrainian Arms Dealer!… https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/09/explosive-report-rep-adam-schiff-linked-to-prominent-ukrainian-arms-dealer/

Can you impeach a President, without a court case, if you make sure any opposition has no voice? Which is what Pelosi and the Dems are hoping to do.

AM Hants

Schiff;s good friend Igor Pasternak the Ukrainian arms dealer


John McCain and his Syrian and Ukrainian friends



Lynsey Graham and his Syrian Friends




How to Finance Your Congressional Campaign with Arms Sales… https://apelbaum.wordpress.com/2019/09/29/how-to-finance-your-congressional-campaign-with-arms-sales/

DC Ukrainian Mafia


Remember Alexandra Chalupa? Funny how she also fits into the story.


How a Ukrainian arms dealer Igor Paternak floated Adam Schiff’s 2013 election to Congress and Paternak’s linkage to Nancy Pelosi Ukrainian influence network in the US


AM Hants

Alexandra Chalupa, who was an asset to the Clinton Presidential Campaign.

She also created the ‘Prop or Not’ Fake Media List.

So why is the member of the Ukrainian Nationalists, heading the ‘Impeach Trump’ campaign?

Can you impeach a President, if you make sure there is no opposition in your programme and then provide ‘fait accompli’, with no legal trial? Which is what the Dems, led by Pelosi and Schiff, are hoping to do.


The Anonymous Blacklist Promoted by the Washington Post Has Apparent Ties to Ukrainian Fascism and CIA Spying…

… One of the key media sources who blamed the DNC hacks on Russia, ramping up fears of crypto-Putinist infiltration, is a Ukrainian-American lobbyist working for the DNC. She is Alexandra Chalupa—described as the head of the Democratic National Committee’s opposition research on Russia and on Trump, and founder and president of the Ukrainian lobby group “US United With Ukraine Coalition”, which lobbied hard to pass a 2014 bill increasing loans and military aid to Ukraine, imposing sanctions on Russians, and tightly aligning US and Ukraine geostrategic interests.

In October of this year, Yahoo News named Chalupa one of “16 People Who Shaped the 2016 Election” for her role in pinning the DNC leaks on Russian hackers, and for making the case that the Trump campaign was under Kremlin control. “As a Democratic Party consultant and proud Ukrainian-American, Alexandra Chalupa was outraged last spring when Donald Trump named Paul Manafort as his campaign manager,” …

Chalupa worked with veteran reporter Michael Isikoff of Yahoo News to publicize her opposition research on Trump, Russia and Paul Manafort, as well as her many Ukrainian sources. In one leaked DNC email earlier this year, Chalupa boasts to DNC Communications Director Luis Miranda that she brought Isikoff to a US-government sponsored Washington event featuring 68 Ukrainian journalists, where Chalupa was invited “to speak specifically about Paul Manafort.” In turn, Isikoff named her as the key inside source “proving” that the Russians were behind the hacks, and that Trump’s campaign was under the spell of Kremlin spies and sorcerers…’



Victoria Nuland, Alexandra Chalupa, Ukrainian Ties & the Steele Dossier… https://themarketswork.com/2018/03/09/victoria-nuland-alexandra-chalupa-ukrainian-ties-the-steele-dossier/

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