Written by Uriel Araujo, PhD, anthropology researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts
Amongst certain circles in Washington, there is real panic right now about the possibility of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine coming to a halt, with Trump’s help. Some analysts are even speculating that the so-called “deep state” could thus come up with desperate bold measures, such as “false flag attacks” or assassination attempts targeting foreign pro-Western figures in Russia and Ukraine, so as to blame Moscow and inflame public opinion and thereby force Washington into once again stepping in.
In this scenario, some names are suggested as possible “disposable” targets: Yulia Navalnaya (Alexei Navalny’s widow, who chairs the New York based “Human Rights Foundation”), Mukhtar Ablyazov (businessman and key anti-Russian activist in Kazakhstan), or even Salome Zourabichvili (former president of Georgia).
Before giving any thought about such seemingly wild claims, let us first consider their premise, namely that the Ukrainian conflict could end really soon. Trump does seem bent on “ending the war in Ukraine”, as he has phrased it. Consider this:
1. Employing his peculiar gangster-like rhetorical style (which includes the use of uppercase typography), the Republican posted on social media, in a message to Russian leadership:
“Settle now, and STOP this ridiculous War! IT’S ONLY GOING TO GET WORSE. If we don’t make a ‘deal’, and soon, I have no other choice but to put high levels of Taxes, Tariffs, and Sanctions on anything being sold by Russia to the United States, and various other participating countries… Let’s get this war, which never would have started if I were President, over with! We can do it the easy way, or the hard way – and the easy way is always better. It’s time to “MAKE A DEAL”.”
Ironically, the previous Biden presidency already issued a last-minute round of energy sanctions against Russian banks and companies, which have been described as “Trump-proof” sanctions due to giving power to the US Congress in that regard (should the new President attempt to weaken the measures). Biden’s decision was in itself quite ironic, considering that Trump will be ruling with a “supermajority”. Back to Trump, hiis social media threats (made on “Truth Social”, a platform owned by himself) have more to do with pandering to mainstream conservative Americans (by “being tough on Russia”) while at the same time appealing to “Ukraine fatigue”. But it is, nonetheless, a sign.
2. More importantly, rhetoric aside, as one of his very first acts after his inauguration, Trump has frozen foreign aid to Ukraine for 90 days. Roksolana Pidlasa, head of the Ukrainian parliament’s budget committee responded by saying that Ukraine is “secured” in terms of “budget funding” because Biden had already transferred $50 billion (under the ERA initiative) to the World Bank. Trump’s measure in itself thus has limited efficacy (and applies to “development programs”, not to military aid), but is, nonetheless, quite telling.
3. Recently, one may recall, Ukraine’ leader Volodymyr Zelensky has accused the US and the West of embezzlement, by claiming that half of all money sent to Ukraine (that is, only $88.5 billion) ever reached Kyiv. As I wrote, this kind of accusation, if employed for leverage, risks backfiring. Be it as it may, the issue of Ukraine corruption (and the corresponding American shady interests) is very real and could thus be exploited by Republican lawmakers to further pressure the new administration into curbing aid to Ukraine or even ending American support to Ukraine, while blaming the Democrats.
All of the above is therefore plausible enough: Washington has, after all, sometimes signaled a willingness to pivot to the East while shifting the Ukrainian “burden” onto Europe – and even James Stavridis, former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe, argued, back in November 2023, that a Korea-style “land for peace” deal was the only “hope” for Ukraine. The problem is that there are powerful actors committed to perpetuating hostilities, and the so-called “deep state” is clearly divided and out of control. Again, consider the following:
Speaker Mike Johnson has amazingly confirmed that, while President, Biden, struggling with senility, was not really “running the country” and would often not be aware of the content of the very acts he signed. This means other players were calling the shots in a kind of palace coup (he mentions the CIA).
Trump is openly “at war” with the deep state, while in a quest to increase his own presidential powers. He has appointed loyalists and/or “dissidents” to head key agencies, including the CIA and the Secret Service – not to mention Tulsi Gabbard, appointed as Director of National Intelligence.
During the presidential campaign, there were three attempts against Donald Trump’s life, which is unprecedented. One of the would-be assassins, Ryan Routh, was involved in recruiting for Ukraine.
Suspicions about the role of the Secret Service in the first attempt was so serious that Kimberly Cheatle, then its Director, had to resign amid a scandal, and to this day we don’t know much about shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks or why “someone who regularly visited Crooks’ home and work also visited a building in Washington, DC located in Gallery Place….in the same vicinity of an FBI office”, among many other unexplained angles.
