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MARCH 2025

Trump Administration Bows To Reality, Accepts Assad In Power Until 2021 – Media

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Trump Administration Bows To Reality, Accepts Assad In Power Until 2021 - Media

Assad and Putin, the Khmeimim airbase, Syria, December 11, 2017

“Despite the deaths of as many as half a million people, dozens by chemical weapons, in the Syrian civil war, the Trump Administration is now prepared to accept President Bashar al-Assad’s continued rule until Syria’s next scheduled Presidential election, in 2021, according to U.S. and European officials. The decision reverses repeated U.S. statements that Assad must step down as part of a peace process,” the New Yorker wrote in the article entitled “Trump to Let Assad Stay Until 2021, as Putin Declares Victory in Syria” on December 11.

The New Yorker says that the US administration was forced to admit that it has limited options in Syria and the influence of the Damascus government backed by Iran, Hezbollah and Russia had grown significantly. In this situation, Washington “still wants a political process that holds the prospect of Assad’s departure. But it has concluded that it may take until 2021, when the next election is scheduled, to pull it off. Depending on the outcome of the 2020 U.S. election, Assad could still be in power after Trump leaves office. U.S. officials worry that Assad could win the 2021 Syrian election, one way or the other, and remain in power for years to come.”

As ISIS’s self-proclaimed Caliphate came to its end in Syria and Iraq even the mainstream media admits that something went wrong with the US plan to overthrow Assad in Syria, which had been originally supported by Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and some other powers.

Now, when this plan is failed, Washington is in a dead end. On the one hand, it cannot officially accept Assad in power. On the other hand, he has no real options but accept Assad in power. Thus, the US will likely increase its efforts aimed at dividing of Syria through supporting the separatist intentions of the US-backed Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces, which control a large part of eastern Syria. The goal of this strategy is to build a de-facto independent enclave within Syria. This enclave will be almost fully controlled by the US because without the American financial and military support it will be incapable of life.

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Jerry Hamilton

What happens in Syria has nothing at all to do with Trump.




How nice of him to “accept” what Syrians chose on 2014 elections and will “let” president Assad remain as president. I hope he also accepts and lets the sun to rise from the east and set in west.

Americans [officials] always talk with a forked tongue. Never trust anything a US government says and always be prepared for the worst possible outcome, if they developed a taste for your lands/ores/resources. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst and don’t expect ANY positive thing from them and you’ll be fine.


I suspect a CIA/Mossad assassination attempt.


On Trump or Assad?


Assad or possibly both . After all , the CIA has past experience :)


I’m sure they have Assad’s assassination plans if they can’t find a better way to turn their defeat, but Trump?

I think it’s unlikely that Mossad plans to murder Trump. He’s the most useful tool for them, even before taking the office he was worried about Israel more than he was and is worried about Americans’ well-being. The whole “Russian affair” is in fact related to Israel. Trump and his team tried to persuade Russians (and other UN members with veto power) to veto/block UNSC resolution 2334. I think the only person on earth even more rabid than Trump in Israel-firsting (is it even a word?) is Nikki Haley, if god-forbid, this witch ever gets to become the POTUS.

You’re right, CIA has experience for the presidents who want to do something about MIC’s, spook agencies’ and Israel’s grip on the US government. Trump is not going to oppose any of them and can have sweet night dreams knowing CIA and Mossad will protect him at all costs.

I know, I sound extremely cynical. I deceived myself about Trump and many others, more than I should and decided to see world leaders by their actions, not by my own wishful thinking.


If the CIA killed JFK in Dallas, Texas; they can kill Trump too (despite looking suspicious nonetheless).


Garga, do you know this guy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPvyl6MYxlg




Ok, i think he is funny and he has Iranian origins. The song “no woman no drive” was even better

Promitheas Apollonious

in Greece they call usa OUSA. A place with no ID, not real country and definitely a settlement of people who never manage to create a nation after killing all inhabitants and stealing their lands.

There are two ways to create a huge laboratory for cloning and experiments with behavior modification drugs. In OUSA they manage to do this on the whole of the population that are unfortunate, living the amerikkan dream.

People with diluted DNA xolyshit educated, with no id and endless generations raised on ritalin/prozak and various other drugs and it is beginning to become very obvious when you study their behavior and line of thinking none of them has more than 2 seconds thinking span.

Simon Gould

I agree with your analysis – basically a dumping ground for the detritus of other nations and hellbent on dragging proper countries down to their level. As regards Greece, its a tragedy to see the birthplace of Western civilisation being slowly crushed under the EU debt yoke.

Promitheas Apollonious

unfortunately in the country that given birth on what you referring to, no longer the Greeks are in control as they rapidly become a rare species to find. They no longer carry the Greek spirit in them thanks to a never ending brainwashing they been subject to for generations and they have amerikkkanize them.

The few that are left, see as the only solution, taking up arms.

Potato Potato

This is why European countries do not have a Second Amendment. It is so that they can easily control their populace without risk of revolt.

Promitheas Apollonious

despite the missing second amendment, most of us we are armed my friend. And to tell you the truth i dont see what use the guns have in the case of usa for example, the most armed civilian population on earth, when all live like slaves and worst?

I have lived for 6 years in usa. I was not impressed in a positive way. Guns in the hands of civilians do not secure your freedom. Unity among the people does and is what they manage to destroy and control the populations. Also the family values as all good lessons begin at home.

But I do agree with you in spirit and is the reason all of us are armed and waiting, for the shit to hit the fan if it ever does then we be ready..


