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MARCH 2025

True Democracy Requires A Firm Hand: Inauguration Of Joe Biden, Compared To That Of Trump

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On January 20th, US President Joe Biden entered office, and Donald Trump vacated the seat.

The democratically-elected president was surrounded by a scarce crowd, and supporters were kept at a distance, behind thousands of National Guardsmen and barbed wire.

In his speech, Biden said that with his presidency Democracy “won”, in a very predetermined manner, as he announced his victory long before the votes were counted. It is ironic, that after all this censorship, witch hunting and silencing of various voices, he, or anybody else from the Democratic party can say that “democracy” is what the US Democratic party represents.

Regardless, such a significant event has given rise to some memes, that can be seen below. Among social media users, a photoshoped “farewell letter” of Trump is especially popular.

True Democracy Requires A Firm Hand: Inauguration Of Joe Biden, Compared To That Of Trump

P.S. This is a joke, it is not a real letter. Click to see full-size image

True Democracy Requires A Firm Hand: Inauguration Of Joe Biden, Compared To That Of Trump

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It is useful to look at how Trump was inaugurated back in 2017, and how Biden came into office on 2021. The presence of guardsmen, barbed wire and incredibly security measures, for an election that was not at all dubious and completely “democratic” is rather showing.

These are photographs from Biden’s inauguration. And yes – Biden had more National Guardsmen than actual audience present. This is how the inauguration of the “democratically-elected” US president took place:

True Democracy Requires A Firm Hand: Inauguration Of Joe Biden, Compared To That Of Trump

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True Democracy Requires A Firm Hand: Inauguration Of Joe Biden, Compared To That Of Trump

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True Democracy Requires A Firm Hand: Inauguration Of Joe Biden, Compared To That Of Trump

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True Democracy Requires A Firm Hand: Inauguration Of Joe Biden, Compared To That Of Trump

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True Democracy Requires A Firm Hand: Inauguration Of Joe Biden, Compared To That Of Trump

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True Democracy Requires A Firm Hand: Inauguration Of Joe Biden, Compared To That Of Trump

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Now, here are photographs back from 2017, from the inauguration of Donald Trump, who was, according to MSM and the Democratic party elected by Russian President Vladimir Putin:

True Democracy Requires A Firm Hand: Inauguration Of Joe Biden, Compared To That Of Trump

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True Democracy Requires A Firm Hand: Inauguration Of Joe Biden, Compared To That Of Trump

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True Democracy Requires A Firm Hand: Inauguration Of Joe Biden, Compared To That Of Trump

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True Democracy Requires A Firm Hand: Inauguration Of Joe Biden, Compared To That Of Trump

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Immediately after being sworn in Joe Biden put forward 17 executive orders that sharply cut with the past. The United States of the last 4 years, and also the past is gone, and the new age has come in that of neo-liberal globalism, and the silencing of every disagreeable voice under a witch hunt disguised as a hunt for “Russian agents.”

Finally, here is a hello from Joe Biden:

True Democracy Requires A Firm Hand: Inauguration Of Joe Biden, Compared To That Of Trump

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And a goodbye, from Donald Trump:

True Democracy Requires A Firm Hand: Inauguration Of Joe Biden, Compared To That Of Trump

Click to see full-size image


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America will rue bitterly this day……the democRats have finally accomplished their mission…its now the Divided States of Corrupt…..”well done”


Frankly, as I said before the US fat slobs are cowards and not a mouse whimpered in the face of the Zionist police state.


Hasbara Hunter

I personally do not think this game is over yet…..I still wonder…all those fences around the Capitol are they there to keep “Protesters” out or are those fences put up to keep the Crooks in? And the U.S. Army might be in control as well at the moment…

To be continued


US has no history of protests or revolution. Most Americans are only interested in trash TV and shopping. Revolutions are the forte of countries with live hearts and alive people like Russia, China, Iran, France etc. US is a British outpost and a very controlled police state.

Hasbara Hunter

A Nation gets the Leader it deserves…but the Russian Revolution, the Chinese Revolution & the French Revolution were all financed, directed & orchestrated by the Khazars….

klove and light

US is a British outpost

spot on…….

ps. sad that 99% do not realize this.