The terrorist behind the New Year’s bombing outside Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas, is an active duty Green Beret (with a Special Operations background), and believed to have involvement with, once again, recruiting soldiers to fight for Ukraine and with radical pro-Ukraine activism.
False flag operations are part of the American clandestine operations repertoire. For instance, nowadays it is known that, in 1962, the US Department of Defense planned Operation Northwoods, which called for CIA operatives to commit actual terrorist attacks against American civilians and military targets in US cities (involving bombings and even hijacking airplanes) and then using the panic to justify a Cuban invasion. Then President Kennedy rejected the plan, but the proposal as such existed, and no one denies it today.
The assassination of Kennedy itself, far from being a talking point of “conspiracy theorists” only, remains unexplained to this day, with most documents pertaining to it still being “classified”, which is not quite consistent with a “lone gunman” scenario Trump has announced he plans to release those, by the way, and it is fair to assume that his reasoning in doing that could involve “exposing” a culture of misdeeds to cause outrage and then justify a series of intelligence reforms in line with his goals.
On top of all the above, the US is still facing a bizarre “UFO” drone crisis spiralling out of control. Military bases and airports have been temporarily closed over the issue, and lawmakers are calling for a state of emergency while counties have already declared one and so on, with people in panic. Authorities have denied the “objects” have a foreign origin, and, unless one wants to take the extraterrestrial hypothesis seriously, this can only indicate chaos amid the intelligence services, with exercises and what-not out of control.
Considering all the above, the idea of a false flag attack to stop Trump from withdrawing American support to Ukraine is not so wild and should not be taken as “sacred victim” provocation. In fact it seems a possible and even likely scenario. This has been the wildest presidential transition in US history and there is no reason to assume the turmoil has ended already.
ph d in propagandas . so thinly disguised as to be utterly un believable to anyone but an idiot .
see the idiot voters expose themselves.
hahahaha south fronts so blatant. which uni did the author get his phd from ,kellogs ?
here’s a reality bite for you’d ph d in bs . ” trump calls mbs in first phone conversation as potus | vantage…. ” youtube. the truth can be found but it’s not shoved in your face. that was trumps first call as potus .apparently .and again 600 billion in arms for the kingdom come ….
and the thing canada’s got ,is it has the most vital mineral for fertilises on earth the biggest supply of rapidly diminishing resource vital for food production. .
sundar pichai, ceo of goo gle and mark zucker berg face book paid too much money for renting a serial kil ler for trump. their team will try to kill trump 3nd time, if trump do not clear them , they will clear trump at first change…
sundar pichai, ceo of goo gle and mark zucker berg face book paid too much money for renting a serial kil ler for trump. their team will try to kill trump 3nd time, if trump do not clear them , they will clear trump at first change..z
non pensare a trump lui è il presidente degli usa, tu devi liberare la russia perché è occupata, conquistare l’ucraina dopo puoi parlare adesso state zitti.
false flag ? they do it every day with the western mainstream news. lying is thier mandate. will trump even get a honest briefing from the deep state staff? putting on a show is the cia / mossad / hollywood way.
get educated watch the show they put on for the pope when he addressed congress see you yourself whose the boss .
after this – abc news march 7, 2003, 7:01 pm “were 1998 memos a blueprint for war?” and the deafening silence from all of the most important members of the un that made those event(s) possible, “damn straight” its’ in the cards!…
course the pope’s the rule of law over the un .he’s the only permanent free guest allowed. everybody else has to pay.and he’s the only religion given power there
it has been this way since before 1054, probably back as far as charlemagne. the holy roman empire marches on…..
and their money lender handlers that print the money and run the places of law “everywhere”…
trump can’t afford to appear to lose in his negotiations with putin. trump made a promise to end the war. he must do it. now that he is in power he gains access to previously unavailable intelligence. he senses weakness, that russia has been bled anemic and is tottering. so he demands that nato countries increase funding to 5% of gdp. take a hint vlad. you don’t want to challenge this man. he is all about winning.
meaning nato s strength will increase by 150% .meaning more profits to raytheon boeing lockheed more costs to russua to compete
you amerikunts spent 3 trillion $ afghanistan only to be humiliated by goat herders
dumb amerikunt loses all wars from 1812 to vietnam to afghanistan—–u r pathetic feminized losers–cope with your ugly lgbt cesspool burger brain
chumpo is a bloviating windbag, a piece of human sewage. his 2nd presidency will be an action replay of the 1st – a big fat zero. russia is stronger militarily and economically than it has ever been. nato’s 5% is a joke – 5% of nothing is nothing. chumpo and putin will meet a few times for the sake of optics, but these “negotiations” will go nowhere. it will be decided on the battlefield. chumpo will walk away and dump ukraine on the eu suckers.