FAIRYTALES,FAIRYTALES. After the osmans destroyed the byzantine empire, greek culture within greece almost disappeared. The modern greeks have very little to do with the ancient greeks

Icarus Tanović

Ah ah, Zionistic troll spotted.

Jens Holm

Where ?


Zionistic?? Why? Because of the flag? The flag is a design for the United states of Israel and Palestine, wich is a good idea.

Solomon Krupacek

the debts made the greeks


Dude, you make more bitchy comments that most women.

Icarus Tanović

That’s right.

Solomon Krupacek

i see, you have pathological relationship with women

Jens Holm

Breast feeding himself or what :))

Jens Holm

I see no women here. Its mainly mad men babling as if they were killed, when they stopped.

Icarus Tanović

Just keep your stinking smelly mouth shouted.

Jens Holm

No, he is not.


such BULLSHIT!!!! PROPER countries???? What the HELL is that? Most countries were built on land grabbing and murder

Icarus Tanović

Maybe yours. Is the matter of fact, that’s for sure.

Jens Holm

He is right. make a long list of which are not.


Huh? In what country do i live? I don’t think in “my” country or “your” country. ALL countries are fabrications and never owned by its inhabitants, although the ruling system wants you to believe that.


Not the non existent Israel as this land was given to the Rothschild by England ( Balfour Declaration) for there assistance in getting the USA involved in WW1.

Jens Holm

They were bankrupt when we took them. After billions of Euros to them, they are still bankrupt but more.

Its true they less Turkish now, even them have almost the same genetics and are f..ked up furing centuries.

If You gave some people You trust and also had written agreements with billion of Euros as gifts and allowed them to billions in loans, for helping them up – and they ate everything up – and blamed us for it, You would be clapping in Your little hands.


This is not completely true as you should remember that the IMF/Worldbank (same S* different name) insisted that they will only get the loan if they would sell state properties and who bought them?

Richard Noel Hedditch

Nah. If the Southfront videos are gonna keep stalling then there is no way I’m gonna, in this instance, stick around and turn 7 minutes into about 21 minutes.

Paranam Kid

The AngloZionist Empire is trying to put a brave face on having lost the battle in Syria, losing influence in the Middle East, and being an empire in decline. And Trump is making the country look more foolish by the day. Making Merica great again, alright.

John Whitehot

it’s hard to put up a credible brave face after someone just slapped a cake over it.

Paranam Kid

So true, and a very pertinent way to put it.


I guess it’s making israhell great again..!


They have said such things time and again, and then backtracked, then went back again. What one must Realize is you cannot trust US word at all. But it doesnt matter anyway since nobody except the Syrian people can decide who they want as their leader, and it is clearly still Assad now :)))

Icarus Tanović

Yeah, it was even worst in so called ‘moderate’ Obama days. They losted. They’re running out of ideas. And it’s obvious.


its even stranger under trump, he would say one good thing one day, then the next day, the complete opposite, and this has been going on since the beginning of his term really!! lmao

Solomon Krupacek



exactly my point lol, i still cannot figure out why this flip flopping happens


Simply loved the words “US let’s”. The arrogance from a defeated country know no bounds.

So Syrians let US decide?

So Assad is like a puppet to be decided by losers

John Whitehot

“U.S. officials worry that Assad could win the 2021 Syrian election, one way or the other, and remain in power for years to come”

This principle should be banned forever from humanity. US officials should worry about the problems of their own country like national debt, unemployment and corruption.

Don't read butthurt replies

Assad should stay in power as long as he wants to or his people, like Fidel did or the country will turn into another puppet or “land” of the Illegal state Israel. To hell with what the US gov says. Syria should get some nukes.


“Syria should get some nukes.”

If the greatest terrorist country besides Saudi Arabia, is allowed to have nukes and bomb and violates Syria’s border, Syria certainly would be justified in possessing nukes.

Jens Holm

“The new-Syrian Selfdetonators” . Haha.

Jens Holm


Icarus Tanović

Agreed man, this is what Syria really needs.

Jens Holm

Damaskus as a lake. Here we comes.

Jens Holm

You only has to ask Israel and Yo will probatly get them in Damaskus, when the wind is west.


I wouldn’t bet your money on this statement. America does what America does.


It’s not a civil war, it’s a proxy war where lots of instigater and mercenaries hired by the US and Westerners..!

Jens Holm

Haha You are an illusionist ? 1001 arabic nights of illusions +1

Solomon Krupacek

oh yes, and on thursday will tell tillerson: assad must go!

Icarus Tanović

Are you literate at all, you little fucck?

Solomon Krupacek

huh, i gad to wait not 2, but1/2 day :))


yanks are so simply, supid, predictable ….

jim crowland

Only idiots can speak of elections in Syria. They are just parodies!! Of course Assad will “win” in 2021 and beyond. In the Middle East dictatorships government change comes when the guns speak. The US must keep the Kurdistan free, democratic and independent from Iranian dictatorships in Syria, Irak and Iran itself

Solomon Krupacek

slavery for kurdistan


Syrians , understand that Assad must stay , and the US must go . And far before 2021 .

Tommy Jensen

All right Assad can stay until 2021, but then he must also leave office for a democratic government and give his people freedom. Many places in Syria are now 100% dependent on USA money and help. Thousands of Syrian refugees and civilians would die if it was not for USA. Therefore we stay as long as it takes as we cant leave people suffering. Assad will need billions of dollares in International loans to build up the country he destroyed by not allowing his people freedom………..LOL.

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