Harry Smith

Revolution is possible only in the country which has USA consulate. USA has none of this so “revolution” is not possible.

Just Me

Muslim “travel ban” bites the dust.

Biden rolls back Trump policies on wall, climate, health, Muslims now back in favor as immigration opens up.

cechas vodobenikov

usually Hollywood produces a semblance of an election to convince peasants that dimocracy exists—they rotate every 4 -8 years, before Pepsi president, now Coca Cola the acting and production is all bad porno 2020

Just Me

US was never a “democracy”, even a Princeton study called it a oligarchy of the “elites” aka Jew parasites and dumbed down WASP slaves.

Study: US is an oligarchy, not a democracy

The US is dominated by a rich and powerful elite.

So concludes a recent study by Princeton University Prof Martin Gilens and Northwestern University Prof Benjamin I Page.

This is not news, you say, and you have been proven right.


It looks like Biden is on his way to the most Jew infested Isreal dual citizenship administration in history.


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fb84b6885e7fa8e0f9e2f6c328ef7e4e03c9a64240ace4efa74cccbae041af7d.jpg https://www.timesofisrael.com/all-the-jews-biden-has-tapped-for-top-roles-in-his-new-administration/


The blood sucking Jew pedophiles rape 1,000 children worldwide every week.



This video can be watched by clicking on the link below the screenshot.






https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/05ed5ac51a3d1458f57a45e94c86fb8a4cb4ae744b2a49e86048285137f2d630.jpg https://iheartintelligence.com/pennsylvania-health-department-issues-preferred-covid-orgy-regulations/amp/




It’s a fucking gargoyle. Speaking of gargoyles, are Ruth Bader-Wormfood and Larry King twins?


Having Jews control our government was not enough, now we have to bear the insult of having trannies control the American sheeple. A sad day for America.


Satanic dictraitor,more like it:


Jabs For Joints: Free Bag Of Weed With Your COVID Vaccine In DC

Apparently, the new experimental mRNA genetic ‘vaccine’ cocktail is so unpopular, that health workers have resorted to bribing the youth with recreational drugs in order to get them to take it. https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/jabs-joints-free-bag-weed-your-covid-vaccine-dc https://cms.zerohedge.com/s3/files/inline-images/2021-01-20_8-19-41.jpg?itok=nIE1S_o5


This may cause a vaccine shortage. Now that some are going in for shots several times a week. :)

cechas vodobenikov

LOL “Russians are people with a community spirit, though they are not socialized in the Western sense, that is to say. they do not recognize the supremacy of society over mam. the Russian legal pronouncements about property and theft are decisions which rest not about an attitude to property as a social institution, but upon an attitude to man” Nickolas Berdyaev



Hasbara Hunter


Ivan Freely

Oh how I wish that letter was real, but Joe probably wouldn’t remember who Trump is. Joe might end up thinking about Bingo night.

Potato Man

Okay SF the fuk… Covid is a thing okay so no fuking people, and Biden bitch 24/7 how stupid Trump was about COVID do you really think he gonna let people in…

Far right in US have guns – Far left can cry and bitch -> Remember all those far left that cry because Trump became president? No one cared, they cry and move on and that what they did.

I don’t like Zion cuck suckers and Biden is the same…but this is stupid, comparing Trump to Biden inauguration. There was no Covid – Far left didn’t break in Satan’s house (WH) – and so much more.

Icarus Tanović

Who cares about Corona bs? There would be as much people as in Trump’s inauguration, you can put the money on that. Stupid punks literally cheased out Trump out of office, they declared victory even before all votes has been passed. And this is gonna back fire to these liberals neocons. Why is that? Because entire south is pro Trump. And that’s it. Masks have fallen down.

Potato Man

Who cares about Covid? Biden and left do…and right not gonna come to Biden inauguration. LOL there are 20-25k troops are there tho, that is something. Don’t get me wrong – Biden don’t have much support at all, I know. 50-55% of his voters don’t support him but they vote him because of Trump. (Not including all those other votes)

MSM call who gonna become president before votes get count, it’s not new thing… Biden is not the only person that declared victory before all votes got counted. If you look at other countries…they are much worse…Zion state is one of those.

Icarus Tanović

Yes, Biden and left Cambodia does.