chumpo shoots his mouth off morning, noon and night making “promises” he never keeps. he is a loser, the worst president in us history, he is like a latter day, king lear, a pathetic figure. all sound and fury signifying nothing. he will achieve nothing, he knows nothing. just an ignorant, arrogant, corrupt, incompetent loudmouth who hasn’t got a clue.
you took down my comment because you can’t endure facing the truth. putin does not want to cross trump. trump holds the power hand.
they always do censorship here.
putin is in very weak position. russian economy (civil sector) is falling part. price of money slaughtering business and energy sector loosing big.
roflmao!!!!! boy have you been drinking the kool-aid!
russia now has 4th biggest economy on the planet (according to the us world bank) ahead of japan and germany. booming economy, full employment, rising wages, very low debt, its only problems are labour shortage and inflation caused by rapid economic growth. the joke bankrupt western economies would give their right arm for russia’s “problems.”
trump is trying to bluff his way through with a pair of twos to putin’s four aces..
that’s two posts taken down. how humiliating for southfront and the kremlin to be so intimidated by true words spoken without malice.
do the arithmetic. 5% of all nato nations gdp as trump demands creates the most robust military organization on earth. the game isn’t over. putin needs to respect what trump can and will do and try right now to cut the best deal possible. before it’s too late. don’t cross trump. the free world stands behind him.
correct they even broadcast his address to davos on the internet. they know how to exploit their assets and play the game they invented it imo .thou shall not get caught iz their commandment .allegedly scapegoats by the score.
eg .” no one saw this coming ..trumps boldest move yet? you tube. see that’s how a good director motivates an actor employed to play a role on their stage .
and accidents never happen, catholic debbie harry teamed with jewish chris stein , “live presidebt donald trump visits devastated areas of north carolina ” you tube rack em up and let’s roll again. yoy either see of you don’t.
dumb amerikunt cannot comprehend vic machiavelli or history—weak pathetic amerikunts and nato sodomized by taliban cannot ever challenge russia
and the laughs keep coming. ‘free world’? oh, please….. ‘robust’? lose the ‘ro’ and you’re a lot closer, planes that can’t fly and tanks that in putin’s words ‘burn nicely’. nato is a very sad joke.
chumpo is a joke. nato is an even bigger joke. western economies are going down the toilet. 5% of nothing is nothing. all nato lgbt armies are a joke. the british army is 70,000 gays and trannies, 40 serviceable tanks, no artillery, no ammunition, all sent to the ukraine and turned into scrap metal. a handful of warships that keep breaking down. the frogs and schulz’s army are even worse, if that’s possible. the russkis will die laughing.
and please repost my deleted posts.
have some self respect dont beg .they despise beggar’s full stop .
when they’ve got you marked, they’ve got you marked. my first response to you and up came the yellow lines ! ! 😵💫
it was clearly demonstrated and you know it ,that the funding was run through the laundry and spun back to democrats .the whole racket was totally exposed by some intrepid investigative journalists ,must have been somewhere else some less rhetorically driven out let .probably with more followers imo
what a waste of time reding this shit.
amerikans weak irrelevant–you lose again–all rusian conditions accepted or you become nuclear ash–amerikans always back down
russia is now just a humiliated b*itch.
vladolf calls to usa. help donald i am loosing! but i want to steal so badly! vladolf cries in the telephone. boy fanclub gheytards are even more happy, no matter what vladolfs do, it is fantastic! hehehe 😂
sounds like somebody’s been raiding zelensky’s stash.
it looks like another skripal or litvinenko is in the pipeline.
put anti-israel barking dog turkey out if nato sir. make nato great again sir. replace turkey with israel sir. let israel be nato member sir.promises made , promises kept sir. anti israel terorist supporter country turkey has no place in nato sir. mass deport turkey from nato sir.
erdogan is in bed with israel and fully complicit in its crimes. israel won’t join nato because nato members have to contribute something. israel never contributes anything, it just leeches off the stupid goyim. israel is just a millstone around america’s neck.
chumpo and his (((blackrock))) handlers will just dump ukraine on to the eu suckers because they want to move on to new wars against iran, venezuela and china. the eu suckers will be left holding the baby, sending endless billions to zelensky and his cronies, taking in millions more refugees, and facing a huge russian army on their borders. so long as the war in ukraine continues, this can’t happen.
sundar pichai, ceo of goo gle and mark zucker berg face book paid too much money for renting a serial kil ler for trump. their team will try to kill trump 3nd time, if trump do not clear them , they will clear trump at first change
this just in: zelensky will _not_ be standing for re-election this year; his widow will be taking his place.