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Trove Of 800+ Documents Of “Former” ISIS Terrorists Released Online, Including Germans, Australians, More

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Trove Of 800+ Documents Of "Former" ISIS Terrorists Released Online, Including Germans, Australians, More

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On November 19th, journalist Jenan Moussa published photographs on Twitter of a new batch of ISIS files.

This was part for her investigation for Akhbar.net

There is a treasure trove of ISIS documents numbering approximately 800.

Hundreds of these are forms with Jihadist names, positions in the terrorist group and more.

Hundreds are Syrians, with 5 Germans, some Australians and Turkish.

Her report also has a video in which she explains the findings, albeit in Arabic and without a translation.

These new ISIS files were left behind by ISIS when they fled. They were saved by citizens. Jenan Moussa held originals in her hands and photographed them.

The documents were filled out by ISIS fighters from Germany, Australia, France, Indonesia, Russia, Turkey etc., including hundreds of Syrian ISIS members.

Showing that a terrorist organization works much like a corporation, it turns out that the future members filled a questionnaire with their names, previous experience, number of children and more.

These new ISIS files are from 2014, when ISIS was still expanding territory.

“You might think: Oh, 2014 is long time ago.

True, but realize that these docs are especially important to map ISIS as an organization + find evidence on individuals. So, all docs – old or recent- matter.”

Notably, the German-filled questionnaires are interesting.

Four of them were previously part of some jihadist mosques in Germany, while the fifth one was a soldier in the military, and had been part of no extremist group.


The Furqan mosque in Bremen, Germany, was closed by the authorities in December 2014 due to involvement in extremism.

She said she published the files online, so that the wider community knows what’s going on and how things transpired, since there is little hope of an ISIS tribunal to take place and hold accountable all those who have escaped justice.

Jenan Moussa covered the same topic three years ago, and it can be seen in this Twitter thread compilator.

Still, the international community has not yet established an international court to hold ISIS members accountable. In many countries, ISIS members returning from Syria were able to evade sanctions due to a “lack of evidence,” according to the governments of those countries.

In overview, from this most recent finding, the following can be concluded:

  • There are more than 800 documents.
  • Most of them belong to the “Al-Fatiheen Brigade” of ISIS.
  • These forms contain detailed information about ISIS fighters related to their names, ages, countries of origin, backgrounds, previous jobs, and their position in the ranks of the organization.
  • There are also documents showing the monthly salaries that ISIS members have received.
  • Some of the documents are submitted to the ISIS Spoils Committee. The members of the organization filled out these papers with mentioning the battles in which they participated in order to be eligible to receive part of the spoils of war.
  • Documents from 2014 are all in Arabic.
  • These files are original issued by ISIS, the outlet published them as it found them.

The entire document trove can also be accessed in [pdf] form.


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شكرا لكم، هذه معلومات مهمة It may be noted that she says that the leader of the Germans’ kateebah or regiment/squadron was Dagestani, i.e. from Dagestan, whereas his immediate superior Tajeeki, hence from Tajikistan.

cechas vodobenikov

the fractures are widening —antagonism between Muslim Brotherhood in turkey vs Saudi/UAe. UAE funding Syria now. Qatar allies w Turkey/Azeris. Oman a few other neutral or kingdoms like morocco destabilized by Polisario==ISIS in Somalia/IDLib, etc, Syria/Iraq now allied w Iran, Libya divided. USa created al Qaeda ISIS–now they pretend they dislike them. Kurds a minor problem everywhere except perhaps turkey and Yemen now divided When desperate US empire collapses many of these proxy conflicts will subside

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Highly bureaucratic terrorists.


Bureaucracy has always been a signature of totalitarian governments and organisations, even if the governing bureaucrats and modern day technocrats are all ‘dressed’ in the same expensive cloth, in my humble opinion.

Its always a case of ‘ Do as I say and not as I do ‘ for these scumbags.

Tommy Jensen

Isnt this a bit dangerous for her in person. Some women forget to guard themselves. Too bad Western governments are so corrupt and to continue to accept and play double games with these disgusting assets.


Well now that the information is out there, there is nothing the Government can do……

But yeah, she should be more careful from now on.

Lone Ranger

Oy gevalt…


State sponsored terrorists.


NATO States sponsored terrorists, methinks :)

Fog of War

Run like a corporation ? It was a corporation run by ZioAmerica and Israhell.

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