Potato Man

Just saying but Obama had more supporters at his inauguration compare to Trump (by a lot). https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fa13030d132e8e67ad780874511502f141947d9879f1515e1c83f4e1d8133ee1.jpg

Icarus Tanović

Because Obama the demoncratic devil deceived entire World, look at what Hugo Chavez had said. And that same one that used to understand peoples suffering, I’m gonna tell you just ONE thing, the same mr. Obama the saviour of the World started 5 wars! How about that? Just check that devil out! Bastard! Coward…

Just Me

Biden is a senile tool of the WASP and Jew “elites” who are plundering America and impoverishing the repressed dumbdown rednecks and soon disarm them too.



In 2016 Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million votes, but won the electoral collage, and you heard no one complaining. In 2020 he lost by 7 million votes, and he claims that he should have won ! :/


They complained loud and clear : Russia Russia Russia, 4+ years. Are you so senile already?


Most political speech belongs in the trash bin. But when you endlessly lie to your followers and incite a riot on the capitol because of ones self delusion and ego, well that’s a different story.


I don’t think that it’s been determined that he lied about the vote fraud. The only forensic audit done to date by someone who isn’t a suspect in felony election fraud. Was the Michigan county of 20 something Dominion voting machines showing that they’re complete rubish designed specifically to carry out vote fraud.

So in terms of conclusive evidence. Trump is vindicated by the available evidence. And now the AZ machines are also going to be audited. If that’s done by an objective independent company. The results should be interesting.

The Michigan judicial system looks to very corrupt by not following up on the county audit to allow discovery of the other evidence of fraud.


All summer Biden incited real riots. Of course it’s different when your Biden incites riots because it’s your guy. It’s ok even to steal an election. To censor the whole country and to control the judges and the Supreme Court. You’re lucky Trump didn’t have Erdogan’s balls.

Potato Man

People didn’t care about Russia-gate buddy, it was said in MSM and surely you know that wasn’t only reason.

Just to update you, Trump and his team is cashing in right now from those people Trump pardon just last night. 143 people….Trump would kill people to make money – he grow up with the goys.

BTW electoral collage is a thing in US to let Republican win…no-one wants to see electoral collage in their country, it is the most stupid shit and it in US to help Republican party. Also, Trump fuking off party…is just sad and there isn’t much to say, 1 person that got invited can bring 5 people.


Russia Russia Russia. You impeached him for Russia Russia Russia.

Pave Way IV

Trump would kill people to make money – he grow up with the goys.

Disagree, Potato Man. Trump would hire someone to kill people – then deny it. And he actually grew up in a very Jewish part of NYC, went to Jewish schools, worked in real estate in NYC – the most Jewish of occupations there save for blood diamond trading. He’s more Jewish than half the Jews there, and so was his dad. Didn’t he declare himself, “King of the Jews” when he got a piece of undeveloped Syrian land named after him?

BTW electoral collage is a thing in US to let Republican win.

Not that it matters, but the electoral college was put in the U.S. Constitution as a practical matter 240-some years ago, well before Republicans or any political party existed. It was nearly impossible to conduct an election across the U.S. colonies, which had little infrastructure and no way to manage an election (because the gov’t was too new). It was also nearly impossible to campaign or explain your platform on horseback in each of the Colonies even if you had a year or two. Rather than a popular vote for U.S. president, people then figured that sending a reasonably smart, honest man representing them to D.C.(who wasn’t already a senator or representative) was a better idea. Political parties and corruption debased that whole system years ago. I agree – its usefulness has long past and it only reinforces the two-party system of bribery.

Hasbara Hunter

During his presidency Mr Trumpster has made a lot visible which used to be invisible for most Muricans….was it clumsiness or had Mr Trumpster powerful backing of people who are fed up with the Satanic Paedophile ZioNazi Khazarian Mobsters…The U.S. Army can also be in full control right now…still a lot of questions…

Ivan Freely

US Army? Peddling hopium are we?

Hasbara Hunter

The Devil seats in Murica since 1492…we need a change on a Global scale for that matter…the entire world has gone berserk at the moment…Great days…a shift is definitely comin’….what will the 99% eventually do against the 1% Elite-Parasites

Icarus Tanović

Bahometh is an anagram, an ugly one.



