Originally appeared at ZeroHedge
Update (1135ET): It looks like Trump just placed a big Amazon order. Unfortunately, those “ventilators” probably don’t qualify for prime shipping.
We have just purchased many Ventilators from some wonderful companies. Names and numbers will be announced later today!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 27, 2020
* * *
Apparently, President Trump’s plan to invoke his extensive authority to direct economic production, and then refuse to use it because companies are allegedly scrambling to “do the right thing” (or at least say the right thing) isn’t working out as well as he had hoped.
Trump tweeted Friday that General Motors had revised guidance on masks it had planned to deliver to the government, delaying the delivery date and lowering the order total. And, Trump claimed, the company is charging “top dollar”, as Trump put it.
He slammed CEO Mary Barra “Mary ‘B'” and threatened to “invoke ‘P'” – which we suspect means the Defense Production Act Authority. As most of his Democratic opponents have already pushed him to invoke the power – and Trump has refused repeatedly and in turn retaliated by claiming his critics were just trying to score cheap political points at the expense of America’s always-dependable and infallibly civic-minded corporations. And during a crisis, no less.
As usual with “this” General Motors, things just never seem to work out. They said they were going to give us 40,000 much needed Ventilators, “very quickly”. Now they are saying it will only be 6000, in late April, and they want top dollar. Always a mess with Mary B. Invoke “P”.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 27, 2020
General Motors MUST immediately open their stupidly abandoned Lordstown plant in Ohio, or some other plant, and START MAKING VENTILATORS, NOW!!!!!! FORD, GET GOING ON VENTILATORS, FAST!!!!!! @GeneralMotors @Ford
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 27, 2020
Invoke “P” means Defense Production Act!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 27, 2020
Now Trump is slamming General Motors and Ford and demanding that they do the right thing and ramp up production immediately – before he forces them to. Or he could just end it now and order them to pick up the slack.
It looks like Trump is already setting up these very same companies to take the fall when more states run into situations like New York, which doesn’t have enough ventilators (some counties in Michigan have adopted a protocol that calls for not even using ventilators on the patients with the lowest odds of survival).
Companies running around nearly lawless, gouging consumers and motivated only by greed? Why, Donald that’s the Neoliberal Globalist Order in a nutshell; it’s literally how the system is set up. You’ve been a part of it your whole life without complaint, bozo.
And you think obummer/clinton/biden combined can do better,what’s with nwo/cia hatred?
There’s no difference between those politicians since JFK.
I don’t think any of them can do better. The entire corporate democracy system is deeply flawed and has led to runaway greed and waste, endless war and treaty violations, and growing societal chaos. None of them can do better because it can’t be fixed. We either reform it or be swept along clinging to it’s wreckage while heading for the rocks.
Indeed, he’s part of the system he’s blaming… Election coming up?
http://trim4.me/dLN – a great project for adults who are looking for a partner for sex
When the bad worker blames actual tools!
The United States has devolved into an absurd gangster minset. Gangsters must be viewed as criminals.
The U.S. will never be able to make enough ventilators in time. Here’s what America’s ‘lockdown’ looks like via mobile phone tracing. First image is a selection of 6,000 cell phones on a Ft. Lauderdale beach last week (‘Spring Break’ for U.S. colleges). Next image is where they returned home (or to campus – but most are closed) last weekend and this week. Wash your hands!
New York City lockdown? Heh… here’s a million cell phones in Manhattan tracked just this last week to wherever they went. [source]
Flattening the curve? Better start with the missing curve… on my fellow Americans’ sloped cro magnon foreheads. FFS, forget ventilators – where’s my coffin liner?
The second image is just New Yorkers fleeing the state Pave Way. I see a dot at the twin cities. Oh no! Just stay inside and keep washing your hands and everything will be fine. I have cancelled that area as an evacuation point, I would go to Mexico but they closed the border? :/
Not enough good places to land a B-52 in Mexico. I’m bugging out to Greenland in it as soon as I get the skis rigged up. The Danes will let you land a B-52 anywhere there – they don’t care. And Iceland is conveniently right next door for shopping runs.
Nonsense. Have you considered a trip to Antartica on C130. Skis are all ready attached and and the runway is shorter. Have you ever tasted Penguin meat? It taste just like chicken. Yum Yum https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dccd6a1fb683d298ca5ff404746cb9d5d2741418a1342e0afd1ea0fcf405d2ab.jpg
Lmao what a shitshow
US companies are openly displaying the same civic ‘qualities’ as the Turkish sponsored Al Qaeda gangs in Idlib, Afrin and other parts of Syria.
That all demand money with menaces :)
The article is leaving out information from March 22.
hey D.T. that’s the american way. how about the senators that dumped stock and the bezos crowd that did the same before the mkt tanked, and the bankers whose a**es you’ve been kissin’ and boing boing and… and… a little late to get self-righteous isn’t it. besides self-rightousness is porky pompeo’s schtick
They are settIng up trump,if i had a dollar for every liberal troll,ranting,but that will fail,the ceo will get sacked if not gm turns to toast and be bought out by china,not because of trump but for being soo stupid to hire a very low iq feminst ceo,the #1 problem of usa modern failures! Make america great,what homosexuals + feminsts + in the future tranny ceos? NEVER!
Well said. Its the same shit in the UK.
…and don’t forget the bimbo that drove HP into the ground. that’s why corona is on. it’s the perfect excuse for the collapse of the whole fr*ggin mess.
Russian Army can help!!!?
Creo que ya se nos cayó la venda de los ojos. Ya sabemos quien ha sido el malo de la película hermanos Hispanoamericanos. Los Yankis han hecho demasiado daño, con sus intromisiones, injerencias, complots, cortinas de humo, sanciones, opresiones y demás. Ya es hora de decirle NO y expulsarlos a ellos de nuestros países de nuestras economías y de enseñarles a los niños quien es el malo de la película. Ojalá algún día no muy lejano caiga esa bandera con sus 50 estrellas, que caigan y que no se levanten nunca más. Rusia ?? y China están listas!