Hasbara Hunter

That’s the National Flag of USrael….

Just Me


Hasbara Hunter

AshkeNazis are NO Semites….Palestinians on the other hand are Semites…AshkeNazis are killing the Semitic Palestinians….so who is the Real Antisemite?

Approximately 95% of the current Jewish population are Khazarian AshkeNazis… only 5% are Semitic Jews

Icarus Tanović

And dump from eastern Europe too that has nothing to do with Jews.

Icarus Tanović

Hey! Man, how are you? Haven’t seen you for some long time here, glad that you are here with us.

Isn’t that good thing that he ipened peoples eyes? People used to believe anything served by msm, to Obama who decieved people, who should be trailed for War crimes mr butcher of Middle east. He was supported by Satanic ziowahhabi facist khazarian cowardly gangsters. That mafia controls Hollywood, you see, biggest propaganda machine.

That is good that more and more people are opening their eyes. Those same banksters have had Trump in control, but the same moment he went out of theirs control they chase him out from white house, aka house of white phosphorus. And put there obeyin Biden. Joe, you know I won.

Hasbara Hunter

Great days brother! I’m happy to have worked with you guys……had to train for my people…Holland is getting awake too…ready for anything these Khazarian-Zio-Parasites throw at us….let them bring it on..Trumpster did a good job…whether out of clumsiness or on purpose….no doubt about that

William D

The military was a response to the storming of the capitol and covid kept attendance to a minimum. This article will only influence foreigners and is a complete waste of everyone’s time



William D

I agree with you, consider more words less meme

Harry Smith

How about COVID at BLM manifestations last year. Why democratic governors and mayors did not stopped numerous crowds? Did Democrats wanted black people to die because of COVID?

William D

No they did not want black people to die, they also did not want Trump’s rally attendees to die either. We would need proof to make the accusation.

Pave Way IV


I got this problem in general with government firm handedness, much less in a post mentioning ‘democracy’ and President Kamala-Harris (or the temp – old what’s-his-name):


Sniffer Joe, during his inauguration speech today, also reminded us that, “A once-in-a-century virus silently stalks the country. It’s taken as many lives in one year as America lost in all of World War II.” Do you mean 400K U.S. WWII deaths, Joe? I’m sure that will bring a tear to the eye of every Russian – the Soviets lost something like 27 million in WWII, right? FFS, even China lost more lives than the U.S. in WWII.

And shouldn’t we attack China for releasing the bioweapon, accidentally or intentionally? Oh, that’s right. Hunter pays you 10% off the top from his shady Chinese business deals. Guess the Chinese are not going to be held accountable for this one… kind of like you, Crazy Joe. It was those fkn’g pangolins!


That’s the saddest, most pathetic inauguration I’ve ever seen. Phony President.

Just Me



Biden is a criminal. He needs to be arrested, removed from office and his election annulled. A forensic audit of the 2020 election ballots, voting machines and vote processing videos needs to be completed. That proves conclusively that Biden lost the election.

Harry Smith

Come on Richard. Stop dreaming.


The Michigan county voting machine audit showed that the Dominion machines are rubbish designed for fraud. A voting machine audit is scheduled for Maricopa county in Arizona. An audit of the paper ballots in Fulton county in Georgia is in court for an order releasing the ballots for audit.

The more that these audits show Biden’s fraud. The more difficult it will be for him to stay in office.

Harry Smith

Mrs Harris will stay. It’s over Richard. Stop living in the past and concentrate on your personal future. You have many challenges in front of you.


What I’ve written is happening. If you want to ignore it, I’m not going to. Trump dropped the ball. Others aren’t.

Harry Smith

What others can really do? I’d say nothing critical.


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d2c9300c6a9031785ce1b97fab2b6f9ae45ba30f15da4c5204129b193a95907f.jpg https://www.theepochtimes.com/georgia-court-to-hear-on-petition-to-inspect-fulton-county-absentee-ballots_3639711.html https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9a8157805bd8f07854282fc0d7497813b44ca2ed352905995734dde5e613c29a.jpg https://amp.azcentral.com/amp/4222085001


Trump neglected to use federal authority to conduct forensic audits that conclusively prove that Biden lost. That authority isn’t limited to the president. Others are pursuing these audits. The greater the body of evidence of fraud. The more pressure there will be to annull the election and prosecute Biden and accomplices for their crimes.

Harry Smith

Remember we argued and I said that I am very pessimistic about Trumps action? I have even bigger pessimism about all these attempts. Biden is going to give citizenships to those 11 mlns Latinos which live illegally in USA and more mlns of Latinos on their way to USA. If even the miracle will happen and they prove that votes were numbered incorrectly, that means new elections because it’s not possible to number votes correctly now. You know all those fake bulletins, post voting etc. So guess who will vote those new USA citizens?


Yes I remember. And I said at the time something to the effect that if Trump doesn’t conduct a federal audit of the ballots, voting machines and vote processing videos when he has the opportunity to. That you may be right. And your pessimism may be justified.

Well that’s what happened. He didn’t conduct the audit when he had the opportunity and Biden got in office as a result.

The same is true now. The difference is that others are pursuing the discovery that Trump neglected to. Which changes the equation.

Maybe the system is so corrupt that they’ll run into a dead end like all of the 911 litigation. And maybe they won’t. The stakes are higher here and unlike 911 the fraud is so blatant that it’s a lot easier to prove. And once that’s done a lot more difficult to avoid remedying it.

There are all sorts of predictions about the nefarious things that Biden plans to do. And I agree that those plans may be genuine. However plans have to be implemented to reach fruition. And there’s a great deal of opposition to Biden. Not the least of which is that most people oppose his plans and are working to thwart them.

So it’s far from certain how this is going to play out. Biden got in office because Trump refused to do an audit. When it’s the obvious go to solution to defeat the fraud. Unlike Trump others are aggressively pursuing that option. As well as countering the dems destruction of our way of life.

So it’s far from certain how long Biden will be able to maintain the fraud, stay in office, and destroy the American way of life.

Harry Smith

Forget Biden. Harris is the “man”.


They’re both fraudsters.

Harry Smith

I have no doubt they are fraudster. But in modern world truth means nothing for big part of population. And the remaining minority can do little about it. It’s time to prepare for life in conditions of upcoming neo marxist tyranny, not to waste the precious resources for useless fight with the majority.


The majority is the Trump electorate, to which you can add the percentage of the Biden electorate that wouldn’t have voted for him if they had known about the lap top story before they voted.

Trump won in a landslide. That’s why the military is in DC. Because they know how disliked and illegitimate the fraudulent Biden regime is.

Harry Smith

This means Biden & Co are prepared and have a plan. Or even several plans.


They wouldn’t have gotten this far if they didn’t. What they’ve done so far was in secret. Now their cover is blown and they lack the element of surprise and have a lot of opposition to deal with that they didn’t have before.

Harry Smith

The immense opposition didn’t stopped Bolsheviks to establish their dictatorship. You have worse than Bolsheviks. Marxists never were limited by moral.


Solzhenitsyn wrote something to the effect that if we knew that they were going to be that evil. We would have fought harder.

We have a heads up that you didn’t. And are far better armed. Time will tell if we have a better outcome. Judging from the unprecedented run on guns and ammunition. A lot of people here understand that we’re up against unprecedented evil that will require unprecedented opposition to mitigate.

The storming of the US Capitol wasn’t an isolated incident. There have been multiple breakins by protesters across the country. So far they’ve been unarmed. The politicians are aware that that will likely change depending on their behavior. Most of them don’t want to go there.

Harry Smith

Every revolution needs the main goal. What was the goal of storming Capitol? None! But after that 2000 of them are in charge and will be sentenced for jail. Every action without a certain goal and long term strategy is just wasting of precious resources. You need a leader to develop the strategy and define a clear and understandable goal with some good defined intermediate objectives. You have no leader and if he will appear he will be very quickly and efficiently neutralized by your corrupted elites. Sorry my dear friend Richard, but I am pessimistic.


“No less than 45 Republican senators voted Tuesday that the Democrat Party’s bizarre impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump is profoundly illegal and unconstitutional, following a rousing speech from Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY. The largely symbolic vote indicates that Senate Democrats’ desperate attempt to impeach a President who has already left office will like fail in spectacular fashion if it reaches a vote on the Senate floor. “The Senate just voted on my constitutional point of order,” Paul tweeted Tuesday. “45 Senators agreed that this sham of a “trial” is unconstitutional. That is more than will be needed to acquit and to eventually end this partisan impeachment process. This “trial” is dead on arrival in the Senate.””


“President Joe Biden’s proposal to overhaul the immigration laws could hardly be worse as a means of creating bipartisan consensus in Congress. It works as a way to keep the Democratic coalition happy, but not to get anything done.

The party’s most vocal activists on immigration think they got short-changed the last time a Democratic president took office. In 2009, President Barack Obama had a solidly Democratic Congress but did not push to give legal status to illegal immigrants. By the time he made it a priority, the Democratic majority had vanished. Obama was able to suspend enforcement of some immigration laws, but not to change them.

Biden has heard the complaints. He also knows that his party has been turning against immigration enforcement. And so his early moves have been to call a halt to deportations, stop building a wall at the border, and propose a bill that combines a sweeping legalization of undocumented immigrants with small increases in legal immigration.

This is not going to pass Congress. The last time Congress came close to enacting immigration legislation was in 2013, when 14 Senate Republicans and 54 Democrats supported a more modest reform bill. It failed because most Republicans, who at that time ran the House of Representatives, objected to giving legal status to illegal immigrants, at least without stronger efforts to prevent illegal immigration in the future.

Republican support will be less forthcoming this time. The new proposal has much less to attract Republicans than the old one did. Republicans have also, in the interim, made their own shift on immigration, moving in the opposite direction from the Democrats. Only five of the Republicans who backed the 2013 bill are still in the Senate, and two of them — Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Marco Rubio of Florida — have criticized Biden’s plan.”

– Biden immigration plan won’t pass in Congress –


“President Joe Biden suffered his first major court setback after a federal judge in Texas temporarily blocked the new administration’s plan to pause deportations of undocumented immigrants for 100 days.

a group of people standing next to a truck: MISSION, TEXAS – DECEMBER 11: U.S. Border Patrol agents detain undocumented immigrants who they caught near the construction site of a privately-built border wall on December 11, 2019 near Mission, Texas. The hardline immigration group We Build The Wall is funding construction of the wall on private land along the Rio Grande, which forms the border with Mexico. The group, led by former Trump strategist Stephen Bannon claims to have raised tens of millions of dollars in a GoFundMe drive to build sections of wall along stretches of the southwest border with Mexico. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)© Photographer: John Moore/Getty Images North America MISSION, TEXAS – DECEMBER 11: U.S. Border Patrol agents detain undocumented immigrants who they caught near the construction site of a privately-built border wall on December 11, 2019 near Mission, Texas. The hardline immigration group We Build The Wall is funding construction of the wall on private land along the Rio Grande, which forms the border with Mexico. The group, led by former Trump strategist Stephen Bannon claims to have raised tens of millions of dollars in a GoFundMe drive to build sections of wall along stretches of the southwest border with Mexico. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) Tuesday’s ruling by U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton is a preliminary victory for Texas Governor Greg Abbott, a Republican. Texas sued just two days after Biden’s inauguration, taking aim at a measure seen as the first step by the new president to reverse Donald Trump’s harsh immigration policies.

The decision is a sign of the legal battles to come. Just as attorneys general from Democratic-leaning states like California and New York flooded the Trump administration with lawsuits seeking to block key policies, Republican-led states are now poised to return the favor, potentially backed by the massive complement of judges Trump and the former Republican Senate majority managed to appoint over the past four years.

Tipton, a Trump appointee himself, said the suit “establishes a substantial risk of imminent and irreparable harm to Texas” from the planned freeze, which was announced in a Jan. 20 memorandum and was due to take effect two days later. His order blocks the Department of Homeland Security from immediately halting deportations until a hearing over whether to issue a longer-lasting order that could doom the president’s effort to halt removals.”

– Texas Wins Nationwide Order Halting Biden Deportation Freeze –


Harry Smith

Even more. Texas wants referendum for break apart from USA. Richard it doesn’t have any sense in the strategy of returning the power to the people in your country. You have no exact objectives – how you can achieve anything? And now Trump organizes his own party so Dems will get the monopoly of power because Trumps party will massively suck voters out from Reps and not from Dems.


Your point was that the left will do this or do that. My point is that they’ll try. And will have a lot of trouble getting that done now that people can see just how evil the left is. The quotes that I provided illustrate that.

Harry Smith

Words are not actions, Richard. I do understand your point, but try to understand my.


Please correct me if I’m mistaken. But your advice seems to be inaction, not action. In that the American version of the Bolshevik Jews are on the march and that we should run and hide from them less they notice patriots and victimize them.

That’s not my perspective, and it’s not what the US was founded on. My view is that Judaism needs to be outlawed and abolished so the the US becomes Jew free. Preferably without bloodshed. But if it gets to that as a last resort. Kinetically on an as needed basis.

Harry Smith

1. For actions to be effective they need to be coordinated, have clear objectives and made in accordance to the long term strategy. You are divided, have no organizational structure and no clear strategy and objectives. 2. Preparing to live under tyranny is an expensive procedure. You can waste your resources like money and time to fight windmills like Don Quijote did. Or you can invest your resources to be as free of the system as it possible. My point: as long as fight is useless it’s better to prepare your “lair”. If situation will change you can join the fight. If situation will not change – you will be well prepared. There is the 3d way. You can try to became a leader but you have to read Mao’s guerrilla war and TC 18-01 SPECIAL FORCES UNCONVENTIONAL WARFARE. And of course have balls to be ready for jail and even for death because of your activity. But I think that surveillance network is so immense in USA so every potential leader will be neutralized before he would be able to organize any big enough droop to fight.


The Jews have a history of working within the system to misuse it. They have to face people like myself countering their malevolence within the system. They don’t have a monopoly on corruption. But collectively they’re a strong contributing factor to it. Which is why they need to go.


The Jews know people hate them for their evil and that it’s why they’re the most expelled group of miscreants in history. It needs to be done in the US. Except this time it needs to be done worldwide to bring about the end of Israel and Jews. So that the planet is Jew free and humanity has a better future because of it.


I’m assuming that Vox is a NYC Jew. I don’t share his pessimism. But I think that his perspective on who is to blame is accurate.

If you haven’t seen his latest interview, it’s worth watching:


Harry Smith

Like Trump never moved embassy to Jerusalem! Richard, my friend, you found the wrong enemy, I think. USA was created and ruled by masons. But elite selection exceeded the masonry at the point of time. Now your elites are just self breeding organism which developed its own objectives. You have Jews, Indians, Europeans in your degrading elites and concentrate your attention only on Jews is not wise at all. Because you don’t recognize as threat the non Jewish part of your elites.


Yes the Jews have zionist partners in crime composed of the others that you mention in superior/subordinate duopoly.

The Jews and Israel are the biggest problem and greatest threat to US national security. Getting the Jew part of the problem corrected will make the rest more manageable.

Harry Smith

And while you will be focused on Jew problem the rest will stab you in the back.


I never said ignore the Jew’s collaborators. They’re also part of the same problem and both need to be dealt with. Giving the Jews free reign to cause problems as most people do. And not addressing the Jew part of the problem will make both of them more difficult to deal with. The over 80% of the planet’s Jews living in the US and Israel and 10% in Europe, including Russia, are the biggest part of the problem that the rest feed off of.

If the planet was Jew free tomorrow the others would still be a problem. But it would be much smaller and more manageable.


– Jewish population by country –



Did the Jews purge Russia of anti Judaics or did Russians purge Russia of Jews? Russians purged Russia of 95% of it’s Jews. Russians need to finish the job and Americans need to start it.


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d3aa227aeaddcbf82faa89e46ff7b094171d6d8f702fc9e4e39fa0308d284bb6.jpg https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/01/breaking-gop-lawmaker-marjorie-taylor-greene-introduces-articles-impeachment-joe-biden/ .


let it be – don’t be a sore friggin loser. in 4 years time the reps can counter cheat the dems and put a new idiot into the white house and meanwhile you can hope that biden doesn’t fuck up more than the exceptional moron trump did.


If the repubs could scam the system like the dems they wouldn’t have let the house, senate and presidency be stolen from them.

We’re in a fascist 1 party system now where the criminally insane minority are rapidly destroying the country and way of life that the disenfranchised majority wants.


This is after the vote fraud.


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